What to do about November if Kavanaugh is not confirmed...revenge.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
Well-reasoned, but my tack might be a little different though similar. Don’t harbor rage anger bitterness or resentment- we want you alive to vote the next few election cycles!
Not voting is a sure way for our liberties to meet their demise- don’t take that approach because that is what the hard-left Democrats want. Do vote. We especially need the #walkaway democrats to cast more conservative votes to help them get their party on track or create one that does fairly represent their interests. When you vote, simply cast a vote opposing anyone who does not vote in favor of Judge K. Don’t vote for leftist candidates though- we need to remember what we are opposing, and it is primarily leftism and secondarily those who don’t represent us. We are voting to defend our country and this attack on Judge K is a direct attack on our liberties. He has stuck through the process because he knows he is of impeccable character, which is even better ‘teflon’ than the stuff the Clintons are made of. After what he and his family have endured, we owe it to them to oppose those who have attacked him.

Keep a list for the next two years and watch the voting records of those currently on the senate judicial committee- just vote for those who represent your interests.

The best revenge is a common-sense approach to voting- know who you are voting for and why and vote at every election, primary or otherwise- but now with increased enthusiasm and scrutiny. Not doing this is what got the silent majority their nickname- and now we need to pull out all the stops before we actually become the persecuted majority.

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So? We know the Right is all about revenge anyways...that's why the Right is all in on letting the Russians create chaos.
So? We know the Right is all about revenge anyways...that's why the Right is all in on letting the Russians create chaos.
Classic demented troll.

Regressive liberal ROE


16. Russia

Lather rinse repeat x 100000000000
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
I agree and as much as I despise many R's, maybe Trump can take care of the rino scum if we get rid of all the dim scum.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........

All that needs to happen is for all those who voted for Trump in 2016 get off their asses and vote November 6th, along with any Republicans and independents who are not actually Democrats.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
My vote is earned not given out of fear
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

What you will be rewarding is vile, disgusting attacks against an innocent man, and giving the democrats even more power to do worse to the next innocent republican.....Kavanaugh didn't deserve this...the next innocent republican targeted by them won't deserve it either....

Sitting out November lets them do it....
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
My vote is earned not given out of fear

Is giving more power to the democrats to destroy anyone who gets in their way a good thing to do?

I can't stand the republicans...but I know that the democrats are monsters...you don't give monsters more power.
So? We know the Right is all about revenge anyways...that's why the Right is all in on letting the Russians create chaos.
The russians are more american now than you looney hacks are. After last weeks tactics. Liberals should never hold power again, and i hope it shows in November. Just think this little stunt you proved to keep Kavanaugh out. Could get us a pro life judge, if we get a super majority in November. Then i'll congradulate you on your stupidity.
So? We know the Right is all about revenge anyways...that's why the Right is all in on letting the Russians create chaos.
Classic demented troll.

Regressive liberal ROE


16. Russia

Lather rinse repeat x 100000000000
Really? All we've heard from trumpanzees is that they are about getting back at the Left...all we've heard is if the Russians are involved GOOD. Now we are hearing that if Black Out Brett did assault Ford, doesn't disqualify him.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
My vote is earned not given out of fear

Imagined nobility is the death of reason. Think.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
My vote is earned not given out of fear

Imagined nobility is the death of reason. Think.
This same line of thinking tried to force me to vote for Trump instead of writing in Walker. I see the result was not the apocalypse many predicted despite my vote. My vote is neither for sale or available out of fear.
If the Republicans fail to confirm Kavanaugh, the first instinct, which is legitimate and fair....is to punish the republicans by not voting in November.

This would be a mistake....the first, the prime the most important thing to do...... punish every single democrat by voting them out of power..... this is the best way to revenge Kavanaugh, and it keeps the Senate in our hands...on the chance ginsburg dies or retires.....we may have more Senators next time around to try again...

Then....Then......in the next primary cycle...that is when we take revenge on the spineless, weak, cowardly establishment republicans and take their power away from them by voting them out of power.......save your rage for the democrats...first.

Then, take your rage against the republicans in the primaries...anything else hurts us, not them....and the democrats deserve to be hurt by losing their power.....we don't deserve to be ruled by the very vile, disgusting monsters who did that to Kavanaugh....spread the word...vote out democrats........
If they fail I may sit out the election. Tired of rewarding failure

Yes....the republicans suck....

Giving more power to the democrats, to do even more of this, and to cover up their crimes and attacks is not an option.

Do you think if you stay home the democrats will stop doing what they have done? No. They will get worse, emboldened by their success....and they will have more power to do it.

If we have more Republicans in the Senate, then morons like murkowsky and collins and the next Flake, will have less power to gum up the works.....

If ginsburg dies and the democrats hold the Senate? If the Republicans have more Senators than the slim number now?

The important thing is to end the power of the democrats..giving them more power by staying home is not, not, the way to go.
My vote is earned not given out of fear

Imagined nobility is the death of reason. Think.
This same line of thinking tried to force me to vote for Trump instead of writing in Walker. I see the result was not the apocalypse many predicted despite my vote. My vote is neither for sale or available out of fear.

Mine neither. Common sense rules.

Your choice.

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