What the heck was that cabinet meeting about?

I have successfully avoided viewing that video so far. I just don't know if I could take it at this point. :booze:
Oh come on Mac, it was better than an HBO Comedy Special... Here's a morsel to whet your comedic appetite. "Never has there been a president, with few exceptions … who has passed more legislation, done more things," Trump declared

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If there's another thread on this, I apologize and mods please delete this.

At Trump's Cabinet meeting, flattery is flavor of the day

I've heard the guy lives for the moment with no regard to long term strategy, but I'm not so sure. He's a narcissist but and narcissism is his overall goal, but what potus wasn't. But that performance by everyone but Mattis was ... unique. Was Trump pumping himself up to fire Mueller or something?

Same thing as at every other TV cabinet meeting.
No not really.


It's generally about getting a consensus on an administration's approach to an issue or related issues. Hamilton did a pretty nifty scene.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs & Okieriete Onaodowan Lyrics - Cabinet Battle #1

Yup, same as every other presidant. This one is just meaningful because everything else turned to shit. But this means something cause Larry O and Rachael said so.
Naw. Reagan was infamous for being bored with them. And for good reason. Jim Baker could have run them, and briefed Reagan later. Not that Reagan was ever lacking in generally overseeing his admin. He was. He just wasn't detail oriented. Totally the opposite of Carter.
How is this even a question?

The display was purely for Trump's self aggrandizement.

I didn't vote for Hillary, but I am sick of the intellectually repulsive crap that Trump's self conscious approval seeking psyche comes up with...and I'm even sicker of the garbage that escapes his yammering pie hole on a daily basis.

THIS!!!!!.......is what happens when a political amateur, that simply watched too many Charles Bronson movies as a child, figures out a way to get enough morons to vote him into office.
I didn't vote for Hillary, but I am sick of the intellectually repulsive crap that Trump's self conscious approval seeking psyche comes up with...and I'm even sicker of the garbage that escapes his yammering pie hole on a daily basis.

If there's another thread on this, I apologize and mods please delete this.

At Trump's Cabinet meeting, flattery is flavor of the day

I've heard the guy lives for the moment with no regard to long term strategy, but I'm not so sure. He's a narcissist but and narcissism is his overall goal, but what potus wasn't. But that performance by everyone but Mattis was ... unique. Was Trump pumping himself up to fire Mueller or something?

Same thing as at every other TV cabinet meeting.
No not really.


It's generally about getting a consensus on an administration's approach to an issue or related issues. Hamilton did a pretty nifty scene.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs & Okieriete Onaodowan Lyrics - Cabinet Battle #1

Yup, same as every other presidant. This one is just meaningful because everything else turned to shit. But this means something cause Larry O and Rachael said so.
Naw. Reagan was infamous for being bored with them. And for good reason. Jim Baker could have run them, and briefed Reagan later. Not that Reagan was ever lacking in generally overseeing his admin. He was. He just wasn't detail oriented. Totally the opposite of Carter.

It's okay, deep breaths. Do this thing called circular breathing. It helps. Now it's still going to be hard for you, but in time someone other then Half Black Jesus being president will be okay with you. It will matter less. It's sad watching y'all flail. It's not as
sad as Camp, but it's pretty sad.
I don't recall ANY press reporting about Obama's cabinet meetings that come anywhere near what we are witnessing with Trump's.

Wonder why.
I don't recall ANY LIVE FOR TV cabinet meetings. That's the question. WTF did TRUMP set that up? It's like Nero or Caligula.
He clearly wants America to see his inner circle loves and adores him. He's all image and no substance. He would be great on a TV reality show.
He lives in the moment. He has some need to dominate every meeting and to win every negotiation. It can't be about a win-win, it has to be I win, you lose. We probably agree that's a bad trait for a potus. Obama had a bit of it, and it hurt him, and the country. But the fauning.....? (-:

I don't think he is irrational. Before seeing that video I was going to post a question about whether Melania can train him as one trains a dog. Dogs live in the moment. They have limited short term memory, but are creatures that thrive on repetition. Once a dog gets positive reinforcement that it relates to a specific behavior, you can pretty much get it to repeat with little effort.
If there's another thread on this, I apologize and mods please delete this.

At Trump's Cabinet meeting, flattery is flavor of the day

I've heard the guy lives for the moment with no regard to long term strategy, but I'm not so sure. He's a narcissist but and narcissism is his overall goal, but what potus wasn't. But that performance by everyone but Mattis was ... unique. Was Trump pumping himself up to fire Mueller or something?

Same thing as at every other TV cabinet meeting.
No not really.


It's generally about getting a consensus on an administration's approach to an issue or related issues. Hamilton did a pretty nifty scene.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs & Okieriete Onaodowan Lyrics - Cabinet Battle #1

Yup, same as every other presidant. This one is just meaningful because everything else turned to shit. But this means something cause Larry O and Rachael said so.
Naw. Reagan was infamous for being bored with them. And for good reason. Jim Baker could have run them, and briefed Reagan later. Not that Reagan was ever lacking in generally overseeing his admin. He was. He just wasn't detail oriented. Totally the opposite of Carter.

It's okay, deep breaths. Do this thing called circular breathing. It helps. Now it's still going to be hard for you, but in time someone other then Half Black Jesus being president will be okay with you. It will matter less. It's sad watching y'all flail. It's not as
sad as Camp, but it's pretty sad.
Here's trump's cock. help him out.
Same thing as at every other TV cabinet meeting.
No not really.


It's generally about getting a consensus on an administration's approach to an issue or related issues. Hamilton did a pretty nifty scene.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs & Okieriete Onaodowan Lyrics - Cabinet Battle #1

Yup, same as every other presidant. This one is just meaningful because everything else turned to shit. But this means something cause Larry O and Rachael said so.
Naw. Reagan was infamous for being bored with them. And for good reason. Jim Baker could have run them, and briefed Reagan later. Not that Reagan was ever lacking in generally overseeing his admin. He was. He just wasn't detail oriented. Totally the opposite of Carter.

It's okay, deep breaths. Do this thing called circular breathing. It helps. Now it's still going to be hard for you, but in time someone other then Half Black Jesus being president will be okay with you. It will matter less. It's sad watching y'all flail. It's not as
sad as Camp, but it's pretty sad.
Here's trump's cock. help him out.

Hey, it's y'all never trumpers keeping him in the news. What's next, you going to measure the frequency of his BM's so you can say he is killing the environment? Not only do you look as weird as birffers, but now you are encouraging folks to try and look at Trumps cock. You got it worse then Camp even. Just do a puzzle and breath.
It's because democrats have to have something to rage about every day. They complain about everything he does. Everything. They have scandals when he talks to his family. Now he has a complete cabinet. Of course they will complain about cabinet meetings.
Dum dum, we aren't making this sh!t up. The GOP is supplying the script.
I don't recall ANY press reporting about Obama's cabinet meetings that come anywhere near what we are witnessing with Trump's.

Wonder why.
Because Obama never had a circle jerk like that.

You're welcome.
Same thing as at every other TV cabinet meeting.
No not really.


It's generally about getting a consensus on an administration's approach to an issue or related issues. Hamilton did a pretty nifty scene.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs & Okieriete Onaodowan Lyrics - Cabinet Battle #1

Yup, same as every other presidant. This one is just meaningful because everything else turned to shit. But this means something cause Larry O and Rachael said so.
Naw. Reagan was infamous for being bored with them. And for good reason. Jim Baker could have run them, and briefed Reagan later. Not that Reagan was ever lacking in generally overseeing his admin. He was. He just wasn't detail oriented. Totally the opposite of Carter.

It's okay, deep breaths. Do this thing called circular breathing. It helps. Now it's still going to be hard for you, but in time someone other then Half Black Jesus being president will be okay with you. It will matter less. It's sad watching y'all flail. It's not as
sad as Camp, but it's pretty sad.
Here's trump's cock. help him out.
You need tiny hands.
If there's another thread on this, I apologize and mods please delete this.

At Trump's Cabinet meeting, flattery is flavor of the day

I've heard the guy lives for the moment with no regard to long term strategy, but I'm not so sure. He's a narcissist but and narcissism is his overall goal, but what potus wasn't. But that performance by everyone but Mattis was ... unique. Was Trump pumping himself up to fire Mueller or something?
I posted the video here:

Trump's Cabinet seeking his blessing. I know, I couldn't believe it either. Thank God for video.
TRUMP: Why don't we go around the table and let everyone tell us what their job is.

VP: My job is to swallow as many yards of your cock as I can, Holy Prophet.

ATTY GEN: I'm here to catch your pitch, Dear Leader.

PRIEBUS: I just hope my anus isn't too loose for you after years of bending over for everyone else.

AG SEC: Corn is growing taller today because of you, sir.

ED SEC: I just added "covfefe" to the glossary of every textbook in America, Mein Fuhrer.
Deaniepoo has a trump infatuation to. I mean if you look at the OP he loved Trump during thecampaign. Said he was full of integrity. Shows that the op never got over the ditching of rep.as for the rest, y'all will need a support group but y'all will make it. I have faith in you.
I don't recall ANY press reporting about Obama's cabinet meetings that come anywhere near what we are witnessing with Trump's.

Wonder why.
I don't recall ANY LIVE FOR TV cabinet meetings. That's the question. WTF did TRUMP set that up? It's like Nero or Caligula.
Maybe because it was loooooong overdue. The libs on both sides up the while held it up. We're what? Half a year into the administration and he finally has a full cabinet. Obie got his in days.
1. Vice President Mike Pence
"It is just the greatest privilege of my life is to serve as the -- as vice president to the President who's keeping his word to the American people and assembling a team that's bringing real change, real prosperity, real strength back to our nation."

2. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price
"Mr. President, what an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership. I can't thank you enough for the privileges you've given me and the leadership that you've shown. It seems like there's an international flair to the messages that are being delivered. I had the opportunity to represent the United States at the G-20 Health Summit in Berlin and at the World Health Assembly in Geneva. And I can't tell you how excited and enthusiastic folks are about the United States leadership as it relates to global health security."

3. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue
"I want to congratulate you on the men and women you've placed around this table. ... This is the team you've assembled that's working hand in glove with -- for the men and women of America, and I want to -- I want to thank you for that. These are -- are great team members and we're on your team."

4. Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney
"Thanks for the kind words about the budget. You're absolutely right: We are going to be able to take care of the people who really need it. And at the same time, with your direction, we were able to also focus on the forgotten man and woman who are the folks who are paying those taxes."

5. Attorney General Jeff Sessions
"We are receiving, as you know -- I'm not sure the rest of you fully understand -- the support of law enforcement all over America. They have been very frustrated. They are so thrilled that we have a new idea that we're going to support them and work together to properly, lawfully fight the rising crime that we are seeing. ... The response is fabulous around the country."

Donald Trump's Cabinet members, ranked by their over-the-top praise of Trump - CNNPolitics.com

23 like this. Honestly, it sounds like something out of North Korea.

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