What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

If you think a .223 is an assault rifle, you're as loony as the rest of the anti gun left. You'll let us know when we can own real military assault rifles such as the SAW.

Sure kills a lot of people fast.

Any gun can. It's not guns. Its islamic hatred, moral rot and decay that has to be addressed. It's a major insult when politicians tell us that taking guns away will solve our societal problem. But then again, that's how pitifully simple minded they are. It's a disgrace.

Most our mass shooters aren't Islamic..

Increasingly, it has become islamic hatred, mass killings here. That and moral rot. Until those are solved, the violence will only get worse regardless of what's banned. It's in the mind and the soul.....not some inanimate object.

Certainly we have to also do everything to stop people from wanting to do these things. But many mass shooters were getting mental help and obviously it didn't work. So I have little faith of much help on that front.
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need to any civilian buns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.
Thanks for your uneducated reponse, maybe go back to 6th grade and brush up on your grammar. Next you will note, that our freedoms and rights were given to US, not by a government, but by God, and only God can take those rights away. Since you are a lunatic liberal(redundant statement) you want the government to take our rights away, because then you can come in and TAKE WHAT IS OURS, and we can do nothing about it. You must be a welfare queen.

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

When has one ever been used for that?
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need to any civilian buns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.
The second amendment is currently the law.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

And obviously you decide who is what?

Mocking you out loud
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This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

The NRA doesn't "govern" anything. The ability to purchase weapons is, as always, governed by this little document known as the Constitution. Perhaps you've heard of it?

While you're asking, "Why are we the only industrialized nation in the world that" followed by whatever imitation of Europe you're advocating today, why don't you also ask, "Why are we the only industrialized nation in the world that is considered the leader of the free world, the one everyone wants to move to, the one everyone else looks to for help"? The answer will be the same for all your questions: because we offer our people freedom. Although less and less of that, because of nancyboys like you, shitting your frillies every time you turn around because you don't have the security of being a slave.

The NRA has lots of money.
How many times do you guys need to be proven wrong?

you haven't proven jack shit.

50 dead and 50 injured with an armed defender there. That pretty much shoots down all your BS actually.
1 armed defender who was not expecting a terrorist attack, a metal detector turned off...

Marteen fired at the guard 1st without warning....

It doesn't 'shoot down' anything simply because you say so.

Yes it shoots down all the gun nut claims. Sorry. Armed defender there. Call the gun what you want, it killed many very quickly.
THE GUN didn't do a damn thing the terrorist did not 'force' it to do / use it to do.

You ignore the fact that the FBI focused on this guy twice AND identified he had extremist connections. Then they dropped him off their RADAR because he had not done anything illegal. Hmmmm, extremist connections, but you're going to completely ignore him from that point on. How did that work out?

Then the terrorist bought a gun and attacked and murdered Americans. Only a liberal blames Americans after a terrorist attack.

The entire 'Lessons Learned' from this event for Liberals, as reported so far, are:
1) Americans, especially Conservatives, are the real threat
2) Law-abiding American citizens need to be disarmed.

....THAT is ALL the Liberals have walked away with.

the gun enabled the terrorist to shoot and kill so many in such a short time. Think of the semi automatic weapon as an enabler.
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need for any civilians guns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.

You have no idea what the 2nd amendment is for do you?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

So you think shooting someone is OK? I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this. What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need for any civilians guns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.

You have no idea what the 2nd amendment is for do you?

Please inform me, when it was wrote and why ?
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need for any civilians guns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.

You have no idea what the 2nd amendment is for do you?

Please inform me, when it was wrote and why ?

If you dont know by now.....here's a hint,it has nothing to do with hunting.
Oh...and I think the word you're looking for is "written"
2nd amendment retard.


When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need for any civilians guns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.

You have no idea what the 2nd amendment is for do you?

Please inform me, when it was wrote and why ?

What you mean to ask is, Please inform me, when it was written, and why?

However you are clearly too ignorant to comprehend.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
The Constitution governs the type of weapons available. Not the NRA.

What is it your fucking business what arms I have?

Hell Fire!!!! Why stop there? Order a 75mm recoilless rifle. What about adding a nuke to your arsenal?
I guess the next civil war will be between the Democrats and the Republicans, sure sounds like it. Those who want freedoms to do what they want and yet at the same time are the fascists. Its unbelievable.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
The Constitution governs the type of weapons available. Not the NRA.

What is it your fucking business what arms I have?

Hell Fire!!!! Why stop there? Order a 75mm recoilless rifle. What about adding a nuke to your arsenal?

Once again retreating to the same old tired argumentum ad absurdum.
When they wrote that, they had muzzle loaders.


So that did not mean semi automatic weapons or pistols. We set up like the Roman Republic, where all states although individual, the citizens would take up arms to defend the Roman Republic.

we no longer need state militias, we have the National Guard and also the US army, navy and AF. There is no need for any civilians guns except for the 6 bullet pistol. No need for citizens to have these weapons.

You have no idea what the 2nd amendment is for do you?

Please inform me, when it was wrote and why ?

What you mean to ask is, Please inform me, when it was written, and why?

However you are clearly too ignorant to comprehend.

Thank you English was never my strong point, science and math was.

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