What the demrats won't tell you about BO 'repeal'

Once again the far left drone trolls would much rather ignore reality:


less than 20 second google search!

This is why it is pointless to show reality to you far left drones as you will deny it!
So this stats (and I'm paraphrasing) womenwon't be able to use insurance to have an abortion (does this mean even if she is dying)

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Another failed far left drone debunked religious dogma post!

No abortion, like it is now, will not be paid for by the federal government!

Another far left religious talking point defeated!
... You probably think God made you stupid for a reason, but Naw it was just genetics and inbreeding for ya wasn't it?

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Once again the far left drones reach into their far left religious dogma and fail!

They get shown reality and this is how they act!
This is fun watching you just blunder blindly in your fantasy world.

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Says the irony impaired far left drone!
Exept have we been told the in depth processes of how its gonna be implemented, trust me the ACA didn't only take up one page in its explanation.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Exept have we been told the in depth processes of how its gonna be implemented, trust me the ACA didn't only take up one page in its explanation.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Once again the far left denies reality as their religion gets Trumped by reality!

This was the plan put forth by the DEMs on Obamacare:

Once again the far left drone trolls would much rather ignore reality:


less than 20 second google search!

This is why it is pointless to show reality to you far left drones as you will deny it!
So this stats (and I'm paraphrasing) womenwon't be able to use insurance to have an abortion (does this mean even if she is dying)

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Still this is barebone incredibly vague on what it's a tempting to convey. No in depth explanations, just so far words and claims of what it's supposed goal is, and if you can't have a intelligent conversation about this without using a simpletons vocabulary Koshbot then I'm assuming that you really are dim.

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Well you far left drones were ok with you have to pass it before we can find out what it is in it!

And this still defeats all the far left religious dogma that NO plan exists!

So once again the far left religion has been defeated with reality!
But this isn't a plan, a plan has thought put into it nod just somebody word vomiting on a single piece of paper

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

It is a plan, but you far left drones will always deny reality!

Just admit you were wrong!
In your eyes I'm wrong

I'm my eyes your reality is warped

Have a mor advanced vocabulary please

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Exept have we been told the in depth processes of how its gonna be implemented, trust me the ACA didn't only take up one page in its explanation.

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Once again the far left denies reality as their religion gets Trumped by reality!

This was the plan put forth by the DEMs on Obamacare:

Dude do you know any other words than what you've been repeating incessantly?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
So this stats (and I'm paraphrasing) womenwon't be able to use insurance to have an abortion (does this mean even if she is dying)

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Still this is barebone incredibly vague on what it's a tempting to convey. No in depth explanations, just so far words and claims of what it's supposed goal is, and if you can't have a intelligent conversation about this without using a simpletons vocabulary Koshbot then I'm assuming that you really are dim.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Well you far left drones were ok with you have to pass it before we can find out what it is in it!

And this still defeats all the far left religious dogma that NO plan exists!

So once again the far left religion has been defeated with reality!
But this isn't a plan, a plan has thought put into it nod just somebody word vomiting on a single piece of paper

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

It is a plan, but you far left drones will always deny reality!

Just admit you were wrong!
In your eyes I'm wrong

I'm my eyes your reality is warped

Have a mor advanced vocabulary please

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

See how the far left drones see them selves as elitist?

Here is the plan of Obamacare:

Exept have we been told the in depth processes of how its gonna be implemented, trust me the ACA didn't only take up one page in its explanation.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Once again the far left denies reality as their religion gets Trumped by reality!

This was the plan put forth by the DEMs on Obamacare:

Dude do you know any other words than what you've been repeating incessantly?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

So do you know anything other than far left religious dogma?


The Dems are ignoring the fact that Obamacare has been a disaster from the start. All the things promised never happened, in fact we got the opposite of what the Dems claimed. No lower premiums, no lower medical costs, didn't get to keep the plan or doctor in many cases, and illegals were able to go to the site and get insurance, many for free.

Polls have consistently showed a majority against it, both before and after it was forced on us.

Of course, the only people really happy are those who got it free or reduced, but most people faced higher costs. And millions lost their insurance because they could no longer afford it because of the law. Funny how those people get ignored by the left. No sympathy for anyone suffering financial difficulties and unable to pay the higher costs. Some people refused to go to the website because it decided on a plan for you and many found themselves enrolled without having the option to make a choice. And there was no way to cancel it. The law means that when anyone on Medicaid dies, the government can confiscate their property and money. Always comes down to that with liberal plans. Lots of new taxes in Obamacare. They focused more on getting your money than on ensuring good care.

There were also new rules that allowed more government intrusion in our lives. Everything from them wanting real time access to our bank accounts to having doctors question patients about guns in their home.

Of course, there are the fines for those who can't afford it. Nothing says caring liberal like punishing people for not having enough money for something.

Medicaid could have been expanded without Obamacare to help citizens who couldn't afford insurance. No need to force people to buy something and even tell them what they had to buy. The Dems took away people's choices.

The whole thing was designed to be a huge mess that would cause people to lose their plans and for others to pay two or three times as much for less coverage. Having illegal aliens and others get it for free just ensured support for it. No one ever wants to give up a freebie, even if it's not that great. The left wanted single payer and decided to turn our healthcare system into a huge disaster in order to convince people to agree to socialized medicine. Just think, the entire country could operate like the VA.

The left praises countries, like Cuba, and seem to think a dictatorship is the only way to go. And they never want to talk about all those Cubans who would rather risk their lives escaping than living in that liberal utopia.
Last edited:
I wouldn't hold my breath for that. The right wanted this, so now you got it. I expect Democrats to work with the right about as much as the right did over the last 8 years.

You've successfully made the argument for the Republican strategy.

That is exactly why the Republicans MUST pursue repeal first. The only way to insure Democrats will work with Republicans on a replacement is to put them in a position were the Sword of Damocles hangs over there head. The only alternative to passing a new healthcare law is no healthcare law, with Democrats receiving 100% of the blame for that failure.
I wouldn't hold my breath for that. The right wanted this, so now you got it. I expect Democrats to work with the right about as much as the right did over the last 8 years.

You've successfully made the argument for the Republican strategy.

That is exactly why the Republicans MUST pursue repeal first. The only way to insure Democrats will work with Republicans on a replacement is to put them in a position were the Sword of Damocles hangs over there head. The only alternative to passing a new healthcare law is no healthcare law, with Democrats receiving 100% of the blame for that failure.
You can wish. You want to jump off the cliff and blame someone else if they don't jump off with you. That's pretty dumb.
You can wish. You want to jump off the cliff and blame someone else if they don't jump off with you. That's pretty dumb.

Come on now, be honest...it's a good strategy. More Dems senators will be up for reelection in 2018 than Republicans, and many of them come from Trump states like mine. Trump won here by 19 points...how much chance do you think McCaskill has in a midterm election? How much LESS chance if she works against Trumps agenda.

Still nursing their wounds after last week’s thrashing, Democrats already are grappling with how to defend 10 senators up for reelection in 2018 in states that Donald Trump carried, some resoundingly. Republicans are targeting a quintet of senators from conservative states where Trump walloped Hillary Clinton: Montana, Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota and West Virginia. The GOP could amass a filibuster-proof majority by running the table in those states and other battlegrounds.

To prevent that, Schumer will need to mine his fellow leaders to accommodate vulnerable Democrats with profoundly different ideologies and political circumstances — from Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, who also was tapped for a leadership spot, to West Virginia’s Manchin, who has gone out of his way to align himself with Trump voters this week. That means appealing to the white working class in some states — and stoking minority and liberal turnout in others.

Reeling Democrats confront brutal 2018 Senate map
You can wish. You want to jump off the cliff and blame someone else if they don't jump off with you. That's pretty dumb.

Come on now, be honest...it's a good strategy. More Dems senators will be up for reelection in 2018 than Republicans, and many of them come from Trump states like mine. Trump won here by 19 points...how much chance do you think McCaskill has in a midterm election? How much LESS chance if she works against Trumps agenda.

Still nursing their wounds after last week’s thrashing, Democrats already are grappling with how to defend 10 senators up for reelection in 2018 in states that Donald Trump carried, some resoundingly. Republicans are targeting a quintet of senators from conservative states where Trump walloped Hillary Clinton: Montana, Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota and West Virginia. The GOP could amass a filibuster-proof majority by running the table in those states and other battlegrounds.

To prevent that, Schumer will need to mine his fellow leaders to accommodate vulnerable Democrats with profoundly different ideologies and political circumstances — from Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, who also was tapped for a leadership spot, to West Virginia’s Manchin, who has gone out of his way to align himself with Trump voters this week. That means appealing to the white working class in some states — and stoking minority and liberal turnout in others.

Reeling Democrats confront brutal 2018 Senate map

You're assuming Trump and the right will be popular at that point. You don't think the right will be able to kill healthcare, and all the other programs they hate without backlash, do you? Trump is already the lowest rated president elect ever, and his behavior tends to piss more people off every day. The clown can't help himself.

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