What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

2nd Amendment you old bastard.

Why do you feel it's your place to determine what someone else does on this issue?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?
Why does a ordinary American need a 27 room, 10,000 sq. ft. mansion?
Why does a ordinary American need a $300,000 sports car?
Why does a ordinary American need 35 pairs of shoes?
Why does a ordinary American need a $12,000 wrist watch?
Why does a ordinary American need a $10,000 wedding dress?
Why does a ordinary American need alcohol and illegal drugs?
Why does a ordinary American need coffee in the mornings?
FYI - It is NOT a necessity to own an assault rifle, it's a "WANT", and it's legal. Automatic weapons are not the problem, people are the problem. Killers will always find a way to kill. What was used on 9 - 11 - 2001? What was used in Oklahoma City to bring down the Federal building and kill innocent citizens, including children?

Is an automobile a killing machine? How many citizens die as the result of car accidents in an average year?
Are airplanes killing machines? How many people die as a result of plane crashes?
How many lives have been saved by the actions of armed citizens?
Would there be no gun deaths if it were not for automatic rifles?
How many citizens are killed each year by hand guns?
How many citizens die each year as a result of infections obtained during hospital stays?

It is impossible to legislate guns out of the hands of those that really want them. If one has the money and connections, they can get their hands on any weapon made. Besides, it's not the sane people that do the killings. Many gun owners have automatic weapons, and have never harmed a living soul, and never will harm anyone. It's the mentally unstable that use weapons such as assault rifles to take innocent lives. Sane people never commit acts of violence that we've seen all across this country. Again, the problem is people, not guns.
That seems like a big jump. You are against stopping terrorists before they kill people?

They are not terrorists until they kill dumbass. You can arrest them for other illegal things they already did, but that is about it.
The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.
Could have done the same with a few hand guns. A little practice and you can change out clips faster than it takes t describe the process.

Yet the gun nuts fight a mag limit. If you can reload so fast I assume you have no problem with a limit then? Sorry but people fail reloads all the time too.

The point is it really doesn't matter. Why is it you like these feel good bans that will do nothing to stop people hell bent on murder?

FYI no law has ever stopped anyone from committing a crime if they really wanted to
I was in the Army and what you are calling an "Army Assault Weapon" is not.

Whose post are you referencing?
Obvious as I referenced the OP's headline for the post. But I would gladly add you if you think a semi-automatic with "scary plastic pieces" is an "assault rifle".

Still arguing definitions? He killed 50 and injured 50. What the gun is called really doesn't matter.

What it's called seems to matter to the gun haters who use that term to try and bolster their argument. Why should it no longer matter when someone poses a counter argument?
The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.
Could have done the same with a few hand guns. A little practice and you can change out clips faster than it takes t describe the process.

Yet the gun nuts fight a mag limit. If you can reload so fast I assume you have no problem with a limit then? Sorry but people fail reloads all the time too.

The point is it really doesn't matter. Why is it you like these feel good bans that will do nothing to stop people hell bent on murder?

FYI no law has ever stopped anyone from committing a crime if they really wanted to

If it doesn't matter then you are fine with a mag limit I assume.
Why does someone need a 50 million dollar mansion? A BMW? A 10 thousand dollar diamond ring? A big screen hi definition plasma tv? Because they want it and can afford it.

The real question that liberals mean to ask is "why does a person want such and such weapons." They want to cast the image that people who want such and such weapons are bad people who intend to do bad things.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Because we're America. And our freedom to own any firearm we choose is one of many things that makes us exponentially better than any other nation. If you love those other nations so much - go live there.

The U.S. Constitution guaranteed you liberty. It never guaranteed you security. If you're too big of a pussy to handle liberty - then go live somewhere else. There are plenty of liberal oppressive nations who have stripped their citizens of arms that would love to have you. They are always looking for more mindless minions to rule over.

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" - Thomas Jefferson
and again no full auto may be purchased in the USA except to law enforcement
Wrong. Class 3 license for transferable weaponry.
For law enforcement only. That said, has one of these weapons ever been used in a mass murder?


So keep dreaming
I am not dreaming dick head. I said Class 3 license for "Transferable" Weaponry. You just displayed what a fucking uninformed stupid retard you are.
I just sample the requirements and you look it up at your convenience. Educate yourself you idiot before you display your stupidity for all to see.


Laws that went into effect in May, 1986 made it illegal for 'civilians' to own fully automatic firearms that were manufactured after that date. Most fully automatic weapons manufactured and registered before May, 1986 may be owned and sold to individuals. The full-auto guns that may be owned by
individuals are called 'transferable'. To purchase a transferable machine gun,you must meet certain requirements......etc...."
Well since we're talking about "need", What The Hell Does A Normal American Government Bureaucracy Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Why Does the IRS Need Guns?
After grabbing legal power, bureaucrats are amassing firepower. It’s time to scale back the federal arsenal.

Special agents at the IRS equipped with AR-15 military-style rifles? Health and Human Services “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” being trained by the Army’s Special Forces contractors? The Department of Veterans Affairs arming 3,700 employees?

The number of non-Defense Department federal officers authorized to make arrests and carry firearms (200,000) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000). In its escalating arms and ammo stockpiling, this federal arms race is unlike anything in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of these federal officers with arrest-and-firearm authority has nearly tripled to over 200,000 today, from 74,500 in 1996.

What exactly is the Obama administration up to?

Why Does the IRS Need Guns?

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Only if you foolishly assume the guy hell bent on murder wouldn't have bought weapons illegally

Then he may have been caught before anyone was killed like this guy.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

Maybe might have possible someday

meaningless rationalization as far more crimes go undetected than are actually thwarted

I prefer a chance to stop him than none. Sure beats letting him legally buy the damn thing and kill 50 people.

Then we might as well allow random home searches after all that's a chance to stop crimes right?

That seems like a big jump. You are against stopping terrorists before they kill people?

I don't know how you can. How do you know someone is planning a terrorist attack? How do you find out with no probable cause and no ability to legally obtain warrants?

Nothing you will ever do will stop a person who is determined to commit any crime
The gun experts have been telling us these rifles aren't military and not that dangerous. Now one shooter killed 50 and injured 50 in minutes. Seems the experts don't know shit or blatantly lie. Oh and an armed defender was there, more pro gun BS.
Could have done the same with a few hand guns. A little practice and you can change out clips faster than it takes t describe the process.

Yet the gun nuts fight a mag limit. If you can reload so fast I assume you have no problem with a limit then? Sorry but people fail reloads all the time too.

The point is it really doesn't matter. Why is it you like these feel good bans that will do nothing to stop people hell bent on murder?

FYI no law has ever stopped anyone from committing a crime if they really wanted to

If it doesn't matter then you are fine with a mag limit I assume.

Your debate skills are nonexistent.

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