What the Hell Is a "White Nationalist" ?

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The white race is obviously superior...it goes without saying...or marching....or waving signs.

A point often made with quite a bit of empirical evidence.

People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look in the mirror at one all the time.
This topic was started by someone who said his college never told him what a WN is.

So thanks for providing us with a show of Tard Irony, idiot. :lol:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
blah, blah, blah, blah, does your tongue ever get dried out by saying blah blah blah all day? why don't you make your point with a fking link tarzan.
If you tards would stop saying such incredibly stupid things, I would shut up.

But you just keep going and going and going and going!

You just keep getting right back in line to be lied to!
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look at the mirror at one all the time.
Another swing and a miss..... Let's see how many swings you take before you completely strike out. :rofl:
from the cheap message board hack. go and figure you have nothing to say concerning the origin of WN. it's sweet to see your libshit.
I explained the origins of WNs in post 10, retard.

Jesus, you just walk right into these punches. Doesn't seem fair.
and it doesn't say shit about origin. perhaps you should open your left blinders and read the OP. origin. came from libturds evaluating the plight of the civil war. 2009 ish.
Wow. You are another one of those parroting tards who think liberals came up with the White Nationalist label?

How did you get this stupid? Did you drink some Drano or something?
blah, blah, blah, blah, does your tongue ever get dried out by saying blah blah blah all day? why don't you make your point with a fking link tarzan.
If you tards would stop saying such incredibly stupid things, I would shut up.

But you just keep going and going and going and going!

You just keep getting right back in line to be lied to!
we comment based on the stupid you spew daily in here. It is what it is based on your lack of hypocrisy. developed based on years of hate.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look at the mirror at one all the time.
Another swing and a miss..... Let's see how many swings you take before you completely strike out. :rofl:
I hit the fking snot out of it harold.
I can't help but notice not one pseudocon ever kicks these forum nazis in the nuts.

That's why I call them nazi collaborators.
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look at the mirror at one all the time.
Another swing and a miss..... Let's see how many swings you take before you completely strike out. :rofl:
I hit the fking snot out of it harold.
Oh you couldn't be more wrong but I expect that from the weak minded us vs them morons.......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
White Nationalism is a FICTITIOUS TERM that was Created By The Globalist Left
Jesus! Another parroting tard!
take a look at this fk wizard, he thinks he's got it going as the white nationalism king. go king, let's see your hate in full valor some more, keep it coming, we see your hate, it's so obvious it's like a runny nose you can't stop the snot.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalist, one of those words like snow flake ?
in your opinion or version. we know, the left love to do this. it's who you are. Nice labeling though, you sure are whacked out their jane.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look at the mirror at one all the time.
Another swing and a miss..... Let's see how many swings you take before you completely strike out. :rofl:
I hit the fking snot out of it harold.
Oh you couldn't be more wrong but I expect that from the weak minded us vs them morons.......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I see I hit a grand salami
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalist, one of those words like snow flake ?
both started by the libs, yes.
WNs have been around for decades. Their movement spans Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia.

It can't be helped some tards fill their ignorance with an assumption that the liberals made them up.

It's all part of the attempt to get these pseudocon tards to aid and abet the far right by keeping the pseudocons as stupid and ill-informed as possible.
You are the tard. You're still not getting it (neither is HS) that no matter how many definitions you scour up with Google search, it still remains that the term white nationalist is a demonization of whites and nationalists.

Are you getting this yet ? It is an IMPROPER use of WORDS. And a racist/bigoted misuse of those words, and therefore a hypocritical one as well. :rolleyes:
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
A patriot.
Boy do I love a political hack!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
cause you look at the mirror at one all the time.
Another swing and a miss..... Let's see how many swings you take before you completely strike out. :rofl:
I hit the fking snot out of it harold.
Oh you couldn't be more wrong but I expect that from the weak minded us vs them morons.......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I see I hit a grand salami
On your head...... yup. What else do you have g2000....... Uummmm what was your name again?
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