What the Hell is Wrong with the GOP?

Apparently some have no tolerance for "politically correct"...what ever it is ..............they will not say they only know it needs killing with a stake ...
Media Highlight Trump’s Flip-Flops On The Minimum Wage And Taxes
Media are pointing out Donald Trump’s reversals on his tax and minimum wage policy stances, calling the pivots “a big change” from his positions in the Republican primary election.
I get it, you don't like Trump. But that stuff about the n word?. Cheap shot. I thought liberals were about tolerance and diversity? liberals don't define free speech and free thought, funny thing about that. They want to define it and create dogmas. Hypocrites they are.
You are just another "I want to drive a stake through PC" Right winger...what is PC that it needs a stake through its heart.,...MMmm ?
Is there a question in all that? Or just another veiled cheap shot?
Media Highlight Trump’s Flip-Flops On The Minimum Wage And Taxes
Media are pointing out Donald Trump’s reversals on his tax and minimum wage policy stances, calling the pivots “a big change” from his positions in the Republican primary election.
I get it, you don't like Trump. But that stuff about the n word?. Cheap shot. I thought liberals were about tolerance and diversity? liberals don't define free speech and free thought, funny thing about that. They want to define it and create dogmas. Hypocrites they are.
You are just another "I want to drive a stake through PC" Right winger...what is PC that it needs a stake through its heart.,...MMmm ?
Is there a question in all that? Or just another veiled cheap shot?
You know what the question is I have asked three times "What is "Political correct" that it needs a stake through its heart"
Media Highlight Trump’s Flip-Flops On The Minimum Wage And Taxes
Media are pointing out Donald Trump’s reversals on his tax and minimum wage policy stances, calling the pivots “a big change” from his positions in the Republican primary election.
I get it, you don't like Trump. But that stuff about the n word?. Cheap shot. I thought liberals were about tolerance and diversity? liberals don't define free speech and free thought, funny thing about that. They want to define it and create dogmas. Hypocrites they are.
You are just another "I want to drive a stake through PC" Right winger...what is PC that it needs a stake through its heart.,...MMmm ?
Is there a question in all that? Or just another veiled cheap shot?
You know what the question is I have asked three times "What is "Political correct" that it needs a stake through its heart"
You did. You ask that, and you can count! Kudos! You are fishing, we both know it. Conformity, drinking the Kool-Aid. Don't tell me you need instructions?
You did. You ask that, and you can count! Kudos! You are fishing, we both know it. Conformity, drinking the Kool-Aid. Don't tell me you need instructions?

Lets say some power came and overnight it totally erased "politically correct"...what would be the first thing one would notice that would have one saying "hey Politically correct is gone..."
You did. You ask that, and you can count! Kudos! You are fishing, we both know it. Conformity, drinking the Kool-Aid. Don't tell me you need instructions?

Lets say some power came and overnight it totally erased "politically correct"...what would be the first thing one would notice that would have one saying "hey Politically correct is gone..."
Bub, I am tired being told what is the "right way" to think by a political minority to suit their own needs. I will not be baited into splitting hairs and endless arguments. I don't support Trump, but I get his constituency. Perhaps you need sensitivity training.
Media Highlight Trump’s Flip-Flops On The Minimum Wage And Taxes
Media are pointing out Donald Trump’s reversals on his tax and minimum wage policy stances, calling the pivots “a big change” from his positions in the Republican primary election.
I get it, you don't like Trump. But that stuff about the n word?. Cheap shot. I thought liberals were about tolerance and diversity? liberals don't define free speech and free thought, funny thing about that. They want to define it and create dogmas. Hypocrites they are.
Liberals have NEVER been about tolerance, that's why they created the KKK, and they only want diversity if it translates into Democrat voters.
blah blah blah Liberals invented the KKK and the GOP stole it ...year 2016 KKK votes Trump..end of story
You're in denial. Blacks were slaves to the Democrats before the Civil War and you're still slaves, only now you're chains come in the form of a welfare check. And Trump has never had anything to do with the KKK but that doesn't stop lying liberals from claiming he does.
Lets say some power came and overnight it totally erased "politically correct"...what would be the first thing one would notice that would have one saying "hey Politically correct is gone..."

Political correctness is the practice of stifling honest debate through the use of pejorative terminology. Your departure would have us saying "hey Politically correct is gone..."
Political correctness is the practice of stifling honest debate through the use of pejorative terminology. Your departure would have us saying "hey Politically correct is gone..."
So politically correct means "expressing contempt or disapproval" in a manner such as you just did in the attempt at snark posting that my leaving means "hey Politically correct is gone..."

I am going to express disapproval of you whine ...politically correct to me means not backing down when some one expresses some ridiculous notion or does it in such a way that it deserves contempt...instead I meet it with what it deserves ...contempt :2up:
You're in denial. Blacks were slaves to the Democrats before the Civil War and you're still slaves, only now you're chains come in the form of a welfare check. And Trump has never had anything to do with the KKK but that doesn't stop lying liberals from claiming he does.
Trump's David Duke Amnesia - FactCheck.org
Trump, who conducted his “State of the Union” interview remotely from Florida, blamed a bad earpiece for his refusal to disavow Duke and condemn his politics during his interview with Tapper. Trump said he could “hardly hear what [Tapper] was saying.” That may be. But Trump clearly heard the name David Duke. In fact, he repeated it and claimed that he doesn’t know him.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves him wrong.

How David Duke's (Very Live) Ghost Haunts Donald Trump ... - Politico
PC is giving your thoughts/opinion on something in such a way as to not offend the thin skinned whiners who need a 'safe space' because someone wrote "Trump2016" on a chalkboard and someone else raised their hand which the bedwetters saw as a 'micro-aggression' and their sensitive little snowflakes selves couldn't handle it because their 'everyone gets a trophy!' upbringing has produced a generation of whiny, spineless, pajamaboygirls.

More or less.
Why the animus towards Trump? He is no less conservative than Bush-Dole-Bush-McCain-Romney, so what is the problem? That the GOP will suffer another defeat like with Goldwater in 1964? (Remember that this was a sympathy vote right after JFK's assassination, and that Goldwater's rigid ideology made it easier to characterize him as an extremist.)

Well, according to Trump, Ted Cruz's father helped have JFK assassinated, so they had to nominate Trump.

It's all perfectly logical.
You're in denial. Blacks were slaves to the Democrats before the Civil War and you're still slaves, only now you're chains come in the form of a welfare check. And Trump has never had anything to do with the KKK but that doesn't stop lying liberals from claiming he does.
Trump's David Duke Amnesia - FactCheck.org
Trump, who conducted his “State of the Union” interview remotely from Florida, blamed a bad earpiece for his refusal to disavow Duke and condemn his politics during his interview with Tapper. Trump said he could “hardly hear what [Tapper] was saying.” That may be. But Trump clearly heard the name David Duke. In fact, he repeated it and claimed that he doesn’t know him.

“Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Trump told Tapper. “I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”

The record proves him wrong.

How David Duke's (Very Live) Ghost Haunts Donald Trump ... - Politico
David Duke? How about invoking the name of someone who actually had power, like Robert Byrd and Hillary Clinton?
PC is giving your thoughts/opinion on something in such a way as to not offend the thin skinned whiners who need a 'safe space' because someone wrote "Trump2016" on a chalkboard and someone else raised their hand which the bedwetters saw as a 'micro-aggression' and their sensitive little snowflakes selves couldn't handle it because their 'everyone gets a trophy!' upbringing has produced a generation of whiny, spineless, pajamaboygirls.

More or less.
PC is breaking down in tears if someone says ""happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas LOL
Trumpism Meets Its First Defeat ... in London
May 9, 2016 2:00 AM EDT
Pankaj Mishra
Donald Trump became last week the presumptive Republican nominee in the U.S. presidential elections. But those condemned to agonizing suspense and anxiety until November should note that Trumpism, or the politics of hate and fear, also suffered a major defeat last week.

I refer to the election of former human rights lawyer Sadiq Khan as London’s mayor. That the son of a Pakistani bus driver, whose campaign team included gay men and Jewish women, should become the mayor of a great European city would at any time have signaled hope for our irrevocably mixed societies. Its significance in this era of politically expedient bigotry cannot be overestimated.
Trumpism Meets Its First Defeat ... in London

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