What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.
Aren't you the moron who says assault rifles aren't dangerous? Yeah, worst mass shooting in history. Good call. Oh and if only an armed defender was there. Oh wait you were wrong again. Sorry it is you constantly wrong. FL has lax gun laws, tons of guns, and the worst mass shooting in history. You are always wrong.

They are not dangerous compared to knives in this country....

in 34 years from 1982 to 2016 rifles with detachable magazines killed 149 people...

in 2014, knives killed 1,567, and each year knives kill over 1,000 people........each year.....34,000 as a rough estimate..

knives.... 34,000 people over 34 years.... Rifles...149 people in 34 years.
What is the worst mass knifing? Do your numbers include the over 60 just from this year? Seems to be a hugely growing problem.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

BUT, Australia does have a far higher violent crime rate than does the United States.

They cleared up their mass shooter problem.
So only mass killings matter? Dead apparently is not dead anymore.

The worst mass killings are not shootings BTW:
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shootings like this are the cause of a tiny fraction of violence in this nation. The vast majority of violence problems are gang related. As many people are murdered EVERY SINGLE DAY in this nation yet we focus on this singular event as though it is a rosetta stone to homicides. It is asinine.

Well 49 dead and over 50 wounded is pretty damn bad. And a cop was there almost immediately. No reason people should legally have weapons that can do that.

in 34 years rifles with detachable magazines murdered 149 people...34 years....

in one year knives murdered 1,567 people.....

Clubs 560 people....

Rifles are not a problem......gun free zones...allowed those people to die.

I can think of over 60 deaths this year off the top of my head. Your numbers are bull or the problem getting worse fast.
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

Sure as hell seemed to be aweful effective. So much carnage not enough for you huh? Pretty sick.
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

You think a derringer or revolver would have done it eh? Funny.
I don't know if it has been pointed out here, I have no intentions of reading this whole thread to see.... BUT...

We do not sell military grade assault weapons to the general public in America.

Sorry to burst your bubble. What is sold are weapons that fire single shots each time the trigger is pulled. They are designed to LOOK LIKE a military style weapon because military style weapons look cool. So it's kind of like if you painted your stock OEM Toyota Camry to look like a NASCAR, it wouldn't make it go 200 mph. It might look the same... someone who wasn't familiar with the differences might think it was the same... but it's all cosmetic.

If you want to stop things like what happened in Orlando, you can never do that by getting all worked up and emotional over cosmetics or by banning gun ownership of law-abiding citizens. The best and most effective way is to allow conceal carry and stop setting up "no gun zones" everywhere.

You see... these kind of deranged nut bags will always seek out a target where they know there are no guns around to stop them. If there had been a couple of dozen people in that club who were armed, this nut bag would have been killed before he harmed very many people. As it stood, the people were helpless and all they could do was pray someone came with a gun quickly.
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

Sure as hell seemed to be aweful effective. So much carnage not enough for you huh? Pretty sick.
That is your projection.

When you cant argue facts you seem to need to result to insults and deflection.
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

You think a derringer or revolver would have done it eh? Funny.

There are a lot of other weapons that would have been a lot more effective against a large crowd of tightly packed individuals at short range though. A 12 gauge buckshot with a drum magazine or several large caliber pistols with extended magazines (or just more pistols) come to mind off the top of my head. Particularly if the large caliber pistols were loaded with hollow point ammunition.

The 'lethality' of so called assault weapons over their handgun counterparts is ignorance. Because a weapon looks different does not make it more lethal. That is simply a fact. Ballistics is basic physics - larger caliber rounds mean more harm.

The 'military' style weapon is another misnomer. The M-16 and the A4 are not military weapons because they are more effective at killing targets. They are actually rather poor weapons overall - not particularly good at taking out distant targets or targets in general than hundreds of other counterparts. What they are is a weapon that matches massive stockpiles of standardized rounds, cheap and reliable. All more important factors to the general infantryman who is NOT going to be gunning down people in mass.

Slightly off the current thread of conversation but of worthy note is that the military REMOVED automatic forearms from the general infantryman (even modifying existing automatic rifles to 3 round burst) because automatic rifles are generally completely ineffective at actually killing your target. All they do is waste rounds. If you have ever fired a 3 round burst you would know that your 4th round would miss a target a few yards away virtually every time. Most of the talk about automatic firearms is born of ignorance of such weapons.
Well 49 dead and over 50 wounded is pretty damn bad. And a cop was there almost immediately. No reason people should legally have weapons that can do that.

I don't know if it has been pointed out here, I have no intentions of reading this whole thread to see.... BUT...

We do not sell military grade assault weapons to the general public in America.

Sorry to burst your bubble. What is sold are weapons that fire single shots each time the trigger is pulled. They are designed to LOOK LIKE a military style weapon because military style weapons look cool. So it's kind of like if you painted your stock OEM Toyota Camry to look like a NASCAR, it wouldn't make it go 200 mph. It might look the same... someone who wasn't familiar with the differences might think it was the same... but it's all cosmetic.

If you want to stop things like what happened in Orlando, you can never do that by getting all worked up and emotional over cosmetics or by banning gun ownership of law-abiding citizens. The best and most effective way is to allow conceal carry and stop setting up "no gun zones" everywhere.

You see... these kind of deranged nut bags will always seek out a target where they know there are no guns around to stop them. If there had been a couple of dozen people in that club who were armed, this nut bag would have been killed before he harmed very many people. As it stood, the people were helpless and all they could do was pray someone came with a gun quickly.

Results of 1994 to 2004 BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS. (Assault Weapon, a description that does not exist in the real world)

Studies on effectiveness of the legislation

The Task Force on Community Preventive Services, an independent, non-federal task force, examined an assortment of firearms laws, including the AWB, and found "insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence."[25] A 2004 critical review of firearms research by a National Research Council committee said that an academic study of the assault weapon ban "did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence outcomes." The committee noted that the study's authors said the guns were used criminally with relative rarity before the ban and that its maximum potential effect on gun violence outcomes would be very small
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

As an aside, today was "gun cleaning and maintenance day" at the old Flagg ranch here in Montana - which got me to thinking about those evil, terrible "Assault Rifles" that seem to be the sudden bain of every liberal's existence.

So, I figured, "what the hell", loaded my AR-10, chambered a 7.62 round to battery, set it down by the table and left it for three hours.

The strangest thing occurred.....much to my surprise, the gun didn't kill a single soul - NOT ONE. Damned defective rifle!! The SOB is going back tomorrow.
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The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

You read the article about the family of the AR 15 designer who said that their father (designer/builder of AR 15s) had zero intention of it being a weapon for civilians.

How about that?
I'm sure they were compensated by the Obama administration to say that.
You know, as enlightened and as educated, liberals like to think they are, they still don't have enough common sense to understand that anything, whether it be a gun, a hammer, a screwdriver, a vase, a ball bat, a tennis racket, ANYTHING becomes an "assault" weapon when used to "ASSAULT".
I don't know if it has been pointed out here, I have no intentions of reading this whole thread to see.... BUT...

We do not sell military grade assault weapons to the general public in America.

Sorry to burst your bubble. What is sold are weapons that fire single shots each time the trigger is pulled. They are designed to LOOK LIKE a military style weapon because military style weapons look cool. So it's kind of like if you painted your stock OEM Toyota Camry to look like a NASCAR, it wouldn't make it go 200 mph. It might look the same... someone who wasn't familiar with the differences might think it was the same... but it's all cosmetic.

If you want to stop things like what happened in Orlando, you can never do that by getting all worked up and emotional over cosmetics or by banning gun ownership of law-abiding citizens. The best and most effective way is to allow conceal carry and stop setting up "no gun zones" everywhere.

You see... these kind of deranged nut bags will always seek out a target where they know there are no guns around to stop them. If there had been a couple of dozen people in that club who were armed, this nut bag would have been killed before he harmed very many people. As it stood, the people were helpless and all they could do was pray someone came with a gun quickly.

You're wasting your time, these liberal idiots have successfully taken a terrorist attack and changed it to the "evil AR" that attacked Orlando. No amount of evidence will ever convince these communist bastards.

Hell, even that moronic fool Biden called it an "automatic weapon".

Look, let's see it for what it is. It's not about the liberals and their "assault" on guns, it's about them imposing a ban on any and all weapons, for any reason. They desire to live under tyranny and the first step is to rid the country of guns.

Fucking idiots.
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They are not dangerous compared to knives in this country....

in 34 years from 1982 to 2016 rifles with detachable magazines killed 149 people...

in 2014, knives killed 1,567, and each year knives kill over 1,000 people........each year.....34,000 as a rough estimate..

knives.... 34,000 people over 34 years.... Rifles...149 people in 34 years.
What is the worst mass knifing? Do your numbers include the over 60 just from this year? Seems to be a hugely growing problem.
BUT, Australia does have a far higher violent crime rate than does the United States.

They cleared up their mass shooter problem.
So only mass killings matter? Dead apparently is not dead anymore.

The worst mass killings are not shootings BTW:
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shootings like this are the cause of a tiny fraction of violence in this nation. The vast majority of violence problems are gang related. As many people are murdered EVERY SINGLE DAY in this nation yet we focus on this singular event as though it is a rosetta stone to homicides. It is asinine.

Well 49 dead and over 50 wounded is pretty damn bad. And a cop was there almost immediately. No reason people should legally have weapons that can do that.

in 34 years rifles with detachable magazines murdered 149 people...34 years....

in one year knives murdered 1,567 people.....

Clubs 560 people....

Rifles are not a problem......gun free zones...allowed those people to die.

I can think of over 60 deaths this year off the top of my head. Your numbers are bull or the problem getting worse fast.

No asshole...I got the number from Mother Jones....a left wing, rabidly anti gun magazine site.....they even changed their stats to reflect obama's new definition of mass shootings...it used to be 4 deaths, he changed it to 3.....in order to increase the number...

And no, mass shootings are not increasing....the ShootingTracker website counts gang bangers shooting each other over dice game at a party as a mass shooting......they are lying...
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For?"

The bad guys have them, will always get them.

Why don't you want us to have them so we can defend ourselves against the bad guys?

Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

As an aside, today was "gun cleaning and maintenance day" at the old Flagg ranch here in Montana - which got me to thinking about those evil, terrible "Assault Rifles" that seem to be the sudden bain of every liberal's existence.

So, I figured, "what the hell", loaded my AR-10, chambered a 7.62 round to battery, set it down by the table and left it for three hours.

The strangest thing occurred.....much to my surprise, the gun didn't kill a single soul - NOT ONE. Damned defective rifle!! The SOB is going back tomorrow.

See.....do you really think your gun is actually going to do something with you watching it.....they are way too smart for that.......it probably sneaks our at night and commits murder and mayhem....cleans itself and returns to your cabinet or safe before you wake up......
Results of 1994 to 2004 BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS. (Assault Weapon, a description that does not exist in the real world)

Studies on effectiveness of the legislation

The Task Force on Community Preventive Services, an independent, non-federal task force, examined an assortment of firearms laws, including the AWB, and found "insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence."[25] A 2004 critical review of firearms research by a National Research Council committee said that an academic study of the assault weapon ban "did not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence outcomes." The committee noted that the study's authors said the guns were used criminally with relative rarity before the ban and that its maximum potential effect on gun violence outcomes would be very small

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