What the left won't sink to in order to slander Trump

In this video, a man shows up at a Trump rally, wearing a shirt on which he penned "KKK Endorses Trump." He is escorted out of the building, while the crowd cheers.

They really have nothing else. What are they supposed to do, ask voters if they like out of control inflation, double the price of fuel, a virtual open border, a crashing stock market, being threatened by another nuclear country?

So the only other thing they can try is cut down Republicans.
In this video, a man shows up at a Trump rally, wearing a shirt on which he penned "KKK Endorses Trump." He is escorted out of the building, while the crowd cheers.

Slow news day? :laugh:
And you voted for a guy who said the most racist things about blacks than any presidential candidate in our lifetime. What does that say about you?

He did?

Biden is the first man to serve under a black President and select a black woman to serve as Vice President
Kinda shows he is no racist

Just because Biden doesn't express his repressed racism, doesn't mean he not racist. Even yourself: If you did some serious soul-searching and looking in the mirror, you would come face to face with your own suppressed racism that you harbor deep inside. Face up to it: You're white, you're middle class, and you're privileged. Therefore, you are a racist, whether you're willing to accept it or not. And the fact that you vote for Democrats, are a "cool guy", and are congenial around Black folks doesn't mean a fucking thing to them. There's nothing you can do to ameliorate your racist, white, privileged heritage, no matter what you do. You could even flagellate yourself with whips out of remorse, and the stigma of racism would still always be attached to you, whether you like it or not. Because whether you think otherwise, you're still a honkey, a cracker, a peckerwood, and Mr. Whitey. That's what Mr. Black street thug would think of you, after he knocked your white ass out and was rifling through your pockets. Don't believe me? Pick any city in this country that has an MLK Blvd., go stand at the intersection at three AM in the morning, and see what happens to your cracker ass.

Now, I will derisively laugh at your lilly-white ass, honky. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::21:

What the left won't sink to in order to slander Trump​

Wow! I didn't know there was ANY level the Left wouldn't stoop to trying to slander Trump!

After all, he has done us the unforgivable act of showing the nation what the Fascist Left really are about!

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