What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

So you think shooting someone is OK? I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this. What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.
Here we go again. Nobody thinks the Orlando shooting was OK.

This is one reason we won't budge another inch on the 2nd amendment.

You just can't leave us be.

You have to insult, question and vilify.

We are done with giving up our rights while criminals run rampant.

So you support arming terrorists with mass killing weapons.
So you really aren't a troll. I was hoping you were. Just another fucking moron progressive.
So you think shooting someone is OK?

Of course. Why don't you?

I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this.

Perhaps you should explain to all of us why YOU support the Orlando shooter.

What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.

This question doesn't make any sense.
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This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

So you think shooting someone is OK? I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this. What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.
Here we go again. Nobody thinks the Orlando shooting was OK.

This is one reason we won't budge another inch on the 2nd amendment.

You just can't leave us be.

You have to insult, question and vilify.

We are done with giving up our rights while criminals run rampant.

So you support arming terrorists with mass killing weapons.
So you really aren't a troll. I was hoping you were. Just another fucking moron progressive.

And you support well arming mass killers.
The Bill of Rights is not a needs based document but it does lay out very clearly the "need" for an AR-15.

"Being necessary for the security of a free state".

Have you ever read the Bill of Rights?

The Second Amendment to the Constitutions establishes a need for firearms and it also says that the right to have them shall not be infringed.

The Supreme Court has determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected by the Constitution so who give a shit if an idiot like you thinks I don't have a need for a firearm? You don't get a vote dufus.

I guess we can still tell you what kind you can have since it doesn't specify. Back to the muzzleloaders for citizens since you think that amendment is attributable for today.

I live in Florida. The shooter could have come to my house as easily as the nightclub.

Should I not be allowed the firepower to prevent him from killing me?

So scared. Stop being so paranoid, it is sad.
The only fear I see here is yours.

Get over yourself.

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.
Again. Bullshit.

On most days my weapons are secured in a locked cabinet.

I don't fondle my weapons like you fondle your gun.
I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

And yet you're the one wetting your pants about people having guns.
To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

So you think shooting someone is OK? I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this. What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.
Here we go again. Nobody thinks the Orlando shooting was OK.

This is one reason we won't budge another inch on the 2nd amendment.

You just can't leave us be.

You have to insult, question and vilify.

We are done with giving up our rights while criminals run rampant.

So you support arming terrorists with mass killing weapons.
So you really aren't a troll. I was hoping you were. Just another fucking moron progressive.

And you support well arming mass killers.
Grow up.

Your bullshit claims don't work on me.
To keep fascists like you from ruling over us.

And last I checked it was called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

So you think shooting someone is OK? I guess your fine with the shooter then, your fine with all of this. What rights do you not have?? and is that because you have a semi automatic weapon in your closet.
Here we go again. Nobody thinks the Orlando shooting was OK.

This is one reason we won't budge another inch on the 2nd amendment.

You just can't leave us be.

You have to insult, question and vilify.

We are done with giving up our rights while criminals run rampant.

So you support arming terrorists with mass killing weapons.
So you really aren't a troll. I was hoping you were. Just another fucking moron progressive.

And you support well arming mass killers.

Why do you keep projecting your own beliefs on to everyone else. It's very clear from your statements that is you who supports arming mass killers.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

It would be helpful to the discussion if you liberals who are afraid of guns would at least learn and use actual terminology that means shit.

What is a "military style killing machine" Oh well I guess you COULD call a German Shepard a military style killing machine.

Of course it would also be helpful if you understood that sane people don't murder people REGARDLESS of weapon selection.
The Bill of Rights is not a needs based document but it does lay out very clearly the "need" for an AR-15.

"Being necessary for the security of a free state".

Have you ever read the Bill of Rights?

The Second Amendment to the Constitutions establishes a need for firearms and it also says that the right to have them shall not be infringed.

The Supreme Court has determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected by the Constitution so who give a shit if an idiot like you thinks I don't have a need for a firearm? You don't get a vote dufus.

I guess we can still tell you what kind you can have since it doesn't specify. Back to the muzzleloaders for citizens since you think that amendment is attributable for today.

I live in Florida. The shooter could have come to my house as easily as the nightclub.

Should I not be allowed the firepower to prevent him from killing me?

So scared. Stop being so paranoid, it is sad.
The only fear I see here is yours.

Get over yourself.

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

Just so I'm clear on your position.

You are ok with the semi-auto rifles.

You want a limit on mags.

What's your limit? and would you have a further limit on the amount of mags one could own?
The government only tells you what can be driven on their roads! They don't tell you what you can own! See the difference?
Liberal logic

"the tool used to commit murder should be banned, but there is nothing we can do about the PEOPLE doing so"

i use the word logic lightly.
The only difference between these rifles you lefties like to call "Assault Weapons" and their hunting rifle counter parts is cosmetics. You Liberals are trying to convince everyone that extra plastic on a firearm makes them more dangerous. Its disingenuous and ignorant.

50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.
What good is forcing him to reload more often if there is no one among the population of victims with a weapon who could take that opportunity to fire back?
There was a cop in Orlando having a shootout with him. I'm sure that cop would have wanted him to reload often.
Exactly. When there are weapons opposing the shooter, forcing reloads is a good thing. When the victims, however, are not armed it just delays their deaths by a few seconds.
2nd amendment retard.


Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius

Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

The one thing every thread on guns comes down to is this ^^^ stupidity. Gun lovers cannot comprehend this simple phrase, "shall not be infringed" has no wiggle room. If "arms" are a protected Right of the people, than the people must be allowed to own, possess and have in their custody and control any arm produced for the military.

The other foolish argument by the gun lovers is the need to have "arms" to protect themselves from the government. First of all, WE THE PEOPLE can change the government every two years. Hopefully it will change next January and HRC will be POTUS and the Democratic Party will have the majority in The H. or Rep. and The Senate. Maybe then pragmatic governance will replace ideology and things will get done.

If not, then the party which replaces the once and no more GOP will have its chance to govern.
Seems like reason to ammendment the 2nd ammendment, not reinterprete the meaning out of it.
Damn that autocorrect!

I guess we can still tell you what kind you can have since it doesn't specify. Back to the muzzleloaders for citizens since you think that amendment is attributable for today.

They didn't have the internet back in the day but does that mean free speech isn't protected?

There were no Mormons at the time time the Bill of Right established the freedom of religion so does that mean the LDS is not protected by the Constitution?

By the way this issue of "they didn't have it back in the days the Bill of Rights was enacted so it isn't applicable today" has already been decided by the Supreme Court and guess what, you lose with that stupid argument.

I guess we can still tell you what kind you can have since it doesn't specify. Back to the muzzleloaders for citizens since you think that amendment is attributable for today.

They didn't have the internet back in the day but does that mean free speech isn't protected?

There were no Mormons at the time time the Bill of Right established the freedom of religion so does that mean the LDS is not protected by the Constitution?

By the way this issue of "they didn't have it back in the days the Bill of Rights was enacted so it isn't applicable today" has already been decided by the Supreme Court and guess what, you lose with that stupid argument.

:offtopic: this is not about Mormons or the internet , its about the right to bear arms, and a muzzleloader is a arm, Carry that.
Here's a question.

The gatling gun was first put into service in 1862. Until 1938 a US citizen could actually own one.and in fact many did.

Anyone know how many mass murders were committed with gatling guns ?

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

If you don't feel the need not to protect yourself then that is fine. There is nothing that says you have to have a firearm unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia so who give a shit what you think?

If you don't like firearms then don't buy one but shut your filthy ass Libtard mouth about my Constitutional liberties. Go mind your own fucking business. We don't need nanny state Moon Bats like you spouting off your ignorant bullshit.

I guess we can still tell you what kind you can have since it doesn't specify. Back to the muzzleloaders for citizens since you think that amendment is attributable for today.

They didn't have the internet back in the day but does that mean free speech isn't protected?

There were no Mormons at the time time the Bill of Right established the freedom of religion so does that mean the LDS is not protected by the Constitution?

By the way this issue of "they didn't have it back in the days the Bill of Rights was enacted so it isn't applicable today" has already been decided by the Supreme Court and guess what, you lose with that stupid argument.

:offtopic: this is not about Mormons or the internet , its about the right to bear arms, and a muzzleloader is a arm, Carry that.

The fact that you are too stupid to follow a logic tree doesn't make a comment off topic. Our rights were not limited to the technology of the time.

:offtopic: this is not about Mormons or the internet , its about the right to bear arms, and a muzzleloader is a arm, Carry that.

That is absolutely the dumbest response to a post that I have have ever seen posted on an internet discussion forum.

Technology does not limit the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has already made that determination. You lose that argument.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

US Constitution, 2nd and 9th Amendments

Either we buy them from Licensed firearm dealer


the blackmarket


we make them at home with a 3D Printer


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