What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump...[by a former Muslim]

We're pretty close to the RWnuts starting to claim that this couple's son isn't really dead.

Oh, I doubt that. However his honorable service, and ultimate sacrifice, are a testament to HIM, not his parents. Many sons and daughters don't hold to their parents ideals or ideology, and it appears this may be the case in this instance.

How amazing is the above?
We're pretty close to the RWnuts starting to claim that this couple's son isn't really dead.

Oh, I doubt that. However his honorable service, and ultimate sacrifice, are a testament to HIM, not his parents. Many sons and daughters don't hold to their parents ideals or ideology, and it appears this may be the case in this instance.

How amazing is the above?
Pretty amazing. I see the meltdown has slowed down this morning.....
I assume he still has people in Hawaii looking into it.
Isn't Joe giving him a hand?
Most of you libtards still think that Obama put his Long Form Birth Certificate online, when he did not do that.

And even more of you dont understand why such a thing is significant anyway, and even more of you couldnt give a shit if Obama was born in Moscow and raised as a foreign spy; you would still have voted for him anyway.

All you want is your free shit and America can go to hell.

There it is. The supposed intelligent one is a fucking Birther.
Isn't it great when they finally reveal that they've been riding the Crazy Train all along....
Thank you....it is a typical tactic of the left to use spokespeople who you are not allowed to question...you must take your beating, hang your head and then submit...to actually question the family of a dead soldier...that is not allowed....unless you are the mother of one killed because Hilary screwed up....as has been pointed out in the no left wing media....it is fine to attack the Bhengazi families...but not those who support Hilary....
Yep, the outrage and vitriol being directed at Patricia Smith for her speech at the RNC is disgusting.
And Hillary's direct attacks on her need to be called out.

They didn't catch your drift. Hard to believe, huh?
They swallowed it whole...eagerly....nom nom.....
Not at all. But it does bring to mind the Palestinian who was videotaped trying to get his son killed by the Israelis so that it could be videotaped for Hamas' propaganda purposes.

So, are you accusing Kahn of getting his son killed deliberately?

If you are, you're a disgusting human being, like all the opther Trump fans on this thread. They better hope the atheists are right, because if there is a God, they're all burning in hell for eternity.

If you're not, then why did you bring it up? What was the point of such sleazy innuendo?
The fact that millions of sub-human Islamic scum exist obviously proves there is no GOD or if there is a GOD he's a fucking psychopath for 'creating' what are pure evil vermin which must be exterminated if the world is to survive.
Sounds like you are trying to say that Muslims "must be exterminated"? Did you mean that?
By comparison, I posted a link to the actual site promoting birtherism. Unlike you, I did not need to post to an unreliable source talking about it. And you have no source that predates the 3.5.2008 date that it first appeared on a conservative blog.
LINK on that date? And why would they run with it
Lol, libtards dont give answers they only ask questions to Tar Baby your time online.
I take this as tacit admission you're too stupid to know that I answered his question and provided a link which had also answered it.

Nope, I didn't say that at all, however his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, if factual, should give any thinking person pause.

So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.
Nope, I didn't say that at all, however his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, if factual, should give any thinking person pause.

So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.

This stuff was in the news for weeks, but brainwashed douche bags like you don't absorb anything unless some leftwing propaganda organ is the source.
So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.

This stuff was in the news for weeks, but brainwashed douche bags like you don't absorb anything unless some leftwing propaganda organ is the source.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to offer us the quote.

Yet you're giving me excuses why you can't.....again.
So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.

This stuff was in the news for weeks, but brainwashed douche bags like you don't absorb anything unless some leftwing propaganda organ is the source.
So you can't.....quelle surprise.
So you didn't say he deliberately had his son killed. You just implied he was like those in the Muslim Brotherhood who did such a thing, even though Kahn has no actual ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, you sleazed in some bigoted Muslim-baiting, then backpedaled when called on it.

Yep, you're a Trump-fan.
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.

This stuff was in the news for weeks, but brainwashed douche bags like you don't absorb anything unless some leftwing propaganda organ is the source.
You can't even get it right. You idiotically claimed, "She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it."

That's completely ass backwards. In reality, she first emailed Chelsea that it was an Al-Qaeda attack. THEN, after the CIA assessed it was a video spurred protest, she met with the families.
Only Trump is so egotistical that he would pick a fight with a gold star family like this. Hillary didn't with the GOP convention equivalent. The big orange idiot is not presidential material.

No, she just calls Gold Star moms liars so piss of little nazi hater dupe.
Not liars, dupes. Like you and about 35% of the country, on everything. More than that on certain things. Thanks GOP. A disgrace.
op is one sick fuck to attack a gold star family.

no wonder he supports trump. birds of a feather...

Fuck you, the son served, not the father. The father is the one who decided to use his sons death for politics, Trump didn't put him on that stage.
no, trump just insulted them after

That went both ways child, you can't pick a fight and not expect to catch a few punches.
op is one sick fuck to attack a gold star family.

no wonder he supports trump. birds of a feather...

Fuck you, the son served, not the father. The father is the one who decided to use his sons death for politics, Trump didn't put him on that stage.

awwww.....poor thin skinned donald and his thin skinned trumpsters

i'm going to assume you didn't get the point the father made at the convention because you only repeat what your handlers tell you to.

I saw the speech, the SOB is really stupid for a lawyer. The Constitution has absolutely nothing to do with his lame claims, also his family has been in the US for at least 36 years so nothing Trump does pertaining to immigration will effect them.
why? there's no reason to believe it

You've got to understand; content=credibility in the world of conserve-hate-ives.

You being a Hildabeast supporter really shouldn't be blabbering about anyone's credibility
so you're okay with baseless smears of gold star families?

You seem to be OK with the baseless smears against Trump made by Kahn.
there were no baseless smears against trump

Liar, he plainly said Trumps policies would keep his son out of the US, exactly how would that be possible when his family, along with is son, came to the US 36 years ago. Also his claim that the Constitution somehow forbids Trumps proposals is totally full of shit.
And remember how fast they turned in Cindy Shehan.......

Cindy is now screeching hate at Hillary, and proclaiming the glories of communism. So, she's essentially a good Republican.

Oh, most Democrats avoided Sheehan. If you disagree, show a single Democratic politician of any significance endorsing her.

Well, I assume you mean supporting
Does this help ?





Khan is a hero!!
Pat Smith is a whore!!

You idiot.......:bye1:MSNBC:bye1:...this is a politics forum s0n.:2up: Nobody will be caring about Kahn in about a week!! MSNBC will keep it alive but since only about 400 people watch that network, Kahn will be forced to take up permanent shelter in some cave in Scratchmyassville Pakistan. Its like the Clinton saying about a disabled kid, "Get that retard out of here!"........was news about 10 days ago and now nobody cares.:boobies::boobies:

That's the worst PhotoShopping I've seen in a long time.
Banning Muslims would keep people like his son out, it's unconstitutional. duh
Your comment reminds me of when Hillary baited the entire country. She lied to mothers that lost sons while defending their ambassador. After shitting her pants in a real world situation she created, she told grieving mothers one story and her family a completely different story.

What lie did she tell.....specifically. Quote her.

She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it. Then she told the parents to their faces that the video is what caused it.

Quote her. Not yourself.

This stuff was in the news for weeks, but brainwashed douche bags like you don't absorb anything unless some leftwing propaganda organ is the source.
You can't even get it right. You idiotically claimed, "She said a video caused the attack on the consulate, then she told Chelsea that the video had nothing to do with it."

That's completely ass backwards. In reality, she first emailed Chelsea that it was an Al-Qaeda attack. THEN, after the CIA assessed it was a video spurred protest, she met with the families.

You might have an argument if the hildabitch hadn't claimed on Fox yesterday that she didn't tell the families the videos caused the attack. Said the families are misremembering what really happened. Of course she also claimed Comey didn't really say what he said either. The bitch is so divorced from the truth, she lies when the truth would serve her better.
Yeah, it's become pretty clear that there is a close Democrat-Muslim Brotherhood connection. Obama and Clinton were big supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood seizing power in Egypt. It's a disturbing relationship.
Banning Muslims would keep people like his son out, it's unconstitutional. duh

Show me where the Constitution says that. Also show me where a foreign national who has never set foot in the US has constitutional rights.

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