What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump...[by a former Muslim]

Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.

What the hell is S-Span?
Why wouldn't they? Trump is a birther for chrissakes, Trumpbots have no grasp on reality whatsoever.
As is Hillary Clinton, the original Birther.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.
The guy did pimp out his son for the DNC, just like Smith's mother did for the RNC. He put himself out there and is fair game.
Fair game for jackasses, why Hillary didn't do it. Carry on...lol.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.
The guy did pimp out his son for the DNC, just like Smith's mother did for the RNC. He put himself out there and is fair game.
Fair game for jackasses, why Hillary didn't do it. Carry on...lol.
pub crap. She did do it.
Why wouldn't they? Trump is a birther for chrissakes, Trumpbots have no grasp on reality whatsoever.
As is Hillary Clinton, the original Birther.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup

Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

Kahn picked the fight, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
Nobody would have noticed until the big orange egoist/racist picked the fight...he waas only on S-Span.
The guy did pimp out his son for the DNC, just like Smith's mother did for the RNC. He put himself out there and is fair game.
Fair game for jackasses, why Hillary didn't do it. Carry on...lol.
pub crap. She did do it.
I mean she didn't go after the parents, let it go.
Why wouldn't they? Trump is a birther for chrissakes, Trumpbots have no grasp on reality whatsoever.
As is Hillary Clinton, the original Birther.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
BTW did Hilly apologize for getting her son killed..she did vote for the war
As did Pence.
And Trump approved of it as well.

Trump had a vote? He kinda did support it after the fact, which is what we all should have done, not like the Kerryites that voted for the war before he didn't.
I never said he had a vote.
He supported it before the fact though.

And we are to take your word for it? Link? One thing we know for sure, Crooked Hillary put her name on the line to vote for war and to support the war. Matter of fact Crooked Hillary has not met a war she didn't like. Waco, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, hell she even threatened Iran with total destruction. She is quite the war hawk.
Please..."Crooked Hillary"?
I bet you say Lame Stream Media as well.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

Trump’s comments on Stern are more in line with what he wrote in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, where he advocated for a “principled and tough” policy toward “outlaw” states like Iraq.

“We still don’t know what Iraq is up to or whether it has the material to build nuclear weapons. I’m no warmonger,” Trump wrote. “But the fact is, if we decide a strike against Iraq is necessary, it is madness not to carry the mission to its conclusion. When we don’t, we have the worst of all worlds: Iraq remains a threat, and now has more incentive than ever to attack us.”
In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq
Why wouldn't they? Trump is a birther for chrissakes, Trumpbots have no grasp on reality whatsoever.
As is Hillary Clinton, the original Birther.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
As is Hillary Clinton, the original Birther.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
Show us Clinton ever supporting the birther conspiracy. You can't. You can't even show us the 'bombshell memo from 2007' or name anyone in the Clinton campaign who supported the birther conspiracy.

You've got jack shit and you know it.

Where I can quote Trump supporting the Birther conspiracy. The GOP is the birther party.

We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
The date, 3.5.2008, is on the link I gave you. And why would they run with it?? We did any birther run with it? To defeat Obama.

But I do have a correction to make. Before it even appeared on Alan Peter's blog, on 3.1.2008 it appeared on the conservative forum, freerepublic.com, post #391 by FARS.
We don't because Clinton doesn't have the balls to get herself dirty....she has surrogates like Carville, and now ones like Kaine, muslim dad and those useful idiots to do it.

BUT her campaign brought it up in 2008, it wasn't republicans.....you can't deny it.
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
The date, 3.5.2008, is on the link I gave you. And why would they run with it?? We did any birther run with it? To defeat Obama.

But I do have a correction to make. Before it even appeared on Alan Peter's blog, on 3.1.2008 it appeared on the conservative forum, freerepublic.com, post #391 by FARS.

You're missing the point so you don't have to blame clinton...and Martin started it in 2004, but noone gave a shit until the Clinton campaign ran with it......that's how it got traction. So most people blame Clinton's campaign
From your link...

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

At this point, I can only hope you're lucid enough to comprehend that March, 2008, predates April, 2008. :eusa_pray:
From your link...

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

At this point, I can only hope you're lucid enough to comprehend that March, 2008, predates April, 2008. :eusa_pray:

Ok so.....the point is Clinton opened the door....
Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
The date, 3.5.2008, is on the link I gave you. And why would they run with it?? We did any birther run with it? To defeat Obama.

But I do have a correction to make. Before it even appeared on Alan Peter's blog, on 3.1.2008 it appeared on the conservative forum, freerepublic.com, post #391 by FARS.

You're missing the point so you don't have to blame clinton...and Martin started it in 2004, but noone gave a shit until the Clinton campaign ran with it......that's how it got traction. So most people blame Clinton's campaign
You obviously have no idea what Andy Martin said in 2004. Here's a clue for you -- It wasn't that Obama was born in Kenya. It was that Obama was secretly a Muslim...

Columnist Says Barack Obama 'Lied To The American People;' Asks Publisher to Withdraw Obama's Book

Birtherism began in March, 2008. A month before any bullshit claims that Hillary's campaign started it. Deal with it.
From your link...

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

At this point, I can only hope you're lucid enough to comprehend that March, 2008, predates April, 2008. :eusa_pray:

Ok so.....the point is Clinton opened the door....
No, the point is you're a fucking idiot who has to keep shifting his position on this because you have no clue what you're talking about.

Need I remind you, you entered the fray with the idiocy that Clinton's campaign started birtherism ... and now you've been reduced to posting the claim that her campaign wasn't even involved; but that Hillary supporters sent out birther emails a month after it already appeared on the Internet by conservatives.

Bullshit. Even worse for you -- bullshit you can't prove.

It started on a conservative blog called, Alan Peter's Roundup


Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]
Sorry, but wikipedia is an open source repository where anybody can contribute anything. Hardly a verifiable website and I'm even embarrassed for you that you would resort to such an unreliable source.

Even worse, it doesn't give a specific time frame in 2008.

By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
The date, 3.5.2008, is on the link I gave you. And why would they run with it?? We did any birther run with it? To defeat Obama.

But I do have a correction to make. Before it even appeared on Alan Peter's blog, on 3.1.2008 it appeared on the conservative forum, freerepublic.com, post #391 by FARS.
Trump ran with it.
I assume he still has people in Hawaii looking into it.
Isn't Joe giving him a hand?
By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
Lol, libtards dont give answers they only ask questions to Tar Baby your time online.
I assume he still has people in Hawaii looking into it.
Isn't Joe giving him a hand?
Most of you libtards still think that Obama put his Long Form Birth Certificate online, when he did not do that.

And even more of you dont understand why such a thing is significant anyway, and even more of you couldnt give a shit if Obama was born in Moscow and raised as a foreign spy; you would still have voted for him anyway.

All you want is your free shit and America can go to hell.

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