What the Hell is Wrong With Our National Elites?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I went to a Monster Truck Jam down here in VA and it was a simplistic pile of fun, noise, exhaust and did i mention the noise? Anyway, the National anthem was song before events began and the little lady that sang it did the best rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I have ever heard. On the way home I started wondering why it was that the idiots chosen to sing the National Anthem on broadcast TV, big nationa sporting events and such things cant find talented young singers like that little lady to sing on camera?

Then it occured to me that they could, they just dont want to. There is this trend in the arts at the national level that seems to delight in being as perverted, unAmerican and offensive to normalcy as they possibly can.

Its like how it is with most Anglo women these days. They try to disguse their beauty under bad hair styles, ugly ripped clothes and just the stupidest looking shit I have seen in my life. No wonder there is this 'Asian thing' most Anglo males suffer from and a general consensus that Latino women are more feminine than Anglo women. Anglo women are afraid to be feminine any more. Why, I dont know, but maybe it is related to this Ugly is the new Beautiful thing I mentioned above.

But it is much worse than just fashion; our Federalis have become the most incompetent government on the planet They declared War on drugs, poverty, illiteracy,.crime, terrorism, slums, racism, bad haircuts and a million other things and we have ALL OF THEM NOW TEN TIMES WORSE.

What the ever loving hell is wrong with Washington DC? Our FBI is corrupt now to the point that they are led by men who should recuse themselves from investigating things that they are appointed to investigate anyway.

Our politicians go in to Congress middle class and come out as multi-millionaires.

When did our national elite become so dysfunctional?
Took a nose dive when they hired Rosanne to sing the anthem.
I too have an asian/latino fetish.
There are attractive feminine Anglo women still, but when you compare the ones of today to deacdes ago, you just have to wonder what the hell happened.




They seemed to smile alot more back then too.

USA "elites" no bettor nor worse than "elites" world wide. NT reveals Satan is the "god of this world" We are but should not be surprised to be told the "elites" are evil.

Being evil is how the "elites" get to be at the top of the totem pole and stay there. The "elites" must routinely show their devotion to Satan. And Satan likes bloody entertainment.

I went to a Monster Truck Jam down here in VA and it was a simplistic pile of fun, noise, exhaust and did i mention the noise? Anyway, the National anthem was song before events began and the little lady that sang it did the best rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I have ever heard. On the way home I started wondering why it was that the idiots chosen to sing the National Anthem on broadcast TV, big nationa sporting events and such things cant find talented young singers like that little lady to sing on camera?

Then it occured to me that they could, they just dont want to. There is this trend in the arts at the national level that seems to delight in being as perverted, unAmerican and offensive to normalcy as they possibly can.

Its like how it is with most Anglo women these days. They try to disguse their beauty under bad hair styles, ugly ripped clothes and just the stupidest looking shit I have seen in my life. No wonder there is this 'Asian thing' most Anglo males suffer from and a general consensus that Latino women are more feminine than Anglo women. Anglo women are afraid to be feminine any more. Why, I dont know, but maybe it is related to this Ugly is the new Beautiful thing I mentioned above.

But it is much worse than just fashion; our Federalis have become the most incompetent government on the planet They declared War on drugs, poverty, illiteracy,.crime, terrorism, slums, racism, bad haircuts and a million other things and we have ALL OF THEM NOW TEN TIMES WORSE.

What the ever loving hell is wrong with Washington DC? Our FBI is corrupt now to the point that they are led by men who should recuse themselves from investigating things that they are appointed to investigate anyway.

Our politicians go in to Congress middle class and come out as multi-millionaires.

When did our national elite become so dysfunctional?

How old are you? Do you yell at the neighborhood kids?

And...why pepper your rant with inaccuracies? Is reality not miserable enough for you?
It isnt Satanism, John.

But I kid you not, there is this style thing where it is somehow wrong for Anglo women to try to look beautiful or feminine.

And the governments incompetence is well known, so you dont have to blame it on Satan. I think he wouldnt want the Federal government on his side, come to think of it.
It isnt Satanism, John. But I kid you not, there is this style thing where it is somehow wrong for Anglo women to try to look beautiful or feminine. And the governments incompetence is well known, so you dont have to blame it on Satan. I think he wouldnt want the Federal government on his side, come to think of it.

I presume you are a modern sophisticate that thinks Satan does not exist.

Well, Satan does exist. Same as God exist. Think they don't ? Well, there's your problem.

A guy with Yellow Fever carries on about it on Current Events? You couldn't put your sex fetish on the Lounge threads?

It isnt Satanism, John. But I kid you not, there is this style thing where it is somehow wrong for Anglo women to try to look beautiful or feminine. And the governments incompetence is well known, so you dont have to blame it on Satan. I think he wouldnt want the Federal government on his side, come to think of it.

I presume you are a modern sophisticate that thinks Satan does not exist.

Well, Satan does exist. Same as God exist. Think they don't ? Well, there's your problem.

No, I know that Satan exists, but I think he is a bit more subtle than you seem to think he is.

Getting people to thin he is the cause of all that is bad is another one of his tricks that prevents people from solving their own problems.
It isnt Satanism, John. But I kid you not, there is this style thing where it is somehow wrong for Anglo women to try to look beautiful or feminine. And the governments incompetence is well known, so you dont have to blame it on Satan. I think he wouldnt want the Federal government on his side, come to think of it.
I presume you are a modern sophisticate that thinks Satan does not exist.
Well, Satan does exist. Same as God exist. Think they don't ? Well, there's your problem.
No, I know that Satan exists, but I think he is a bit more subtle than you seem to think he is.
Getting people to thin he is the cause of all that is bad is another one of his tricks that prevents people from solving their own problems.

I'm confident my post # 5 regarding "elites" was accurate. I never said Satan alone "is the cause of all that is bad".
It all began when a bunch of rich outlaws decided to declare they "discovered" a place they called "America'......where there were already millions of people(red savages) living.
It all began when a bunch of rich outlaws decided to declare they "discovered" a place they called "America'......where there were already millions of people(red savages) living.

The "native" tribes oft fought each other. Too bad for them a new (European) tribe with better weapons showed up.

Hope it is some consultation to the heirs of the "natives" that the heirs of the 1776 European crowd (that became modern Americans) are now being conquered.
It all began when a bunch of rich outlaws decided to declare they "discovered" a place they called "America'......where there were already millions of people(red savages) living.
roflmao, you are an ignorant moron.

Disease and plague wiped out 90% of Amerindians, not white men.

Your racism is eating your brain.

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