What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Obama has taken us into conflicts in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. At the same time, he has not withdrawn from Iraq or Afghanistan and more troops have died under him in Afghanistan than died under Bush.

Furthermore, Afghanistan was in response to 9/11 and Saddam Hussein posed a serious threat to the world.

Now....if your other half of your brain was working......even a 12 year old would find how truly moronic your conclusions are......

Look at the above......

"Afghanistan was responsible for 911"........Therefore, after some lame attempts, GWB mostly LEFT that country to go and attack Iraq......Makes sense ?????

"Saddam posed a threat to the world".........and that is why NO WMDs were ever found....and that is why, he had no air force and was defeated by the US in about a week.....So, AGAIN, "Saddam was a SERIOUS threat to the world"????
Wait....so your position is that 9/11 should have gone without a response? Seriously? :cuckoo:

Only a moron (and you rise to that title easily) would have concluded THAT.....

Again, nitwit......YES, we should have responded to the Al-Qaeda bastards in Afghanistan......

So, what doe GWB do?????

Gives up and send our troops to Iraq and left Osama to peacefully eat his dates and almonds in the mountains....(BTW, WHO finally got OBL???.......)
What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Normal Americans need a gun such as an AR-15, to protect their rights from hysterical leftists who screech, "What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?" in their ongoing efforts to illegally take their guns away.
It is unfortunate that you do not realize that at least half (if not more) of the Republican Party is made up of liberals. The Dumbocrat Party is almost exclusively socialist, marxists, and communists now. The liberals have almost all moved to the Republican Party.
You're more of an idiot than usual......."Liberals are all in the GOP now????" Are you serious???
Those daily enemas are not helping you, it seems.
Why is is that everything always goes back to orifices, sexual parts, and sexual acts with liberals?!? God Almighty are you people disgustingly sexually deviant. You can't get orifices out of your minds for 10 seconds. We're talking about politics and you somehow bring it around to enemas. :banghead:
"Afghanistan was responsible for 911"........Therefore, after some lame attempts, GWB mostly LEFT that country to go and attack Iraq......Makes sense ?????

Um....we never left Afghanistan sweetie. We are still there under Barack Obama. We obliterated the Taliban, turned the country over to Hamid Karzai and the people of Afghanistan, left Special Forces to hunt Al Qaeda, and then moved on. Your false narrative keeps failing and is making you look really bad.

You're unqualified to be discussing this issue because you don't even realize the capabilities of the U.S. military to fight on multiple fronts.
"Saddam posed a threat to the world".........and that is why NO WMDs were ever found....and that is why, he had no air force and was defeated by the US in about a week.....So, AGAIN, "Saddam was a SERIOUS threat to the world"????

Oh Natalie.....poor, poor naive, ignorant Natalie. It is well documented that Saddam Hussein unleashed WMD's on the Kurds in the North in the 1980's and 1990's. A basic Google search will show that much.

In addition to that, he invaded Kuwait and caused forces around the world to engage in Desert Storm. So clearly yes - he posed a constant threat to the world.

Lastly, thousands of WMD's were found in Iraq (and some were even used against U.S. forces). Even radical left-wing MSNBC was forced to admit as much (just check on the first link below, stupid). You don't even know how much it is you don't know. You're a typical blind and ignorant liberal who isn't qualified to even discuss this stuff.

Iraq WMD's
From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda). The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Bomb said to holddeadly sarin gas explodes in Iraq

NewsMax Archives
Hmmm...your refutation seems unsupported by the remarks I see on the first pages here:

Best Sports Cars 2016 – Editors' Choice for Premium and Exotic Sports Cars - CARandDRIVER

So using your "logic" no one will drive a Prius.

Look, you are here to end civil rights, I get it. You have probably never fired a gun, nor do those you associate with engage in shooting. I understand your type, agenda driven ignorance.

I have an Uberti .44 cap and ball revolver that I enjoy shooting. This is a black powder beast that rarely hits the same spot twice. Why do I shoot it? Historical reasons, this was one of the weapons that won the West, plus it is a challenge.

Now wait, that isn't on you "list" of the "best" so that means no one would target shoot with it. :eusa_whistle:

Your claim that no one uses an AR-15 for target practice is one of extreme ignorance (agenda driven due to your hostility to civil rights) An absurd statement belied by every gun range in the nation on any given day.

Now I know that if one has a target of any sort to shoot, what one needs is a ranged weapon. The AR-15 is a ranged firearm, so I'm sure one can shoot it at a target or in target shooting competitions.

Most people don't buy a rifle for professional competition, sparky.

Also, I'm not at all pretending to know anything about actual gun use. I'm relying on someone I know very well and trust very much, with things vastly more important to me than the minutia of guns and shooting. As he said, and I trust his opinion because I have to as I don't know anything about target shooting and he shoots for relaxation and fun much as I sail and cook for the same reasons, he doesn't think an AR-15 is a target shooter's weapon of choice. The content I see a the links above suggest to me he's right...That's not to say no target shooters will use an AR-15 to do so. In fact, I'd wager people do.

Again, I doubt this "person" exists. You are clearly an anti-liberty leftist with an agenda to end civil rights. You tell tales that you think will aid you in your quest to crush the rights of others.

My meaning for "target shooter/ing" is perhaps errant. For me, it means some sort of precision shooting that's done in a competitive setting against other shooters and aiming at targets 700+ yards distant. It could well be I'm being "sloppy" with my terms. If so, and most especially if that slovenliness has misled you as to my meaning/intent, I'm sorry.

That would be match shooting, and even in this you are displaying complete ignorance.

I compete in match rounds that are nothing as you describe.

What you claim is akin to stating that only a Ferrari is the only car good for driving since they are used in the Monaco GT. You don't even cover a fraction of the sport, and there is a LOT more involved that just the sport.

I can get good pussy where you couldn't borrow a mess of meal......make no mistake about it.

You haven't been able to get it up in 30 years, who are you trying to fool?

Besides, you are nowhere NEAR rich enough to attract hot girls. The only way an 85 year old gets hot models is if he has a billion dollars and spends generously. Your government pension ain't cutting it, gramps.
And Patriot:

It is also believed that many of the Iraq WMDs ended up in Syria. There are multiple photos of Trucks leaving Iraq for Syria and of course the USA and UN told them every time they were going to do something like have an inspection.
Um....we never left Afghanistan sweetie. We are still there under Barack Obama. We obliterated the Taliban, turned the country over to Hamid Karzai and the people of Afghanistan, left Special Forces to hunt Al Qaeda, and then moved on. Your false narrative keeps failing and is making you look really bad.

You're unqualified to be discussing this issue because you don't even realize the capabilities of the U.S. military to fight on multiple fronts.

We went to Afghanistan NOT to obliterate the Taliban.....Moron, we armed most of those people.
We went to Afghanistan to obliterate not the Taliban but Al-Qaeda...

Soooooo, bottom line......Bush's troops that never left Afghanistan DID manage to get OBL???
Just answer that question and you too will see what an idiot you are.
Yes, so many things can be deadly to fragile human beings. Still, nothing else is like that power to just squeeze that little trigger and have a lethal chunk of metal unleashed up to a kilometer or more away. And that nice, loud bang! Almost a shame to muffle it with some danged 'silencer'.

Statistically, you democrats and your Muslim Terrorist allies use bombs to kill most often. What thrills leftists and their ISIS friends is that loud Boom! of the ied that was put in a crowded market or theater, or on a school bus.

The only way our guns keep us protected from you and your bombs (your Al Qaeda buds included) is to avoid crowded places. In fact, Muzzie Beast democrat Omar Mateen used that same principle of a large crowd in a confined space to please Allah in Orlando. True that he didn't use a bomb, thank god, since the carnage would have been far greater.
Oh Natalie.....poor, poor naive, ignorant Natalie. It is well documented that Saddam Hussein unleashed WMD's on the Kurds in the North in the 1980's and 1990's. A basic Google search will show that much.

First of all, of course, Saddam used illegal weapons on the Kurds......WE HAVE THE RECEIPTS SINCE WE SOLD THOSE EVIL GASSES TO THEM.....

But, moron, did we ever find WMDs...The MAIN reason we were lied into an invasion......Yes or No???
Did we go to Iraq to punish Saddam for the Kurds' massacre....Yes or No???
Um....we never left Afghanistan sweetie. We are still there under Barack Obama. We obliterated the Taliban, turned the country over to Hamid Karzai and the people of Afghanistan, left Special Forces to hunt Al Qaeda, and then moved on. Your false narrative keeps failing and is making you look really bad.

You're unqualified to be discussing this issue because you don't even realize the capabilities of the U.S. military to fight on multiple fronts.

We went to Afghanistan NOT to obliterate the Taliban.....Moron, we armed most of those people.
We went to Afghanistan to obliterate not the Taliban but Al-Qaeda...

Soooooo, bottom line......Bush's troops that never left Afghanistan DID manage to get OBL???
Just answer that question and you too will see what an idiot you are.
Why did John F Kennedy, then L. B. Johnson, get US involved in the Vietnam war? No one attacked US, yet they decided to have 10'000s of young American killed for the profit of the Liberal War Machine. Come on, man up, you liberals love war, you always start wars, and want US dead.

You dumbass!!! Your scenario is so far from the reality of statistics that it makes you appear to be a fool.

What are the statistics Comrade?

Hmm? All those Chicago shootings, what are they? Can you say it? If you told the truth, would you burst into flames?

Black on black, gang related using illegal handguns?

But you want to strip the law abiding of their civil rights. Let's not pretend there is a relationship, you just hate liberty.
And Patriot:

It is also believed that many of the Iraq WMDs ended up in Syria. There are multiple photos of Trucks leaving Iraq for Syria and of course the USA and UN told them every time they were going to do something like have an inspection.

Another moron joins the fray.......

So, idiot.......Saddam who is threaten by an US invasion, turned "nice guy" and gave his WMDs to Syria????

Its like someone breaking into your house to kill you....and you rush to get your trusty gun......and promptly throw that gun into your neighbor's yard????

Does THAT make any fucking sense???
Oh Natalie.....poor, poor naive, ignorant Natalie. It is well documented that Saddam Hussein unleashed WMD's on the Kurds in the North in the 1980's and 1990's. A basic Google search will show that much.

First of all, of course, Saddam used illegal weapons on the Kurds......WE HAVE THE RECEIPTS SINCE WE SOLD THOSE EVIL GASSES TO THEM.....

But, moron, did we ever find WMDs...The MAIN reason we were lied into an invasion......Yes or No???
Did we go to Iraq to punish Saddam for the Kurds' massacre....Yes or No???
If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People -- Version 3.0 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
“[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.” — From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998
Did you know that in 1998 George Bush wasn't president? I wonder how these LIBERALS got it wrong. Also Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) bombed an aspirin factory(killing an innocent janitor) that he thought was WMD. Boy you fucktards are stupid.
So, let's set the record straight........

Saddam was funding Palestinian terrorist groups......bad, bad boy that Saddam.....

Your "conclusion" is then that 3,000+ of our citizens died because those Palestinian groups masterminded 9-11?

(how truly fucked up are you???)

Gnat, were you born this stupid, or did you suffer severe head trauma?
Um....we never left Afghanistan sweetie. We are still there under Barack Obama. We obliterated the Taliban, turned the country over to Hamid Karzai and the people of Afghanistan, left Special Forces to hunt Al Qaeda, and then moved on. Your false narrative keeps failing and is making you look really bad.

You're unqualified to be discussing this issue because you don't even realize the capabilities of the U.S. military to fight on multiple fronts.

We went to Afghanistan NOT to obliterate the Taliban.....Moron, we armed most of those people.
We went to Afghanistan to obliterate not the Taliban but Al-Qaeda...

Soooooo, bottom line......Bush's troops that never left Afghanistan DID manage to get OBL???
Just answer that question and you too will see what an idiot you are.
Why did John F Kennedy, then L. B. Johnson, get US involved in the Vietnam war? No one attacked US, yet they decided to have 10'000s of young American killed for the profit of the Liberal War Machine. Come on, man up, you liberals love war, you always start wars, and want US dead.
Nice of you to find that funny Nat, but I notice you didn't answer why. Is that because you don't have an answer? Of course.
Did you know that in 1998 George Bush wasn't president? I wonder how these LIBERALS got it wrong. Also Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) bombed an aspirin factory(killing an innocent janitor) that he thought was WMD. Boy you fucktards are stupid.

Idiot....the bombing of that aspirin factory was based on a report that OBL was there.....NOT top kill a janitor.

How truly stupid you right wingers are...

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