What the US can learn from New Zealand political discourse

There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine.

“When you look at the numbers, New Zealanders have essentially been satisfied with their government since 1999,” said Stephen Mills, the head of UMR, Labour’s polling firm. That period had spanned two Labour and two centre-right National prime ministers – including Ardern – all of whom had led fairly moderate governments.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced
So you think the US should also confiscate all guns?
New Zealand has a POS Globalist at the helm...

There is NOTHING the world can learn from that Jacinda Arden SOB!

You can't even spell her name correctly. Why would you? Trailer trash usually don't go past 4th grade, right?
Capitalism is the system that created the wealth that build this great nation, and it has been the money fountain that has been the economic engine for the rest of the world, since at least WWII.

Saying Capitalism doesn't work, is like saying "eating food doesn't work".

Unfettered capitalism created the fiscal disaster that is today's South America. Milton Friedman has been utterly discredited. "Free market capitalism" creates great wealth for a few, and great poverty for many.

Your "free market capitalism" has destroyed the US economy - 3 times in the past 40 years. Yes it builds great wealth - by impoverishing working people and keeping them dependent. It leads to violence and overthrow when people get tired of privation.

Well regulated capitalism - what you call "socialism", has created all of the "best countries in the world to live in". Wealth is of no use if the people whose labor created that wealth are not well compensated. See Russia in 1918.

The USA has been a "socialist democracy" since its founding. Publicly owned schools, libraries, fire departments, and other infrastructure are all "socialist" ideas which were wildly radical in 1776. Add in Social Security, welfare and Medicaid, and you're fully into "socialism".

40 years of Republican employment and tax policies have set the USA on the same path as Chile and and Brazil - great wealth, deep poverty, and not much in between.
Yes, they use the British system where the government has far more control over the press than American governments do.

I hope the people of New Zealand get what lefty governments always end up giving them, less freedom, more taxes, more government.

Give it to them GOOD AND HARD.

Move there, you SJW cuck.
NZers are more free than you will ever be. You have a duopoly govt where both parties are very similar (although both parties are getting extremists hitching a ride over the past 10-15 years). 1 per cent run everything in the US and all the trailer trash who hardly have two cents to rub together get suckered by the right, because, well that's what they do. Give the trailer trash a dose of racism, chuck in some immigration issues, tell them the govt is set on stealing their peashooters, and suddenly you have ignorant, bigoted voting block. Don't believe me? Worked for the Orange Buffoon...
NZers are more free than you will ever be. You have a duopoly govt where both parties are very similar (although both parties are getting extremists hitching a ride over the past 10-15 years). 1 per cent run everything in the US and all the trailer trash who hardly have two cents to rub together get suckered by the right, because, well that's what they do. Give the trailer trash a dose of racism, chuck in some immigration issues, tell them the govt is set on stealing their peashooters, and suddenly you have ignorant, bigoted voting block. Don't believe me? Worked for the Orange Buffoon...

Bullshit. They are free to follow the government, that's it.
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There is nothing as corrosive and damaging to the American political discourse as the right wing alternative facts machine

Actually there is, Democrats screaming you're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! ...

... at anyone who disagrees with you. There is nothing more hateful or divisive in this country than that.

Oh, and you're a racist
NZers are more free than you will ever be. You have a duopoly govt where both parties are very similar (although both parties are getting extremists hitching a ride over the past 10-15 years). 1 per cent run everything in the US and all the trailer trash who hardly have two cents to rub together get suckered by the right, because, well that's what they do. Give the trailer trash a dose of racism, chuck in some immigration issues, tell them the govt is set on stealing their peashooters, and suddenly you have ignorant, bigoted voting block. Don't believe me? Worked for the Orange Buffoon...

An island country with boarders with no one and particularly no borders with third world populations and just over 1% of our population. Um ... yeah, that's a fair comparison.

Yeah, and it's Republicans out there committing all the crimes. Sure it is.

Dirt bag
So far you dummies are suggesting there is nothing to learn from other places. Stop eating your Italian and Chinese food cuz it was designed somewhere else!

It’s very clear that the disinformation embraced from the right is complicating a free and open society. I’m not an advocate of shutting down a free press but there should be easier legal remedies for the lies propagated by the filthy right.

Disinformation starts with you're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

Nothing will be resolved in this country until you stop with the lies and attacks like that.

Oh, and you're a racist
Your "No" is a "Yes". But you are not able to agree with a stranger.

One moment: You are "the USA". You spy everywhere.

I don't own yards.

I don't know and don't care what you people do in whatever country you live in.

You don't seem to realize that US citizens and the US government are not the same things.

And of course you don't have a yard because you live in a little country that has no space
Try 5.1 million New Zealand - Wikipedia

Oh, I know. The USA is the greatest country in the world. I know this because all the conservative Americans are so insecure they have to keep reminding everybody. Every day...
And I still don't give a FUCK about an insignificant little country that is entirely populated by sheep

Neither do most Americans
RATFLMAO...most ironic post on this thread. A Yank whining about outsiders sticking their nose into US's business.
I made a promise, about a year after I started posting here (and I have made that promise several times since), that I would stop posting on here when the US kept its big fat arse out of everybody else's business. Fifteen years later - here I still am...with the prospects of never leaving based on that fact.
I don't get on message boards in other countries and criticize the people who live there.

But you foreigners love to think you know what the people in this country are like because you see shit on the idiot tube
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Yes. You are not even too shy to spy in the smart phone of the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany only because Germany is one of the best allies of the USA. You spy everywhere in the government of Germany, in all institutions in Germany, in all companies of Germany and in every toilet of private persons in Germany. You are informed about every single money transaction in Germany and so on. The only thing you don't spy is the will of God because the will of God is anyway the will of uneducated extremist idiots like Donald Trump, who didn't even know how to spell the word "god" - but was able to become with 2 braincells president of the USA and master of the US-American nukes.

I don't know and don't care what you people do in whatever country you live in.

Sure. You are an US-American. You hate everyone and everything except the abstract USA. And this lack of hate you call love.

You don't seem to realize that US citizens and the US government are not the same things.

:lol: You are amusing.

And of course you don't have a yard because you live in a little country that has no space

Exactly. And in this 3% size compared with the size of USA we have 20-200 times more space for refugees and migrants than the most famous nation of descendents of migrants, who produces many refugees worldwide with senseless stupid aggressions.

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Yes. You are not even too shy to spy in the smart phone of the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany only because Germany is one fo the ebst alalioes of the USA. You spy everywhere in the government of Germany, in all instiosni of Germof Germany all companoes of Germany and in every toilet of private persons in Germany. Yout spy everysngl meiony tra nscatio in gertmany and so on and so on. The only thing you don't spy is the will of God because the will of God is anyway the wil of unedicvasote ,ekigt5hy idtios idiots like Donald Trump, who doesn't even know how to spell the word god but was able to become with 2 braincells president of the USA.

Sure. You are an US-American. You hate everyone and everything except the USA. And this lack of hate you call love.


Exactly. And in this 3% size compared with the USA we have 20-200 times more space for refugees and migrants than the most famous nation of descendents of migrants which produces many from this this refugees worldwide. Tio be ezunst_ whatelse than contempt earns a nation full of people like you?

Once again you confuse the American people with the government.

And I don't hate anyone I just don't care about you and your country.

I have no interest in what goes on where you live. I don't care what politicians you vote for . what kind of car you drive, what kind of beer you drink etc. And I am certainly not going to look for a message board about your country's politics and start talking shit.
Good grief. What do you see when you see living music, enemy mine?

With this superficial music my sister was buried. Now she is in her heavenly California. And I'm easily able to imagine she learned to play the zither or the sitar there. One day I will hopefully be happy to meet her again.

Any known reason why you are here on my planet? ...

Hay zaangalewa they’re playing your song:

I don't get on message boards in other countries and criticize the people who live there.

But you foreigners love to think you know what the people in this country are like because you see shit on the idiot tube

Exactly, Dr Grump is a real ass that way.

I've spent my career working extensively in international business and meet a lot of Kiwis. They're pretty nice people. I never met a total dickwad like him who talk to anyone the way he does all the time.

New Zealand is the #1 country I want to go to that I've never been. I doubt when I do I'll meet many like him
I'd be surprised if you knew where NZ was on a map.
That reminds me.
When the Olympic games was held in Australia in 2000, there was a mass of people who booked tickets to Austria.
Truly. And some went there.
Can you see my point?

I do, you hate ANY dissenting thought.
And I still don't give a FUCK about an insignificant little country that is entirely populated by sheep

Neither do most Americans

But you like to know that everyone knows this, otherwise "You're next" and you will send your cubes: ”We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” :lol:


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