What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

NOt really. Is the primary driver of our economy government investment or private capital?
The French know what socialists are. So do the Italians in Spanish you name it, everyone but English speaking idiots. English propaganda is the best. Napoleon wasn't short. He did not say England was a nation of shopkeepers, he was talking about monopolies and corporations and greed. And the English had the damn channel we have the Atlantic Ocean we aren't that smart.

Socialism is simply fair capitalism. Repeat 1,000 times. Not communism repeat 1,000 times. Jesus Christ the brainwash is deep.
NOt really. Is the primary driver of our economy government investment or private capital?
Every modern country but us already has everything that Bernie Sanders and AOC or any socialist wants, healthcare daycare living wage keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron. You people are unbelievable! Canada is not communist dingbat.
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
sorry i’ll pass. Of course the people are going to be satisfied with their govt when their govt runs the press that reports on it.

i’m more happy with a free press
The French know what socialists are. So do the Italians in Spanish you name it, everyone but English speaking idiots. English propaganda is the best. Napoleon wasn't short. He did not say England was a nation of shopkeepers, he was talking about monopolies and corporations and greed. And the English had the damn channel we have the Atlantic Ocean we aren't that smart.

Socialism is simply fair capitalism. Repeat 1,000 times. Not communism repeat 1,000 times. Jesus Christ the brainwash is deep.
huh? socialism is when the govt owns the means and output of production.

that’s not fair nor is it capitalism

BFD 4.8 million all that does is add to the sheep population
And you still can't get the population right...
socialism is when the govt owns the means and output of production.
Ah, American 'education'.

Socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, often through the agency of the state.
Anyhow, materially speaking, life over here is doing fine.

The current reduction of biodiversity says something very clear: Life on Earth suffers a terrible deadly infection - the worst which had happened since long hundreds of millions of years. The name of this violent "virus" of the biosphere is the species "homo sapiens sapiens" - Translations in English "the good wise nice men" - Translation in German: "the superidiots of planet Earth".

I live in a rust belt city and it is green as hell. If it were not for the divisive bs from the left, life here would be quite good.

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Maybe so

But the chinese disease

You know very well that the so called "Spanish influenca" a hundred years ago, which had caused much more problems and deaths, was "made in the USA". Your moral is immorality.

is not what I was referring to

Libs are calibrating the fact that new zealand does not get both sides of the story in their local media

I think they will pay a price for that in time
There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
right wing alternative facts you say ???
The French know what socialists are. So do the Italians in Spanish you name it, everyone but English speaking idiots. English propaganda is the best. Napoleon wasn't short. He did not say England was a nation of shopkeepers, he was talking about monopolies and corporations and greed. And the English had the damn channel we have the Atlantic Ocean we aren't that smart.

Socialism is simply fair capitalism. Repeat 1,000 times. Not communism repeat 1,000 times. Jesus Christ the brainwash is deep.

The problem are the "-isms". Brotherly love and social engagement don't have to be "-isms" or ideologies. If we like to solve the problems of the future it makes absolutelly not any sense to try to be blind in whatever direction. The world will not do what's in our thoughts. We will have to understand what's really going on.

In Germany for example were big floods in the last days - and this floods were prognosted - but no one warned the people - so many were surprised and some died. Why speaks no one out a warning in the right moments before, as long as all smart phones are able to work? On a very simple reason: Fear of the "arguments" of others, like shitstorms for example - the wrong belief nothing is true - the wrong belief things exist only because we observe it - and so on and so on. Our ideologies build walls in our heads and make us all much more stupid and helpless as we really have to be.
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Ah, American 'education'.

Socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, often through the agency of the state.
yeah not sure what I said that was different then what you said. Of course we are talking here about how a nation is run, so obviously we are talking about state run...Cuba, NK, USSR, etc....it's not, as the post I responded to suggest "fair capitalism"

a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

And you still can't get the population right...
Never heard of rounding huh?

4.8 million is close enough.

and besides that NZ is an insignificant little country that is smaller than almost half of all US states so no American gives a single fuck what their population is

Then since you know that I know why are wasting bandwidth pointing it out?

Idiot - you are an evilwilling idiot. That's the problem. You don't have any idea why you spread continuously hate against China and what this will mean in the future. The same time you call "god" the devil who leads you and you use words of the bible for your blasphemic speeches. I think everyone should know this and should not make the mistake to trust in you. Who trusts in you is lost.

Oh by the way: Ronald Reagon for example was one of the most conservative politicians of the USA, isn't it? As far as I heard he started his political career as a unionist. Fits not in any scheme, isn't it? But that's real life.
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Idiot - you are an evilwilling idiot. That's the problem. You don't have any idea why you spread continuously hate against China and what this will mean in the future.
First like me correct an earlier misstatement of yours

The Spanish Flu first appeared in America just as the chinese flu began in china

But the Spanish Flu was natural whereas the chinese flu was engineered by chinese scientists

Thats a big difference

Now, its impossible to be more mean to china than they deserve

Its an evil, expansionist, inhuman government that is a threat to world peace, health and freedom

But I would not expect a german to understand that
... so no American gives a single fuck what their population is

This and "Your're next" (George W. Bush) is the standard sentence of the most US-Americans for every other nation and all other US-Americans. To say something else would mean to start to learn.

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This and "Your're next" (George W. Bush) is the standard sentence of the most US-Americans for every other nation and all other US-Americans. To say something else would mean to start to learn.
No We just don't care about foreigners very much.

You foreigners on the other hand are always sticking your noses into what we're doing in our own country,

Why don't you worry about your own yards?
First like me correct an earlier misstatement of yours

The Spanish Flu first appeared in America just as the chinese flu began in china

But the Spanish Flu was natural whereas the chinese flu was engineered by chinese scientists

What's nonsense. And this you knew before you said this.

Thats a big difference

Now, its impossible to be more mean to china than they deserve

Its an evil, expansionist, inhuman government that is a threat to world peace, health and freedom

But I would not expect a german to understand that

Because you think everyone is an idiot and you are Zweistein.

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