What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

Yes, I predicted several times for a couple of weeks that it would be a suspended sentence.
And you were wrong.
It's still becoming a more valid comparison to Nazi fascism. This is the kind of decisioin the extreme rightists have been waiting for, after Chauvin's deliberate murder that he staged for a public audience.
An topic worthy of discussion - can you prove this to be true?
The real issue in my humble opinion is that America has lost it's way! We were never the country that gave things to people. We were always the country that provided opportunities for people to improve their lot in life. We were the place where AMBITIOUS people came because they wanted something better in life and knew that this was the best place to make that happen!

Now we've become the country of "participation trophies", political correctness and Affirmative Action! It's NOT a good look!
I have a slightly different view to yours. America was the land of opportunity because it was a very rich country in resources and that was well developed. It couldn't help but succeed and people succeeded too, even though there was and has always been huge income inequality.

But the world's resources became competed for and competition became much harder for America to keep up to. Even though for many years, especially since WW2, America attempted to corner more than just a share of the world's resources with it's many wars of aggression.

Now the worm has turned and very powerful competition has come up to compete with America. No longer can America plunder the world's small resource rich countries. It must utilize it's immense wealth within. And that's why huge problems are developing with the working class people. The ordinary people are angry because they're coming to understand that they are entitled to a share of the great American pie.

Trump grasped the opportunity to be their saviour, but he lied and never did intend to bring about the obvious change that is needed. But the working class still want what they're missing and they still believe that Trump is going to magically deliver.

I predict that anything, including fascism is now possible in America, if the people believe in Trump needing that freedom to act in order to fulfill his promises.

The comparisons to Hitler and the rise of the 3rd. Reich are starkly obvious!

Will Trump's train fall off the tracks before it gets there?
A little more on my theory above, but regarding Hitler's Germany.
Germany came very close to succeeding but eventually fell short due to military shortages. That's not the case for America if it indeed attempts world control without any significant competition. However, like an omen from above, assuming such a thing could exist, nuclear arms appeared on the world scene.
That deterrent has forever taken away the opportunity for another Hitler. Not Russia, China, the US, or any other major power can help itself to it all. It must now become a popularity contest amongst the world's superpowers.

Question: Are there other factors that can grant any of the big three more than their share?
Yes, I predicted several times for a couple of weeks that it would be a suspended sentence.

It's still becoming a more valid comparison to Nazi fascism. This is the kind of decisioin the extreme rightists have been waiting for, after Chauvin's deliberate murder that he staged for a public audience.

That's my opinion for now but there will soon be other signs of the approaching fascism.
Trump's nonsense on the election being stolen was one of the main eariy signs.
Now you're claiming Chauvin "staged" the deliberate murder of George Floyd? Only one glaring thing wrong with that theory, Don and that's the fact that George Floyd died of a drug overdose that HE took! Chauvin's only "crime" was that he failed to realize that the suspect who was being arrested for passing a counterfeit bill had also taken lethal amounts of hard drugs. George Floyd would be alive today if he'd simply told the Police he was OD'ing on drugs and couldn't breathe BEFORE they attempted to put him in the cruiser. When you resist arrest...as Floyd did...it's almost a given that you WILL be taken down to the ground and restrained!
Yes, I predicted several times for a couple of weeks that it would be a suspended sentence.

It's still becoming a more valid comparison to Nazi fascism. This is the kind of decisioin the extreme rightists have been waiting for, after Chauvin's deliberate murder that he staged for a public audience.

That's my opinion for now but there will soon be other signs of the approaching fascism.
Trump's nonsense on the election being stolen was one of the main eariy signs.
So your prediction was wrong. Thank you for clearing that up.
He certainly should be.

Kyle should have never even been charged in such a clear cut case of self-defense.

It's a blatant case of malicious prosecution. Binger should be disbarred and every case he ever prosecuted should be reviewed.
Yet Rittenhouse killed 2 people and wounded a third.
A little more on my theory above, but regarding Hitler's Germany.
Germany came very close to succeeding but eventually fell short due to military shortages. That's not the case for America if it indeed attempts world control without any significant competition. However, like an omen from above, assuming such a thing could exist, nuclear arms appeared on the world scene.
That deterrent has forever taken away the opportunity for another Hitler. Not Russia, China, the US, or any other major power can help itself to it all. It must now become a popularity contest amongst the world's superpowers.

Question: Are there other factors that can grant any of the big three more than their share?
With all due respect, Donald...what did the US do when it was the SOLE nuclear power? Did it use that against the Soviets? That would be a no! Yet you see us as the bully in world affairs? I would premise that we are one of the few world powers that declined to seek world domination when it was there for the taking. Wonder what the Nazis would have done with that power! Duh?
I have a slightly different view to yours. America was the land of opportunity because it was a very rich country in resources and that was well developed. It couldn't help but succeed and people succeeded too, even though there was and has always been huge income inequality.

But the world's resources became competed for and competition became much harder for America to keep up to. Even though for many years, especially since WW2, America attempted to corner more than just a share of the world's resources with it's many wars of aggression.

Now the worm has turned and very powerful competition has come up to compete with America. No longer can America plunder the world's small resource rich countries. It must utilize it's immense wealth within. And that's why huge problems are developing with the working class people. The ordinary people are angry because they're coming to understand that they are entitled to a share of the great American pie.

Trump grasped the opportunity to be their saviour, but he lied and never did intend to bring about the obvious change that is needed. But the working class still want what they're missing and they still believe that Trump is going to magically deliver.

I predict that anything, including fascism is now possible in America, if the people believe in Trump needing that freedom to act in order to fulfill his promises.

The comparisons to Hitler and the rise of the 3rd. Reich are starkly obvious!

Will Trump's train fall off the tracks before it gets there?
Wars of aggression over resources? Can I remind you that we entered WWII not because we sought resources but because our allies existence was being threatened. Can I also remind you that after defeating the Axis powers America used the Marshall Plan to rebuild the very nations that we fought to defeat? What resources did the US gain from WWII from either Japan or Germany?
With all due respect, Donald...what did the US do when it was the SOLE nuclear power? Did it use that against the Soviets? That would be a no! Yet you see us as the bully in world affairs? I would premise that we are one of the few world powers that declined to seek world domination when it was there for the taking. Wonder what the Nazis would have done with that power! Duh?
There was a very short period of time between the end of the war with the Soviets being an ally, and the time when the Soviets developed the bomb too.

Then of course that was followed by nearly 80 years of US aggression throughout the world with about 40 US led wars.

In any case, what I've said on the current state of affairs is still true.

I'm not completely confident that the US won't start a nuclear war. And I'm even more afraid that the Zionist regime will set it off with the use of tactical nuclear weapons on Iran. That will result in non-nuclear retaliation by Iran that will turn that apartheid regime into a smoking ruins. Then what?
Wars of aggression over resources? Can I remind you that we entered WWII not because we sought resources but because our allies existence was being threatened. Can I also remind you that after defeating the Axis powers America used the Marshall Plan to rebuild the very nations that we fought to defeat? What resources did the US gain from WWII from either Japan or Germany?
You raise a good point that's worth my comments. I perceive something much different on America's entry into WW2, and that would require a much more detailed discussion. For a start, it was very late and there was Pearl Harbour.

Your question on what resources were gained from Japan and Germany isn't relevant to my comments. Go back and read more carefully. However, that's not to say that US occupration didn't serve the purpose.

Suffice to say, Nato came into existence, on false pretenses, to serve America's goal of eliminating all competition.
He's lying to you, to get a reaction.
Why not make yourself useful. If you disagree with something I've said then all you have to do is make it clear what it was:

Simply say: I disagree. Then state that on which you disagree. It's as simple as that. I am not going to entertain anything less from you because you can't make it clear on what point you're trying to make.
Let's just get on with it Shooter! It's in the best interests of the forum while your 50 or so repetitive spamming posts aren't!
You raise a good point that's worth my comments. I perceive something much different on America's entry into WW2, and that would require a much more detailed discussion. For a start, it was very late and there was Pearl Harbour.

Your question on what resources were gained from Japan and Germany isn't relevant to my comments. Go back and read more carefully. However, that's not to say that US occupration didn't serve the purpose.

Suffice to say, Nato came into existence, on false pretenses, to serve America's goal of eliminating all competition.
How did NATO eliminate competition for America? NATO was formed as a defense mechanism against Soviet expansion following WWII...it's goal has never been offensive.
You raise a good point that's worth my comments. I perceive something much different on America's entry into WW2, and that would require a much more detailed discussion. For a start, it was very late and there was Pearl Harbour.

Your question on what resources were gained from Japan and Germany isn't relevant to my comments. Go back and read more carefully. However, that's not to say that US occupration didn't serve the purpose.

Suffice to say, Nato came into existence, on false pretenses, to serve America's goal of eliminating all competition.
You raise a good point that's worth my comments. I perceive something much different on America's entry into WW2, and that would require a much more detailed discussion. For a start, it was very late and there was Pearl Harbour.

Your question on what resources were gained from Japan and Germany isn't relevant to my comments. Go back and read more carefully. However, that's not to say that US occupration didn't serve the purpose.

Suffice to say, Nato came into existence, on false pretenses, to serve America's goal of eliminating all competition.
My question as to what resources were gained by the US for entering WWII is totally relevant when you imply that was the case, Donald! You have a habit of claiming things and then walking them back as soon as you're challenged on them. Not a good thing to have as a reputation here.
I'm guessing you'll do the same thing with your NATO comment!
My question as to what resources were gained by the US for entering WWII is totally relevant when you imply that was the case, Donald! You have a habit of claiming things and then walking them back as soon as you're challenged on them. Not a good thing to have as a reputation here.
I'm guessing you'll do the same thing with your NATO comment!
No, I've just introduced a point or points that you're not capable of understanding. If you wish to direct your disagreement to any specific issue then I won't be running from a debate.

America established military bases throughout the world after the allied victory provided the legitimacy to do so. America still occupies Japan for reasons other than smelling the cherry blossoms.

Should America come home from all over the world and not spend the money on occupation?

The sun never sets on the British/American empire!

Go play.

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