What The Anti-Gun March on DC Accomplished...

"If I can get an AR-15, what's to stop me from getting a nuclear weapon?".... SERIOUSLY

Here is what the person ACTUALLY said: "If you look at a weapon of war, if you can have an AR-15, why couldn't you have a nuclear weapon? It makes sense you shouldn't have a really potent weapon."

But a .223 rifle is NOT a "really potent weapon"

There are a lot of dead bodies that would disagree.

A 5.56 mm is potent.

If it wasn't potent, why do we issue them to our military?

It isn't in fact it it one of the least powerful rounds available to the civilian market

If you knew anything about firearms you would know that

and the military chose the 5.56 ( same as a .223) not because it was the most lethal round but because it was light and allows soldiers to carry more ammo into a firefight and some say the round was chosen because it was not as lethal as the 7.62 that used to be the military standard. The idea was to wound more of the enemy rather than kill them on the battle field so they use more resources to evacuate and treat the injured instead of just leaving the dead

I do know about firearms, and I did carry those rounds on active duty.

It's not just the caliber which makes the weapon powerful.

So you actually think the 5.56 is powerful compared to other rifles?

Like I said if you knew anything about firearms your would not that the 5.56 is not especially powerful
They are in the process of bringing back the 7.62 as an "interim" caliber (I believe they are looking at the SCAR platform on field testing) while the 6.5 is being further developed for military use.
The SCAR platform would probably make the 7.62 more manageable, which was one of the main reasons they looked at the low-recoil qualities of the 5.56.

What's wrong with the 6.5 that needs further development?
Probably how much powder in the casing and bullet weight. There are proven 6.5-s out there, I have no idea what's the deal. I think it is a good round. (haha..probably they would like the effectiveness of a 6.5 x 55 Swedish in a .22 rimfire casing or something.)
The same thing every other liberal march accomplishes....they came, they protested, they trashed the place, then they left the mess for others to clean up after them...


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Way to go, snowflakes!
what a bunch of self centered little piglets

what a perfect analogy.........they all squealed up to the trough, gorged on the slop and ran off from their wallowing.......
yup and too lazy to do anything for themselves

most of these piglets will still be in their moms basements at 30

probably having mom still fix their plates of food at supper
See...if we just legalize pot...all these kids will be too stoned to remember to vote.....
To tell the truth I only see one thing they accomplished they got all the right wing snowflakes panties in a wad on USMB and other forums. Your hearts must be beating out of your chests and running around, their going to take my guns, their going to take my guns.

You know what's really funny some of you use the same id on other forums and a couple of you are even stupid enough to put a real profile.

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