What the Hell is Wrong with the GOP?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why the animus towards Trump? He is no less conservative than Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney, so what is the problem? That the GOP will suffer another defeat like with Goldwater in 1964? (Remember that this was a sympathy vote right after JFK's assassination, and that Goldwater's rigid ideology made it easier to characterize him as an extremist.)

Who, exactly, would be a more "acceptable" nominee? Cruz, who nobody likes and has garnered less than 30% of the popular votes? Wouldn't his rigid ideology (e.g., abolish the IRS) and religious zealotry make him an even easier target than Goldwater? Kasich, whose "moderate" appeal ends at Ohio's borders? Or is it X, a mythical candidate who will win the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after taking office? (Sorry, the Dems have a lock on that.)

Is the GOP nothing more than a collection of old windbags who are horrified at the thought of an uncouth nominee? Or is it some thing more sinister? Have they become too comfortable in being an opposition party who is paid by special interests to say the right things but not upset the apple cart of "progressive" politics? Is that why Trump's independence and willingness to expose this corrupt system is so threatening to them?
Why the animus towards Trump? He is no less conservative than Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney, so what is the problem? That the GOP will suffer another defeat like with Goldwater in 1964? (Remember that this was a sympathy vote right after JFK's assassination, and that Goldwater's rigid ideology made it easier to characterize him as an extremist.)

Who, exactly, would be a more "acceptable" nominee? Cruz, who nobody likes and has garnered less than 30% of the popular votes? Wouldn't his rigid ideology (e.g., abolish the IRS) and religious zealotry make him an even easier target than Goldwater? Kasich, whose "moderate" appeal ends at Ohio's borders? Or is it X, a mythical candidate who will win the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after taking office? (Sorry, the Dems have a lock on that.)

Is the GOP nothing more than a collection of old windbags who are horrified at the thought of an uncouth nominee? Or is it some thing more sinister? Have they become too comfortable in being an opposition party who is paid by special interests to say the right things but not upset the apple cart of "progressive" politics? Is that why Trump's independence and willingness to expose this corrupt system is so threatening to them?
Dole has come out in support of him. McCain and failing polls in Arizona has changed his tune. Its the Bush/Romney group causing the problems.
They're a bunch of cheap labor, free fuck you America traders! You see the establishment of the party likes cheap labor like h1b's and illegals flowing through our borders!!!!
Why the animus towards Trump? He is no less conservative than Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney, so what is the problem? That the GOP will suffer another defeat like with Goldwater in 1964? (Remember that this was a sympathy vote right after JFK's assassination, and that Goldwater's rigid ideology made it easier to characterize him as an extremist.)

Who, exactly, would be a more "acceptable" nominee? Cruz, who nobody likes and has garnered less than 30% of the popular votes? Wouldn't his rigid ideology (e.g., abolish the IRS) and religious zealotry make him an even easier target than Goldwater? Kasich, whose "moderate" appeal ends at Ohio's borders? Or is it X, a mythical candidate who will win the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after taking office? (Sorry, the Dems have a lock on that.)

Is the GOP nothing more than a collection of old windbags who are horrified at the thought of an uncouth nominee? Or is it some thing more sinister? Have they become too comfortable in being an opposition party who is paid by special interests to say the right things but not upset the apple cart of "progressive" politics? Is that why Trump's independence and willingness to expose this corrupt system is so threatening to them?
Dole has come out in support of him. McCain and failing polls in Arizona has changed his tune. Its the Bush/Romney group causing the problems.
dole?.....holy shit!....ok im backing trump.....
They're a bunch of cheap labor, free fuck you America traders! You see the establishment of the party likes cheap labor like h1b's and illegals flowing through our borders!!!!
America traders?.....what are they trading matt?...
The never Trump group knows he is a disaster waiting to happen. He will lose the WH, the Senate, and the Supreme Court majority. He will be fortunate to get 15% of the Hispanic vote, 25% of the Black vote, and women hate him. That is reason to panic...

Donald has taken positions opposite of conservative positions for the last 50 years. He is a Bully, an egomaniac, and his morals make true evangelicals cringe.

He won't be able to unite the GOP unless he walks back some of his extreme stances. But if he does that, he loses his rabid supporters.

The GOP is screwed.....
They're a bunch of cheap labor, free fuck you America traders! You see the establishment of the party likes cheap labor like h1b's and illegals flowing through our borders!!!!
America traders?.....what are they trading matt?...

Our economic life blood as a nation to china and Mexico. Trump and Sanders are the only ones that stood up in this election against this idiocy.
Nothing is "wrong" with the GOP. They are exactly who they want to be.
Nothing is "wrong" with the GOP. They are exactly who they want to be.
They dont represent their voters. You even display that with your avatar. A party that doesnt represent it's voters is wrong.

And unless Trump changes them, they will NEVER be voted in again.
Why the animus towards Trump? He is no less conservative than Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney, so what is the problem? That the GOP will suffer another defeat like with Goldwater in 1964? (Remember that this was a sympathy vote right after JFK's assassination, and that Goldwater's rigid ideology made it easier to characterize him as an extremist.)

Who, exactly, would be a more "acceptable" nominee? Cruz, who nobody likes and has garnered less than 30% of the popular votes? Wouldn't his rigid ideology (e.g., abolish the IRS) and religious zealotry make him an even easier target than Goldwater? Kasich, whose "moderate" appeal ends at Ohio's borders? Or is it X, a mythical candidate who will win the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after taking office? (Sorry, the Dems have a lock on that.)

Is the GOP nothing more than a collection of old windbags who are horrified at the thought of an uncouth nominee? Or is it some thing more sinister? Have they become too comfortable in being an opposition party who is paid by special interests to say the right things but not upset the apple cart of "progressive" politics? Is that why Trump's independence and willingness to expose this corrupt system is so threatening to them?
As apposed to ignorant young windbags that conform to anything just to be contrary and spiteful and mean spirited snarky bastards that condemn hate and anger and are full of so much rage and anger at the same TIME? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Some things never change.
As apposed to ignorant young windbags that conform to anything just to be contrary and spiteful and mean spirited snarky bastards that condemn hate and anger and are full of so much rage and anger at the same TIME?

Don't be so hard on the anti-Trump protesters!
They know that a President Trump will apply the brakes to their gravy train.
As apposed to ignorant young windbags that conform to anything just to be contrary and spiteful and mean spirited snarky bastards that condemn hate and anger and are full of so much rage and anger at the same TIME?

Don't be so hard on the anti-Trump protesters!
Oink, said the piggy. Come on now. Trump is kryptonite to political correctness, and that's enough for some.
Some of us don't like Trump, we despise political correctness MORE. We want to put a stake in it's heart and move on.
Trump calls for an END to the Federal Minimum Wage.
In other words, not $15.

Not $12.

Not even $7.25, the current minimum.

But $0.0

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