What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump...[by a former Muslim]

So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.
Sadly, you learned nothing from the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi; which concluded the CIA was feeding that intelligence to the State Department and the White House; and that Hillary did not lie.

It's cute how you idiots think if you repeat that lie enough times, you might be able to fool someone as dumb as you.

She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:
  • Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the USA
    shoebat.com ^ | 7/31/2016 | Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat
    Khizr Muazzam Khan graduated in Punjab University Law College, as the New York Times confirms. and he specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia. An interest lawyer for Islamic oil companies Khan wrote a paper, called In Defense of OPEC to defend the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), an intergovernmental oil company consisting of mainly Islamic countries. Khan is a promoter of Islamic Sharia Law. Khan is also co-founder of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law (Islamic Sharia).
BTW did Hilly apologize for getting her son killed..she did vote for the war
As did Pence.
And Trump approved of it as well.

Trump had a vote? He kinda did support it after the fact, which is what we all should have done, not like the Kerryites that voted for the war before he didn't.
I never said he had a vote.
He supported it before the fact though.

And we are to take your word for it? Link? One thing we know for sure, Crooked Hillary put her name on the line to vote for war and to support the war. Matter of fact Crooked Hillary has not met a war she didn't like. Waco, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, hell she even threatened Iran with total destruction. She is quite the war hawk.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.
Sadly, you learned nothing from the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi; which concluded the CIA was feeding that intelligence to the State Department and the White House; and that Hillary did not lie.

It's cute how you idiots think if you repeat that lie enough times, you might be able to fool someone as dumb as you.

She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.
Sadly, you learned nothing from the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi; which concluded the CIA was feeding that intelligence to the State Department and the White House; and that Hillary did not lie.

It's cute how you idiots think if you repeat that lie enough times, you might be able to fool someone as dumb as you.

She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
Denying it in the face of the link I posted to the GOP-led investigation report doesn't help ya, Skippy. Here it is again, in case you didn't understand it the first time...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Last edited:
  • Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?
    Townhall ^ | July 31, 2016 | Matt Vespa
    Earlier this week, Trump said something inappropriate about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan. Her son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq back in 2004, but was silent when she and her husband, Khizr, briefly spoke at the Democratic National Convention. Khizr torched Trump in his address, which prompted the unseemly response from the Republican nominee. Khizr said that Trump knows nothing of sacrifice, lacks empathy, and is ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Okay—so Trump’s remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, was terrible. Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized...
What is the big deal about working to bring muslim legally into the United States? I don't understand where the danger is from that?
She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.
Sadly, you learned nothing from the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi; which concluded the CIA was feeding that intelligence to the State Department and the White House; and that Hillary did not lie.

It's cute how you idiots think if you repeat that lie enough times, you might be able to fool someone as dumb as you.

She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
Denying it in the face of the link I posted to the GOP-led investigation report doesn't help ya, Skippy. Here it is again, in case you didn't understand it the first time...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Sorry man, no one believed it.

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea's emails from Benghazi attacks revealed
Sadly, you learned nothing from the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi; which concluded the CIA was feeding that intelligence to the State Department and the White House; and that Hillary did not lie.

It's cute how you idiots think if you repeat that lie enough times, you might be able to fool someone as dumb as you.

She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
Denying it in the face of the link I posted to the GOP-led investigation report doesn't help ya, Skippy. Here it is again, in case you didn't understand it the first time...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Sorry man, no one believed it.

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea's emails from Benghazi attacks revealed
Who knows why you think anyone cares what you think in the face of a GOP-led investigation concluding the CIA believed it for the first two weeks following the attack?

Regardless of what you thought, the CIA believed it. Even worse for you, the GOP, who were so desperate to nail Obama and Hillary to the wall, held 8 separate investigations into the matter and their conclusions determined the CIA's initial assessment was that the video spurred a protest.

There's actually nothing you can say which will ever alter that reality.
She did lie, no one believed that video story, if you do, you're fucking moron and should be fired immediately....It's preposterous on its face...And she lied to Pat Smith.....to her face....Hillary's a cold heartless bitch.....

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
Denying it in the face of the link I posted to the GOP-led investigation report doesn't help ya, Skippy. Here it is again, in case you didn't understand it the first time...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Sorry man, no one believed it.

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea's emails from Benghazi attacks revealed
Who knows why you think anyone cares what you think in the face of a GOP-led investigation concluding the CIA believed it for the first two weeks following the attack?

Regardless of what you thought, the CIA believed it. Even worse for you, the GOP, who were so desperate to nail Obama and Hillary to the wall, held 8 separate investigations into the matter and their conclusions determined the CIA's initial assessment was that the video spurred a protest.

There's actually nothing you can say which will ever alter that reality.

Well you believe anything the democrats say.....so of course you would. She emailed Chelsea knowing it was terrorism and not spontaneous.....

Show me another spontaneous protest that led to the deaths of americans? Let alone one caused by a youtube video no one had heard of......there is one of you born every minute.
Our intelligence community believed it and you can't fool anyone that you're smarter than them. :eusa_naughty:

No they didn't....the first time I heard it, I posted how stupid that was on this exact board...
Denying it in the face of the link I posted to the GOP-led investigation report doesn't help ya, Skippy. Here it is again, in case you didn't understand it the first time...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Sorry man, no one believed it.

Latest State release: Clinton emails with Chelsea after Benghazi attacks and more

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea's emails from Benghazi attacks revealed
Who knows why you think anyone cares what you think in the face of a GOP-led investigation concluding the CIA believed it for the first two weeks following the attack?

Regardless of what you thought, the CIA believed it. Even worse for you, the GOP, who were so desperate to nail Obama and Hillary to the wall, held 8 separate investigations into the matter and their conclusions determined the CIA's initial assessment was that the video spurred a protest.

There's actually nothing you can say which will ever alter that reality.

Well you believe anything the democrats say.....so of course you would. She emailed Chelsea knowing it was terrorism and not spontaneous.....

Show me another spontaneous protest that led to the deaths of americans? Let alone one caused by a youtube video no one had heard of......there is one of you born every minute.
I have no need to feed your strawman. Again, the part you don't understand, is that Hillary emailed Chelsea the night of the attack that it was an Al-Qaeda attack. That was what she was first told. But then the CIA formed their assessment that the video spurred a protest. That is what Hillary told Smith's mother. That is what Susan Rice conveyed on national television. Then, 2 weeks after the attack, after gaining access to video of the attack, the CIA changed their assessment to it being an attack.

Accept it or not, that is what happened.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
op is one sick fuck to attack a gold star family.

no wonder he supports trump. birds of a feather...

Goldstar or not........worth a look if father is Muzzie Brotherhood supporter.
why? there's no reason to believe it

You've got to understand; content=credibility in the world of conserve-hate-ives.

You being a Hildabeast supporter really shouldn't be blabbering about anyone's credibility
so you're okay with baseless smears of gold star families?

You seem to be OK with the baseless smears against Trump made by Kahn.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.
The guy did pimp out his son for the DNC, just like Smith's mother did for the RNC. He put himself out there and is fair game.

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