What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

He dismissed the gun charge because there is a loophole in it that Kyle fell into. Something the Prosecution should have known.
No, there was NO LOOPHOLE!

Why the prosecution held those facts is another disgusting "error" on their part or part of a cover-up.. The prosecution knew that from day one. Why did we, the public, have to wait until they were forced to admit, in open court that Rittenhouse had done nothing wrong. Rittenhouse knew and complied fully with the law. Both the defense and prosecutor knew he was in full compliance.

This is pure politics. If you doubt that you are exactly the caliber of follower they need.

Gullible and desperate to not be proven so terribly wrong in choice of someone to lead our country.

Wouldn't it be easier on you, in the long run, to accept that you were hoodwinked now than drag your humiliation out any longer?
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That’s what is known in legal circles as a loophole in a badly written law.
The only thing bad is the out of control politicians who allowed Kenosha to be destroyed. The police were told to stand down. The town was destroyed, never to be rebuilt. They became desperate for a skapegoat.

Like the "COLLUSION" traitorous attacks.
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You missed the point completely then...

He should have been the one on trial since he was the one that was actually guilty of committing crimes that night and others...
What specific crime did he specifically do? A lapsed conceal carry permit? Well, even if you agree with this judge on the underage thing, Kyle still purchased the gun through a straw buyer, which is illegal. Both also we’re violating curfew. Gaige pursued an active shooter. That isn’t a crime.
What specific crime did he specifically do? A lapsed conceal carry permit? Well, even if you agree with this judge on the underage thing, Kyle still purchased the gun through a straw buyer, which is illegal. Both also we’re violating curfew. Gaige pursued an active shooter. That isn’t a crime.
When the shooting you refer to was in self defense...as it was in this case...you don't get to call the person acting in self defense an "active shooter" and kill them, Coyote! That IS a crime!
What specific crime did he specifically do? A lapsed conceal carry permit? Well, even if you agree with this judge on the underage thing, Kyle still purchased the gun through a straw buyer, which is illegal. Both also we’re violating curfew. Gaige pursued an active shooter. That isn’t a crime.
If you buy the whole active shooter thing...
Grosskreutz is a chemical dependant violent drunk...he beat up his grandmother and posted how he wished he had emptied his whole magazine into Kyle...he was a chaos tourist looking for an excuse to kill someone. Except because of the domestic violence charges it's a felony for him to carry a gun at all. He is guilty of the charges Brought against Kyle.
What specific crime did he specifically do? A lapsed conceal carry permit? Well, even if you agree with this judge on the underage thing, Kyle still purchased the gun through a straw buyer, which is illegal. Both also we’re violating curfew. Gaige pursued an active shooter. That isn’t a crime.
Criminal out doing the rioting, looting, arson thing assaults a young teenager who dared stand up for the city and the people. Kyle did a misdeamor at worse-----a small technicality that saved his life. Had he no gun, he would have likely been killed. And even the misdeamor is questionable given how poorly the laws are written in regards to 17 year olds. I'd fine Kyles ass and his friends for this "transgression" each a $100 bucks with a stern warning not to buy guys till Kyle was 18. Then I would lecture the boys on that their hearts are in the right places, but the nation's isn't and what they did would be giving their mothers nightmares about their safety at night and that the nation at this point isn't worth the effort given how they treat those that try to stand up to evil like they have. I would also tell them deep down inside, that their mothers would have to be very proud of the young men that they raised---who are a damn site better than many of the males produced today.

Neither were in violation of curfew, they were on private property legally.
Use a little logic for a ch

Use a little logic for a change. If Rittenhouse had been “hunting” there would have been a much higher body count and he would have been carrying more than the single magazine that was in the rifle.

I can't see any logic in drawing a comparison to the military, even though he was trying to copy cat the military in many way with his behaviour.
He dismissed the gun charge because there is a loophole in it that Kyle fell into. Something the Prosecution should have known.
The socalled loophole at least provided the judge the cover he needed to dismiss the charge.
Or at least 'appeared' to. It may be revisited because of the loophole being irrelevant to the charge against Kyle.
Premeditation in this case would mean Rittenhouse intended to put himself in the position of being by himself and chased by a mob of anarchists determined to beat him senseless. Do you really think that's the case, Donald?
No, the premeditation had been planned before he even left his mother. He brought a gun for only one reason and that was to go hunting, in my opinion.
You need to understand that from a Canadian's POV, he would have ideally been arrested as he stepped out of his mommy's care with his murder weapon.
No, the premeditation had been planned before he even left his mother. He brought a gun for only one reason and that was to go hunting, in my opinion.
You have no demonstrable rational basis for your opinion; as such, it is meaningless.
You need to understand that from a Canadian's POV, he would have ideally been arrested as he stepped out of his mommy's care with his murder weapon.
This is a lie.
I can't see any logic in drawing a comparison to the military, even though he was trying to copy cat the military in many way with his behaviour.

You just keep moving the goal post and/or changing the subject. You've lost this argument. Kyle used self defense in all cases. He was legal to have the firearm. Everyone that he shot was attacking him. The initial provocation was some rioter getting pissed because Kyle had put out their dumpster fire.

Holy friggin hell dude, Just walk away. You're looking as bad as the prosecutor.
You just keep moving the goal post and/or changing the subject. You've lost this argument. Kyle used self defense in all cases. He was legal to have the firearm. Everyone that he shot was attacking him. The initial provocation was some rioter getting pissed because Kyle had put out their dumpster fire.

Holy friggin hell dude, Just walk away. You're looking as bad as the prosecutor.
I think you're missing the fact that from a Canadian's POV, or in fact nearly all non-American P'sOV, the self defense argument was invalid when Kyle stepped out on the street with his weapon.
And fwiw, that could have been any firearm.
Do we have anything further to debate? Let's move on to that if it's the case.

Any illegal actions by others may be applicable but we would have to examine each to determine that.

Otherwise, we'll just have to wait for the verdict and to hear Kyle's punishment for the crimes.
I think you're missing the fact that from a Canadian's POV, or in fact nearly all non-American P'sOV, the self defense argument was invalid when Kyle stepped out on the street with his weapon.
This didn't happen in Canada, so your POV doesn't matter.
Among a great many other things, you need to lean how to discuss an issue in the context that it happened.
I doubt any prosecutor would get a guilty verdict, but this guy is flaming idiot. I still can't believe he aimed an AR-15 at the jury with his finger on the trigger!

If I had been on that jury and he aimed at me, I would have jumped over the jury box wall, grabbed the barrel, jammed it up high over everyone's heads, shoved the rifle back banging it into his face hard and ripped it out of his hands. All pretty much in one move. I wouldn't care if they arrested me for assault.

If an idiot like Alec Baldwin can shoot someone dead on a movie set, why should I trust this idiot isn't about to accidentally shoot someone too?

I just wonder if anyone on the jury ducked, moved, yelled, complained or did anything, or if they all just sat there like idiots?
If I had been on that jury and he aimed at me, I would have jumped over the jury box wall, grabbed the barrel, jammed it up high over everyone's heads, shoved the rifle back banging it into his face hard and ripped it out of his hands. All pretty much in one move. I wouldn't care if they arrested me for assault.

If an idiot like Alec Baldwin can shoot someone dead on a movie set, why should I trust this idiot isn't about to accidentally shoot someone too?

I just wonder if anyone on the jury ducked, moved, yelled, complained or did anything, or if they all just sat there like idiots?
If you're any indication, the emotions are at the boiling over point. You can make the point about not pointing guns but your imagined reaction is ridiculous and childish.

I swear! Canadians' respect for firearms and gun safety is so much more sophisticated and mature than that of Americans.

If that outburst is any indication?

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