What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Everyone needs to hear the debate that starts about 3:30. Stop being so scared.

First off, I'm not going to waste my time watching a bunch of leftists sit around congratulating each other on how brilliant and moral they think they are. If I want that level of "serious" conversation, I'll go talk to my dog. He's about as bright, and a lot cuter.

Second of all, if you want to be stupid enough to wander around in a haze, going, "There's nothing to be scared of", then you go on with your bad self. Just let me know what color flowers to send to your funeral. While I firmly believe that the vast majority of humans are not violent and dangerous, I know for a fact that way too many of them ARE, and I'm not featuring inviting them to a drum circle to channel their aggression as my first line of defense.

Third, since I'm fairly certain that you do not wish to discuss with me which rights YOU "need", based on which ones I want you to have, I'll thank you to stop thinking I or anyone else is interested in what you think WE need. Didn't ask, don't care.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

Of course, if they're planning their killing spree in the name of Allah, it seems our government is strangely reluctant to find out about THEM before the blood starts splattering.

Whistleblower: Feds Shut Down Terror Investigation That Could Have Prevented San Bernardino Attack

By all means, let's talk about the tools they used, so we don't have to talk about the REAL weapons: the dangerous, violent nutjobs.
It's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with weapons, and especially certain ones, that is the problem. The fact that the AR 15 and M 16 are essentially the same with minor alterations, is unimportant. The fact that any semi-auto of the same caliber is just as deadly is unimportant. It is the attitude and mystique of pseudo-military types and their death-cult brothers all over the world that present the danger. We're not going to get rid of them by any 'ban'. We are going to give them more attention when we see they are so fired up about firing off so much so quickly for no meaningful reason.

Actually, I'm going to say that it's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with killing people that's the REAL problem. Call me silly, but lots of people are gun enthusiasts, and the vast majority of them are no danger to anyone who isn't actively trying to harm them. So I'm gonna have to say that it's that added element - being a psychotic, evil nutjob - that's really the root trouble.

Also, trying to tell us that the AR-15 and the M-16 are "essentially the same with minor alterations" just makes you sound retarded and ignorant. I am far from being a gun enthusiast OR an expert, and even I know that it's the differences that are vast, and the similarities that are minor. In fact, the similarities are cosmetic (ie. the visual style is the same). The functionality is vastly, and deliberately, different. They do not have compatible internal parts, at the specific request of the BATF, as a measure to prevent the AR-15 from being converted to fully automatic by civilians. And while you seem to want to skip past it, the fact that the AR-15 is semi-automatic is a very large and important difference.

Feel free to take your superficial pretense that the AR-15 is a military weapon and your contempt of anyone with higher testosterone levels than you and peddle it to someone as uninformed as you are.
The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is a United States military adaptation of the ArmaLite AR-15 rifle.[8][9][10][n 1] The original M16 was a select-fire, 5.56×45mm rifle with a 20-round magazine.

The AR-15 rifle was first built in 1958 by ArmaLite as a selective fire weapon for military purposes. Since then, it has been produced in many different versions. The term "AR-15" signifies "Armalite rifle, design 15".[11] Colt uses the label "AR-15" for the semiautomatic civilian models it produced after selling the rifle to the U.S. military as the M16 rifle, and so many use this term only for civilian models. This article discusses the original design for military users and its major variants, however they are labelled.
The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is a United States military adaptation of the ArmaLite AR-15 rifle.[8][9][10][n 1] The original M16 was a select-fire, 5.56×45mm rifle with a 20-round magazine.

The AR-15 rifle was first built in 1958 by ArmaLite as a selective fire weapon for military purposes. Since then, it has been produced in many different versions. The term "AR-15" signifies "Armalite rifle, design 15".[11] Colt uses the label "AR-15" for the semiautomatic civilian models it produced after selling the rifle to the U.S. military as the M16 rifle, and so many use this term only for civilian models. This article discusses the original design for military users and its major variants, however they are labelled.

I notice you ignored the phrase "civilian models" in your own quote, and stopped quoting at the point where your article most likely explained the "unimportant differences" that I outlined, which in fact are differences of the most important thing, ie. the functionality, which is completely and deliberately incompatible between the two, at the request of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

Like I said, the modifications from military to civilian model means that it's the similarities - the appearance - that are what's insignificant and unimportant.
I can think of over 60 deaths this year off the top of my head. Your numbers are bull or the problem getting worse fast.

Send you letter of thanks to Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama for moving the Islamic Terrorist Attacks from the Middle East to the streets, marathons and nightclubs of America. Way to go President Obama.
'Need' is relative. A sense of insecurity is, too. When one's self image is shaky, a serious looking weapon that impresses the other boys might compensate.
Any auto-load hunting rifle is just as deadly, but that wooden stock and checkered grip! Not manly enough.

It's called penis envy. All these guys with 5 inch dicks buy a big automatic weapon so that if anyone ever discovers their equipment they can kill them.

What is it with you and your juvenile fascination with penises?

Simple explanation:

The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

You read the article about the family of the AR 15 designer who said that their father (designer/builder of AR 15s) had zero intention of it being a weapon for civilians.

How about that?

They lied. Yes, it's that simple...and Eugene Stoner having been dead nearly 20 years, nobody will dispute the "fact".
why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

You think it "ignorant about firearms" to not want crazed young men to be able to buy weapons that were originally intended for military use.

Wanting those men to arm themselves like that is ignorant.

I think your ignorance is believing young men need an AR15. That is major league ignorant.

You mean like this one? It was, clearly, designed for military use! (It was issued for thirty years or so.)


Yes, that's a bolt-action rifle!
The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.

If the shooter has chosen the correct weapons for his mission, he would have racked up many more kills.

When you figure 300+ targets and 3 hours..... not a great score.

I suspect it would have been MUCH worse had he used a couple of shotguns.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?
No normal American owns a military assault rifle legally.

No normal American owns a military assault rifle legally.

If someone has the money, goes thru the red tape, and follows the requirements necessary to house it, they can get one
Wrong, sure someone with enough money can buy one, but it would not be legal.

there is a legal way to do it

it is currently being done
So you are saying that Omar Mateen could have done this if he had enough money.

You are inside a delusion, the fact is that the weapon that was used here fires one round when the trigger is pulled, then the trigger must be released and pulled again.

You watch too many movies..........

and again no full auto may be purchased in the USA except to law enforcement

No matter how many times you regurgitate that, it is STILL WRONG! Off the top of my head, there are several huge machine-gun shoots in the country every year...with hundreds of (wait for it) legally and privately-owned machine guns!
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

To guard against Assaulting Americans with Rifles.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center
Ya that works in our inner cities and it worked so well in France right?

Worked in Milwaukee and CAlifornia. FL let him legally buy assault weapon, didn't workout so well.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.
The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.

If the shooter has chosen the correct weapons for his mission, he would have racked up many more kills.

When you figure 300+ targets and 3 hours..... not a great score.

I suspect it would have been MUCH worse had he used a couple of shotguns.

Worse than the worst mass shooting in US history. You are an idiot.

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