What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?

They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.
Uh, self-defense. Lots of criminal have assault rifles. Maybe you missed the news, but France's gun laws are some of the strictest in the western world, yet the terrorists who murdered hundreds of people in Paris had no trouble getting automatic weapons.

Forcing them to get guns illegally means they can be caught before people die:
FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

It didn't work in France.

Won't work every time, but why not save lives when you can? Legally selling assault weapons in FL didn't work either.
Already provided hard data showing that this is utterly false.

And you ignored it to come in here with some anecdotal evidence because the hard data shows you are wrong.

The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.

If the shooter has chosen the correct weapons for his mission, he would have racked up many more kills.

When you figure 300+ targets and 3 hours..... not a great score.

I suspect it would have been MUCH worse had he used a couple of shotguns.

Worse than the worst mass shooting in US history. You are an idiot.
You are simply ignorant of how weapons work.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Why would anyone bother?

My uncle made one for a 1911 because he was curious just how hard it would be. (It wasn't, and he didn't have a CAD-CAM system.) Many people that shoot competitively make or modify magazines because the class they compete in has a size limit.

Most of them would jam. And since you guys say capacity doesn't matter, why would anyone bother?
HA. Most people that modify their own mags do so to make them MORE reliable. You make a blanket assumption without any facts.

Almost all of your posts here have been devoid of facts in general and you have refused to face the ones presented to you.
Everyone needs to hear the debate that starts about 3:30. Stop being so scared.

Good advice - you should stop being so scared.

The only one presenting actual fear here is the control advocates - fear of the existence and ownership of a weapon. People own weapons for various reasons that really are irrelevant to anyone but themselves. You are the only one advocating legal changes out of fear that someone might use the weapon in an illegal fashion. That is what fear looks like - the demand that things are changed or the sky will fall.

The problem is that fear has blinded you to the hard data showing that all your measures you want passed are utterly ineffective.
"What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?"

Many Americans spend lots of money for the right pants, the right shoes, the right hat, the right tools, the right accessories, for transportation, and for the authorization to hit a little white ball all over creation - down the 'pasture', into the woods, onto 'the beach', and into the water just to try to get it into a tiny hole hundreds of yards from where you start. They get frustrated, lie about how many times they hit the ball, and waste a lot of money...

And in the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield, 'Cemeteries and golf courses - the 2 biggest wastes of property'. Why do we support this 'rich man's' selfish, lavish hobby - think of all the government housing that could be built on this property for the homeless / vets / millions of Illegals / Muslims Obama's bringing in!

I would much rather go to a gun range and do some target practice / shooting. It's cheaper and much more relaxing.
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.
Interesting. The reporter (besides outright lying to the dealer as he did quote him when he asked him not to) states that he believes that he was denied for nefarious reasons even though it seems he was denied due to a background check.

What a bunch of garbage.
why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

You think it "ignorant about firearms" to not want crazed young men to be able to buy weapons that were originally intended for military use.

Wanting those men to arm themselves like that is ignorant.

I think your ignorance is believing young men need an AR15. That is major league ignorant.
Your crying wolf. Bedwetter

they dont say shit about the death and mayhem happening on a daily basis in gun ban utopia of Chicago

they can go fuck themselves
Hey, it is a White black president in orifice so he cant be a racist. Black on black crime running rampant in HIS city, and why do you think he is going to rent in Washington DC? Hmmm? He is as popular there as his chief advisor(Jewish) Rahm Emmanuel. This proves how racists liberal really are and the New World Order population reduction plan is in effect.
Give examples of any good guys ever needing one for defense. Most shootouts are between bad guys and bad guys or bad guys and police. Why do you want the police to have to fight against these things?

Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

As an aside, today was "gun cleaning and maintenance day" at the old Flagg ranch here in Montana - which got me to thinking about those evil, terrible "Assault Rifles" that seem to be the sudden bain of every liberal's existence.

So, I figured, "what the hell", loaded my AR-10, chambered a 7.62 round to battery, set it down by the table and left it for three hours.

The strangest thing occurred.....much to my surprise, the gun didn't kill a single soul - NOT ONE. Damned defective rifle!! The SOB is going back tomorrow.

See.....do you really think your gun is actually going to do something with you watching it.....they are way too smart for that.......it probably sneaks our at night and commits murder and mayhem....cleans itself and returns to your cabinet or safe before you wake up......
It's the gangs of feral guns that they really fear. You know, the ones you see hanging out at the mall, roaming the alleys, running card games, smoking cigarettes and harassing waitresses on their way to work. You have to watch out for them, they may just erupt and start shooting.
Troll.....I have shown videos and linked to stories of people using them for defense...besides....you have no fucking right to tell another American what gun they can own.....

Yes examples where a shot isn't even fired. Yea examples where any gun would have worked fine.
The example of this shooter is one where any gun would have worked fine. Many would have worked much better. His choice of weapons was rather poor actually with this kind of target.

As an aside, today was "gun cleaning and maintenance day" at the old Flagg ranch here in Montana - which got me to thinking about those evil, terrible "Assault Rifles" that seem to be the sudden bain of every liberal's existence.

So, I figured, "what the hell", loaded my AR-10, chambered a 7.62 round to battery, set it down by the table and left it for three hours.

The strangest thing occurred.....much to my surprise, the gun didn't kill a single soul - NOT ONE. Damned defective rifle!! The SOB is going back tomorrow.

See.....do you really think your gun is actually going to do something with you watching it.....they are way too smart for that.......it probably sneaks our at night and commits murder and mayhem....cleans itself and returns to your cabinet or safe before you wake up......
It's the gangs of feral guns that they really fear. You know, the ones you see hanging out at the mall, roaming the alleys, running card games, smoking cigarettes and harassing waitresses on their way to work. You have to watch out for them, they may just erupt and start shooting.
Yeah and 16 years ago, Al Gore predicted that Global Warming would burn up the Earth in 2010. Funny how liberals always get it wrong when they start thinking.
They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.
Interesting. The reporter (besides outright lying to the dealer as he did quote him when he asked him not to) states that he believes that he was denied for nefarious reasons even though it seems he was denied due to a background check.

What a bunch of garbage.

The reporter beat his wife and was arrested on a misdemenor battery charge....which keeps him fro passing a check...
Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.
They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.
Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.

Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Zombie apocalypse.

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