What the Hell Is a "White Nationalist" ?

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White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
WHAT textbook ? The one they use at UC Berkeley ?

At Berkeley they consider Mitt Romney himself to be a Nazi,
Oh. Maybe we aren't communicating what a WN is to the pseudocon tards in a language they can understand.

Let's seeee....


A White Nationalist is a left winger who believes statues of racist Democrats should not be removed from the public square. They wish to preserve the heritage of crimes against humanity and the stubbornness resilience of bigots for all time.
Maybe it's this guy?

Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
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White Nationalist.

By definition, a patriot. This country was founded by white northern Europeans. Most every country in the world puts their own country FIRST, and that is nationalism.

I'm White.

I'm a Nationalist.

The opposite is being a sellout globalist like Obama and Hillary who bled this country dry.

You have to make your own country strong (great) before you should be too worried about trying to help others.

Make America Great Again. Trump is white, he is a nationalist. He is a patriot.

That is, unless the Left has succeeded in making being White or putting your own country first a crime yet.
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
I DON'T demonize the entire left as socialist, in fact I (and President Trump) support some issues that are supported by the left. Example - $$ to infrastructure, raise minimum wage, opposition to racial discrimination.
White Nationalist.

By definition, a patriot. This country was founded by white northern Europeans. Most every country in the world puts their own country FIRST, and that is nationalism.

I'm White.

I'm a Nationalist.

The opposite is being a sellout globalist like Obama and Hillary who bled this country dry.

You have to make your own country strong (great) before you should be too worried about trying to help others.

Make America Great Again. Trump is white, he is a nationalist. He is a patriot.

That is, unless the Left has succeeded in making being White or putting your own country first a crime yet.
As a conservative Republican, it is my duty to clean you fuckwads out of our house.
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
WHAT textbook ? The one they use at UC Berkeley ?
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
A fucking Nazi..so stop sugar coating with bullshit names like "alt right" and "white nationalist"

but without using "alt-right" you wouldn't be able to lump all conservatives and libertarians in with them.
again, it's who they are. the hate flows deeply within those libturd beings, they must have labels to succeed in their minds. it's their essence, like foul odors.
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
WHAT textbook ? The one they use at UC Berkeley ?
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
White Nationalism is a FICTITIOUS TERM that was Created By The Globalist Left to attempt to associate Patriotism with Racism.

That's what they do.

You may as well ask what a Black Nationalist is, an Asian Nationalist, a Polish Nationalist, an Irish Nationalist, an Hispanic Nationalist, a Native American Nationalist, an Eskimo Nationalist.

Many Races, Colors, Creeds, Religions call America Home and Love America above all other Nations, and Ideologies.
White Nationalism is a Propagandist Tool of the Left and nothing more.
WHAT textbook ? The one they use at UC Berkeley ?
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
blah, blah, blah, blah, does your tongue ever get dried out by saying blah blah blah all day? why don't you make your point with a fking link tarzan.
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
I DON'T demonize the entire left as socialist, in fact I (and President Trump) support some issues that are supported by the left. Example - $$ to infrastructure, raise minimum wage, opposition to racial discrimination.
Okay, then I miss read those old posts of yours were you appeared to be claiming all liberals were socialists and/or Muslims. :dunno:
WHAT textbook ? The one they use at UC Berkeley ?
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
I put you on IGNORE so I don't get stupid. Anyone who reads what you write loses brain cells by truck load. You and your party require stupidity and group think to survive.
So my advice to you is.
Don't be stupid.
Don't be a liberal.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
They prefer the term white supremacists even though it's not the same as white nationalists. Interestingly, but not unexpected, the liberal media portrays the violence was by the hands of "white supremacists" as opposed to who really caused most of the violence, which of course were liberal fanatics.

If you look up the term white nationalists and replace it with say black, Asian, whatever, suddenly it takes on a different meaning to liberals. This is because they're hypocrites, and hold white people to a higher standard and/or there's a double standard.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
I put you on IGNORE so I don't get stupid. Anyone who reads what you write loses brain cells by truck load. You and your party require stupidity and group think to survive.
So my advice to you is.
Don't be stupid.
Don't be a liberal.
You put me on Ignore, eh? And yet responded to one of my posts.

And we are supposed to think you aren't stupid? :lol:
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