What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...





Way to go, snowflakes!

What baffles me easyt65
if that both sides are arguing they want
protection of security and due process,
and not to be deprived of life liberty and property
by "unreasonable searches and seizures."

This is the same concept under the same laws!

Why aren't both sides AGREEING
we all want the laws enforced and not abused?

Do we need a unified campaign to
Stand and March for our RIGHTS?

I see this as a teachable moment, like when Anne Sullivan
finally got through to Helen Keller that the water
she felt running through her hands was what "W-A-T-E-R"
referred to. These weren't just random words being
preached or repeated at her. but they MEANT things she
also knows and wants to communicate about to others.

Wake up America!

Whether you are for gun rights or abortion rights.
Whether you see one as killing children or the other,
nobody wants to pay for or be under the policies of the other group.

We all want our beliefs and due process to be respected
and protected equally. From infringement or threat by the other.

This is the SAME First Amendment right where govt can
neither establish nor prohibit the exercise of what you believe in.
But here, parties are marching and pushing their own political religions
through govt, instead of respecting and treating these equally as religious free choice
that govt cannot regulate or mandate for people of other beliefs.

It's the SAME 14th Amendment equal protection of all persons from discrimination by CREED.
And our right to be secure in our persons houses and effects
from unreasonable searches or seizures and not to be
deprived of life liberty or property without DUE PROCESS
to prove and convict us first before applying any penalty of losing freedom.

If we haven't committed any crime, we don't agree to give up and lose our liberty.
If we have a grievance to redress, we want free speech press and due process to resolve it!

These are common principles process and standards.
When we figure it out we agree on the process,
then we can separate the beliefs and quit imposing on each other
which is unconstitutional to do so through govt. the parties need
to agree to quit doing that, which is the equivalent of political
religions and religious abuse. Because people have spearate
beliefs, we need to separate policies and funding and quit fighting
to impose one or the other through govt, which otherwise
violates the equal protection of people of either sides' beliefs!

No taxation without segregation!
Quit discriminating and bullying by creed!
This article will help to understand the underlying issue. Here are some snips:
March For Their Limelight: The Little Narcisshits

"As we all could have guessed, this anti-White man, anti-2nd Amendment march was funded by wealthy New York and Challahwood jews.[...] I’ll be brief here. “Gun control activism” is spearheaded by jews who wish to disarm White Gentiles. Don’t believe me? Take it from the whoreson’s mouth:

Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 12.14.34 PM.png

Of course, we are lucky that screen shots and previous savings of the tweet survived even after the post was deleted.

The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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Way to go, snowflakes!

You forgot the part of the news stories that said 'and thousands registered to vote'..........honestly I think that was the whole idea behind the march, to get more dimwit voters (cause all there other 'voters' have been deported)
The March was a complete and utter scam, a manipulation of emotion on a massive scale, promoted and run by the gun-grabbing left.

One of the speakers up on stage was a guy from CALIFORNIA who graduated in 2015 trying to pass himself off as a Parkland high school student. He was spotted on Twitter or something by a fellow classmate / graduate who publicized the scam / lie. In one of his most pathetic moments he fired up the crowd by asking, "If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

You forgot the part of the news stories that said 'and thousands registered to vote'..........honestly I think that was the whole idea behind the march, to get more dimwit voters (cause all there other 'voters' have been deported)

Gruber was shown on video over and over declaring how Democrats love and count on STUPID snowflakes who allow them to accomplish most of the criminal / oppressive things they do:

"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

That's not what the person said, liar.

You are such a pathetic fake journalist wannabe.
"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

Here is what the person ACTUALLY said: "If you look at a weapon of war, if you can have an AR-15, why couldn't you have a nuclear weapon? It makes sense you shouldn't have a really potent weapon."
You forgot the part of the news stories that said 'and thousands registered to vote'..........honestly I think that was the whole idea behind the march, to get more dimwit voters (cause all there other 'voters' have been deported)

Gruber was shown on video over and over declaring how Democrats love and count on STUPID snowflakes who allow them to accomplish most of the criminal / oppressive things they do:

Yep and whats funny is that he doesn't make the distinction of republican or democrat voter.......he just says the American people, all inclusive.

Republicans see & know this, but Democrats don't realize politicians mean them too
Hopefully this march will do what other leftist marches have done in the past....NOTHING.

No change in gun policy. That would be nice.
Well, at least they trashed the place, as usual. Good overtime for sanitation people though. They are looking out of the proletariat, the good little commies.
Another commonality of liberals and muslims: anywhere they congregate in large numbers they leave behind massive piles of garbage that takes dump trucks to clean up. No respect for anything or anyone.
"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

Here is what the person ACTUALLY said: "If you look at a weapon of war, if you can have an AR-15, why couldn't you have a nuclear weapon? It makes sense you shouldn't have a really potent weapon."

So just what constitutes a 'weapon of war'????? Over the course of history, many things were used as weapons of war. Bombs, guns (even single shots), spears, bow & arrows, sticks & stones, knives, and the list goes on.........
Yep and whats funny is that he doesn't make the distinction of republican or democrat voter.......he just says the American people, all inclusive.

If you completely ignore that the huge story at the time was Obamacare and how Barry and the Democrats were able to RAM the MASSIVE LIES they told about Obamacare down the throats of the MAJORITY of Americans who opposed their minority-supported socialist piece of legislation and if you ignore Gruber was being asked about the ACA in one of his responses, then one might be able to convince themselves and others that Gruber was talking about ALL voters instead of just the Dimocrat snowflakes.....

Nice try....


"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

Here is what the person ACTUALLY said: "If you look at a weapon of war, if you can have an AR-15, why couldn't you have a nuclear weapon? It makes sense you shouldn't have a really potent weapon."

But a .223 rifle is NOT a "really potent weapon"
So just what constitutes a 'weapon of war'????? Over the course of history, many things were used as weapons of war. Bombs, guns (even single shots), spears, bow & arrows, sticks & stones, knives, and the list goes on.......
You left out sword and ax*

*No, I did not ax a question.
"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

Here is what the person ACTUALLY said: "If you look at a weapon of war, if you can have an AR-15, why couldn't you have a nuclear weapon? It makes sense you shouldn't have a really potent weapon."

But a .223 rifle is NOT a "really potent weapon"

There are a lot of dead bodies that would disagree.

A 5.56 mm is potent.

If it wasn't potent, why do we issue them to our military?

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