What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.

If it would work either way, I'd be for it but you have nothing, that's the point of my reply.

I've given examples of where it did save lives, how is that nothing?

Because I can show where it didn't. As long as we have people, we will have killings. People have been murdered longer than the gun has been around. Countries without guns are killed by guns.

The culture needs to change, we are a culture of violence. Hollywood, music and video games all contribute. It's the behavior, not the gun.

Well we just had a record mass shooting. Seems they are getting worse. So because it one sometimes saves lives you are against it? You must not value life very much.
It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.

If it would work either way, I'd be for it but you have nothing, that's the point of my reply.

I've given examples of where it did save lives, how is that nothing?

Because I can show where it didn't. As long as we have people, we will have killings. People have been murdered longer than the gun has been around. Countries without guns are killed by guns.

The culture needs to change, we are a culture of violence. Hollywood, music and video games all contribute. It's the behavior, not the gun.

Well we just had a record mass shooting. Seems they are getting worse. So because it one sometimes saves lives you are against it? You must not value life very much.
EVERY SINGLE semi automatic rifle is functionally the same as an AR-15, they provide the means to fire one shot per squeeze of the trigger. That INCLUDES all hunting versions not built to look like scary AR-15's. Every single bolt action rifle with a detachable magazine works nearly identical just requiring the movement of the bolt to chamber the round. There are lever action rifles that hold 15 rounds, gonna ban them too?

Ohh and for clarity 99 percent of all murders with a firearm are with a hand gun. Are they assault weapons too?
Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

The 49 who were killed in Orlando, for starters.

You're a special kind of stupid shit head, aren't you?


They needed high capacity magazines in a crowded club to kill one shooter? Really? You are not very bright.

You asked, and I quote: Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense

I answered you and, in typical retard fashion, you move the goalpost.

You're ok with the bad guys having these weapons but you are adamant that the good guys should not be allowed to own them?

I am STILL waiting for some liberal, limp wrist to explain to me, how they can defend a "woman's right" to slaughter their unborn baby and yet are upset at a terrorist shooting and blaming it on any and every thing but what it was,

Liberals have championed the slaughter of an entire generation of children happily.

Fucking hypocrites.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.
Why do you assume it will save lives? There is absolutely no evidence that banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do that
The original assault weapon


The original assault weapon
It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.

If it would work either way, I'd be for it but you have nothing, that's the point of my reply.

I've given examples of where it did save lives, how is that nothing?

Because I can show where it didn't. As long as we have people, we will have killings. People have been murdered longer than the gun has been around. Countries without guns are killed by guns.

The culture needs to change, we are a culture of violence. Hollywood, music and video games all contribute. It's the behavior, not the gun.

Well we just had a record mass shooting. Seems they are getting worse. So because it one sometimes saves lives you are against it? You must not value life very much.

I didn't say that, I am stating that unless you change culture, you are not going to change results. All the laws, all the regulations don't change the culture of the behavior. You really think more laws will regulate the behavior of people? The law abiding citizens will abide by the laws, those that aren't...won't. You can regulate it.
2nd amendment retard.


Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius
This is why YOU'RE not allowed to buy frag grenades...
The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

You read the article about the family of the AR 15 designer who said that their father (designer/builder of AR 15s) had zero intention of it being a weapon for civilians.

How about that?
They suit civilians just fine, deal with it. Dip shit
why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

You think it "ignorant about firearms" to not want crazed young men to be able to buy weapons that were originally intended for military use.

Wanting those men to arm themselves like that is ignorant.

I think your ignorance is believing young men need an AR15. That is major league ignorant.
Your crying wolf. Bedwetter
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?
No rifle any civilian can buy is a military grade weapon

Yet the one used in Orlando killed so many so quickly. Too dangerous for people to own.
Stay in your moms basement, you'll be fine. Lol
Define "Assault Weapon" in a way that can be clearly understood, and explain how banning such would "save lives." Unless you can do that - and no one in Congress can - then WTF is your point? Do you know what an "automatic" firearm is?

Do you believe that banning "assault weapons" will render terrorists incapable of murdering large numbers of people? Or will they just have to resort to other available means?

Why does any "normal" American need a street-legal car that will go 200mph? Why does any "normal" American need a 6,000 pound 4WD pickup truck to go to the grocery store? Why does any "normal" American need to eat a 1,000 calorie banana split? Why does any "normal" American need an 8,000 sq ft house? Why does any "normal" American need a PhD in music theory?

I'll try. An assault weapon is a much more effective weapon for killing a large number of human beings in a hurry: It has less recoil than a standard deer rifle (30-30 for example), a larger capacity magazine compared to the clip used in the M1 Garand and much lighter and easier to conceal than the BAR.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle, and they are called magazines. Dumb fuck
No rifle any civilian can buy is a military grade weapon

Who in the fuck designated YOU the authority on guns? LMAO.

You probably don't know that the designer of the AR, designed it for the military. And had no intention of it be coming a civilian weapon. According to the designers family.

When the patents expired, the game was on as several gun manufacturers used those patents to build the variety of AR 15s that are out there today.

Now any fucking crazy person can buy a weapon very well suited to kill lots of people. Which was its intent in the first place. Though it was supposed to kill our enemies. Not our fellow citizens.
The problem is very few people use ar15s to kill other people in an violent manner, it obvious your delusion knows no bounds.
Stay in your mothers basement you'll be fine…
Define "Assault Weapon" in a way that can be clearly understood, and explain how banning such would "save lives." Unless you can do that - and no one in Congress can - then WTF is your point? Do you know what an "automatic" firearm is?

Do you believe that banning "assault weapons" will render terrorists incapable of murdering large numbers of people? Or will they just have to resort to other available means?

Why does any "normal" American need a street-legal car that will go 200mph? Why does any "normal" American need a 6,000 pound 4WD pickup truck to go to the grocery store? Why does any "normal" American need to eat a 1,000 calorie banana split? Why does any "normal" American need an 8,000 sq ft house? Why does any "normal" American need a PhD in music theory?

I'll try. An assault weapon is a much more effective weapon for killing a large number of human beings in a hurry: It has less recoil than a standard deer rifle (30-30 for example), a larger capacity magazine compared to the clip used in the M1 Garand and much lighter and easier to conceal than the BAR.
Any gun fired at anyone is technically an assault weapon

as is a baseball bat swung at another person

So many dead and the right still plays the definition games. Pathetic. We need to bring back the 10 rd mag limit.
Na, not really
Your opinion.

BTW I could have killed just as many with a 1 ton 4 by 4 with a plow on the front

No it's a fact moron. 50 dead and 50 injured in minutes with an armed off duty cop there trying to stop him. All your pro gun bs out the window.

It's your opinion that the gun is dangerous. The person doing the shooting was dangerous not the gun

No it is a dangerous gun. Just bought it like 2 weeks ago and killed and injured so many with a cop there trying to stop him.

Sorry the gun didn't do anything the person did.

People are violent. People are dangerous. Always have been always will be

And a dangerous asshole with a gun can kill way more than one with a knife.
...and even more with a bomb
The designer's "intention" is fucking irrelevant.
Wise up asshole!

Fuck you asshole. Cars were not designed first for the military to use and secondly cars weren't designed to kill people.

How fucking stupid are you to try and make that analogy?
Who are you to say what "intent" of anyone is?
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle nothing more, and does not make for a very scary boogie man.
If you're so scared it's best for you just to stay in your mothers basement. Ass wipe
It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.

If it would work either way, I'd be for it but you have nothing, that's the point of my reply.

I've given examples of where it did save lives, how is that nothing?

Because I can show where it didn't. As long as we have people, we will have killings. People have been murdered longer than the gun has been around. Countries without guns are killed by guns.

The culture needs to change, we are a culture of violence. Hollywood, music and video games all contribute. It's the behavior, not the gun.

Well we just had a record mass shooting. Seems they are getting worse. So because it one sometimes saves lives you are against it? You must not value life very much.
More gun laws will just make things worse, stay in your moms basement you'll be fine. Bed wetter
Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.

If it would work either way, I'd be for it but you have nothing, that's the point of my reply.

I've given examples of where it did save lives, how is that nothing?

Because I can show where it didn't. As long as we have people, we will have killings. People have been murdered longer than the gun has been around. Countries without guns are killed by guns.

The culture needs to change, we are a culture of violence. Hollywood, music and video games all contribute. It's the behavior, not the gun.

Well we just had a record mass shooting. Seems they are getting worse. So because it one sometimes saves lives you are against it? You must not value life very much.
More gun laws will just make things worse, stay in your moms basement you'll be fine. Bed wetter

The laws aren't for the law breakers.

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