What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

Exactly, Dr Grump is a real ass that way.

I've spent my career working extensively in international business and meet a lot of Kiwis. They're pretty nice people. I never met a total dickwad like him who talk to anyone the way he does all the time.

New Zealand is the #1 country I want to go to that I've never been. I doubt when I do I'll meet many like him

But you like to know that everyone knows this, otherwise "You're next" and you will send your cubes: ”We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” :lol:

Everything you know about the American people you learned from the Boob tube.

So don't tell me what Americans think, or believe because it's obvious that you have no fucking clue.

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Everything you know about the American people you learned from the Boob tube.

So don't tell me what Americans think, or believe because it's obvious that you have no fucking clue.

zaangalewa has never been here and when he meets an American he spends all his time explaining America to the American.

In Britain there's a word for that, it's a British snob
Yes, they use the British system where the government has far more control over the press than American governments do.

I hope the people of New Zealand get what lefty governments always end up giving them, less freedom, more taxes, more government.

Give it to them GOOD AND HARD.

Move there, you SJW cuck.
Sorry, but please explain the control over the Press UK government has which doesn't exist in US... Could also explain when they have last used it as well?

New Zealand 8th
US 44th

The President can't vilify the PRess as enemy of the people and expect a good freedom of press score...
Sorry, but please explain the control over the Press UK government has which doesn't exist in US... Could also explain when they have last used it as well?

New Zealand 8th
US 44th

The President can't vilify the PRess as enemy of the people and expect a good freedom of press score...

Another lefty list with bullshit parameters.

And if anything your side is the one drawing down the numbers.

Vilifying a deserving biased press isn't limiting their freedom.
Once again you confuse the American people with the government.

And still you are amusing.

And I don't hate anyone I just don't care about you and your country.

I know. You are an US-Amwerican. You care about nothing. That's normal. To meet an US-American who cares or learns is not normal.

I have no interest in what goes on where you live.

Sure. That's why your country spies everywhere. Because you are not interested. Your nation asks by the way the British spies to break for them the US-American laws, so they get informations about their own citizens - what's perhaps a reason at all why the USA manipulated the Brexit-referendum in GB.

I don't care what politicians you vote for .

I vote for who's not the worst.

what kind of car you drive,

A nice car. But he's the first I gave no name. My last car was "Susan". She was a little fat - but wonderful.

what kind of beer you drink etc.

I never drink beer etc.

And I am certainly not going to look for a message board about your country's politics and start talking shit.

A wise decision. You would anyway not understand what the people say there. But if you like to ask there something ask in English. That's an European language with Germanic roots and Latin ornaments. I'm quite sure you will get a straight answer, which you will not understand.

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And still you are amusing.

I know. You are an US-Amwerican. You care about nothing. That's normal. To meet an US-American who cares or learns is not normal.

Sure. That's why your country spies everywhere. Because you are not interested. Your nation asks by the way the British spies to break for them the US-American laws, so they get informations about their own citizens - what's perhaps a reason at all why the USA manipulated the Brexit-referendum in GB.

I vote for who's not the worst.

A nice car. But he's the first I gave no name. My last car was "Susan". She was a little fat - but wonderful.

I never drink beer etc.

A wise decision. You would anyway not understand what the people say there. But if you like to ask there something ask in English. That's an European language with Germanic roots and Latin ornaments. I'm quite sure you will get a straight answer, which you will not understand.

I've learned much about people in my life. More than you it seems.

I have little care for what patch of dirt you were born on or were you live or the politics of your choosing.

We will never meet in person so I don't really have to invest any time in you at all.

In fact explaining this to you is a waste of my time because you are intractable and have a penchant for painting all Americans with a very broad brush.

Why do you spend so much time here arguing with Americans if you think we are all ignorant hateful people?
Everything you know about the American people you learned from the Boob tube.

From what?

So don't tell me what Americans think, or believe because it's obvious that you have no fucking clue

I have no clue what anyone else is thinking - completelly independent who this is. Every other human being is biologically organized as complex as I am organized - and I do not even have a clue what and how I think. But to be not honest: I never thought US-Americans think. I think you make senseless wars of words like others play the game "Mensch Ärgere Dich Nicht".

I've learned much about people in my life. More than you it seems.
I have little care for what patch of dirt you were born on or were you live or the politics of your choosing.

Sure. Again: You are an US-American. I know what many US-Americans say.

We will never meet in person so I don't really have to invest any time in you at all.

Good idea.

In fact explaining this to you is a waste of my time because you are intractable and have a penchant for painting all Americans with a very broad brush.

Sorry - but it was your intention to tell me that you don't like to speak with foreigners like me.

Why do you spend so much time here arguing with Americans if you think we are all ignorant hateful people?

Exactly because of this. I'm a Christian. I have always hope. Still you are not dead - still you have a chance to change something. I too.
You don't seem to realize that US citizens and the US government are not the same things.
If the greatest country in the world wishes to disavow responsibility for its government no one will be in the least surprised.
An island country with boarders with no one and particularly no borders with third world populations and just over 1% of our population. Um ... yeah, that's a fair comparison.
I don't think Americans learnt to make excuses from New Zealanders. That's their own talent.
yeah not sure what I said that was different then what you said. Of course we are talking here about how a nation is run, so obviously we are talking about state run...Cuba, NK, USSR, etc....it's not, as the post I responded to suggest "fair capitalism"

a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
As though the means of exchange in the US is not held in common cause through the agency of the state. Just how oblivious are you?

It's hardly my fault you've lapped up the bullshit.
But they are trying their best to do exacty that
No they're not. You just can't stop lapping the bullshit because it fits the previous bullshit you've lapped - fed to you by those with an agenda - and you never actually try to find out what's going on.

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