What the Quran really says

You're a liar. I never said anything about the Milky Way and Surah 18:86.

Of course, not that you haven't said Milky Way in the past few or more posts....:D....Ha Ha Ha! You're giving me a laugh :lol:

That also being I recommended you read the chapter to understand it better in a good manner, apparently I'm accusing you of lying and I'm an liar.

You're a stupid lying muslim. Nothing here. Move along folks.

Go ahead....please, move along...that's exactly what the folks want...:D:clap2:
You're a liar. I never said anything about the Milky Way and Surah 18:86.

Of course, not that you haven't said Milky Way in the past few or more posts....:D....Ha Ha Ha! You're giving me a laugh :lol:

That also being I recommended you read the chapter to understand it better in a good manner, apparently I'm accusing you of lying and I'm an liar.

You're a stupid lying muslim. Nothing here. Move along folks.

And why is he that? What makes christianity any different than Islam? 500 years? Fact of the matter is you both believe in the same gawd it's just your doctrine and dogma are different. This is one of the things that really pisses me off about christianity. It seems to think it's the only religion a gawd will accept yet no where does a gawd say that.
Of course, not that you haven't said Milky Way in the past few or more posts....:D....Ha Ha Ha! You're giving me a laugh :lol:

That also being I recommended you read the chapter to understand it better in a good manner, apparently I'm accusing you of lying and I'm an liar.

You're a stupid lying muslim. Nothing here. Move along folks.

And why is he that? What makes christianity any different than Islam? 500 years? Fact of the matter is you both believe in the same gawd it's just your doctrine and dogma are different. This is one of the things that really pisses me off about christianity. It seems to think it's the only religion a gawd will accept yet no where does a gawd say that.

No, we don't believe in the same God. You sound a tad confused about which religion is the violent and abusive one. Time to wake up to reality, pal.
And why is he that? What makes christianity any different than Islam? 500 years? Fact of the matter is you both believe in the same gawd it's just your doctrine and dogma are different. This is one of the things that really pisses me off about christianity. It seems to think it's the only religion a gawd will accept yet no where does a gawd say that.

Not at all! There is a true spiritual message in the teachings and example of Jesus.

But Muhammad simply stole the idea of frightening people with hellfire from the bible.
There is only one message in the quran and that is.

Obey Muhammad or else face the wrath of God.
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There is a mountain of ignorance in the media and people believe it. Islam and Christianity are not from the same God. Muhammed is not a prophet. He's a liar and a murderer.
And why is he that? What makes christianity any different than Islam? 500 years? Fact of the matter is you both believe in the same gawd it's just your doctrine and dogma are different. This is one of the things that really pisses me off about christianity. It seems to think it's the only religion a gawd will accept yet no where does a gawd say that.

Not at all! There is a true spiritual message in the teachings and example of Jesus.

But Muhammad simply stole the idea of frightening people with hellfire from the bible.
There is only one message in the quran and that is.

Obey Muhammad or else face the wrath of God.

So you're a Christian or a spiritualist? :D
An example of what Muslim children are taught in Muslim schools is this statement, found in a Jordanian/Palestinian school book in 1998:

"This religion (Islam) will destroy all other religions through the Islamic Jihad fighters"
The best way to fight hateful propaganda is to expose it or what it is. There is one thing Islamists hate above all and that is education.
So you're a Christian or a spiritualist? :D

I attended spiritualist churches for over twenty years, but I do not call myself a spiritualist, just a seeker of truth. I found the truth yesterday, that the quran says the sun orbits the earth, and now I have written a small piece about it to paste into various forums

Here is is, do you like it?

When the quran says, at sura 21.33 and 36.40 that the sun has an orbit, Imams falsely claim this is a great revelation, because Muhammad knew the sun had an orbit in the galaxy. But this is utter lies, and the quran is actually saying the sun orbits the earth, and I can prove it with the following hadith.

Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:
Narrated Abu Dhar:

The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

As can be seen it says that if the sun changed direction it would rise in the west. But if the sun changed direction in its orbit in the galaxy it would make no difference to the sun rising in the east, because it is the rotation of the earth that causes the appearance of the sun in the east. So this proves that the claim the quran says the sun has an orbit in the galaxy is wrong.
I already addressed the verses and hadiths I believe starting on page 13...but nowhere I brought it up again. I simply asked you if you're a Christian or Spiritualist?

You usually say you're a spiritualist but than you say Jesus this and that. Are you one of those people who doesn't believe in the Bible but just like Jesus as a person?
The best way to fight hateful propaganda is to expose it or what it is.
Every post of your's is filled with hateful propaganda.

So thanks for exposing it!!!! :thup:

Right, and the sun sets in a murky pool where people live. Kiss my ass, you lying muslim.

Dhulqurnayan was walking and he saw a reflection of the sunset on a Muddy Pool, it's common sense....:D

Don't try to make something out of nothing....:D

This English translation was taken from A. Yusuf Ali. Let us analyse the verse part by part.

“Until, when he reached the setting of the sun…”: The translation of this part of the verse does not say that Zul-Qarnain reached the place where the sun sets LITERALLY, rather it means here that Zul-Qarnain was facing the direction in which the sun is setting. The “setting of the sun,” is an Arabic idiom meaning ‘the western-most point’ of his expedition. However, in general, idioms should not be literally translated.

“…he found it set in a spring of murky water”: The Qur’an is obviously describing what Dhul-Qarnain saw. What Dhul-Qarnain saw was the image of the sun setting in a dark body of water. Since the Qur’an is clearly describing this from Dhul-Qarnain’s direct point of view (the Qur’an is quite explicit here in doing that), there is in fact no problem with the description of what Dhul-Qarnain saw. Of course the Critic is right when he says that “the sun does not set in a spring of murky water”, but try standing at a beach during the time when the sun is about to set and the Critic would be able to see the sun “entering” the sea far in the horizon. This therefore gives us the conclusion that Dhul-Qarnain was somewhere west and by a large body of water, possibly the sea.

Therefore, it is clear the verse says that Dhul-Qarnain went west and saw the sun setting over the horizon so that it looked to him as though it was setting into the sea, which is murky-looking. Probably the critic have never stood by on the beach and observe the sun set.
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I already addressed the verses and hadiths I believe starting on page 13..

You addressed nothing, because what I have said is right, and the hadith shows it.

The quran says the sun orbits the earth.

You usually say you're a spiritualist but than you say Jesus this and that. Are you one of those people who doesn't believe in the Bible but just like Jesus as a person?

I think there is much wrong with the bible, and many of the stories are myths, but the spiritual message of Jesus shines through.
I attended spiritualist churches for over twenty years, but I do not call myself a spiritualist, just a seeker of truth. I found the truth yesterday, that the quran says the sun orbits the earth, and now I have written a small piece about it to paste into various forums
^^^^^ You are definitely a legend in your own mind....... :cuckoo: :lol:
Explain the verse where the quran says the stars are missiles to throw at devils.

Sura 67.5 And verily we have beautified the worlds heaven with lamps. And we have made them missiles for devils.
Every post of your's is filled with hateful propaganda.

So thanks for exposing it!!!! :thup:

Right, and the sun sets in a murky pool where people live. Kiss my ass, you lying muslim.

Dhulqurnayan was walking and he saw a reflection of the sunset on a Muddy Pool, it's common sense....:D

Don't try to make something out of nothing....:D

This English translation was taken from A. Yusuf Ali. Let us analyse the verse part by part.

“Until, when he reached the setting of the sun…”: The translation of this part of the verse does not say that Zul-Qarnain reached the place where the sun sets LITERALLY, rather it means here that Zul-Qarnain was facing the direction in which the sun is setting. The “setting of the sun,” is an Arabic idiom meaning ‘the western-most point’ of his expedition. However, in general, idioms should not be literally translated.

“…he found it set in a spring of murky water”: The Qur’an is obviously describing what Dhul-Qarnain saw. What Dhul-Qarnain saw was the image of the sun setting in a dark body of water. Since the Qur’an is clearly describing this from Dhul-Qarnain’s direct point of view (the Qur’an is quite explicit here in doing that), there is in fact no problem with the description of what Dhul-Qarnain saw. Of course the Critic is right when he says that “the sun does not set in a spring of murky water”, but try standing at a beach during the time when the sun is about to set and the Critic would be able to see the sun “entering” the sea far in the horizon. This therefore gives us the conclusion that Dhul-Qarnain was somewhere west and by a large body of water, possibly the sea.

Therefore, it is clear the verse says that Dhul-Qarnain went west and saw the sun setting over the horizon so that it looked to him as though it was setting into the sea, which is murky-looking. Probably the critic have never stood by on the beach and observe the sun set.

Typical cultic explanation. Twist and manipulate what it says so it sells.

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