What time does the Democrat give away carnival start tonight?


Barney Frank, the architect of the crash of 08, endorsed Hillary's bank plan.

Your a fool if you think one man orchestrated the crash.....But simple realities for simple minds.....
Freddie & Fannie are sound....

I now return you to your regularly scheduled talking points
hardly as it twas not those two institutions which corrupted the system.....
No it wasn't those two. It was the Democratic pressure that they were under being forced to give loans to people to buy homes who couldn't afford them. And BARNEY FRANK was in charge of the oversight committee that imposed that stupidity. The warning signs were there and NO ONE did enough to stop the problem.
I have been buying houses and building houses since the early 1980's. Notice how with every recession or savings and loan losses in real estate..We, the middle class have lost out on property values, that are later scooped up by the rich..And the loss of real wages versus cost of living expenses......While the rich increase their incomes........
Don't think this shit is not planned by the rich to destroy the middle class....At least labor prices for construction are on the rise in the area...

Barney Frank, the architect of the crash of 08, endorsed Hillary's bank plan.

Your a fool if you think one man orchestrated the crash.....But simple realities for simple minds.....

Every time we get a Republican in the Oval Office, we are reminded that large groups cannot self-police. Look at Congress if there is any more proof. They are in office for less than 1/2 a year.

One would think that the electorate would wise up to the fact. Yet, every GOP candidate wants to reduce regulation and let banking, big medicine, big farming, big military, and big _______ manage themselves. Its usually only after they are thrown out of office we find the volumes of mis-management and you have situations like the Elk River being so polluted that citizens still are fearful to drink from it, plants blowing up all across Texas or just merely poisoning their consumers, construction of hardware that doesn't do the job the military needs etc...

The banking meltdown was unique because Bush got his hand caught in the cookie jar while he was still in office. His sleepwalking through his job resulted in the $700+B bail out.

Its nice to blame Congress for all of this. Remarkably, when Obama had his IRS, VA, and ecret Service scandals, nobody on the conservative side seemed in a mood to blame Congress (even though it was 1/2 democratic at the time...).

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

Barney Frank, the architect of the crash of 08, endorsed Hillary's bank plan.

Your a fool if you think one man orchestrated the crash.....But simple realities for simple minds.....

Every time we get a Republican in the Oval Office, we are reminded that large groups cannot self-police. Look at Congress if there is any more proof. They are in office for less than 1/2 a year.

One would think that the electorate would wise up to the fact. Yet, every GOP candidate wants to reduce regulation and let banking, big medicine, big farming, big military, and big _______ manage themselves. Its usually only after they are thrown out of office we find the volumes of mis-management and you have situations like the Elk River being so polluted that citizens still are fearful to drink from it, plants blowing up all across Texas or just merely poisoning their consumers, construction of hardware that doesn't do the job the military needs etc...

The banking meltdown was unique because Bush got his hand caught in the cookie jar while he was still in office. His sleepwalking through his job resulted in the $700+B bail out.

Its nice to blame Congress for all of this. Remarkably, when Obama had his IRS, VA, and ecret Service scandals, nobody on the conservative side seemed in a mood to blame Congress (even though it was 1/2 democratic at the time...).

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
They have been litigating the Illinois river over poultry pollution between OK and MO for as long as my eldest kid has been alive 30 years..And still no settlement...
Politicians today are too buzy raiding the chicken house and pointing at others as the culprits ....
Between Hillary shouting, Bernie apologizing, and Marty being Marty...we learned nothing except the ME will remain a problem, taxes will be going up, the military will weaken further....and our enemies will be energized if one of theses morons is elected.

Good night, and good luck.
Republicans can't shill for big business and then whine about the income gap. It makes them lying assholes. And the GOP base doesn't even get it.

Democrats talked about health care, jobs, income, the middle east, families, Flint, education and the environment.

Republicans attacked each other and explained ways to grow the poor and reduce the middle class and the GOP base cheered. Yea, let's cut taxes for the rich and corporations so they will make more jobs. Like they don't have enough money now to create jobs. Everyone else says that's idiotic and only tards could believe such nonsense. The believing GOP base says it's a good idea.
Republicans can't shill for big business and then whine about the income gap. It makes them lying assholes. And the GOP base doesn't even get it.

Democrats talked about health care, jobs, income, the middle east, families, Flint, education and the environment.

Republicans attacked each other and explained ways to grow the poor and reduce the middle class and the GOP base cheered. Yea, let's cut taxes for the rich and corporations so they will make more jobs. Like they don't have enough money now to create jobs. Everyone else says that's idiotic and only tards could believe such nonsense. The believing GOP base says it's a good idea.
Troll alert!
Might tune in

As if the Republicans don't give away. They just give away to the rich.
I've not seen any GOP president or Congress cut off welfare, for the poor, rich or foreign entities...

That isn't what I said. What I said is that the Republicans give handouts to the rich. If they're going to throw cash at people, it won't be the poor. They might not cut it off, but they might cut it for the poor.

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