What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

No they're not. You just can't stop lapping the bullshit because it fits the previous bullshit you've lapped - fed to you by those with an agenda - and you never actually try to find out what's going on.
Are you saying the New Zealand is not trying to cofiscate everyones guns?
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As though the means of exchange in the US is not held in common cause through the agency of the state. Just how oblivious are you?
means of exchange? Are you talking about money? Yes. obviously the US Govt prints money...that's not socialism. A society has to have one means of currency....nothing would be worth anything if each individual had their own currency for exchange.

I don't think Americans learnt to make excuses from New Zealanders. That's their own talent.

Not sure what that has to do with my post, but I agree. Democrats are going beyond even socialist countries of history. The Soviets, Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans, Venezuelan communists even never tried to destroy their own country
Talk US politics and you will.

If you say so.

That wouldn't be the same still. I wouldn't go to New Zealand and start slamming New Zealanders like Dr Grump comes here electronically and slams us.

I can imagine if I acted like him I would be a lot more likely to get that kind of response. But I wouldn't.

Most people in the world like America and Americans
Not sure what that has to do with my post, but I agree. Democrats are going beyond even socialist countries of history. The Soviets, Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans, Venezuelan communists even never tried to destroy their own country
True....I think a lot of them thought they were doing the right thing, so of course had no idea what the theories of Marx would do in real time.....but the Dems today, it's odd, we have repeatedly seen the horrors, and know the end results...but they continue to push for it
A society has to have one means of currency.
No it doesn't.
But anyway, that's the means of exchange which in the US is held in common cause through the agency of the state. Which you agreed is one of the elements of socialism.
Not sure what that has to do with my post, but I agree.
Comparing the American talent for making excuses to that of NZ's. Which you immediately buttressed by blaming democrats for everything.
Hilarious. You can't stop lapping up US agenda driven bullshit about other countries.
Owners of prohibited weapons can't use them anywhere they can be seen. That's a massive disincentive to maintain possession. A second buy back scheme will be enacted.
The Opposition spokesman is being disingenuous. The scheme was initiated to reduce the toll of mass shootings, none of which have occurred since the first buy back, and which was carried out by a licensed shooter. I can't remember gangs or criminals carrying out a mass shooting of 'innocents'.

The first six-month gun buyback scheme - which ran until December 2019 - collected 60,297 firearms, modified a further 5630 firearms, and brought in 299,837 prohibited parts and magazines.
National's police spokesperson Simeon Brown described the gun buyback scheme as "merely a marketing exercise", given that after spending more than $100 million, the Government couldn't confirm if it had made New Zealand safer or if it had collected all prohibited firearms.
"That's because most law-abiding New Zealanders handed in their now-prohibited firearms, but gangs and criminals, those who pose the greatest risk to our safety, did not."
No it doesn't.
But anyway, that's the means of exchange which in the US is held in common cause through the agency of the state. Which you agreed is one of the elements of socialism.
hahah no....having a uniformed currency is not a element of socialism.

with that said, true I suppose....a society doesn't have to have a currency...they can use the barter system....and that's even sometimes used in the USA....but to have a civilized society, a uniformed currency is needed.
Comparing the American talent for making excuses to that of NZ's. Which you immediately buttressed by blaming democrats for everything.

Um ... you haven't noticed it's Democrats blaming America? Seriously? Are you a Kiwi or from outer space? Aren't you reading any posts on the board?
Hilarious. You can't stop lapping up US agenda driven bullshit about other countries.


It isn't about their opinion of gun confiscation, it's that you denied it exists.

So are you splitting the hair of whether they are coming to homes to turn them in or just that you're required to turn them in?

Being required to turn them in is clearly gun confiscation, Tiger
The French know what socialists are. So do the Italians in Spanish you name it, everyone but English speaking idiots. English propaganda is the best. Napoleon wasn't short. He did not say England was a nation of shopkeepers, he was talking about monopolies and corporations and greed. And the English had the damn channel we have the Atlantic Ocean we aren't that smart.

Socialism is simply fair capitalism. Repeat 1,000 times. Not communism repeat 1,000 times. Jesus Christ the brainwash is deep.

Socialism in not, simply "fair capitalism". That is absurd. You are either dishonest or retarded.
Every modern country but us already has everything that Bernie Sanders and AOC or any socialist wants, healthcare daycare living wage keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron. You people are unbelievable! Canada is not communist dingbat.

The current reduction of biodiversity says something very clear: Life on Earth suffers a terrible deadly infection - the worst which had happened since long hundreds of millions of years. The name of this violent "virus" of the biosphere is the species "homo sapiens sapiens" - Translations in English "the good wise nice men" - Translation in German: "the superidiots of planet Earth".

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The Human Race is not a "virus". Your self hatred is a mental healthy issue of yours, and nothing to do with me and mine.

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