What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

Are you one of the multi=millionaires who will be pissed off over this thing?
You act more like the night shift crew chief as macD's.

Your self destructive attitude is a jaw dropper truly.

Let me give you a few examples of what actual self destruction looks like. Just so you'll know in advance.

Convicted of child rape. Then attacks a 17 yr old.
Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender Arizona '02 Criminal Complaint

Slaps his grandmother, then attacks a 17yr old

Hit's a 17yr old with a skateboard.


Rioting for a thug that beat on women, that they didn't even friggin know. That's self destruction. Even if they hadn't gotten shot. They were still self destructing. Why is it so hard for you lefties to understand that these people were NOT decent people. They were not doing good things for themselves or their families. They were no helping the community. Did any of them even have a job?

You liberals have ragged on Kyle none stop about how he shouldn't have been out there, with no regards to the rioters and where they should've been. You say Kyle provoked them. Well BY GOD, if they hadn't been rioting, a 17yr old wouldn't have triggered them. (literally)
Maybe Rosenbaum should've been working to help pay for the mother of the children he raped get counselling. Maybe Grosskreutz should been out shopping for his grandma a new lamp (that he busted against her wall). Maybe Huber could been alone with his girlfriend explaining that chicks with blue hair and drops the F bomb every other word, isn't going to get far in life. Oh, and maybe since he was a grown man, found something other than a skateboard as a means of transportation.
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As for what "working class Americans" are enraged about? They're pissed about what they're paying for gas, heating oil and groceries and they blame Joe Biden for the inflation that's absolutely ravaging their take home pay!

Yeah, we don't have the time or money to spend rioting and protesting for people we don't even know. We're grown as men, doing grown as things.
While the grown ass Rosenbaums are mooching off their parents, grandparents and friends just for a place to stay.
Wow...did you just prove beyond a shadow of a doubt how naive you are, Donald! You REALLY think that the "very wealthy" are going to foot the bill "entirely"?
Two things make that laughable! First of all the very wealthy are better at protecting their wealth than politicians are at taking it away from them. Liberal estimates of what they'll take in with taxes on the ultra rich are a pipe dream. Secondly, even if you were to take ALL of what the ultra wealthy make it still wouldn't be enough to pay for all the freebies that the far left intends to give away. In order to pay for THAT they will raise taxes on the Middle Class!

There's one aspect of this that you and Donald are both overlooking. Who do you think gives the politicians (R & D's) their marching orders, when it comes to big money?
It ain't "we the $100,000 per year people" It ain't the $300,000 per year congressman or Senator. It's not the $500,000 yr president.

It's the people who make multi million dollar BONUSES.
Your country is closer to vigilante justice than you think.
In the USA vigilante justice has always happened when the government is too ineffective or corrupt to properly punish criminals. We have a long history of vigilante justice. It may not be pretty, and innocent people sometimes get wrongly punished, but it’s sure effective at deterring criminal behavior.
Are you one of the multi=millionaires who will be pissed off over this thing?
You act more like the night shift crew chief as macD's.

Your self destructive attitude is a jaw dropper truly.
Are you so stupid that you don’t realize that the politicians work for the wealthy? Those are the people who pay for their campaigns to get into and stay in office, not the poor and middle class. The politicians aren’t going to bite the hands that feed them.
There's one aspect of this that you and Donald are both overlooking. Who do you think gives the politicians (R & D's) their marching orders, when it comes to big money?
It ain't "we the $100,000 per year people" It ain't the $300,000 per year congressman or Senator. It's not the $500,000 yr president.

It's the people who make multi million dollar BONUSES.
For the multi million dollar bonus' thank former President Bill Clinton.
Are you so stupid that you don’t realize that the politicians work for the wealthy? Those are the people who pay for their campaigns to get into and stay in office, not the poor and middle class. The politicians aren’t going to bite the hands that feed them.
Of course I realize the politicians work for the wealthy and the wealthy are then enabled to rip off the American people.

But the real issue is that the ordinary working class people in America continue to allow it to happen. And of course Trump was just another snake oil salesman who said he would change that and then give billions to the wealthy in tax breaks and made everything even worse.

I'm mildly impressed with Biden's successes but I wouldn't expect it to be allowed to become reality. Those bills may move America a couple of places up from 15th. on quality of life, but it won't get your country into the top ten.
In the USA vigilante justice has always happened when the government is too ineffective or corrupt to properly punish criminals. We have a long history of vigilante justice. It may not be pretty, and innocent people sometimes get wrongly punished, but it’s sure effective at deterring criminal behavior.
Yes, I expected that would be the opinion coming from some of the Trumpers now. Fill your boots.
Let me give you a few examples of what actual self destruction looks like. Just so you'll know in advance.

Convicted of child rape. Then attacks a 17 yr old.
View attachment 565967

Slaps his grandmother, then attacks a 17yr old

Hit's a 17yr old with a skateboard.

View attachment 565969

Rioting for a thug that beat on women, that they didn't even friggin know. That's self destruction. Even if they hadn't gotten shot. They were still self destructing. Why is it so hard for you lefties to understand that these people were NOT decent people. They were not doing good things for themselves or their families. They were no helping the community. Did any of them even have a job?

You liberals have ragged on Kyle none stop about how he shouldn't have been out there, with no regards to the rioters and where they should've been. You say Kyle provoked them. Well BY GOD, if they hadn't been rioting, a 17yr old wouldn't have triggered them. (literally)
Maybe Rosenbaum should've been working to help pay for the mother of the children he raped get counselling. Maybe Grosskreutz should been out shopping for his grandma a new lamp (that he busted against her wall). Maybe Huber could been alone with his girlfriend explaining that chicks with blue hair and drops the F bomb every other word, isn't going to get far in life. Oh, and maybe since he was a grown man, found something other than a skateboard as a means of transportation.
It's going to be the new normal in America as AZrail suggests. Vigilante justice by adults and teens by gun. We Canadian Liberals or liberals, have nothing to do with it.

Don't rail on me, I'm just the messenger who is watching and reporting the 'progress'.
As for what "working class Americans" are enraged about? They're pissed about what they're paying for gas, heating oil and groceries and they blame Joe Biden for the inflation that's absolutely ravaging their take home pay!
Some of your Trumper buddies are more in tune with the truth when they blame politicians who are bought off by the wealthy, leaving the working people crumbs, or even less.

You're a patsy who is still buying into the American way scam of thinking you poor people just have to work harder and you'll be a billionaire too.

How sad and pathetic.
Of course I realize the politicians work for the wealthy and the wealthy are then enabled to rip off the American people.

But the real issue is that the ordinary working class people in America continue to allow it to happen. And of course Trump was just another snake oil salesman who said he would change that and then give billions to the wealthy in tax breaks and made everything even worse.

I'm mildly impressed with Biden's successes but I wouldn't expect it to be allowed to become reality. Those bills may move America a couple of places up from 15th. on quality of life, but it won't get your country into the top ten.

Trump ran on trade adn immigration. From my perspective, it can be argued that he gave both a good faith attempt, with at least some positive results.

If he had had a second term, or not had to deal with a Left that went mad, perhaps he could have done more.
Liberal estimates of what they'll take in with taxes on the ultra rich are a pipe dream. Secondly, even if you were to take ALL of what the ultra wealthy make it still wouldn't be enough to pay for all the freebies that the far left intends to give away. In order to pay for THAT they will raise taxes on the Middle Class!
You're actually starting to get it! And you're not the only one.

First of all the very wealthy are better at protecting their wealth than politicians are at taking it away from them.
For the multi million dollar bonus' thank former President Bill Clinton.

I don't care how it started. Even though I doubt it was all Bill Clintons fault. But it doesn't even matter. And I don't care that companies give multi million $$$$ bonuses. If they can afford it, good for them.
It's going to be the new normal in America as AZrail suggests. Vigilante justice by adults and teens by gun. We Canadian Liberals or liberals, have nothing to do with it.

Don't rail on me, I'm just the messenger who is watching and reporting the 'progress'.
I never suggested it will be the new normal. Stop lying. I said we have a history of it. I believe Canada does as well since most of Canada was a sparsely populated wilderness until fairly recently. I doubt that people allowed criminals to run free until one of the very rare RCMP constables wandered along to apprehend them.
I never suggested it will be the new normal. Stop lying. I said we have a history of it. I believe Canada does as well since most of Canada was a sparsely populated wilderness until fairly recently. I doubt that people allowed criminals to run free until one of the very rare RCMP constables wandered along to apprehend them.
No, I don't think Canada has a vigilante history to any extent but I invite you to back up your assumption.

I'm not really sure that the US did either if the racist component isn't considered. Lynching blacks for their skin colour can never be considered vigilante justice. You would have to provide other examples.

And don't try Hollywood duster bullshit in the moves on me!
I never suggested it will be the new normal. Stop lying. I said we have a history of it. I believe Canada does as well since most of Canada was a sparsely populated wilderness until fairly recently. I doubt that people allowed criminals to run free until one of the very rare RCMP constables wandered along to apprehend them.

You're trying to pull your facts on Canada's west out of your ass.

If you're capable of reading and understanding then do so and you will learn why Canada differed.
In the USA vigilante justice has always happened when the government is too ineffective or corrupt to properly punish criminals. We have a long history of vigilante justice. It may not be pretty, and innocent people sometimes get wrongly punished, but it’s sure effective at deterring criminal behavior.
Unfortunately----WILD WEST is coming back for all of AMERICA---and it is no one else's fault than our corrupt government and their puppet masters
You're actually starting to get it! And you're not the only one.

What you don't get is that the upper class and the middle class already pay too much in Taxes. Our government has a spending problem. Trump and Pelosi, now Biden weren't/aren't spending their money.
If they tax any bracket more, it'll just be more they have to spend on the already BS things they're spending money on.
Gender studies in Pakistan? A huge long fence in some middle eastern country?

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