What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

So are you just blindly attributing everything GREAT that comes out of universities that really has no political bend to it, to "the Left" as well?

You fucking idiot.

You're what people like yourself like to call Partisan Hacks.


Great things come out of universtites? Like what?

Really? You can't think of one good thing that has come out of a university? One good inventor, one good pioneer, one good anything? Not out of MIT, not out of anywhere?

You're a fucking idiot. Probably most of the stuff you take for granted was the work of a university graduate.

In the last 20 years? Not a single one, apparently you can't either.
Can you prove that Liberals hate women? Can you prove that Liberals love criminals? How did your attitude take shape? What instances can you cite that gives you credibility?

Was it Liberlas who repressed the women's sufferage movement early in the 20th century? Was it Liberals who resisted equal rights for women? Was it Liberals who formed the dissent against equal pay legislation?

Was Phyllis Schlafly a Liberal?

I can prove that the Left does not tolareate anyone, whatever their sex or race, that is not the Left.
Excuse me? did you just allege the Left of intolerance toward everyone?

Please refute the charge that the Right is intolerant. Some of my Black and Latino and Gay and Female friends would like to understand the position of tolerance displayed by the right.

Can you explain why the resistance to every societal change which has brought about greater liberties and freedoms to all mankind has been from the political right wing? Unless you maintain that it was lousy Liberals like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and Phyllis Schlaffly and Lester Maddox. those folks surely must have been cut from the same bolt of political cloth as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and Robert Kennedy!

Go ahead. You said you were going to prove something about tolerance. I can hardly wait.

You can't read, can you? I clearly pointed out that they do not tolerate people who have different opinions, not everyone.
Human nature is the opposite of pure communism. So when the left tries to force the issue, human nature kicks in and we get a thug. Every fucking time. Lol.

The left is foolish. Human beings need capitalism. It understands human nature as a creator of personal advancement and growth...Not perfect but nothing is. At least it draws off of human nature for its betterment.

You can't have a fucking void as human nature loves control and force.
You can't have a system that expects everyone to work without benefit.
Last edited:
I have no idea what the 'left' that this tread refers to even is? Can someone explain?

- I also think this belongs in the flame zone as it does not pose a genuine question but assumes a common bogeyman is in the wrong - Scapegoats are so convenient.

As far as the republican war on women, there is lots of factual proof noted in article below. "Conservatives like to pretend there is no war on women, so PoliticusUSA developed a running list of legislation to prove that there is indeed a war on women. The proof is in the policy, and policy trumps words." Proof of the GOP War on Women

Look in a mirror.

As usual not an answer. I have no idea what this woman suffered or the circumstances, neither do you, but in your bigoted mind you had to blame someone. Pointing fingers is the work of the mindless. I post the pieces below as more on the topic - but again I do know the circumstances.

"The case of Landen Gambill is all over the media; it has been reported mostly uncritically and for the most part in an extremely partisan fashion on both sides of the Atlantic. The headline in the London Daily Mail reads Rape victim's fury as she faces being expelled from college because she 'INTIMIDATED' her alleged attacker by speaking out about her ordeal. As is often the case with such stories, there is a dearth of particularity, so it is difficult for the uninformed reader to make a meaningful assessment of what happened, or didn't. However, there are sufficient facts in the public domain for the skeptical reader to conclude that as usual there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye, and that Miss Gambill in particular has not told the whole truth." Op-Ed: A straight look at the ?rape? of Landen Gambill

Another POV. Student threatened with expulsion after admitting she was raped

Stupid crap like the thread OP belongs in the flame or the really stupid forum.
Human nature is the opposite of pure communism. So when the left tries to force the issue, human nature kicks in and we get a thug. Every fucking time. Lol.

The left is foolish. Human beings need capitalism. It understands human nature as a creator of personal advancement and growth...Not perfect but nothing is. At least it draws off of human nature for its betterment.

You can't have a fucking void as human nature loves control and force.
You can't have a system that expects everyone to work without benefit.

But you can have a thread full of wispy conspiracy-theory wackoism without people reading the story. Read the previous post, or go back to 105 where it was fleshed out.

1 -this female student went to the University (not the police, not a hospital, the university) with a claim of rape that was several months out of date;
2- The university heard her case and decided it was without merit;
3- she didn't like that decision so she took it public;
4- Taking that university dirty laundry public is against the institution's policy;
5- for the violation in #4 above, she is threatened with the consequences.
and 6- no one, not the student, not the boyfriend, not the university, no one, expressed anything whatsoever about "right" or "left". No one expressed anything political at all. That angle was pulled entirely out of the OP's ass.

Reading is fundamental.

Again, consider the source. And what his last name is. An "allegation" does not make a "fact".
Last edited:
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

University of North Carolina?

The conservative fucks running the place want to shut the "slut" (as they see it) up.

You just proved the war on women is coming from the right.

Good job!!
You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

Vulgarity is not God's way. Please keep getting your message of truth to the readers but be civil and proper and Christian. It has more impact.

As one Christian to another, please take your holier than thou attitude somewhere else. You have no place telling someone else here or anywhere how they NEED to conduct themselves. Quantum is posting here within the rules of the board, therefore he has no need for you to tell him he's doing something wrong.

Now move along.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

The sheer level of ignorance and stupidity that rears it's ugly head from the left can be mind numbing. Here's some more... it makes just sit in stare in disbelief... this is the LEFT...

I can prove that the Left does not tolareate anyone, whatever their sex or race, that is not the Left.
Excuse me? did you just allege the Left of intolerance toward everyone?

Please refute the charge that the Right is intolerant. Some of my Black and Latino and Gay and Female friends would like to understand the position of tolerance displayed by the right.

Can you explain why the resistance to every societal change which has brought about greater liberties and freedoms to all mankind has been from the political right wing? Unless you maintain that it was lousy Liberals like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and Phyllis Schlaffly and Lester Maddox. those folks surely must have been cut from the same bolt of political cloth as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and Robert Kennedy!

Go ahead. You said you were going to prove something about tolerance. I can hardly wait.

You can't read, can you? I clearly pointed out that they do not tolerate people who have different opinions, not everyone.

My girlfriend is a conservative. You lose.
Excuse me? did you just allege the Left of intolerance toward everyone?

Please refute the charge that the Right is intolerant. Some of my Black and Latino and Gay and Female friends would like to understand the position of tolerance displayed by the right.

Can you explain why the resistance to every societal change which has brought about greater liberties and freedoms to all mankind has been from the political right wing? Unless you maintain that it was lousy Liberals like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and Phyllis Schlaffly and Lester Maddox. those folks surely must have been cut from the same bolt of political cloth as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin and Robert Kennedy!

Go ahead. You said you were going to prove something about tolerance. I can hardly wait.

You can't read, can you? I clearly pointed out that they do not tolerate people who have different opinions, not everyone.

My girlfriend is a conservative. You lose.
I was content to relish the irony of his post. Seeing how tolerant he is of Liberals gave me the paradigm of tolerance, the shining example of political comportment that he gave.

But, simplicity is it's own beauty and your post points out his hypocrisy with glittering simplicity.
No, because the Left is in charge of univerisites.

I'm just curious. Since you believe there shouldn't be any government, how exactly would rapes, rape victims, and rapists be dealt with in your envisioned 'no government' world?

Grow up.

You won't deny having once said this, will you?

"Let me see if I can boil it down for you, the ends do not justify the means. Government, as a means, is always about force. If you have to use force to accomplish your goals they are, more than likely, wrong."

Now, try again to respond to my question above, in the context of your belief that government is likely to be wrong if it uses force.

Tell us how a force-free government deals with rape, rape victims, and rapists.
Just so you know you look like a complete F*cking idiot with your outrage and stating that this is a liberal/conservative issue.

I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.
Just so you know you look like a complete F*cking idiot with your outrage and stating that this is a liberal/conservative issue.

I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.
Any time you mix equal parts anger and confusion, you get OPs like this.
I have no idea what the 'left' that this tread refers to even is? Can someone explain?

- I also think this belongs in the flame zone as it does not pose a genuine question but assumes a common bogeyman is in the wrong - Scapegoats are so convenient.

As far as the republican war on women, there is lots of factual proof noted in article below. "Conservatives like to pretend there is no war on women, so PoliticusUSA developed a running list of legislation to prove that there is indeed a war on women. The proof is in the policy, and policy trumps words." Proof of the GOP War on Women

Look in a mirror.

As usual not an answer. I have no idea what this woman suffered or the circumstances, neither do you, but in your bigoted mind you had to blame someone. Pointing fingers is the work of the mindless. I post the pieces below as more on the topic - but again I do know the circumstances.

"The case of Landen Gambill is all over the media; it has been reported mostly uncritically and for the most part in an extremely partisan fashion on both sides of the Atlantic. The headline in the London Daily Mail reads Rape victim's fury as she faces being expelled from college because she 'INTIMIDATED' her alleged attacker by speaking out about her ordeal. As is often the case with such stories, there is a dearth of particularity, so it is difficult for the uninformed reader to make a meaningful assessment of what happened, or didn't. However, there are sufficient facts in the public domain for the skeptical reader to conclude that as usual there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye, and that Miss Gambill in particular has not told the whole truth." Op-Ed: A straight look at the ?rape? of Landen Gambill

Another POV. Student threatened with expulsion after admitting she was raped

Stupid crap like the thread OP belongs in the flame or the really stupid forum.

You wanted to know who the Left is, I told you where to find one, how is that not an answer? How does me pointing out that you are one of the people that think civility trumps freedom make me bigoted?
Human nature is the opposite of pure communism. So when the left tries to force the issue, human nature kicks in and we get a thug. Every fucking time. Lol.

The left is foolish. Human beings need capitalism. It understands human nature as a creator of personal advancement and growth...Not perfect but nothing is. At least it draws off of human nature for its betterment.

You can't have a fucking void as human nature loves control and force.
You can't have a system that expects everyone to work without benefit.

But you can have a thread full of wispy conspiracy-theory wackoism without people reading the story. Read the previous post, or go back to 105 where it was fleshed out.

1 -this female student went to the University (not the police, not a hospital, the university) with a claim of rape that was several months out of date;
2- The university heard her case and decided it was without merit;
3- she didn't like that decision so she took it public;
4- Taking that university dirty laundry public is against the institution's policy;
5- for the violation in #4 above, she is threatened with the consequences.
and 6- no one, not the student, not the boyfriend, not the university, no one, expressed anything whatsoever about "right" or "left". No one expressed anything political at all. That angle was pulled entirely out of the OP's ass.

Reading is fundamental.

Again, consider the source. And what his last name is. An "allegation" does not make a "fact".

  1. So?
  2. Correct.
  3. Correct again.
  4. This is exactly what the problem is. If she worked at a major corporation and went to her employer about sexual harrasment and she didn't like the decision you would fully support her if she went public with her beef, even if it violated company policy. Why do you apply a different standard to universities? Is it because they are the Left, and thus immune from critique?
  5. Wrong, whe is threatened with consequences because she is intimidating someone she is not mentioning by name in public. Care to explain how that works?
  6. I expressed something about the Left, so you cannot say no one expressed it.
You shold actually consider what my first name means, if you know. My guess is you don't, it might be educational if you look it up.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.
Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

University of North Carolina?

The conservative fucks running the place want to shut the "slut" (as they see it) up.

You just proved the war on women is coming from the right.

Good job!!

Conservatives? North Carolina?
I'm just curious. Since you believe there shouldn't be any government, how exactly would rapes, rape victims, and rapists be dealt with in your envisioned 'no government' world?

Grow up.

Are you backpedaling now? Is that how that translates?

Go ahead, describe the type of law I want to see, then make your point about how I don't want any recourse for violations of people's rights.

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