What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Women are a threat to Donald Trump, not to Joe Biden.

Donald Trump lost the female vote in 2016 for obvious reasons.

Donald Trump by his own admission, goes up to women and simply starts kissing them and grabbing their genitalia. Donald Trump admits going up to women and grabbing their genitalia! He is on RECORD saying that! Its a FACT! He openly approves such behavior towards women and has actively engaged in it himself. He is on RECORD saying this!
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

No matter how you cut the cake, even the Women that Biden made feel a bit odd support him. The ones that Trump violated hate him to no end. No matter how hard you try and turn Women against Biden, they will always be more against Trump. That means votes against Trump. Your Pervert in Charge can't carry the majority of the Womens vote, period. The only thing you can hope for is for the Women to stay home. And it looks like that will be unlikely.
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.
correct, the average dem delegates have zero to say in who the party nominates, the super delegates control the whole corrupt operation. typical of the way liberals operate in every aspect of their lives, the rulers rule and everyone else sucks.

Clinton 55%
Sanders 42
Nominee: Clinton

Kerry 61%
Edwards 19
Nominee: Kerry

Gore 75%
Bradley 21
Nominee: Gore

The only break in this was in 2008 when Clinton edged out Obama by 300,000 votes out of 34 million votes cast. Obama won because he outperforme3d delegate wise in caucus states.

The average primary voter has a lot to say. and have generally gotten what they want.

those nominees were selected by the super delegates of the dem party, not the primary voters in the states. Do you not even know how your party operates?

You are a fool and nothing else. Also a liar to boot.

I tell you how your party picks candidates and you call ME a fool and a liar? Geez dude do some checking about who picks the dem nominees. Hint: its not the primary voters in each state. Look up dem super delegates, you might learn something.

It is not my party. The fact is that you have no clue how the Democrats pick their nominee. You are a liar. In 2008, Hillary Clinton the vast majority of superdelegates. However as Obama won states, they moved from Clinton to Obama. The fact is that the superdelegates have never decided who gets the nomination.

you are deluding yourself if you think the superdelegates did not select Obozo over clinton and then Clinton over Bernie. The state primary voters have zero say in who the dems run and that's they way the DNC wants it.
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.
New poll in for Michigan on the BIDEN VS. TRUMP contest there:


BIDEN: 53%

TRUMP: 41%

Trump can't win in Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania in 2020. Biden has solid leads, double digit leads in these states over Trump. Without those states, Trump can't win in 2020.[/QUO

who did they poll in Michigan? unemployed in downtown Detroit? muslims in Dearborn?

Its amazing that you dont understand that the polls today are designed to influence public opinion rather than to report on it. Apparently its working on you.
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.

Is he? Or ....... Predictions are a bit early. You may want to hold off until Nov. 8th on that prediction. Trump isn't done with his most recent damage yet. And it looks like it's just going to get worse. Trump can't afford to make any more mistakes. He's losing the heartland fast and that is what got him elected in the first place.
who did they poll in Michigan? unemployed in downtown Detroit? muslims in Dearborn?

Its amazing that you dont understand that the polls today are designed to influence public opinion rather than to report on it. Apparently its working on you.
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.

Is he? Or ....... Predictions are a bit early. You may want to hold off until Nov. 8th on that prediction. Trump isn't done with his most recent damage yet. And it looks like it's just going to get worse. Trump can't afford to make any more mistakes. He's losing the heartland fast and that is what got him elected in the first place.

you should be proud, the lying media has successfully indoctrinated you with their lies, same lies that they pumped into your head in 2016.
who did they poll in Michigan? unemployed in downtown Detroit? muslims in Dearborn?

Its amazing that you dont understand that the polls today are designed to influence public opinion rather than to report on it. Apparently its working on you.

And who would you poll?

its very difficult to do a statistically valid poll of american voters. I fully understand how the pollsters claim that their tiny samples are representative of every demographic in the USA, but its simply not possible with a sample of around 1000 out of 330,000,000. its a game, the pollsters get whatever answer those paying them want them to get. Its not polling, its propaganda no matter which party is doing the polling.
Holy Smokes! New poll on the race in TEXAS between BIDEN and TRUMP:

QUINNIPIAC - June 5, 2019

BIDEN: 48%

TRUMP: 44%

This is the SECOND poll BIDEN has beaten TRUMP in for the great state of Texas.

Trump beat BIDEN by just 1 point in a QUINNIPIAC poll from February. Not looking good for Trump in Texas at all.

Democrats should be careful though and continue their focus on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas is not needed to defeat Trump, but it it happens, GREAT! It certainly looks like TRUMP will have to put up a fight if he wants to keep it. It finally appears the Hispanic demographic is taken over in Texas!

The last the Democrats won Texas was in 1976. The three polls done so far for Texas indicate that it is very vulnerable to flipping Blue in 2020.

Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.

Is he? Or ....... Predictions are a bit early. You may want to hold off until Nov. 8th on that prediction. Trump isn't done with his most recent damage yet. And it looks like it's just going to get worse. Trump can't afford to make any more mistakes. He's losing the heartland fast and that is what got him elected in the first place.

you should be proud, the lying media has successfully indoctrinated you with their lies, same lies that they pumped into your head in 2016.

Really now. If I agree with you on 100% of everything then I am the smartest person you ever met. Of course, I would have to be a Pauxsnews robot to do that. If I deviate from that in any way, I am a drone that only listens to the fake news and am a drone from that. Newsflash, cupcake, I think for myself. When Trump does something good, I comment on the good. But when he does something bonehead, I comment on that as well. And right now, he's more on the bonehead side of things. And he's lost a lot of support from the same people that voted him into office in the first place. All the Dems have to do is to present a reasonable Moderate Candidate that has no or little excess baggage and Trump is sent packing back to NY so that NY can put his sorry ass in Prison and divide what little his real assets are up to pay the various fines and penalties. We need a respectable President again. One we can respect. One that can actually tell a lie without it being so easy to tell it IS a lie. Really, Dorathy, He didn't see a single protester in Britain, right? And he drew the largest crowds that loved him. Yes, he didn't bother to read those loving signs or notice the Trump Baby balloons. I honestly believe he believes what he says. We don't need a delusional President. We need a President that KNOWS when he is lying out his ass.
who did they poll in Michigan? unemployed in downtown Detroit? muslims in Dearborn?

Its amazing that you dont understand that the polls today are designed to influence public opinion rather than to report on it. Apparently its working on you.

And who would you poll?

its very difficult to do a statistically valid poll of american voters. I fully understand how the pollsters claim that their tiny samples are representative of every demographic in the USA, but its simply not possible with a sample of around 1000 out of 330,000,000. its a game, the pollsters get whatever answer those paying them want them to get. Its not polling, its propaganda no matter which party is doing the polling.

Then you admit that their poll might be correct as much as it might be incorrect.
Wrong that's why these are fake polls

Fake polls are designed to be wrong to help the bias and money agenda of the company

Qunipac does not poll likely voters

But instead of non likely voters

Outrageous that is included in any average

Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.

Is he? Or ....... Predictions are a bit early. You may want to hold off until Nov. 8th on that prediction. Trump isn't done with his most recent damage yet. And it looks like it's just going to get worse. Trump can't afford to make any more mistakes. He's losing the heartland fast and that is what got him elected in the first place.

you should be proud, the lying media has successfully indoctrinated you with their lies, same lies that they pumped into your head in 2016.

Really now. If I agree with you on 100% of everything then I am the smartest person you ever met. Of course, I would have to be a Pauxsnews robot to do that. If I deviate from that in any way, I am a drone that only listens to the fake news and am a drone from that. Newsflash, cupcake, I think for myself. When Trump does something good, I comment on the good. But when he does something bonehead, I comment on that as well. And right now, he's more on the bonehead side of things. And he's lost a lot of support from the same people that voted him into office in the first place. All the Dems have to do is to present a reasonable Moderate Candidate that has no or little excess baggage and Trump is sent packing back to NY so that NY can put his sorry ass in Prison and divide what little his real assets are up to pay the various fines and penalties. We need a respectable President again. One we can respect. One that can actually tell a lie without it being so easy to tell it IS a lie. Really, Dorathy, He didn't see a single protester in Britain, right? And he drew the largest crowds that loved him. Yes, he didn't bother to read those loving signs or notice the Trump Baby balloons. I honestly believe he believes what he says. We don't need a delusional President. We need a President that KNOWS when he is lying out his ass.

you say all that but you supported obama and clinton, two of the most corrupt people ever to enter DC and two of the biggest liars on the planet. You are correct, you aren't very smart.
who did they poll in Michigan? unemployed in downtown Detroit? muslims in Dearborn?

Its amazing that you dont understand that the polls today are designed to influence public opinion rather than to report on it. Apparently its working on you.

And who would you poll?

its very difficult to do a statistically valid poll of american voters. I fully understand how the pollsters claim that their tiny samples are representative of every demographic in the USA, but its simply not possible with a sample of around 1000 out of 330,000,000. its a game, the pollsters get whatever answer those paying them want them to get. Its not polling, its propaganda no matter which party is doing the polling.

Then you admit that their poll might be correct as much as it might be incorrect.

you would be more accurate with a coin flip than with today's polls.
Does not matter. BIDEN should not be leading Trump in a poll of registered voters in Texas, regardless if they are likely voters or not. That fact that BIDEN is, spells trouble for Trump.

I know that you go to sleep every night hoping for that but its simply not true and you are in for another disappointment in november 2020.

Is he? Or ....... Predictions are a bit early. You may want to hold off until Nov. 8th on that prediction. Trump isn't done with his most recent damage yet. And it looks like it's just going to get worse. Trump can't afford to make any more mistakes. He's losing the heartland fast and that is what got him elected in the first place.

you should be proud, the lying media has successfully indoctrinated you with their lies, same lies that they pumped into your head in 2016.

Really now. If I agree with you on 100% of everything then I am the smartest person you ever met. Of course, I would have to be a Pauxsnews robot to do that. If I deviate from that in any way, I am a drone that only listens to the fake news and am a drone from that. Newsflash, cupcake, I think for myself. When Trump does something good, I comment on the good. But when he does something bonehead, I comment on that as well. And right now, he's more on the bonehead side of things. And he's lost a lot of support from the same people that voted him into office in the first place. All the Dems have to do is to present a reasonable Moderate Candidate that has no or little excess baggage and Trump is sent packing back to NY so that NY can put his sorry ass in Prison and divide what little his real assets are up to pay the various fines and penalties. We need a respectable President again. One we can respect. One that can actually tell a lie without it being so easy to tell it IS a lie. Really, Dorathy, He didn't see a single protester in Britain, right? And he drew the largest crowds that loved him. Yes, he didn't bother to read those loving signs or notice the Trump Baby balloons. I honestly believe he believes what he says. We don't need a delusional President. We need a President that KNOWS when he is lying out his ass.

you say all that but you supported obama and clinton, two of the most corrupt people ever to enter DC and two of the biggest liars on the planet. You are correct, you aren't very smart.

So you give Trump a free ride? Damn, he's making millions each month off of being President. No wonder he doesn't want his Presidential pay. Then he would have to file taxes and we all know how that would end, don't we. Trump makes every other President in History look like the Second Coming of Christ. So, no more free rides.
Women are a threat to Donald Trump, not to Joe Biden.

Donald Trump lost the female vote in 2016 for obvious reasons.

Donald Trump by his own admission, goes up to women and simply starts kissing them and grabbing their genitalia. Donald Trump admits going up to women and grabbing their genitalia! He is on RECORD saying that! Its a FACT! He openly approves such behavior towards women and has actively engaged in it himself. He is on RECORD saying this!
None of which is true. At all.
Women are a threat to Donald Trump, not to Joe Biden.

Donald Trump lost the female vote in 2016 for obvious reasons.

Donald Trump by his own admission, goes up to women and simply starts kissing them and grabbing their genitalia. Donald Trump admits going up to women and grabbing their genitalia! He is on RECORD saying that! Its a FACT! He openly approves such behavior towards women and has actively engaged in it himself. He is on RECORD saying this!
None of which is true. At all.

Still giving your Orange One a free ride, I see. No more free rides.

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