What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
Because the bad guys who Obama ignores have the same gun....duh.
The designer's "intention" is fucking irrelevant.
Wise up asshole!

Fuck you asshole. Cars were not designed first for the military to use and secondly cars weren't designed to kill people.

How fucking stupid are you to try and make that analogy?
Your opinion.

BTW I could have killed just as many with a 1 ton 4 by 4 with a plow on the front

No it's a fact moron. 50 dead and 50 injured in minutes with an armed off duty cop there trying to stop him. All your pro gun bs out the window.

It's your opinion that the gun is dangerous. The person doing the shooting was dangerous not the gun

No it is a dangerous gun. Just bought it like 2 weeks ago and killed and injured so many with a cop there trying to stop him.

Sorry the gun didn't do anything the person did.

People are violent. People are dangerous. Always have been always will be

And a dangerous asshole with a gun can kill way more than one with a knife.

Like I said I could have taken out 50 people with a truck and a snow plow
The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

You read the article about the family of the AR 15 designer who said that their father (designer/builder of AR 15s) had zero intention of it being a weapon for civilians.

How about that?
Ya and the designer of the first automobile had no intention that it would be available to buy other than by the very wealthy.
The designer's "intention" is fucking irrelevant.
Wise up asshole!


however the ignorant leftard is talking about two different types of rifles
2nd amendment retard.


Why then can I not go to the local gun shop and buy a BAR and a few frag grenades? I could us the Browning for curls when I'm not hunting squirrels. The frag grenade would be great for those a-holes who tailgate, that would awaken them to the dangers they create.

Answer these questions, genius

Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

The one thing every thread on guns comes down to is this ^^^ stupidity. Gun lovers cannot comprehend this simple phrase, "shall not be infringed" has no wiggle room. If "arms" are a protected Right of the people, than the people must be allowed to own, possess and have in their custody and control any arm produced for the military.

The other foolish argument by the gun lovers is the need to have "arms" to protect themselves from the government. First of all, WE THE PEOPLE can change the government every two years. Hopefully it will change next January and HRC will be POTUS and the Democratic Party will have the majority in The H. or Rep. and The Senate. Maybe then pragmatic governance will replace ideology and things will get done.

If not, then the party which replaces the once and no more GOP will have its chance to govern.

Again with the argumentum ad absurdum. With the exception of some of the purists on this site, most RKBA supporters agree to certain very limited restrictions. What you clowns want is to make it as difficult as possible for ANYONE to purchase and own a firearm, because you think "guns are icky". Again, why should I trust any gun control zelot at their word that they "dont want to take your guns" when I cannot get a simple fucking revolver permit for home use without spending $1000 and waiting 3-6 months. NOT ONE OF YOU have answered that question.

Bullshit. Admit when you're wrong and someday you may repair your loss of credibility.

The answer to your stupid question is this: The law which requires you to spend so much and wait so long was passed by a democratically elected board and signed by an executive, also elected by the people. If you don't like it - and apparently you don't - get together with others and seek to change it, or, run for office. Of course you could easily buy a gun illegally, which I suspect you have already figured out (and maybe done).

The other stupid comment is the second sentence which include not one but two logical fallacies: I'm not a clown (ad hominem) and only a few zealots want to confiscate all guns; if one gun control law takes effect soon more and more will lead to an outlawing of guns to the civilian populatin (slippery slope).

The fact is, there are gun control laws, and yet no one in power has yet to bring a bill to Congress to repeal the 2nd, and no one will. Because most Americans are fine with common sense restrictions, the cost to secure warrants and search for 300 + million guns in America is prohibitive, and Prohibition didn't work for alcohol, prostitution or marijuana and will not work for guns.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
Because the bad guys who Obama ignores have the same gun....duh.
Because we are the only superpower, by the design of Madison
Define "Assault Weapon" in a way that can be clearly understood, and explain how banning such would "save lives." Unless you can do that - and no one in Congress can - then WTF is your point? Do you know what an "automatic" firearm is?

Do you believe that banning "assault weapons" will render terrorists incapable of murdering large numbers of people? Or will they just have to resort to other available means?

Why does any "normal" American need a street-legal car that will go 200mph? Why does any "normal" American need a 6,000 pound 4WD pickup truck to go to the grocery store? Why does any "normal" American need to eat a 1,000 calorie banana split? Why does any "normal" American need an 8,000 sq ft house? Why does any "normal" American need a PhD in music theory?

I'll try. An assault weapon is a much more effective weapon for killing a large number of human beings in a hurry: It has less recoil than a standard deer rifle (30-30 for example), a larger capacity magazine compared to the clip used in the M1 Garand and much lighter and easier to conceal than the BAR.
Any gun fired at anyone is technically an assault weapon

as is a baseball bat swung at another person

So many dead and the right still plays the definition games. Pathetic. We need to bring back the 10 rd mag limit.

No problem since it only takes a second or two to change out a magazine with a little practice

Only takes a second or two to rush the shooter or run out of the room. Glad you support a mag limit.
No it's a fact moron. 50 dead and 50 injured in minutes with an armed off duty cop there trying to stop him. All your pro gun bs out the window.

It's your opinion that the gun is dangerous. The person doing the shooting was dangerous not the gun

No it is a dangerous gun. Just bought it like 2 weeks ago and killed and injured so many with a cop there trying to stop him.

Sorry the gun didn't do anything the person did.

People are violent. People are dangerous. Always have been always will be

And a dangerous asshole with a gun can kill way more than one with a knife.

Like I said I could have taken out 50 people with a truck and a snow plow

It is much easier to dodge a truck than a bullet.
Define "Assault Weapon" in a way that can be clearly understood, and explain how banning such would "save lives." Unless you can do that - and no one in Congress can - then WTF is your point? Do you know what an "automatic" firearm is?

Do you believe that banning "assault weapons" will render terrorists incapable of murdering large numbers of people? Or will they just have to resort to other available means?

Why does any "normal" American need a street-legal car that will go 200mph? Why does any "normal" American need a 6,000 pound 4WD pickup truck to go to the grocery store? Why does any "normal" American need to eat a 1,000 calorie banana split? Why does any "normal" American need an 8,000 sq ft house? Why does any "normal" American need a PhD in music theory?

I'll try. An assault weapon is a much more effective weapon for killing a large number of human beings in a hurry: It has less recoil than a standard deer rifle (30-30 for example), a larger capacity magazine compared to the clip used in the M1 Garand and much lighter and easier to conceal than the BAR.
Any gun fired at anyone is technically an assault weapon

as is a baseball bat swung at another person

So many dead and the right still plays the definition games. Pathetic. We need to bring back the 10 rd mag limit.

No problem since it only takes a second or two to change out a magazine with a little practice

Only takes a second or two to rush the shooter or run out of the room. Glad you support a mag limit.

Yeah and how many times do crowds rush a shooter?

And I really don't support a magazine limit because it won't matter. If someone is hell bent on murder they will just bring more guns with loaded mags and more spares
AR 15 = semi-auto M 16.
They are as different as an auto trans car and the same model with a manual.
It's your opinion that the gun is dangerous. The person doing the shooting was dangerous not the gun

No it is a dangerous gun. Just bought it like 2 weeks ago and killed and injured so many with a cop there trying to stop him.

Sorry the gun didn't do anything the person did.

People are violent. People are dangerous. Always have been always will be

And a dangerous asshole with a gun can kill way more than one with a knife.

Like I said I could have taken out 50 people with a truck and a snow plow

It is much easier to dodge a truck than a bullet.

Let's try it. Start running
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?
No rifle any civilian can buy is a military grade weapon

Yet the one used in Orlando killed so many so quickly. Too dangerous for people to own.

Your opinion.

BTW I could have killed just as many with a 1 ton 4 by 4 with a plow on the front

No it's a fact moron. 50 dead and 50 injured in minutes with an armed off duty cop there trying to stop him. All your pro gun bs out the window.
3 hours. The standoff took 3 hours.

Get your facts straight.

A bomb would have killed half of them in a split second.

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