What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump...[by a former Muslim]

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
This is typical Clinton methodology, to use anonymous surrogates to seed rumors and then stand back and watch what burns to the ground.

Only in the case of Obama, being a full fledged Marxist, the Marxist media switched sides and supported Obama instead of Hillary.
Yup, I knew it was a ploy. Dems don't normally care about bringing out military related persons for the mere sake of being proud patriots. And the fact that the woman's not even allowed to speak :lmao:

Yeah. Having a son....forcing him to join the US military...and insisting that he be KIA was all part of a plot to deny Trump the White House.

Makes perfect sense.
I assume he still has people in Hawaii looking into it.
Isn't Joe giving him a hand?
Most of you libtards still think that Obama put his Long Form Birth Certificate online, when he did not do that.

And even more of you dont understand why such a thing is significant anyway, and even more of you couldnt give a shit if Obama was born in Moscow and raised as a foreign spy; you would still have voted for him anyway.

All you want is your free shit and America can go to hell.

There it is. The supposed intelligent one is a fucking Birther.
The plot thickens. It turns out this Khan creature isn't as "patriotic" as the Dims are making him out to be. The guy appears to be in league with the Muslim brotherhood. No big surprise there since Hillary and Uma Abadeen are both allies of the Brotherhood.

What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States

The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back....

During the eighties Kahn wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad...

According to a recent report, Khan moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates, a hotbed for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Kahn currently runs a law firm in New York City called KM Kahn Law Office. According to the website, the the law firm specializes in “immigration services.” Most likely Kahn was working to bring Muslims into the country....

Intelius reveals Khizr M. Khan used to work for Hogan & Hartson and Lovells, which has ties to the Clinton Foundation....

There's always stink on anything a fucking libtardo does. I wondered what the story was on his worthless ass. So we find out he's in the business to import the bastards trying to kill us. Hillarious is lawyer Billdo is a lawyer Manchelle is a lawyer Obamakov is a lawyer and Huma is a Muslim Valarie is a Muslim.

Lawyers and Muslims. Nothing to see here.

It's like every other shiny thing the Democrats trot out. When you rub the coating off of it, the turd shows through.
We're pretty close to the RWnuts starting to claim that this couple's son isn't really dead.

Oh, I doubt that. However his honorable service, and ultimate sacrifice, are a testament to HIM, not his parents. Many sons and daughters don't hold to their parents ideals or ideology, and it appears this may be the case in this instance.

It appears this may be. Awesome.

I love this standard for evidence. Anything is, indeed, possible.
Thank you....it is a typical tactic of the left to use spokespeople who you are not allowed to question...you must take your beating, hang your head and then submit...to actually question the family of a dead soldier...that is not allowed....unless you are the mother of one killed because Hilary screwed up....as has been pointed out in the no left wing media....it is fine to attack the Bhengazi families...but not those who support Hilary....
Yep, the outrage and vitriol being directed at Patricia Smith for her speech at the RNC is disgusting.
And Hillary's direct attacks on her need to be called out.

They didn't catch your drift. Hard to believe, huh?

Trump Ally Says Khan 'Agent of Muslim Brotherhood'

You KNOW they're gonna ask Trump about this.

What are the chances his response will be measured, intelligent, dignified, respectful and Presidential?

Yeah, me neither.

You said it all. Except for the part where you express your disdain for the people who are poisoning the dialogue pool with this bullshit. I'm actually a bit surprised that you didn't point out a case where the extreme left did the same thing. You are slipping.

Trump Ally Says Khan 'Agent of Muslim Brotherhood'

You KNOW they're gonna ask Trump about this.

What are the chances his response will be measured, intelligent, dignified, respectful and Presidential?

Yeah, me neither.

You said it all. Except for the part where you express your disdain for the people who are poisoning the dialogue pool with this bullshit. I'm actually a bit surprised that you didn't point out a case where the extreme left did the same thing. You are slipping.
Well, I guess I'll just have to somehow find a way to proceed without your approval.

I assume he still has people in Hawaii looking into it.
Isn't Joe giving him a hand?
Most of you libtards still think that Obama put his Long Form Birth Certificate online, when he did not do that.

And even more of you dont understand why such a thing is significant anyway, and even more of you couldnt give a shit if Obama was born in Moscow and raised as a foreign spy; you would still have voted for him anyway.

All you want is your free shit and America can go to hell.
Damn it...you've figured us out!!!
Thank you....it is a typical tactic of the left to use spokespeople who you are not allowed to question...you must take your beating, hang your head and then submit...to actually question the family of a dead soldier...that is not allowed....unless you are the mother of one killed because Hilary screwed up....as has been pointed out in the no left wing media....it is fine to attack the Bhengazi families...but not those who support Hilary....
Yep, the outrage and vitriol being directed at Patricia Smith for her speech at the RNC is disgusting.
And Hillary's direct attacks on her need to be called out.

They didn't catch your drift. Hard to believe, huh?
Too subtle d'ya think?
Not at all. But it does bring to mind the Palestinian who was videotaped trying to get his son killed by the Israelis so that it could be videotaped for Hamas' propaganda purposes.

Congratulations. Most stupid fucking (and insulting) post I have seen a mod make. Nice job insulting veterans and their loved ones.
Thank you....it is a typical tactic of the left to use spokespeople who you are not allowed to question...you must take your beating, hang your head and then submit...to actually question the family of a dead soldier...that is not allowed....unless you are the mother of one killed because Hilary screwed up....as has been pointed out in the no left wing media....it is fine to attack the Bhengazi families...but not those who support Hilary....
Yep, the outrage and vitriol being directed at Patricia Smith for her speech at the RNC is disgusting.
And Hillary's direct attacks on her need to be called out.

They didn't catch your drift. Hard to believe, huh?
Too subtle d'ya think?

Yeah. That's it. Yeah.....yeah!
op is one sick fuck to attack a gold star family.

no wonder he supports trump. birds of a feather...

Fuck you, the son served, not the father. The father is the one who decided to use his sons death for politics, Trump didn't put him on that stage.

awwww.....poor thin skinned donald and his thin skinned trumpsters

i'm going to assume you didn't get the point the father made at the convention because you only repeat what your handlers tell you to.
Goldstar or not........worth a look if father is Muzzie Brotherhood supporter.
why? there's no reason to believe it

You've got to understand; content=credibility in the world of conserve-hate-ives.

You being a Hildabeast supporter really shouldn't be blabbering about anyone's credibility
so you're okay with baseless smears of gold star families?

You seem to be OK with the baseless smears against Trump made by Kahn.
there were no baseless smears against trump
Not at all. But it does bring to mind the Palestinian who was videotaped trying to get his son killed by the Israelis so that it could be videotaped for Hamas' propaganda purposes.

So, are you accusing Kahn of getting his son killed deliberately?

If you are, you're a disgusting human being, like all the opther Trump fans on this thread. They better hope the atheists are right, because if there is a God, they're all burning in hell for eternity.

If you're not, then why did you bring it up? What was the point of such sleazy innuendo?
The fact that millions of sub-human Islamic scum exist obviously proves there is no GOD or if there is a GOD he's a fucking psychopath for 'creating' what are pure evil vermin which must be exterminated if the world is to survive.
We knew if people searched just a little deeper into ANYTHING the fucking DemoRATS do, say, or act out....that there is ALWAYS something else buried in the incident!
Just the same as the fucking 'Clock-Bomb BOY' genius Obama invited to the White house.
The fucking LIB ALWAYS end up looking like the fools they are!
Hillary attempted to get the BLM terrorists to endorse her for Christ's sake!

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