What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

First, Australia DOESN'T REPORT their problems. Second, I don't recall asking you for your fucking wish list of freedoms you wish to grab away from people. Please do me the courtesy of waiting until I give a shit.

Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors

From the link:

On the heels of yet another senseless gun massacre in the United States, the nation's leading physicians' organization is urging more research into gun violence.

Specifically, the American Medical Association (AMA) said Tuesday that a long-standing ban on federal government research into gun violence must be lifted to better understand and tackle the problem.

The AMA is now pledging to lobby Congress to overturn 20-year-old legislation that has prohibited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from researching the issue.

Let's be real, the crazy right wing has been totally brainwashed on the wedge issue(s):
  • guns
  • gay & lesbains
  • Islam
  • Consent Decrees (which replaced Affirmative Action)
  • abortion
  • voter fraud
  • Deficits and debt
  • Oil, renewable & green sources of energy
  • On OWS & Bernies Sanders
  • and just about every issue facing our nation and the world

You really have to stop going to anti-gun loon sites....

Why Congress Cut The CDC’s Gun Research Budget

Firstly, CDC was not banned from doing the research. In fact, CDC articles pertaining to firearms have held steady since the defunding, and even increased to 121 in 2013.

CDC very recently released a 16-page report that was commissioned by the city council of Wilmington, Delaware, on factors contributing to its abnormally high gun crime, and methods of prevention. The study weighed factors such as where the guns were coming from, the sex of the offenders, likeliness of committing a gun crime, and how unemployment plays a factor.
Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

First, Australia DOESN'T REPORT their problems. Second, I don't recall asking you for your fucking wish list of freedoms you wish to grab away from people. Please do me the courtesy of waiting until I give a shit.

Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors

From the link:

On the heels of yet another senseless gun massacre in the United States, the nation's leading physicians' organization is urging more research into gun violence.

Specifically, the American Medical Association (AMA) said Tuesday that a long-standing ban on federal government research into gun violence must be lifted to better understand and tackle the problem.

The AMA is now pledging to lobby Congress to overturn 20-year-old legislation that has prohibited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from researching the issue.

Let's be real, the crazy right wing has been totally brainwashed on the wedge issue(s):
  • guns
  • gay & lesbains
  • Islam
  • Consent Decrees (which replaced Affirmative Action)
  • abortion
  • voter fraud
  • Deficits and debt
  • Oil, renewable & green sources of energy
  • On OWS & Bernies Sanders
  • and just about every issue facing our nation and the world

And here you go....the recent gun research by the CDC...making your post...well...stupid....


Elevated Rates of Urban Firearm Violence and Opportunities for Prevention

—Wilmington, Delaware Final Report Prepared By:

Steven Sumner, MD, MSc – Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer James Mercy, PhD – Director, Division of Violence Prevention Susan Hillis, PhD – Senior Advisor, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Matthew Maenner, PhD – Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer Christina Socias, DrPH –

Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer Division of Violence Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease Control and Prevention November 3, 2015

Submitted to: Secretary Rita Landgraf Delaware Department of Health and Social Services

And what did they find?

Exactly what 2nd Amendment supporters keep telling you anti-gun nuts......

The majority of individuals involved in urban firearm violence are young men with substantial violence involvement preceding the more serious offense of a firearm crime.

Our findings suggest that integrating data systems could help these individuals better receive the early, comprehensive help that they need to prevent violence involvement.

This could potentially help prevent the subsequent violent crime that affects individuals, families, and neighborhoods throughout Wilmington.

Such an approach can be an important component of community-wide efforts to prevent multiple forms of violence.

Improved information systems can also help communities measure the impact of other strategies, such as interventions to address poverty, housing, education, or other underlying risk factors.
Last edited:
'Need' is relative. A sense of insecurity is, too. When one's self image is shaky, a serious looking weapon that impresses the other boys might compensate.
Any auto-load hunting rifle is just as deadly, but that wooden stock and checkered grip! Not manly enough.

Dear there4eyeM
Then try selling this to the LGBT lobby saying that it is necessary
for Transgender people to have their choice of bathroom policy to feel safe and not discriminated against
but it is not okay for other people to have their choice of bathroom policy to feel safe and not excluded either.
'Need' is relative. A sense of insecurity is, too. When one's self image is shaky, a serious looking weapon that impresses the other boys might compensate.
Any auto-load hunting rifle is just as deadly, but that wooden stock and checkered grip! Not manly enough.

Dear there4eyeM
Then try selling this to the LGBT lobby saying that it is necessary
for Transgender people to have their choice of bathroom policy to feel safe and not discriminated against
but it is not okay for other people to have their choice of bathroom policy to feel safe and not excluded either.
That is not the topic here.
It isn't for me to sell anything to so-called LGBT folks.
'Transgender' is not 'my war'. It is, to me, more of a symptom of how divorced social upbringing is from instilling in offspring the things that are important about existence and life.
Bathrooms are in homes; toilets are in public facilities.
They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

First, Australia DOESN'T REPORT their problems. Second, I don't recall asking you for your fucking wish list of freedoms you wish to grab away from people. Please do me the courtesy of waiting until I give a shit.

Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors

From the link:

On the heels of yet another senseless gun massacre in the United States, the nation's leading physicians' organization is urging more research into gun violence.

Specifically, the American Medical Association (AMA) said Tuesday that a long-standing ban on federal government research into gun violence must be lifted to better understand and tackle the problem.

The AMA is now pledging to lobby Congress to overturn 20-year-old legislation that has prohibited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from researching the issue.

Let's be real, the crazy right wing has been totally brainwashed on the wedge issue(s):
  • guns
  • gay & lesbains
  • Islam
  • Consent Decrees (which replaced Affirmative Action)
  • abortion
  • voter fraud
  • Deficits and debt
  • Oil, renewable & green sources of energy
  • On OWS & Bernies Sanders
  • and just about every issue facing our nation and the world

There is no ban on gun research at the CDC.....that is a lie...they are prohibited from pushing an anti gun agenda..and I have posted recent gun research requested by a city, conducted by the CDC as to why they have gun violence...as I posted through the link they found gun violence is created by social circumstances..not access to guns....

And don't forget...Obama had the CDC research all of research on guns in 2013, at a cost of 10 million dollars....

Anti gunners at the CDC continue to lie.....they should go to work for the IRS......

Don't you find it a tad "telling" that the liberal left celebrates the murder of millions of babies each year but goes bat shit crazy when someone kills people in a bar.

One weapon is a scalpel and the other a rifle. One, they call an "assault rifle" and the other, they call a "right".

And Americans don't believe that we are doomed?
Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

First, Australia DOESN'T REPORT their problems. Second, I don't recall asking you for your fucking wish list of freedoms you wish to grab away from people. Please do me the courtesy of waiting until I give a shit.

Gun violence research ban must be lifted, say doctors

From the link:

On the heels of yet another senseless gun massacre in the United States, the nation's leading physicians' organization is urging more research into gun violence.

Specifically, the American Medical Association (AMA) said Tuesday that a long-standing ban on federal government research into gun violence must be lifted to better understand and tackle the problem.

The AMA is now pledging to lobby Congress to overturn 20-year-old legislation that has prohibited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from researching the issue.

Let's be real, the crazy right wing has been totally brainwashed on the wedge issue(s):
  • guns
  • gay & lesbains
  • Islam
  • Consent Decrees (which replaced Affirmative Action)
  • abortion
  • voter fraud
  • Deficits and debt
  • Oil, renewable & green sources of energy
  • On OWS & Bernies Sanders
  • and just about every issue facing our nation and the world

There is no ban on gun research at the CDC.....that is a lie...they are prohibited from pushing an anti gun agenda..and I have posted recent gun research requested by a city, conducted by the CDC as to why they have gun violence...as I posted through the link they found gun violence is created by social circumstances..not access to guns....

And don't forget...Obama had the CDC research all of research on guns in 2013, at a cost of 10 million dollars....

Anti gunners at the CDC continue to lie.....they should go to work for the IRS......

Don't you find it a tad "telling" that the liberal left celebrates the murder of millions of babies each year but goes bat shit crazy when someone kills people in a bar.

One weapon is a scalpel and the other a rifle. One, they call an "assault rifle" and the other, they call a "right".

And Americans don't believe that we are doomed?

Everyone needs to hear the debate that starts about 3:30. Stop being so scared.

Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

I surely wish that folks would differentiate between a semi-automatic rifle and an automatic weapon. Jesus this gets old.

I own an AR15 and an AR10 - both of which fire ONE ROUND AT A TIME.

A M4 or a M16 have a select fire switch that allows the shooter to fire either semi-automatic OR automatic. They are MILITARY WEAPONS. Unless one possesses a FFL (Federal Firearms License) and has about $4,000, you MAY NOT own one.

An AK-47 that you can buy as a civilian, fires one round at a time. An AK-47 (military version) fires either semi auto or auto.

My Remington 700 (which a variant of both the military or civilian rifle) fires on round (bolt action) and is a highly popular sniper rifle used by both the Army, the Marines and many police departments. I can do much greater damage, from farther away, than I can with a standard version of the M16.

The problem with liberals is that they see an AR-15 and their paranoia takes over. Idiots, each and every one of them.
It's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with weapons, and especially certain ones, that is the problem. The fact that the AR 15 and M 16 are essentially the same with minor alterations, is unimportant. The fact that any semi-auto of the same caliber is just as deadly is unimportant. It is the attitude and mystique of pseudo-military types and their death-cult brothers all over the world that present the danger. We're not going to get rid of them by any 'ban'. We are going to give them more attention when we see they are so fired up about firing off so much so quickly for no meaningful reason.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center
Ya that works in our inner cities and it worked so well in France right?
It's the psychology, the feverish, unhealthy fascination with weapons, and especially certain ones, that is the problem. The fact that the AR 15 and M 16 are essentially the same with minor alterations, is unimportant. The fact that any semi-auto of the same caliber is just as deadly is unimportant. It is the attitude and mystique of pseudo-military types and their death-cult brothers all over the world that present the danger. We're not going to get rid of them by any 'ban'. We are going to give them more attention when we see they are so fired up about firing off so much so quickly for no meaningful reason.

I don't what this "fascination" is that you speak of. I carried a M16 during Viet Nam - and killed with it. Hanging on my wall is the .45 pistol that saved my life. I retired from the Army after 21 years. What "pseudo-military" type person you speak of? Have I not paid my dues? I have never killed a soul that your government, the government that you love, didn't tell me to.

And these "minor alterations" that you speak of? What would they be exactly? A new sear? A different BCG? Where exactly do I find these items? They are not for sale anywhere that I'm aware of...and here's another hint for you...a 5.56 round costs (aprox) .50 per round. Now, that the hysteria has begun, probably .85 or .90 cents per round. I could NEVER afford to fire them in an automatic rifle. You see, Soldiers don't pay for their bullets - YOU do.
Everyone needs to hear the debate that starts about 3:30. Stop being so scared.

Somebody's else's opinion on why I need guns is absolutely moot. It doesn't mean jack shit especially when it comes from a jackass like Bill Maher or the clowns he invites on his silly ass show.

If they want don't want guns then that is their business and has nothing to do with me.

The Bill of Rights says that citizens need firearms because the firearms are necessary for the security of a free state and the right to have them shall not be infringed. End of discussion.

By the way since you want to post videos here is one for you to watch Moon Bat.

Here is a little education for you dumbass Moon Bats because you are confused about the difference between an AR-15 and an "assault weapon".

Pay attention because I may quiz you later.

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

I have mine because they're fun. My wife can handle the recoil, they're accurate, and they are relatively inexpensive to shoot. Do I need them? No. Certainly not right now. But who cares. Rich people don't need 200 mile per hour super cars either. But they still want them. I like my AR, and, unlike those cars, I have a RIGHT to own them. So what bothers you doesn't concern me in the slightest.
2nd amendment retard.


Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius

If you could afford one you could. A BAR will set you back about 17,000 bucks. The grenades are a bit more difficult but will cost you about 225 bucks plus the 200 transfer tax. Oh yeah, there's a 200 transfer on the BAR as well.

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