What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

Where in your post is there evidence the "school administrators" are "from the left"?

This thread does bring up an important issue, that being "the left" seems to be anyone who disagrees with the author and others who consider themselves conservatives. It is used without definition and solely as a pejorative.

IMO "the Left" in America left the Democratic Party in the mid 1960's and formed the Peace and Freedom Party and some joined the Socialist-Workers Party. Those on the right have remained Republicans and moved the once GOP so far to the right former standard bearers - Lincoln, TR, Ike and even Nixon wouldn't carry their banner.

Maybe the author of the OP would care to expalin what exactly he means when he uses the word "left"?
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.
Can you prove that Liberals hate women? Can you prove that Liberals love criminals? How did your attitude take shape? What instances can you cite that gives you credibility?

Was it Liberlas who repressed the women's sufferage movement early in the 20th century? Was it Liberals who resisted equal rights for women? Was it Liberals who formed the dissent against equal pay legislation?

Was Phyllis Schlafly a Liberal?
Most pervs typically find a home in the Left. Aligned with them are those who choose as their life style to stand under Caligula's feet catching whatever gold coin Caligula chooses to throw in their direction, together they make up a pretty exotic combination. They're a far cry today from the eager young immigrant landing on these shores ready to roll up his sleeves, provide a safe and hospitable spot to raise a family and to earn his fortune in America where the streets are supposedly paved with gold.
Most pervs typically find a home in the Left. Aligned with them are those who choose as their life style to stand under Caligula's feet catching whatever gold coin Caligula chooses to throw in their direction, together they make up a pretty exotic combination. They're a far cry today from the eager young immigrant landing on these shores ready to roll up his sleeves, provide a safe and hospitable spot to raise a family and to earn his fortune in America where the streets are supposedly paved with gold.

You're taking the rightwing pablum by IV now, I see.
Most pervs typically find a home in the Left. Aligned with them are those who choose as their life style to stand under Caligula's feet catching whatever gold coin Caligula chooses to throw in their direction, together they make up a pretty exotic combination. They're a far cry today from the eager young immigrant landing on these shores ready to roll up his sleeves, provide a safe and hospitable spot to raise a family and to earn his fortune in America where the streets are supposedly paved with gold.
And who do you consider "pervs"? With such ambiguity, it's hard to form a responsible argument.
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Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

This is a perfect example of why judging situations based purely on emotion is almost guaranteed to end poorly.

First of all, you're attempting to put the actions of a student council at the school on "the Left" as a whole - which is clearly nonsense. This has nothing to do with politics.

Secondly, we don't have anything close to the whole story here. I don't agree with the Honor Court's actions, but I'll reserve judgement until I have more information than just a tabloid story.

I am not attempting anything, I am flat out calling people on the Left that think PC speech codes can force them to prohibit anyone form saying anything they want is full of shit. I could be wrong, and will be glad to admit it if you find evidence, but my guess is you won't find a single person on the right supporting speech codes.By the way, I capitalized Left with the intent of differentiating a certain group of assholes from the rest of the people on the left side of the political spectrum. I am sorry your brain was not equipped to understand the difference, but I am not responsible for your lack of education.

Another thing, while outrage is often seen as an emotion, the fact that I am outraged by injustice does not mean I am stupid enough to let that affect my thinking. I did not base this post n emotion because, unlike you, I can fucking think without rationalizing stupidity.

Here are the fucking facts for your feeble mind to digest.

  • She accursed someone of rape.
  • She feels her accusations were not taken seriously.
  • She decided to complain, publicly, about the fact that her complaint was not taken seriously.
  • She is, demonstrably, not the only woman with this complaint because there is a federal law suit on file against the school.
  • She has been threatened with expulsion.
Given the facts, it really doesn't matter if she was actually raped unless you are saying the school should be able to tell students that it is illegal to talk about crimes that happen on campus even if they are true.

See, this proves that I am the one that actually thought this shit through, and you are simply attempting to defend the Left, which makes you part of the fucking problem.

The Dixie Chicks agree with you.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.

Nah, they just tear them to pieces and throw them in medical waste.
Looks like the troll has abandoned his post. Any others willing to proffer a definition of "The Left" as used by Windbag?
As far as the far right is concerned, all you have to be is wrong in their estimation to be on the Left. No reasoning required. No real political agenda necessary. Just be wrong according to them and you're a Liberal by default.

How liberating that must be! To dismiss any and all societal wrongs by politics. You no longer have to think too deeply to find a scapegoat. All you have to do is claim the moral high ground, but not defend it.

For example. We might all agree that Bashir Al Asaid is a bad man. He rules Syria with an iron fist, tramples dissent and uses any and all means to retain his power. Every cognizant free human recognizes this. Given his record of evil, how long before some far right winger decides that Asaid is actually a Liberal?
I've read through this thread and other than using this as an excuse to vilify the left, I fail to see how this is political.

Everything is political on this board..

I fail to see how it is smart...

Look, most of the public agrees with President Obama's approach to budget cuts and deficit reduction for better or for worse.

Look, the overwhelming majority of women are exercising some form of birth control and it's pretty easy to see that this overwhelming majority would likely empathize with those who stand to have their access cut

Look, we spend more on Defense than the next ten countries combined on the globe and nine of them are allies (I think that is the stat anyway). Obviously, we're spending too much.

So lets look at the GOP response to these planks:

Look, most of the public agrees with President Obama's approach to budget cuts and deficit reduction for better or for worse. The GOP opposes everything this President proposes out of habit.

Look, the overwhelming majority of women are exercising some form of birth control and it's pretty easy to see that this overwhelming majority would likely empathize with those who stand to have their access cutThe GOP vilifies women as "sluts" who exercise contraception; their #2 vote-getter in the primaries last year was quoted:
Quote: "One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." (Speaking with CaffeinatedThoughts.com, Oct. 18, 2011)

Their #1 vote-getter and nominee for President, Governor Mitt Romney vowed to overturn Roe and totally eliminate Title X funding

Look, we spend more on Defense than the next ten countries combined on the globe and nine of them are allies (I think that is the stat anyway). Obviously, we're spending too much.It was the one area that their nominee for President, Mitt Romney, wanted to increase spending upon

This is why I find the thread so humorous. The left held on to the White House, picked up seats in the Senate when it had more seats to defend than the GOP, and is generally on the right side of many if not most of the issues in the nation.

As long as the right continues to insist on digging their hole, I think it is our job to keep handing them shovels.

I prefer hoes thanks.

Same result...just a useless hole you'll never be able to fill and leads to nowhere.
What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

Whew!!! You "conservatives" surely are obsessed with rape!!!

Besides Gay-sex & rape, do you folks ever fantasize about mutual/hetero-sex (...'cause you level o' frustration is all-too-obvious)??

This is a perfect example of why judging situations based purely on emotion is almost guaranteed to end poorly.

First of all, you're attempting to put the actions of a student council at the school on "the Left" as a whole - which is clearly nonsense. This has nothing to do with politics.

Secondly, we don't have anything close to the whole story here. I don't agree with the Honor Court's actions, but I'll reserve judgement until I have more information than just a tabloid story.

I am not attempting anything, I am flat out calling people on the Left that think PC speech codes can force them to prohibit anyone form saying anything they want is full of shit. I could be wrong, and will be glad to admit it if you find evidence, but my guess is you won't find a single person on the right supporting speech codes.

By the way, I capitalized Left with the intent of differentiating a certain group of assholes from the rest of the people on the left side of the political spectrum. I am sorry your brain was not equipped to understand the difference, but I am not responsible for your lack of education.

Another thing, while outrage is often seen as an emotion, the fact that I am outraged by injustice does not mean I am stupid enough to let that affect my thinking. I did not base this post n emotion because, unlike you, I can fucking think without rationalizing stupidity.

Here are the fucking facts for your feeble mind to digest.

  • She accursed someone of rape.
  • She feels her accusations were not taken seriously.
  • She decided to complain, publicly, about the fact that her complaint was not taken seriously.
  • She is, demonstrably, not the only woman with this complaint because there is a federal law suit on file against the school.
  • She has been threatened with expulsion.
Given the facts, it really doesn't matter if she was actually raped unless you are saying the school should be able to tell students that it is illegal to talk about crimes that happen on campus even if they are true.

See, this proves that I am the one that actually thought this shit through, and you are simply attempting to defend the Left, which makes you part of the fucking problem.

You forgot one "fact". That this is a "Left" issue.

All I see is you trying to say that throwing around accusations without proof is Ok. Put yourself in his shoes. Let's say that your comrade "CaGOPatriot" accused you of raping him with no proof whatsoever. And assuming you're innocent (the sex you two had was consensual) then is it CaGOPatriot's right to slander you?


If he did, and I felt terrinly put out, I could sue him for defamtaion. I wouldn't however, expect the board to protect me from intimidation, nor would I expect them to ban him.

By the way, I am still not the one making assumptions. Do you have any proof there is no evidence? Maybe she has evidence, and he has political cout. Maybe he admitted it, and dared the school to do anything about it. Unlike you, I am not basing my position on anything other than the facts in the story. My position is that, even if she is lying, the school should not be threatening her to keep her quiet.

Want to try again?
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Wow, why is it that some of the shrillest, nuttiest wingnuts on here come from California? Does it piss you off that much that your state GOP is so anemic?
Who are these people that you're calling out? I don't know of anyone on this message board has come out in favor of "speech codes".

This is either an outright lie, or an admission that you don't pay attention to anything outside your interpertation of the universe. What the fuck was all the whining about from the pussies when people would flame them in the policits section?

By the way, I didn't read the rest of your post because you started off with something so stupid it totally negated any positive potential you had.
Again- Duke university automatically assumed the accused was guilty. The right screamed "No, this is Left WIng PC Gone Too Far!"

In this case, the University is actually working on the persumption of innocence, since neither the student honor council or the police thought this woman's claims of rape by her ex-boyfriend were credible.

Now, they might well be inept at their jobs. Or the University might be engaging in an attempt to downplay rape statistics on their campuses. But I don't know that. I'm not there, I didn't see what happened.

Either this woman was raped, or she is vindictively trying to destroy a young man's reputation. Either way, it's a tragedy.

It's not a political thing.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.
Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

QW - this man is an alleged rapist. Just because she says he raped her, doesn't mean he did. She can't go around telling people that he raped her, when he hasn't been found guilty of a crime!
I don't buy the crap that she was 'intimidating' him, but she should keep quiet about it until it goes to court.

Excuse me? Can you show me what law prevents her from accusing anyone she wants to of anything she wants? He is free to sue her for defamation, but he is not free to demand that she shut up until he goes to court and proves that she is both lying, and that her accusations are harming his reputation.

By the way, she is, apparentl, not actually mentioning his name, which would explain why he isn't actually trying to sue her, so I really don't see your point.
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I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You're a dickhead, sir. Fuck you back.
Vulgarity is not God's way. Please keep getting your message of truth to the readers but be civil and proper and Christian. It has more impact.

I've found that there are sincere Christian conservatives (I suspect you fall into that category) and there are conservatives who merely leverage Christianity when it suits them for their own political (or other) gain. Otherwise they're just hateful, vulgar people. Plenty of examples on this board. Not one hint of humility, but plenty of venom.


I have found that there are idiots, and then there is you. Being a conservative does not make one a Christian anyone than being a liberal makes one an athiest.

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