What the Quran really says

Why are they junk? Religious people hold them sacred and believe in them.

Noahs ark never existed, there could never have been a global flood or the geological records would show this. In any case there is not enough water to cover the land masses and the mountains, or the world would still be underwater to this day.
Obviously the flood myth is from some local flood ,no more global than any of the floods we have today. As for animals going into the ark in pairs, that is ludicrous.

Jonah could not have survived in the stomach of a whale, for one thing the largest whales are plankton eaters with narrow throats not wide enough to swallow a man. The only whale that could swallow a man is a sperm whale and nobody could live in a sperm whales stomach.

These storys, and the crap about Moses opening the red sea are trash. But there they are in the quran quoted as a message from God.
Do me a favour, Muhammad copied these stories from the bible and thats a fact.
Yes it did exist, those are held sacred by religious people. Yet again, Muhammad didn't write the Koran. And I told you it's the historical references. Every holy book has those stories because they all believe in them. It's the same God that caused those miracles that was revealing to them that he was the One and he is coming to them now.
Yes it did exist, those are held sacred by religious people. Yet again, Muhammad didn't write the Koran. And I told you it's the historical references. Every holy book has those stories because they all believe in them. It's the same God that caused those miracles that was revealing to them that he was the One and he is coming to them now.

Read this piece I wrote about sura 12. Sura 12 is the only one in the quran that even attempts to tell an entire story from the bible, but it fails miserably.

Having compared the bible story of Joseph in the bibles Genesis with the Quran, I can just about follow the story as described in sura 12, but as far as I can see, anyone who did not know the Genesis story, or who did not have the Yusuf Ali translation with commentary, could possibly make sense of the tale of Joseph, as told in the Quran.

In the bible books of Genesis from chapter thirty seven to chapter fifty. the entire fourteen chapters are about Joseph. There are four hundred and fifty verses about the story in the bible, but in the quran sura 12 there are only one hundred and eleven verses.

The quranic version of the bible story of Joseph is a mumbling, incoherent, ill considered, and inaccurate muddle, and it does not even tell you who Joseph is. It just launches into Josephs dream at verse 4, after three verses that attempt to explain the story is being revealed in Arabic, presumably to make it available to Arabs.

The entire sura is peppered with completely unnecessary references to Allah which clutter the narrative, if you can call it a narrative. Because the bible story is clear and lucid, and rich in detail, and it has a comprehensible flow to it.

Sura 12.4 launches into a description of Josephs dream, with no explanation of who he is or how many brothers he has. What is more the dream described is the second of two dreams that are told in Genesis. But the entire point of the dream is that the eleven stars bowing down to Joseph are his eleven brothers. Genesis explains Josephs family tree so you can realize this, but the Quran says nothing about the matter. The Genesis story also says that Jacob made a coat of many colours for Joseph, and that is why his brothers were jealous of him, but the quran gives no reason or motives for Josephs brothers to hate him. Nor does it explain that Joseph has one other brother named Benjamin who had the same mother as himself, but the other ten brothers are step brothers. Nor does sura 12 explain this issue at any time, including when Joseph sends for him from Egypt.

So when Josephs brothers state at sura 12.8 When they said:" Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration":
This makes absolutely no sense whatever to anyone that has not read the full account in Genesis.

Later in the story Joseph is put in power in Egypt, but sura 12 says nothing about him filling the granaries for seven years, it simply changes the subject to when his brothers amble into Egypt to trade, (sura 12.58) and it does not explain they are there because it is now during the seven years of famine. Then Joseph ask his brothers to send for a brother of their father, this again makes no sense without an explanation of the family background.

How much more obvious can it be that the Quran is plagiarism, and it was taken from the Bible and other earlier sources. It is clear to me that Muhammad had Genesis read to him and sura 12 is his half remembered rehash of the story of Joseph. Any comments?
I'm not reading of any your pieces. And just as you said it, they are 'your' pieces and interpretations. You're basically talking to yourself. No one cares what an atheist thinks about their religion. And you've been proven over and over to be a liar. People can see it.
Yes it did exist, those are held sacred by religious people. Yet again, Muhammad didn't write the Koran. And I told you it's the historical references. Every holy book has those stories because they all believe in them. It's the same God that caused those miracles that was revealing to them that he was the One and he is coming to them now.

Read this piece I wrote about sura 12. Sura 12 is the only one in the quran that even attempts to tell an entire story from the bible, but it fails miserably.

Having compared the bible story of Joseph in the bibles Genesis with the Quran, I can just about follow the story as described in sura 12, but as far as I can see, anyone who did not know the Genesis story, or who did not have the Yusuf Ali translation with commentary, could possibly make sense of the tale of Joseph, as told in the Quran.

In the bible books of Genesis from chapter thirty seven to chapter fifty. the entire fourteen chapters are about Joseph. There are four hundred and fifty verses about the story in the bible, but in the quran sura 12 there are only one hundred and eleven verses.

The quranic version of the bible story of Joseph is a mumbling, incoherent, ill considered, and inaccurate muddle, and it does not even tell you who Joseph is. It just launches into Josephs dream at verse 4, after three verses that attempt to explain the story is being revealed in Arabic, presumably to make it available to Arabs.

The entire sura is peppered with completely unnecessary references to Allah which clutter the narrative, if you can call it a narrative. Because the bible story is clear and lucid, and rich in detail, and it has a comprehensible flow to it.

Sura 12.4 launches into a description of Josephs dream, with no explanation of who he is or how many brothers he has. What is more the dream described is the second of two dreams that are told in Genesis. But the entire point of the dream is that the eleven stars bowing down to Joseph are his eleven brothers. Genesis explains Josephs family tree so you can realize this, but the Quran says nothing about the matter. The Genesis story also says that Jacob made a coat of many colours for Joseph, and that is why his brothers were jealous of him, but the quran gives no reason or motives for Josephs brothers to hate him. Nor does it explain that Joseph has one other brother named Benjamin who had the same mother as himself, but the other ten brothers are step brothers. Nor does sura 12 explain this issue at any time, including when Joseph sends for him from Egypt.

So when Josephs brothers state at sura 12.8 When they said:" Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration":
This makes absolutely no sense whatever to anyone that has not read the full account in Genesis.

Later in the story Joseph is put in power in Egypt, but sura 12 says nothing about him filling the granaries for seven years, it simply changes the subject to when his brothers amble into Egypt to trade, (sura 12.58) and it does not explain they are there because it is now during the seven years of famine. Then Joseph ask his brothers to send for a brother of their father, this again makes no sense without an explanation of the family background.

How much more obvious can it be that the Quran is plagiarism, and it was taken from the Bible and other earlier sources. It is clear to me that Muhammad had Genesis read to him and sura 12 is his half remembered rehash of the story of Joseph. Any comments?
As usual Dajjal, you are way of base in your analysis of the Qur'an.

The arab people were well aware of the story of Joseph long before Muhammad was born.

That is because there were both Jewish and Christian tribes living and interacting with them on the land.

So the revealed Qur'an had no need to repeat every detail of the various stories that are told in the Torah.

The Qur'an just provided further details and clarification to biblical stories that were already known to the arab people. :cool:
No it isn't stolen, it's called history. The history of Prophets are included in the Quran. And you're still trying to put it off as written, when it's revelations from the Unseen God. The Quran acknowledges many accounts from the Torah, which the Bible takes from the Torah, all the Prophets came before the Bible. So they have to include the history...:D

Why do you believe everything a muslim tells you?

No one told me anything, Princess...:D...it's common sense, all of the Bible stories mostly come from the Torah...:D

But you don't believe the Bible is true. You just believe the parts you're told to believe?
Yes it did exist, those are held sacred by religious people. Yet again, Muhammad didn't write the Koran. And I told you it's the historical references. Every holy book has those stories because they all believe in them. It's the same God that caused those miracles that was revealing to them that he was the One and he is coming to them now.

Your god is not my God. God isn't schizophrenic. Your god is a liar murderer and so is your prophet.
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Yes it did exist, those are held sacred by religious people. Yet again, Muhammad didn't write the Koran. And I told you it's the historical references. Every holy book has those stories because they all believe in them. It's the same God that caused those miracles that was revealing to them that he was the One and he is coming to them now.

Read this piece I wrote about sura 12. Sura 12 is the only one in the quran that even attempts to tell an entire story from the bible, but it fails miserably.

Having compared the bible story of Joseph in the bibles Genesis with the Quran, I can just about follow the story as described in sura 12, but as far as I can see, anyone who did not know the Genesis story, or who did not have the Yusuf Ali translation with commentary, could possibly make sense of the tale of Joseph, as told in the Quran.

In the bible books of Genesis from chapter thirty seven to chapter fifty. the entire fourteen chapters are about Joseph. There are four hundred and fifty verses about the story in the bible, but in the quran sura 12 there are only one hundred and eleven verses.

The quranic version of the bible story of Joseph is a mumbling, incoherent, ill considered, and inaccurate muddle, and it does not even tell you who Joseph is. It just launches into Josephs dream at verse 4, after three verses that attempt to explain the story is being revealed in Arabic, presumably to make it available to Arabs.

The entire sura is peppered with completely unnecessary references to Allah which clutter the narrative, if you can call it a narrative. Because the bible story is clear and lucid, and rich in detail, and it has a comprehensible flow to it.

Sura 12.4 launches into a description of Josephs dream, with no explanation of who he is or how many brothers he has. What is more the dream described is the second of two dreams that are told in Genesis. But the entire point of the dream is that the eleven stars bowing down to Joseph are his eleven brothers. Genesis explains Josephs family tree so you can realize this, but the Quran says nothing about the matter. The Genesis story also says that Jacob made a coat of many colours for Joseph, and that is why his brothers were jealous of him, but the quran gives no reason or motives for Josephs brothers to hate him. Nor does it explain that Joseph has one other brother named Benjamin who had the same mother as himself, but the other ten brothers are step brothers. Nor does sura 12 explain this issue at any time, including when Joseph sends for him from Egypt.

So when Josephs brothers state at sura 12.8 When they said:" Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration":
This makes absolutely no sense whatever to anyone that has not read the full account in Genesis.

Later in the story Joseph is put in power in Egypt, but sura 12 says nothing about him filling the granaries for seven years, it simply changes the subject to when his brothers amble into Egypt to trade, (sura 12.58) and it does not explain they are there because it is now during the seven years of famine. Then Joseph ask his brothers to send for a brother of their father, this again makes no sense without an explanation of the family background.

How much more obvious can it be that the Quran is plagiarism, and it was taken from the Bible and other earlier sources. It is clear to me that Muhammad had Genesis read to him and sura 12 is his half remembered rehash of the story of Joseph. Any comments?
As usual Dajjal, you are way of base in your analysis of the Qur'an.

The arab people were well aware of the story of Joseph long before Muhammad was born.

That is because there were both Jewish and Christian tribes living and interacting with them on the land.

So the revealed Qur'an had no need to repeat every detail of the various stories that are told in the Torah.

The Qur'an just provided further details and clarification to biblical stories that were already known to the arab people. :cool:

Bullshit. The quran took a little of this and a little of that and then it was made up on the spot. God had nothing to do with it. There is One Living God, and his name is Jehovah, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Savior of the World. Jesus Christ. Repent and believe on Him and you shall be saved.
The followers of Muhammed have rebelled against the Living God and chosen hate and murder to spread their message. Don't listen to their lies. Jesus came that we might have Life, love, peace, joy, prosperity, and health. Islam is from the pit of hell.
You demonstrate love, joy and health....:cool:


Jesus said He was the way. That has never changed. Every religion that has come along after Jesus wants to say they have a new message and the message of Jesus has been corrupted. Same thing the Mormons say. Same thing the Jehovah's Witnesses say. Same thing Islamists say. Nope. Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today, and FOREVER, Hebrews 13:8. You are liars.
As usual Dajjal, you are way of base in your analysis of the Qur'an.

The arab people were well aware of the story of Joseph long before Muhammad was born.

That is because there were both Jewish and Christian tribes living and interacting with them on the land.

So the revealed Qur'an had no need to repeat every detail of the various stories that are told in the Torah.

The Qur'an just provided further details and clarification to biblical stories that were already known to the arab people. :cool:

And just exactly why would God waste his time, making a rambling incoherent account of something already written far better in the bible?
You demonstrate love, joy and health....:cool:


Jesus said He was the way. That has never changed. Every religion that has come along after Jesus wants to say they have a new message and the message of Jesus has been corrupted. Same thing the Mormons say. Same thing the Jehovah's Witnesses say. Same thing Islamists say. Nope. Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today, and FOREVER, Hebrews 13:8. You are liars.

You demonstrate love, joy and health....:cool:


Jesus said He was the way. That has never changed. Every religion that has come along after Jesus wants to say they have a new message and the message of Jesus has been corrupted. Same thing the Mormons say. Same thing the Jehovah's Witnesses say. Same thing Islamists say. Nope. Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today, and FOREVER, Hebrews 13:8. You are liars.


You're confused, alright. Hang with confused people and you end up confused also. Duh!

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