What the Quran really says

I agree by not living by your Holy Book/religion does not make you a true Christian/Muslim/Jew.

But I'm also saying your idea of salvation which is just accepting an idea and entering the religion does not save you. In my belief it doesn't, but I'm not a Christian, although its good to talk about our religions to have a better understanding of each other. Muslims and Jews don't accept that Jesus is The Lord. That doesn't mean Muslims and Jews have so much in common, it's depends, core beliefs are similiar but in depth ways of life and approaches are a little different, now Christianity has a different core belief, it depends which Christians, some Christians don't believe Jesus is God but rather his son, some don't believe he is his son either. Christianity and Islam and identical in core beliefs, but the way of life and commandments are all similiar. But what Christianity lacks is scholar like input in life, daily life and decisions. Jew have much scholarship on war, life, marriage troubles, etc. Same with Islam, their rulings are applied everywhere. They have established ideas with verified information.

....Now, if I am a smoker and become a "saved" individual through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God begins to work on my life and soul to make me conform to the image of Christ. However, if I continue to smoke, well, I will likely die of CANCER. So, the temporal results of sin still count for something in the lives of Christians. If I cheat on my wife, I will likely ruin my marriage; however, I will not lose my salvation. I will be a bad testimony to the world, I might die young, and I may not have very much treasure in heaven, but I will still go to heaven. Once people become saved, most feel compelled to do the right things to please God and perhaps bring others to the Lord. They do not do things to earn God's favor, because they already possess it. They do things out of pure love of God and of their fellow man ---- not because they have to. Not every person calling himself a Christian is one. One must have trusted the Lord and seek God's will for theri life... And I feel part of that Trust is accepting the Holy Bible as entirely true (being God's Holy Word). Most people calling themselves Christians make excuses for the Bible and believe things contray to what the Bible says. I do not believe such have real faith in God. I'm not speaking of mistakes in understanding, I am speaking of denying the very nature of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Such is not true faith.

What true Chritianity is, is a personal relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. One has come to a point in his/her life to decide to accept God's control of his/her life or reject God's control. This I believe comes with the working of the Holy Spirit (He comes to the door and knocks --- if any one hears His voice and opens the door, He will enter) When one accept's God's control through the saving grace of Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes into that individual's soul and begins to work with that individual and that individual becomes a brother/sister of Christ. The Holy Spirit then starts to conform that individual to be more and more like Christ. I believe the True Christian will accept the total literal truth of the Holy Bible as the Holy Spirit works within and bring greater understanding to that individual and bringing the individual into the body of believers. I find that true believers have two things in common. One they love to talk about God and the Bible. Secondly, they love people and want them to come to believe and have faith in Jesus. I do not imagine any real Christian wants anyone to go to hell.

Thanks for the answer and Jews and Muslims also are led by their religion to have a personal relationship with God....we don't believe God is the man known as Jesus....:cool:.

That's us, Jews can speak for themselves, but we believe God is unseen, and he made us understand him more by giving us his 99 names.
I owned your ass yesterday, by proving the hadith showed the quran says the sun orbits the earth. But you are too indocrinated to recognise the truth when you read it.

And I am still waiting for an explanation of the verse that says the stars are missiles to throw at devils.

You owned $h*%....:D

You're brainwashed. Do you honestly believe all those lying interpretations these asswipes feed you? Think for yourself, you poor ignorant thing.

You're embarrassing all of us who belong to Abrahamic religions...:D...you keep proving Atheists and agnostics right when you make it as if its a boxing match between the 3 religions. Quit making a fool out of yourself and telling me I'm gonna burn, realize this age where our fundamental beliefs are being beat with a stick by 'non-believers' and stop doing their work for them....:D
The following verse is just one example of many in the quran that say the same thing. Obey Allah and the apostle/ messenger, Muhammad.

3.132 And obey God and the Apostle; that ye may obtain mercy.

That is the entire and only meaning and purpose of the quran. Obey Muhammad or he says you answer to God. It was a good scam and it has worked very well, but it is time for muslims to wake up and see they are nothing but stooges blindly following an arab warlord who is long dead, and no longer needs them to fight his rotten wars for him.
Yeah...people obey their Prophets...just as people obeyed Moses and Abraham...what's your point?


Is this a joke? Really? Look how hard you're trying....it's hilarious....:cool:
Yeah...people obey their Prophets...just as people obeyed Moses and Abraham...what's your point?
Is this a joke? Really? Look how hard you're trying....it's hilarious....:cool:

And the stars are missiles to throw at devils?


Do you believe in magic camels too?:badgrin:

I have found many bible myths repeated in the quran, and these in themselves are unbelievable, but there are Arab myths too.
According to Arab mythology a man that preceded Muhammad called Salih, said he was a prophet too, and the people did not believe him . So he split a rock and produce a she camel. Then the people of Thamud hamstrung the camel, so Allah destroyed them. The details of this story are absent from the quran but it is mentioned. Like most of the bible references in the quran there are no details or narratives given.
Here is the Pickthall translation of the quranic references to Thamud, the she camel.

007:073 And to (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. Lo! this is the camel of Allah, a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurt lest painful torment seize you.

011:064 O my people! This is the camel of Allah, a token unto you, so suffer her to feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with harm lest a near torment seize you.

026:155 He said: (Behold) this she-camel. She hath the right to drink (at the well), and ye have the right to drink, (each) on an appointed day.

091:013 And the messenger of Allah said: It is the she-camel of Allah, so let her drink!
The tribe of Thamud was real and I don't see what you're trying to say? And?? ....

I am trying to say that the quran is stolen from earlier sources, mostly from the bible but also from other sources, such as Arab myths. The story of Salih is one of those and it says Salih brought a magic camel to life by splitting a rock.

This story is briefly refered to in the quran which gives no details or narrative, as usual.
Because the quran is very poorly written. But that is beside the point.

Do you believe in magic camels?
The tribe of Thamud was real and I don't see what you're trying to say? And?? ....

I am trying to say that the quran is stolen from earlier sources, mostly from the bible but also from other sources, such as Arab myths. The story of Salih is one of those and it says Salih brought a magic camel to life by splitting a rock.

This story is briefly refered to in the quran which gives no details or narrative, as usual.
Because the quran is very poorly written. But that is beside the point.

Do you believe in magic camels?

No it isn't stolen, it's called history. The history of Prophets are included in the Quran. And you're still trying to put it off as written, when it's revelations from the Unseen God. The Quran acknowledges many accounts from the Torah, which the Bible takes from the Torah, all the Prophets came before the Bible. So they have to include the history...:D
Louis Farrakhan believes there is a mother ship hovering above the earth.
The Nation of Islam is a racist cult group that has nothing to do with muslims or Islam.

So we don't care what they believe........ :cool:

LOL. That must be why he prays facing Mecca and hates the Jews like you do.
Incorrect Poindexter.......they do not pray towards Mecca.

But true, they don't think too favorable of the jews. :cool:
The tribe of Thamud was real and I don't see what you're trying to say? And?? ....

I am trying to say that the quran is stolen from earlier sources, mostly from the bible but also from other sources, such as Arab myths. The story of Salih is one of those and it says Salih brought a magic camel to life by splitting a rock.

This story is briefly refered to in the quran which gives no details or narrative, as usual.
Because the quran is very poorly written. But that is beside the point.

Do you believe in magic camels?

No it isn't stolen, it's called history. The history of Prophets are included in the Quran. And you're still trying to put it off as written, when it's revelations from the Unseen God. The Quran acknowledges many accounts from the Torah, which the Bible takes from the Torah, all the Prophets came before the Bible. So they have to include the history...:D

Why do you believe everything a muslim tells you?
I am trying to say that the quran is stolen from earlier sources, mostly from the bible but also from other sources, such as Arab myths. The story of Salih is one of those and it says Salih brought a magic camel to life by splitting a rock.

This story is briefly refered to in the quran which gives no details or narrative, as usual.
Because the quran is very poorly written. But that is beside the point.

Do you believe in magic camels?

No it isn't stolen, it's called history. The history of Prophets are included in the Quran. And you're still trying to put it off as written, when it's revelations from the Unseen God. The Quran acknowledges many accounts from the Torah, which the Bible takes from the Torah, all the Prophets came before the Bible. So they have to include the history...:D

Why do you believe everything a muslim tells you?

No one told me anything, Princess...:D...it's common sense, all of the Bible stories mostly come from the Torah...:D
The tribe of Thamud was real and I don't see what you're trying to say? And?? ....

I am trying to say that the quran is stolen from earlier sources, mostly from the bible but also from other sources, such as Arab myths. The story of Salih is one of those and it says Salih brought a magic camel to life by splitting a rock.

This story is briefly refered to in the quran which gives no details or narrative, as usual.
Because the quran is very poorly written. But that is beside the point.

Do you believe in magic camels?

No it isn't stolen, it's called history. The history of Prophets are included in the Quran. And you're still trying to put it off as written, when it's revelations from the Unseen God. The Quran acknowledges many accounts from the Torah, which the Bible takes from the Torah, all the Prophets came before the Bible. So they have to include the history...:D

The bible storys are bunk, just Jewish myths, but there they are in the quran as history.

You can read about Noahs ark and Jonah being swallowed by a whale in the quran.
But these stories are just Jewish myths not facts.

The quran does not even tell any stories from the bible properly, it just drops prophets names in the middle of talking about something else. The quran is a rambling diatribe of nonsense, which is exactly what you would expect from a semi literate arab like Muhammad if someone had read him the bible. He then rambles on about what he has heard and pretends it came to him from God.

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