What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

I know your fuhrer is pro CCP and I’m sure your loyalty is appreciated
fuhrer=Führer=leader. And I don't know why any leader of whatever in Germany should have problems with anti-CCP negative patients. And I don't have any idea what you call loyalite, anti-Christian.
fuhrer=Führer=leader. And I don't know why any leader of whatever in Germany should have problems with anti-CCP negative patients. And I don't have any idea what you call loyalite, anti-Christian.
Your fuhrer is china’s bitch

Maybe they share a love of communism or for spme other reason

But future germans will curse her for not standing up to the CCP
Never heard of rounding huh?

4.8 million is close enough.

and besides that NZ is an insignificant little country that is smaller than almost half of all US states so no American gives a single fuck what their population is
Try 5.1 million New Zealand - Wikipedia

Oh, I know. The USA is the greatest country in the world. I know this because all the conservative Americans are so insecure they have to keep reminding everybody. Every day...
You foreigners on the other hand are always sticking your noses into what we're doing in our own country,
RATFLMAO...most ironic post on this thread. A Yank whining about outsiders sticking their nose into US's business.
I made a promise, about a year after I started posting here (and I have made that promise several times since), that I would stop posting on here when the US kept its big fat arse out of everybody else's business. Fifteen years later - here I still am...with the prospects of never leaving based on that fact.
The problem are the "-isms". Brotherly love and social engagement don't have to be "-isms" or ideologies. If we like to solve the problems of the future it makes absolutelly not any sense to try to be blind in whatever direction. The world will not do what's in our thoughts. We will have to understand what's really going on.

In Germany for example were big floods in the last days - and this floods were prognosted - but no one warned the people - so many were surprised and some died. Why speaks no one out a warning in the right moments before, as long as all smart phones are able to work? On a very simple reason: Fear of the "arguments" of others, like shitstorms for example - the wrong belief nothing is true - the wrong belief things exist only because we observe it - and so on and so on. Our ideologies build walls in our heads and make us all much more stupid and helpless as we really have to be.
Socialism, making capitalism fair with a good safety net, very simple idea that every other modern country has implemented although the English speakers don't know it. Because socialism is communism blah blah blah my ass. America is the only country that doesn't have a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations because freedom and communism my ass, brain washed functional morons.
huh? socialism is when the govt owns the means and output of production.

that’s not fair nor is it capitalism
No that is communism-The definition usually says they own or regulate business and industry, which of course we already do- just the GOP way which sucks.. A dictatorship because nobody wants that crap. Meanwhile socialist parties in Europe have always been Democratic and simply for fair capitalism and a good safety net. France Italy Spain etcetera have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy and all that entails. Only English speakers are terminally confused like you people and those in England who are also brexitier idiots....

i myself American and a French socialist because I lived there and I know what I'm talking about unlike you ignoramuses. Lol. I loved Francois mitterand. At his funeral he had two separate families show up with two wives and a bunch of kids and nobody really gave a damn!. And there's no talk of dictatorship or anything like it. The communist parties disappeared when the USSR did and they were basically scum bags of course. They got up to about 20% of the electorate. The English and Americans of course outlawed communist parties because they're so scared lol... And of course ridiculous savage capitalists. England got lucky when they got socialism after world war II. We got the GI Bill and the biggest growth ever. And we should make it permanent for everyone basically. Tax the rich for God's sake!
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No that is communism-The definition usually says they own or regulate business and industry, which of course we already do- just the GOP way which sucks.. A dictatorship because nobody wants that crap. Meanwhile socialist parties in Europe have always been Democratic and simply for fair capitalism and a good safety net. France Italy Spain etcetera have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy and all that entails. Only English speakers are terminally confused like you people and those in England who are also brexitier idiots....

i myself American and a French socialist because I lived there and I know what I'm talking about unlike you ignoramuses. Lol. I loved Francois mitterand. At his funeral he had two separate families show up with two wives and a bunch of kids and nobody really gave a damn!. And there's no talk of dictatorship or anything like it. The communist parties disappeared when the USSR did and they were basically scum bags of course. They got up to about 20% of the electorate. The English and Americans of course outlawed communist parties because they're so scared lol... And of course ridiculous savage capitalists. England got lucky when they got socialism after world war II. We got the GI Bill and the biggest growth ever. And we should make it permanent for everyone basically. Tax the rich for God's sake!
No it's Socialism my friend Definition of SOCIALISM

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Communism, at least how Marx defined it, is no Govt at all.
No it's Socialism my friend Definition of SOCIALISM

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

Communism, at least how Marx defined it, is no Govt at all.
[/QUOTE9 government administration of business and industry. Get past the dictionary definition sometime and check out what every socialist in the world says is democracy anyway. Coming is the Nazis loved confusing the issue also. But I know Spanish Italian French socialist s and finish socialists. No dictatorships involved. That is communism and I Don't give a f*** what Mark said Jesus you people are confused and ignorant.
Marks was totally wrong about everything and did not foresee that the working class would become middle class. Now of course we're going backwards under the GOP. 40 years now. Nobody wants government ownership of all business and industry except in communist China. Or do you mean government control of just several industries like electricity energy healthcare like in smart countries lol. Bad dictionary definition is just more confusion. I have a history master's and I am telling you. You are brainwashed by savage capitalist swine also known as the GOP and conservatives in general.
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Socialism, making capitalism fair with a good safety net, very simple idea that every other modern country has implemented although the English speakers don't know it. Because socialism is communism blah blah blah my ass. America is the only country that doesn't have a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations because freedom and communism my ass, brain washed functional morons.

Good grief - what's that what you say here? I guess I will not translate this into my own language now. Many people made many things wrong, when they tried to create heaven on Earth - what doesn't mean an health insurance for everyone is not just simple a fair rule in a fair game - whatever the name of the real game might be. Could be interesting to hear what Mr. John McCain would say in this context. The best are always dead the more we need them - that's life. Since how long time is communism dead do you say? And since when is socialism not any longer the bridge to communism?

Whatever. I love it how New Zealand solves problems. Germany hopefully will try to learn a lot. And I love very much the anthem of New Zealand. It's wonderful.

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yeah not sure what I said that was different then what you said. Of course we are talking here about how a nation is run, so obviously we are talking about state run...Cuba, NK, USSR, etc....it's not, as the post I responded to suggest "fair capitalism"

a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Usually says owned OR controlled by the government.
And what told you Sigmund Freud about your not existing problems?


Many chinese girls are pretty

Big deal

Thats as superficial as it gets and just what I would expect from you
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Yes, they use the British system where the government has far more control over the press than American governments do.

I hope the people of New Zealand get what lefty governments always end up giving them, less freedom, more taxes, more government.

Give it to them GOOD AND HARD.

Move there, you SJW cuck.

I'd be surprised if you knew where NZ was on a map.
That reminds me.
When the Olympic games was held in Australia in 2000, there was a mass of people who booked tickets to Austria.
Truly. And some went there.
Can you see my point?
Many chinese girls are pretty

Good grief. What do you see when you see living music, enemy mine?

Big deal

Thats as superficial as it gets and just what I would expect from you

With this superficial music my sister was buried. Now she is in her heavenly California. And I'm easily able to imagine she learned to play the zither or the sitar there. One day I will hopefully be happy to meet her again.

Any known reason why you are here on my planet? ...
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