What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

Politics should not be inserted into any gender-related issue.....but the left continuously inserts politics into gender-related issues, whether it be about abortion, rape, EEOC, or anything else. They are always claiming that pubs are "insensitive' and "hateful" toward women, particularly when it comes to the abortion issue. So.....when the libs decide to stop making it a political issue, then the pubs will stop. Until then, it's a matter of playing chicken.
Where in your post is there evidence the "school administrators" are "from the left"?

This thread does bring up an important issue, that being "the left" seems to be anyone who disagrees with the author and others who consider themselves conservatives. It is used without definition and solely as a pejorative.

IMO "the Left" in America left the Democratic Party in the mid 1960's and formed the Peace and Freedom Party and some joined the Socialist-Workers Party. Those on the right have remained Republicans and moved the once GOP so far to the right former standard bearers - Lincoln, TR, Ike and even Nixon wouldn't carry their banner.

Maybe the author of the OP would care to expalin what exactly he means when he uses the word "left"?

Feel free to provide some type of evidence that they are not. Until you do, I am going to assume they are from the same breed of professional idiots that normally run schools.

Yeah! Because it's your job to prove the negative! :lmao:

No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.
Feel free to provide some type of evidence that they are not. Until you do, I am going to assume they are from the same breed of professional idiots that normally run schools.

Yeah! Because it's your job to prove the negative! :lmao:

No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

So are you just blindly attributing everything GREAT that comes out of universities that really has no political bend to it, to "the Left" as well?

You fucking idiot.

You're what people like yourself like to call Partisan Hacks.

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Yeah! Because it's your job to prove the negative! :lmao:

No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

So are you just blindly attributing everything GREAT that comes out of universities that really has no political bend to it, to "the Left" as well?

You fucking idiot.

You're what people like yourself like to call Partisan Hacks.


He walked right into that one didn't he?

Gambill's allegation was investigated by an internal court, which found her claims to be without merit. Claims being the word rather than claim. Aggrieved, Gambill decided to go public, although she did not name the fellow student she had accused. Her spilling the beans to the wider world has contravened a code put in place to ensure the institution's dirty laundry is not washed in public, as a result of which she has been threatened with expulsion.

This is a very different picture from the one painted by the media with a broad brush.
The important word in the Daily Mail headline is "alleged"; it is extremely easy to make allegations, including of the most grave sexual improprieties; it is another thing entirely to prove them.

...It appears the internal tribunal did as good a job as could be expected under the circumstances. One of its members asked her: “Landen, as a woman, I know that if that had happened to me, I would’ve broken up with him the first time it happened. Will you explain to me why you didn’t?’”
That sounds perfectly reasonable. Her answers did not, and the adjudication concluded that her claims were without merit, or at the very least that they had not been proved. Reading between the lines, they thought she was a bit of a flake, apparently with good reason.
-- Op-Ed: A straight look at the ‘rape’ of Landen Gambill (emphasis added)

Still sez nothing about anybody being "right" or "lett" though. Maybe Alex Beck and Glenn Jones wrote this up for him on different sides of the blackboard. :dunno:
" Yes, my son, it is indeed true" said the prophet to the young, eager Windbag. " Simply use a fancy word in your nickname and you shall be regarded as a highly intelligent forum member. You will be free to post lameness with no fear of rebuke from your fellow dummies"
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

Read the story. There is no evidence that I can see that he raped her. She waited for almost a full year to report it, and she didn't even break up with him after he supposedly raped her. She has rights, but so does he.

This meltdown thread is more appropriate for the Rubber Room. Quantum trying to take Grampa Marked U as USMB's rw meltdown king? ;) :D
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You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding profanity and trying to keep a discussion civilized. But you must admit liberals have no concern for the unborn and always defend murderers and rapists.

Please, please liberals do not hate women, don't hate the unborn either.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

Read the story. There is no evidence that I can see that he raped her. She waited for almost a full year to report it, and she didn't even break up with him after he supposedly raped her. She has rights, but so does he.

This meltdown thread is more appropriate for the Rubber Room. Quantum trying to take Grampa Marked U as USMB's rw meltdown king?

He's probably got my vote. But I'd still like to see them in a debate. Maybe with third-party candidate ShootSpeeders. Moderated by Gallagher.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.
The girl isn't the point, it is the stupid lefty university feeling sorry for the thug, who is probably a lefty.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.
The girl isn't the point, it is the stupid lefty university feeling sorry for the thug, who is probably a lefty.

There is no "thug". This is why it pays to check up on things (like the rest of the thread) before running away with assumptions. That's what the OP did and he made an idiot of himself.

There is no thug because there was no rape. And when the girl's story was dismissed by the University, she took their dismissal public. And that's why they leaned on her.

Nevertheless, nobody in this story at all has been in any way connected with a "left" or a "right" or with politics at all. How dare things happen in the world that we can't plunk political labels on and point at them!

Consider the source.
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Yeah! Because it's your job to prove the negative! :lmao:

No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

So are you just blindly attributing everything GREAT that comes out of universities that really has no political bend to it, to "the Left" as well?

You fucking idiot.

You're what people like yourself like to call Partisan Hacks.


Great things come out of universtites? Like what?
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.
The girl isn't the point, it is the stupid lefty university feeling sorry for the thug, who is probably a lefty.

There is no "thug". This is why it pays to check up on things (like the rest of the thread) before running away with assumptions. That's what the OP did and he made an idiot of himself.

There is no thug because there was no rape. And when the girl's story was dismissed by the University, she took their dismissal public. And that's why they leaned on her.

Nevertheless, nobody in this story at all has been in any way connected with a "left" or a "right" or with politics at all. How dare things happen in the world that we can't plunk political labels on and point at them!

Consider the source.

There was no rape? What makes you so sure about that? Do you have inside knowledge that is unavailable to the hoi poloi?
Let's be honest here, the only ones who side with alleged rapists are the left. She didn't name anyone, yet you guys keep saying she's slandering him. You undermine your own case. I guess you're against women even speaking out against rape now?

Oh, my mistake. She released her own name, not the name of the man alleged to have attacked her.

My apologies for reading the article wrong, QW. I have, of course, changed my mind - let this girl speak about her ordeal. As long as she doesn't name him, there shouldn't be an issue with her discussing the matter.
No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

So are you just blindly attributing everything GREAT that comes out of universities that really has no political bend to it, to "the Left" as well?

You fucking idiot.

You're what people like yourself like to call Partisan Hacks.


Great things come out of universtites? Like what?

Really? You can't think of one good thing that has come out of a university? One good inventor, one good pioneer, one good anything? Not out of MIT, not out of anywhere?

You're a fucking idiot. Probably most of the stuff you take for granted was the work of a university graduate.
You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.
Can you prove that Liberals hate women? Can you prove that Liberals love criminals? How did your attitude take shape? What instances can you cite that gives you credibility?

Was it Liberlas who repressed the women's sufferage movement early in the 20th century? Was it Liberals who resisted equal rights for women? Was it Liberals who formed the dissent against equal pay legislation?

Was Phyllis Schlafly a Liberal?

I can prove that the Left does not tolareate anyone, whatever their sex or race, that is not the Left.
Excuse me? did you just allege the Left of intolerance toward everyone?

Please refute the charge that the Right is intolerant. Some of my Black and Latino and Gay and Female friends would like to understand the position of tolerance displayed by the right.

Can you explain why the resistance to every societal change which has brought about greater liberties and freedoms to all mankind has been from the political right wing? Unless you maintain that it was lousy Liberals like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and Phyllis Schlaffly and Lester Maddox. those folks surely must have been cut from the same bolt of political cloth as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and Robert Kennedy!

Go ahead. You said you were going to prove something about tolerance. I can hardly wait.
Feel free to provide some type of evidence that they are not. Until you do, I am going to assume they are from the same breed of professional idiots that normally run schools.

Yeah! Because it's your job to prove the negative! :lmao:

No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

I'm just curious. Since you believe there shouldn't be any government, how exactly would rapes, rape victims, and rapists be dealt with in your envisioned 'no government' world?
Can you prove that Liberals hate women? Can you prove that Liberals love criminals? How did your attitude take shape? What instances can you cite that gives you credibility?

Was it Liberlas who repressed the women's sufferage movement early in the 20th century? Was it Liberals who resisted equal rights for women? Was it Liberals who formed the dissent against equal pay legislation?

Was Phyllis Schlafly a Liberal?

I can prove that the Left does not tolareate anyone, whatever their sex or race, that is not the Left.
Excuse me? did you just allege the Left of intolerance toward everyone?

Please refute the charge that the Right is intolerant. Some of my Black and Latino and Gay and Female friends would like to understand the position of tolerance displayed by the right.

Can you explain why the resistance to every societal change which has brought about greater liberties and freedoms to all mankind has been from the political right wing? Unless you maintain that it was lousy Liberals like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and Phyllis Schlaffly and Lester Maddox. those folks surely must have been cut from the same bolt of political cloth as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and Robert Kennedy!

Go ahead. You said you were going to prove something about tolerance. I can hardly wait.
Nosmo, I think I know your brother. Is his name Nopar?
The more I study it the more I come to the conclusion that the lefts goal is communism. Not the kind of the USSR- but we all know that is how it turns out. They will never stop trying...

Marx was WRONG about human nature. Think!
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