What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

You are wrong to say that this woman is telling the truth in her claim of being raped. You have no idea whether or not she is telling the truth.

I don't recall saying that, want to point out when I did so?

"the honor code says "All students must refrain from lying, cheating, and stealing as well as from engaging in conduct that significantly impairs the welfare or educational opportunities of others in the university community. This includes refraining from all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism. Your full participation and observance of the Honor Code is expected at all times."

Nothing in there about not talking about something that happened if it is true."

You don't know it's true.

She is saying that the people in charge of discipline belittled her and ignored her complaint about a rape. Even you admit that happened, so I don't how you can accuse her of lying about that.
Thank God for that, but in this thread you are the accuser, in a case you have yet to even articulate, let alone substantiate.

I'm dumbfounded that you're even keeping such a specious embarrassment alive. It would be like somebody posting "what the fuck is wrong with the right??? Some guy just cut me off in traffic!!! Fuck every fucking one of you!!" :confused:

Let me clarify my position for you, If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove.

A claim unproven need not be disproven.

You made a claim for which you provided no proof. Your claim can be dismissed as baseless.

My claim is that the university is run by fucked up people who want to keep their dirty laundry secret. More than one person, in an attempt to invalidate what I said, have actually reinforced that point.

Want to try again?
You didn't describe anything. Government makes the laws. Government enforces the laws.

You don't want any government, therefore, to get back to the topic of the thread, in your world, a raped woman would have no government to go to for justice.

Let me see if this makes sense to you, government is not how we establish the law, the law is how we establish government.

In other words, you have the process backwards, and I pointed it out to you. Instead of actually thinking you chose to repeat yourself ad nauseum, and remained wrong.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice was established by Congress. Congress is government. The UCMJ is a set of laws.

Government established that code, and thus established that set of laws.

You may be enjoying some sort of bizarre chicken or egg game here, but you are only doing so to divert from the fact that your original point was busted.

He shoots and misses.
Let me clarify my position for you, If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove. If I am wrong, it should be easy to prove.

Let me clarify your position for you:
Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?
OP evidence of "Left": Nonexistent
OP evidence of "Right": Nonexistent
OP evidence of "Center" Nonexistent
OP evidence of any political content at all: Nonexistent

For further study, see "burden of proof". See also "proving the negative".

What the fuck is wrong with the Center? I just bought an ice cream cone and there's no jimmies on it!! Fuck every fucking one of you!!

You keep missing the point, I don't care it you don't like my post, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove. Either provide evidence I am wrong, or keep whining.

No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:
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What is wrong with the Right?


The arrogance that blinds partisans and makes them think that righteousness provides cover for all their political sins. Arrogance that makes partisans believe that compromise is a dirty word while their own belief in the sanctity of the Founding Fathers, whose greatest asset was the ability to compromise, is unshakable.

Arrogance that makes partisans believe that their views are not only manifested by God, but should be enshrined in law in spite of the views of their fellow Americans. Arrogance that lets the far Right rightfully despise the Taliban for instituting religious law in civil affairs, while that same far Right wants the very same thing.

Arrogance that lets the far Right see wrongs, any wrongs, as purely political in nature. From petty theft to rape to maleficence, if it's wrong, according to the Far Right, it's simply the fault of Liberal politics, as if no Conservative is capable of committing any crime merely because of his politics.
Let me clarify your position for you:
Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?
OP evidence of "Left": Nonexistent
OP evidence of "Right": Nonexistent
OP evidence of "Center" Nonexistent
OP evidence of any political content at all: Nonexistent

For further study, see "burden of proof". See also "proving the negative".

What the fuck is wrong with the Center? I just bought an ice cream cone and there's no jimmies on it!! Fuck every fucking one of you!!

You keep missing the point, I don't care it you don't like my post, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove. Either provide evidence I am wrong, or keep whining.

No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:

You chose whining, I am not surprised.
What is wrong with the Right?


The arrogance that blinds partisans and makes them think that righteousness provides cover for all their political sins. Arrogance that makes partisans believe that compromise is a dirty word while their own belief in the sanctity of the Founding Fathers, whose greatest asset was the ability to compromise, is unshakable.

Arrogance that makes partisans believe that their views are not only manifested by God, but should be enshrined in law in spite of the views of their fellow Americans. Arrogance that lets the far Right rightfully despise the Taliban for instituting religious law in civil affairs, while that same far Right wants the very same thing.

Arrogance that lets the far Right see wrongs, any wrongs, as purely political in nature. From petty theft to rape to maleficence, if it's wrong, according to the Far Right, it's simply the fault of Liberal politics, as if no Conservative is capable of committing any crime merely because of his politics.

Yea, they ran things during some of the Bush Administration. Really had ALL the fuckin' answers didn't they?

This country will remain a clusterfuck, a laughingstock, when the extremists on the left and right make all the noise.
You don't really see the words --"I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.": seriously!

Just so you know you look like a complete F*cking idiot with your outrage and stating that this is a liberal/conservative issue.

I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

I just reread my post to make sure I didn't accidently type the word liberal or conservative when I made it. Since I didn't, I am left wondering what it is you read.
You keep missing the point, I don't care it you don't like my post, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove. Either provide evidence I am wrong, or keep whining.

No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:

You chose whining, I am not surprised.

And you still haven't made a point to back up the title of this thread.
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Let me see if this makes sense to you, government is not how we establish the law, the law is how we establish government.

In other words, you have the process backwards, and I pointed it out to you. Instead of actually thinking you chose to repeat yourself ad nauseum, and remained wrong.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice was established by Congress. Congress is government. The UCMJ is a set of laws.

Government established that code, and thus established that set of laws.

You may be enjoying some sort of bizarre chicken or egg game here, but you are only doing so to divert from the fact that your original point was busted.

He shoots and misses.

Prove that the Congress did not establish the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If you cannot,

then I've proven that government does in fact establish laws (which all sane people already knew).
Let me see if this makes sense to you, government is not how we establish the law, the law is how we establish government.


That does not make sense. I think at one point I thought you were a person of average intelligence who posted nonsense just for your own amusement,

knowing it was nonsense. I am now convinced you are simply addle-brained.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

That is just not true. It is you right wingers that agree with whatever anyone in your party says or does. So you naturally think liberals do the same. You are wrong.

If I disagree with something I will say so. Whether or not it involves a liberal. I couldn't care less about giving a rapist a trauma. It's ridiculous.
You keep missing the point, I don't care it you don't like my post, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove. Either provide evidence I am wrong, or keep whining.

No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:

You chose whining, I am not surprised.

In what way is it "whining" to observe the obvious, Doofus? You came in, presumably inebriated, and forged a bullshit thread with no basis whatsoever. That fact is not going away.
Whining? No, what we're doing is watching. Train wrecks do that. I guess it's possible you don't know the meaning of "whining", since you obviously don't know the meaning of "Left".

The weirdest part is that you keep bumping it. If it were me I'd be embarrassed and hope it would fade away :dunno:
Last edited:
No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:

You chose whining, I am not surprised.

And you still haven't made a point to back up the title of this thread.

I did, however, make a point to back up the OP of the thread. If you have a problem with my points it should be easy to prove me wrong.

Or you could do the same thing Pogo is and whine.
The Uniform Code of Military Justice was established by Congress. Congress is government. The UCMJ is a set of laws.

Government established that code, and thus established that set of laws.

You may be enjoying some sort of bizarre chicken or egg game here, but you are only doing so to divert from the fact that your original point was busted.

He shoots and misses.

Prove that the Congress did not establish the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If you cannot,

then I've proven that government does in fact establish laws (which all sane people already knew).

No you did not, you proved that Congress passed a bill. Since I never disputed that you did not score any points. I am not here to teach you English, so I suggest you discuss the sentence "Government is not how we establish laws" with an English teacher and a Social Studies teacher to see what the point is you keep missing.
You chose whining, I am not surprised.

And you still haven't made a point to back up the title of this thread.

I did, however, make a point to back up the OP of the thread. If you have a problem with my points it should be easy to prove me wrong.

Or you could do the same thing Pogo is and whine.

It's easier than easy. You did it yourself when you clicked "submit new thread". You just admitted it.


Let me see if this makes sense to you, government is not how we establish the law, the law is how we establish government.


That does not make sense. I think at one point I thought you were a person of average intelligence who posted nonsense just for your own amusement,

knowing it was nonsense. I am now convinced you are simply addle-brained.

In order to complain about how stupid I am you first have to be able to establish that your intelligence is higher than mine.

What is Government Law? This topic covers a broad area in the legal field. U.S. Federal Government Law addresses government interactions on a national scale, and is largely composed of administrative law and constitutional law. While State and Local Government Law (state and municipal government law) deals largely with how government operates on the state and local level, with state and city governments and agencies, as well as interactions with businesses and private citizens.

The U.S. Federal Government is composed of three branches: the legislative branch creates law; the judicial branch interprets the law; and the executive branch administers, or “executes” the law. This government is established by the U.S. Constitution.

The Federal Government shares control of the United Sates with individual U.S. State governments. State governments are made up of their own legislative, judicial and executive branches and are given a fair share of autonomy to create laws for their individual states, although federal law holds precedence. State law also establishes and regulates local government for cities, towns, counties, and other communities.
Government Law

Like I said, law is how we establish government.
No, you keep failing to make the point.

AGAIN: Topic title: What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Topic basis: None

Raise your hand when you see what's missing.

You're not "wrong" since you've failed to make any "point". When you bring something in to prop up your "premise", then you can be "wrong"; until then there's nothing for anyone to "prove". Because it's still your move. Has been since post #0.


Actually I'd recommend that every time you come back to stonewall this topic, you should start with this:

You chose whining, I am not surprised.

In what way is it "whining" to observe the obvious, Doofus? You came in, presumably inebriated, and forged a bullshit thread with no basis whatsoever. That fact is not going away.
Whining? No, what we're doing is watching. Train wrecks do that. I guess it's possible you don't know the meaning of "whining", since you obviously don't know the meaning of "Left".

The weirdest part is that you keep bumping it. If it were me I'd be embarrassed and hope it would fade away :dunno:

It is whining because you insist on ignoring the points I made, and demand I prove something just to satisfy your ego.

For the last time, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove it.
You chose whining, I am not surprised.

In what way is it "whining" to observe the obvious, Doofus? You came in, presumably inebriated, and forged a bullshit thread with no basis whatsoever. That fact is not going away.
Whining? No, what we're doing is watching. Train wrecks do that. I guess it's possible you don't know the meaning of "whining", since you obviously don't know the meaning of "Left".

The weirdest part is that you keep bumping it. If it were me I'd be embarrassed and hope it would fade away :dunno:

It is whining because you insist on ignoring the points I made, and demand I prove something just to satisfy your ego.

For the last time, if I am wrong it should be easy to prove it.

Man, it's about time.

How in the blue fuck does your thread become my ego?? :cuckoo:

I just like watching the river of DeNial go by. It seems never-ending. The fact that you've constructed an entirely bogus and pointless thread and have now admitted it, yet you keep coming back to bump it, that's a spectator sport. Apparently seeing your own name on top of the post list is more important than licking that egg off off your face. So what we're watching, I'm afraid, is your ego. :rofl:

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