what so bad about socialism

Well, yeah. MF said so himself...Too much foreign investment.
Are you incapable of going on YouTube and searching for MF's video on The Great Depression?
no, dear; he didn't; because, he knows it was the outright communism of our wartime economy that finally bailed out capitalism and ended the Great Depression and the typical response of the right regarding zoning ordinances for "Hooverville's".

It is true that prior to Dickhead Cheney, wartime supplies were manufactures in the US, thus boosting the economy.
Scumbag Cheney off-shored our war.
an opportunity cost forgone, is production runs as long as our wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; combined; and a fixed Standard for (Post) Infrastructure upgrades to state-of-the-Art, whenever possible.

Both parties have Clubs and Small Business Authorities around the country.
Many patronage jobs are created for these problems to reward members who go to Meetings, Rallies and Political Fundraising Dinners.
These jobs have to be perpetual to give people a reason to support a party.
A sham and a shame.
i believe we should be upgrading infrastructure with the Peoples' tax monies rather than wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.

Did you see the commercial BEFORE last night's debate?
It's purpose was to invest in AFRICA'S infrastructure.
CNN knows it's audience is just as hypocritical as Fox's audience.
Regardless of party, the wealthy don't give a crap about American; all that count is the next buck.
no, dear; he didn't; because, he knows it was the outright communism of our wartime economy that finally bailed out capitalism and ended the Great Depression and the typical response of the right regarding zoning ordinances for "Hooverville's".

It is true that prior to Dickhead Cheney, wartime supplies were manufactures in the US, thus boosting the economy.
Scumbag Cheney off-shored our war.
an opportunity cost forgone, is production runs as long as our wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; combined; and a fixed Standard for (Post) Infrastructure upgrades to state-of-the-Art, whenever possible.

Both parties have Clubs and Small Business Authorities around the country.
Many patronage jobs are created for these problems to reward members who go to Meetings, Rallies and Political Fundraising Dinners.
These jobs have to be perpetual to give people a reason to support a party.
A sham and a shame.
i believe we should be upgrading infrastructure with the Peoples' tax monies rather than wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.

Did you see the commercial BEFORE last night's debate?
It's purpose was to invest in AFRICA'S infrastructure.
CNN knows it's audience is just as hypocritical as Fox's audience.
Regardless of party, the wealthy don't give a crap about American; all that count is the next buck.
Upgrading (Post) Infrastructure is in our social Contract; isn't socialism wonderful.
dears, simply using the (other) People's tax monies is socialism.
Capitalism needs regulating and not everything should be run by capitalists.

I have never seen any system in which capitalists ran everything.

It certainly isn't our system. And most of the systems where people claim as much, it's actually socialists running the companies. Like all those "private capitalists" companies in Tunisia, that just happened to all be run by members of the presidents family. All by random market forces I'm sure.

As for regulation, I'd be hard pressed to discover an example that actually was a benefit to the public. There was a documentary air a few years back, where at one point a guy in the auto industry listed off all the safety innovations found in Formula 1 racing cars, that are prevented by regulations from being introduced in production retail cars, and he also mentioned alternative cars that could not be sold retail, because regulations made it impossible to sell them to the public.

In fact there is a 'car' that is supposed to come onto the market sometime next year, with 3 wheels. The whole reason they made the vehicle with 3 wheels, is to avoid the expensive burden of regulations. (regulations on cars is massive, but 'car' is defined as 4 wheeled vehicle. 3 wheels avoids the regulations).

So as much as people claim regulations are so great, in reality, it only harms the consumer, at the benefit of the rich.
Republicans got you brainwashed and your post proves it. Republicans talk like all regulations are bad. They are not. There are good regulations and there are bad regulations. I'm not worried about the car regulations you mentioned. I'm worried about companies polluting and corporations gouging and when companies get too greedy I want OUR government to regulate them and STOP them.

Like snowflakes, no two regulations are exactly the same.

Empty claims about brainwashing from the left, are both ironic and silly.

Moving on.

You claim that regulations stop companies from polluting, and yet I know of specific instances with the Ohio river, and elsewhere, where companies did deals with local authorities and communities on pollution controls, and then the EPA stepped in, and changed the deal making it so they could pollute more. Regulations allowed them to pollute MORE than they would have under local deals with local authorities and communities.

If anything, regulations make the rich, richer, and the poor, poorer.

dears, simply using the (other) People's tax monies is socialism.
Capitalism needs regulating and not everything should be run by capitalists.

I have never seen any system in which capitalists ran everything.

It certainly isn't our system. And most of the systems where people claim as much, it's actually socialists running the companies. Like all those "private capitalists" companies in Tunisia, that just happened to all be run by members of the presidents family. All by random market forces I'm sure.

As for regulation, I'd be hard pressed to discover an example that actually was a benefit to the public. There was a documentary air a few years back, where at one point a guy in the auto industry listed off all the safety innovations found in Formula 1 racing cars, that are prevented by regulations from being introduced in production retail cars, and he also mentioned alternative cars that could not be sold retail, because regulations made it impossible to sell them to the public.

In fact there is a 'car' that is supposed to come onto the market sometime next year, with 3 wheels. The whole reason they made the vehicle with 3 wheels, is to avoid the expensive burden of regulations. (regulations on cars is massive, but 'car' is defined as 4 wheeled vehicle. 3 wheels avoids the regulations).

So as much as people claim regulations are so great, in reality, it only harms the consumer, at the benefit of the rich.
What ever you are referring to has nothing to do with the point being discussed. What is RCC I looked at the homepage and
found no "about us" I did find a request for donation.

RCC is just my own podcast. It's basically podcast about the topics discussed on this forum. Nothing special. It's a hobby.

Sorry about butting into what you are discussing, but I bugs me when people talk about regulations, as if they do anything good. I have yet to see evidence of that.
I love libertarians who think they make perfect sense but they are just bat shit crazy.

Funny I was thinking the same thing about your post.
Capitalism needs regulating and not everything should be run by capitalists.

I have never seen any system in which capitalists ran everything.

It certainly isn't our system. And most of the systems where people claim as much, it's actually socialists running the companies. Like all those "private capitalists" companies in Tunisia, that just happened to all be run by members of the presidents family. All by random market forces I'm sure.

As for regulation, I'd be hard pressed to discover an example that actually was a benefit to the public. There was a documentary air a few years back, where at one point a guy in the auto industry listed off all the safety innovations found in Formula 1 racing cars, that are prevented by regulations from being introduced in production retail cars, and he also mentioned alternative cars that could not be sold retail, because regulations made it impossible to sell them to the public.

In fact there is a 'car' that is supposed to come onto the market sometime next year, with 3 wheels. The whole reason they made the vehicle with 3 wheels, is to avoid the expensive burden of regulations. (regulations on cars is massive, but 'car' is defined as 4 wheeled vehicle. 3 wheels avoids the regulations).

So as much as people claim regulations are so great, in reality, it only harms the consumer, at the benefit of the rich.
What ever you are referring to has nothing to do with the point being discussed. What is RCC I looked at the homepage and
found no "about us" I did find a request for donation.
dear, only shills have nothing but argumentum ad hominem instead of sound lines of reasoning.

daniels sound reasoning is that capitalism caused the Great Depression and that China didn't switch to capitalism and instantly eliminate 40% of the entire world's poverty.

Actually, that was Milton's Friedman's reasoning.
You know, the Fed didn't act fast enough to make up for the fuck ups of Free Market Capitalism.

First, I highly doubt that was Friedman's *whole* reasoning. Clearly it was part of it.

That said, I disagree with Friedman. Yes, the Fed did screw things up worse than they would have been under a free-market monetary system.

I agree with that.

That said, it wasn't the Fed that caused the crash to begin with. It was government. Specifically, government protectionist policies killed the US economy, and ushered in the great depression.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Let me reiterate the only socialist on earth are:
Peoples Republic of China
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic
Republic of Cuba
Which workers paradise should the world emulate?
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Print out some money and capitalism will run itself. Society and the whole social security/social services/criminal justice thing is a different story. There will never be a time when those 'work'.
Please define your term socialised
I think government administered, tax-funded benefits are 'socialized' capitalism. We belt out more than any country on the planet, by a significant margin.
Those are more accurately defined as state welfare benefits called the dole until recently. Socialism is a political theory advocating, state or collective ownership of the means of production and distribution and any profits resulting there from.
Let me reiterate the only socialist on earth are:
Peoples Republic of China
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic
Republic of Cuba
Which workers paradise should the world emulate?
So my argument is that because we provide more social services and spend more tax money on it than China and all of the other countries you refer to combined, that we're pretty damn socialist already. That's easily 4x our poplulation. That made in china stuff everywhere and their former growth rate implies that they're pretty capitalist in the People's by my measure.

China's not the country that needs to worry about a creeping social state.
Please define your term socialised
I think government administered, tax-funded benefits are 'socialized' capitalism. We belt out more than any country on the planet, by a significant margin.
Those are more accurately defined as state welfare benefits called the dole until recently. Socialism is a political theory advocating, state or collective ownership of the means of production and distribution and any profits resulting there from.
This is the ideal at the polar end of the theory. I think tax and spend dictates a percentage of my earnings such as to say this is owed the collective. The ideal of public ownership is behind social largess.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Print out some money and capitalism will run itself. Society and the whole social security/social services/criminal justice thing is a different story. There will never be a time when those 'work'.

There are entirely privately run cities, privately run police forces, and privately run court systems.

And they do function.

So your point is false.

That said.... Capitalism requires property rights, which in turn requires a government to enforce property rights.

Anachro-Capitalism, is just anarchy. If I can take from you, whatever I want... that's not engaging in capitalism, anymore than robbing people with a gun, is "criminal-capitalism". The left seems to want to attach 'capitalism' to anything it can that isn't capitalism, and then attack it.

Government does have a place in society, specifically to enforce property rights.

When I talk about socializing, I mean areas that are outside the fundamental function of government. Areas that are not enforcing property rights, and defense of the country.

When you look at the US economy, there are millions of different aspects to it, and nearly all of them function just fine. There are only two areas that are of constant concern. Health care, and Banking. And those are the two specific areas of our economy that are the most socialized, and the most problematic.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Print out some money and capitalism will run itself. Society and the whole social security/social services/criminal justice thing is a different story. There will never be a time when those 'work'.

There are entirely privately run cities, privately run police forces, and privately run court systems.

And they do function.

So your point is false.

That said.... Capitalism requires property rights, which in turn requires a government to enforce property rights.

Anachro-Capitalism, is just anarchy. If I can take from you, whatever I want... that's not engaging in capitalism, anymore than robbing people with a gun, is "criminal-capitalism". The left seems to want to attach 'capitalism' to anything it can that isn't capitalism, and then attack it.

Government does have a place in society, specifically to enforce property rights.

When I talk about socializing, I mean areas that are outside the fundamental function of government. Areas that are not enforcing property rights, and defense of the country.

When you look at the US economy, there are millions of different aspects to it, and nearly all of them function just fine. There are only two areas that are of constant concern. Health care, and Banking. And those are the two specific areas of our economy that are the most socialized, and the most problematic.
My take on 'social' policy is that it's limited to tax funded welfare programs like SS... maybe some other 'common good' policy. Banking and Health are two of the country's top performing, world leading fields. They seem get what they want from the government and the public.

The reason why for profit models work themselves out comes down to the relationships between supply, demand, competition, etc. Government administered policy aims to function in a vacuum of these forces, forcing consumption without demand and overestimating supply. I disagree. There's rife inefficiency in the government compared to the private sector. They over employ as a social service, for godsake.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Where? the right habitually complains our form of socialism works too well for the least wealthy who should be denied and disparaged in their Individual Liberty to acquire and possess, steak and lobster, on their EBT cards.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Print out some money and capitalism will run itself. Society and the whole social security/social services/criminal justice thing is a different story. There will never be a time when those 'work'.

There are entirely privately run cities, privately run police forces, and privately run court systems.

And they do function.

So your point is false.

That said.... Capitalism requires property rights, which in turn requires a government to enforce property rights.

Anachro-Capitalism, is just anarchy. If I can take from you, whatever I want... that's not engaging in capitalism, anymore than robbing people with a gun, is "criminal-capitalism". The left seems to want to attach 'capitalism' to anything it can that isn't capitalism, and then attack it.

Government does have a place in society, specifically to enforce property rights.

When I talk about socializing, I mean areas that are outside the fundamental function of government. Areas that are not enforcing property rights, and defense of the country.

When you look at the US economy, there are millions of different aspects to it, and nearly all of them function just fine. There are only two areas that are of constant concern. Health care, and Banking. And those are the two specific areas of our economy that are the most socialized, and the most problematic.
My take on 'social' policy is that it's limited to tax funded welfare programs like SS... maybe some other 'common good' policy. Banking and Health are two of the country's top performing, world leading fields. They seem get what they want from the government and the public.

The reason why for profit models work themselves out comes down to the relationships between supply, demand, competition, etc. Government administered policy aims to function in a vacuum of these forces, forcing consumption without demand and overestimating supply. I disagree. There's rife inefficiency in the government compared to the private sector. They over employ as a social service, for godsake.

Top performing, sure. Because they are massively subsidized by the government. You can take a ton of risks in banking, when you know the government won't allow you to lose money.

You can easily provide unlimited high quality care, when the government mandates spending, and pays hospitals for services they provide.

The only reason there is ever a vacuum of economic forces in a given market, is only and exclusively because government creates a vacuum.
We're already highly socialized. We are doing what works, and better than those happy places. For example, we know laws don't make happiness.

Funny... it looks to me like all the areas that are socialized, are exactly the areas that are not working.
Print out some money and capitalism will run itself. Society and the whole social security/social services/criminal justice thing is a different story. There will never be a time when those 'work'.

There are entirely privately run cities, privately run police forces, and privately run court systems.

And they do function.

So your point is false.

That said.... Capitalism requires property rights, which in turn requires a government to enforce property rights.

Anachro-Capitalism, is just anarchy. If I can take from you, whatever I want... that's not engaging in capitalism, anymore than robbing people with a gun, is "criminal-capitalism". The left seems to want to attach 'capitalism' to anything it can that isn't capitalism, and then attack it.

Government does have a place in society, specifically to enforce property rights.

When I talk about socializing, I mean areas that are outside the fundamental function of government. Areas that are not enforcing property rights, and defense of the country.

When you look at the US economy, there are millions of different aspects to it, and nearly all of them function just fine. There are only two areas that are of constant concern. Health care, and Banking. And those are the two specific areas of our economy that are the most socialized, and the most problematic.
My take on 'social' policy is that it's limited to tax funded welfare programs like SS... maybe some other 'common good' policy. Banking and Health are two of the country's top performing, world leading fields. They seem get what they want from the government and the public.

The reason why for profit models work themselves out comes down to the relationships between supply, demand, competition, etc. Government administered policy aims to function in a vacuum of these forces, forcing consumption without demand and overestimating supply. I disagree. There's rife inefficiency in the government compared to the private sector. They over employ as a social service, for godsake.

Top performing, sure. Because they are massively subsidized by the government. You can take a ton of risks in banking, when you know the government won't allow you to lose money.

You can easily provide unlimited high quality care, when the government mandates spending, and pays hospitals for services they provide.

The only reason there is ever a vacuum of economic forces in a given market, is only and exclusively because government creates a vacuum.
The vacuum's illusory. I prefer private regulatory capture to the other way around, so no complaints about banks for me. Be honest and use cash and you'll be ok.
Our Space and Moon races are not illusory; and, our technology development from those endeavors, prove socialism bails out capitalism everyday.
These weren't conducted in a vacuum, but the government works with impunity to market force, not withstanding. Just because they're not a factor in this way there is an illusory vacuum of market forces.

I don't see space exploration, environment, military and the like as social programs. I say that capitalism produced our space race and a significantly more deliberate, socialist, government-lead program produced sputnik.

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