What The Paris Accord Entails


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
A Reader's Guide to the Paris Agreement

The problem: Surprise, surprise: “Climate finance”—that is, who gets money, and who gives it—was one of the most controversial issue at the Paris talks.

In order to salvage the 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen, Hillary Clinton, then the U.S. secretary of state, pledged that the rich world would “mobilize” $100 billion to help developing countries make their economies more sustainable and prepare for the storms to come. The key word was mobilize: Unlike traditional foreign aid, where government money is redirected to poorer countries or aid organizations working there, the U.S. and the EU would arrange for billions to flow from a variety of sources, public and private.

Would that count? And would the rich world be defined strictly as the U.S., the EU, Canada, and Japan? The United States preferred for China and India—two wealthy, powerful nations that also contain hundreds of millions of people still in poverty—to pitch into that $100 billion target. Yet even as those two Asian nations talked up their own investment in climate-vulnerable nations, they blanched at being compelled to join the rich world’s pledge.
Sounds to me like once again America gets the shit end of the stick! Trump, should he decide to withdraw should explain why in great detail.
Check this video of air quality in Beijing! And they are required to do nothing! NOTHING.

yes, and a lot of people in China want to fix that. Of course, the problem in China is that they burn everything, they use stoves for heat, which is why the air quality is so bad.
Why? Aren't they the greatest economy in the world right now? Why aren't they coughing up 100 billion dollars?
So the left wants the accord but rejects nuclear power! We gonna burn dung?
Making Sure that Others Are Acting: Accountability and Transparency

The Paris Agreement provides the framework for transparency and clear evidence of what is happening across the globe. The Paris Agreement’s reporting and review mechanisms provide assurances that other nations are doing their part, through comprehensive guidelines to hold countries such as China, India, and Mexico accountable for their commitments.

The Paris Agreement includes an "enhanced transparency framework" that uses a common set of rules for both developed and developing countries (see here). These systems strengthen the international system by: (a) requiring that countries regularly report national emissions inventories at least every two years; (b) requiring that at least every two years countries report "information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving" its emissions reduction target; (c) subjecting these national reports to a "technical expert review" by a set of independent reviewers; and (d) conducting a public session where countries consider the progress countries are making towards their targets.

A powerful domestic motivation for countries to follow through on their new commitments as a part of the Paris agreement is built on the nature of these commitments—these targets are based upon delivering actions that are in their own self-interest. Politicians in these countries will need to follow through on their commitments as their citizens are demanding the actions necessary to meet the Paris Agreement since those measures meet pressing domestic needs such as air pollution, job creation, poverty alleviation, and reduced climate impacts. For example, China will continue to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions as part of its strategic plan to reduce air pollution and coal consumption. And India will continue to move forward with its massive renewable energy deployment to address energy poverty, and because renewable energy is the most cost-effective option.

We can’t ensure progress is being made towards commitments of major countries if the U.S. is sitting on the sidelines and not showing leadership.

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States

They aren't going to do anything........in fact....we have made more strides in our carbon emissions than any of the other people who bought into the Paris crap.....because of clean burning natural gas which we now have because of fracking....

China, India......they want us to shackle our industry with this crap, while they are building coal fired power plants like there is no tomorrow....

Ensuring progress? Our being part of this joke will ensure progress the same way the arms inspection teams monitored sadaam hussein's weapons programs...

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