what so bad about socialism

Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

I don't see space exploration, environment, military and the like as social programs. I say that capitalism produced our space race and a significantly more deliberate, socialist, government-lead program produced sputnik.
no dear; Capitalism has yet to discover a profit motive to go where socialism has already been, last millennium.
Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

I don't see space exploration, environment, military and the like as social programs. I say that capitalism produced our space race and a significantly more deliberate, socialist, government-lead program produced sputnik.
no dear; Capitalism has yet to discover a profit motive to go where socialism has already been, last millennium.
Can you explain this? Is it that you think capitalist societies don't have government or something? How do you think the space program was funded? Do you think the US just printed out as much as they needed to pay or were there banks in your understanding?
Is it that you think capitalist societies don't have government or something?

he thinks if there is govt there is socialism and therefore socialism is superior to capitalism. Stupid, but he has spent years saying only that and nothing more.
Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

More incomprehensible gibberish. It is historical fact that Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, Yugoslavia rejected and overthrew socialism and embraced market economies in the last millennium. Rather than
socialism bailing out capitalism the opposite in fact occurred. If socialism is in any way superior to a market economy why are there only four socialist states on the planet? Your propaganda is nothing more than lies compounded by lies.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.
Yeah. I wouldn't go as far as calling 'social' policy charity. That's what makes Sanders see himself as a saint. It's keynesian flooding by any means.
Yeah. I wouldn't go as far as calling 'social' policy charity. .

Thats true, a charity is never a violent monopoly and so it has to do some good in a competitive environment before it can ask for more funding!! Liberal govt has no such constraints. Thus it can cripple multiple generations of the same family and still have men show up with guns to collect the funds necessary to continue.
Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

I don't see space exploration, environment, military and the like as social programs. I say that capitalism produced our space race and a significantly more deliberate, socialist, government-lead program produced sputnik.
no dear; Capitalism has yet to discover a profit motive to go where socialism has already been, last millennium.
Can you explain this? Is it that you think capitalist societies don't have government or something? How do you think the space program was funded? Do you think the US just printed out as much as they needed to pay or were there banks in your understanding?
dear, only the right is usually that clueless and that Causeless. Socialism bails out capitalism all the time. Government is socialism.
Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

More incomprehensible gibberish. It is historical fact that Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, Yugoslavia rejected and overthrew socialism and embraced market economies in the last millennium. Rather than
socialism bailing out capitalism the opposite in fact occurred. If socialism is in any way superior to a market economy why are there only four socialist states on the planet? Your propaganda is nothing more than lies compounded by lies.
No dear; Government is socialism. Capitalism is an economic concept.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.
Yeah. I wouldn't go as far as calling 'social' policy charity. That's what makes Sanders see himself as a saint. It's keynesian flooding by any means.
I would; public sector charity can solve simple poverty, private sector charity can only cover multitudes of sins.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.

If the state says this is your tax bill and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned. As justification the state says part of the tax will be used donate living expenses to the citizens who do not support themselves the so called safety net is charity no matter what it is called.
Demanding taxes at the threat of imprisonment is extortion. Government has been in the extortion business since its' inception.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.

If the state says this is your tax bill and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned. As justification the state says part of the tax will be used donate living expenses to the citizens who do not support themselves the so called safety net is charity no matter what it is called.
Demanding taxes at the threat of imprisonment is extortion. Government has been in the extortion business since its' inception.

Government is run by Walmart and Microsoft?
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.

If the state says this is your tax bill and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned. As justification the state says part of the tax will be used donate living expenses to the citizens who do not support themselves the so called safety net is charity no matter what it is called.
Demanding taxes at the threat of imprisonment is extortion. Government has been in the extortion business since its' inception.

charity | the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc. also : something (such as money or food) that is given to people who are poor, sick, etc.

First line....

"the act of giving money, food......"

Act of giving. If I don't have a choice, it's not "giving". That's my point. "and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned". Right.

I don't have a choice.

Similarly, if the mugger points a gun at my head, and demands my money.... what happens? Charity happens?

Coercion is not a choice, nor is it charity.

No matter how you look at welfare and other government giveaways, they are in fact funded by me, the tax payer. And no matter how you look at paying taxes, it's not a choice, not an option.

So no matter whatever way you want to slice and dice up this discussion, the fact remains, that I have to pay for these government programs at the end of a government gun.

It is *NOT* charity. Period. You can call it whatever the heck you want, but it is *NOT* charity.
Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.

If the state says this is your tax bill and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned. As justification the state says part of the tax will be used donate living expenses to the citizens who do not support themselves the so called safety net is charity no matter what it is called.
Demanding taxes at the threat of imprisonment is extortion. Government has been in the extortion business since its' inception.

Government is run by Walmart and Microsoft?

Tax supported state welfare benefits are in fact extorted charity enforced by the power of the state.

Contradiction. Extortion is by definition, not charity. Charity involves a choice.

Otherwise, you can just claim every mugger and burglar, is just engaging in direct charity.

Welfare is legalized theft, pure and simple. Nothing more, and nothing less. Charity is not part of the dynamic in any fashion.

If the state says this is your tax bill and if you refuse to pay it, you will be imprisoned. As justification the state says part of the tax will be used donate living expenses to the citizens who do not support themselves the so called safety net is charity no matter what it is called.
Demanding taxes at the threat of imprisonment is extortion. Government has been in the extortion business since its' inception.

Yes, liberals have no regard for freedom, they don't mind holding a gun on you to make you pay because they are sure they are morally superior to you and doing God's work.
extortion is the crime of taking money by use of force or threats. State welfare are state charity funded by state theft in an attempt to buy support with stolen funds. Socialism is ultimately the promise of free everything.

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