What to do about Trumps backstabbing on immigration ?

Someone from the GOP finally got through to him that he was promising an unconstitutional crime against humanity to his fucked up followers.
Howcthe hell is enforcing vim migration law "unconstitutional", you twit.
I explained it earlier but in order to deport as many as he wants in any meaningful amount of time we would have to go against our constitution and deny them due process under the law. You really do not want the government deciding than it can dispense with anyone's day in court under any circumstances.
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.


Are you willing to vote for some one who will disarm America?

Are you going to vote for someone who will start WWIII in order to defend Israel?

PRIORITIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump would do one but not the other. But at what point do we say FUCK IT! Its not gonna get better with the people in charge,its time to let America drown in its own stupidity and collapse like the Roman empire and we pick up the pieces.

You have got to be a plant from the democratic party.
....Are you going to vote for someone who will start WWIII in order to defend Israel?

PRIORITIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can someone defending an ally be the one starting WWIII?

The US will clash against Iran and Russia in Syria.

May I remind you that the Russkies have nuclear weapons and can deliver them into your backyard?

According to the Obama regime we already deport half a million a year, when we untie law enforcement's hands and abolish sanctuary cities it will get done. It may take a few years but once the border is secure we'll bounce a couple million a year out of here until the job is finished.

"Fantastic" plan....and then a head of lettuce will cost morons like you more than to fill your gas tank.

Are you suggesting we "must" have illegal immigration?

Bad news.

99.9% , possibly more, of US laws are UNconstitutional -ILLEGAL


Take that shit to the conspiracy forum. Dumbass dale can show you the way.

The fact that you are a dumb fuck does not make that fact a conspiracy.

What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.


Are you willing to vote for some one who will disarm America?

Are you going to vote for someone who will start WWIII in order to defend Israel?

PRIORITIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump would do one but not the other. But at what point do we say FUCK IT! Its not gonna get better with the people in charge,its time to let America drown in its own stupidity and collapse like the Roman empire and we pick up the pieces.

You have got to be a plant from the democratic party.
Oh stop fucking crying. jesus christ. I have no party I don't give a shit what you think because I care for my race first and foremost this fucking country could collapse for all I care because its been given MANY chances to kick the foreign hordes to the curb and take back control of our country.
According to the Obama regime we already deport half a million a year, when we untie law enforcement's hands and abolish sanctuary cities it will get done. It may take a few years but once the border is secure we'll bounce a couple million a year out of here until the job is finished.

"Fantastic" plan....and then a head of lettuce will cost morons like you more than to fill your gas tank.

Are you suggesting we "must" have illegal immigration?

Bad news.

99.9% , possibly more, of US laws are UNconstitutional -ILLEGAL


Take that shit to the conspiracy forum. Dumbass dale can show you the way.

The fact that you are a dumb fuck does not make that fact a conspiracy.


How many thousands and thousands of hours of 'research' did you do, dale?
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.


Are you willing to vote for some one who will disarm America?

Are you going to vote for someone who will start WWIII in order to defend Israel?

PRIORITIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump would do one but not the other. But at what point do we say FUCK IT! Its not gonna get better with the people in charge,its time to let America drown in its own stupidity and collapse like the Roman empire and we pick up the pieces.

You have got to be a plant from the democratic party.
Oh stop fucking crying. jesus christ. I have no party I don't give a shit what you think because I care for my race first and foremost this fucking country could collapse for all I care because its been given MANY chances to kick the foreign hordes to the curb and take back control of our country.
We are all "foreign hordes" here you goosestepping dumbass.
"Fantastic" plan....and then a head of lettuce will cost morons like you more than to fill your gas tank.

Are you suggesting we "must" have illegal immigration?

Bad news.

99.9% , possibly more, of US laws are UNconstitutional -ILLEGAL


Take that shit to the conspiracy forum. Dumbass dale can show you the way.

The fact that you are a dumb fuck does not make that fact a conspiracy.


How many thousands and thousands of hours of 'research' did you do, dale?

Irrelevant, cocksucker.

Raise and issue and let me quickly dispose of it.


The US will clash against Iran and Russia in Syria.

May I remind you that the Russkies have nuclear weapons and can deliver them into your backyard?.
Thanks for backing away from your initial post.

So, in your opinion, Syria will attack Israel with Soviet Russian backing and you think the US should cower in our basements out of fear of Putin? Sorry, I don't agree, but thanks for the insight to your mindset.
Are you suggesting we "must" have illegal immigration?

Bad news.

99.9% , possibly more, of US laws are UNconstitutional -ILLEGAL


Take that shit to the conspiracy forum. Dumbass dale can show you the way.

The fact that you are a dumb fuck does not make that fact a conspiracy.


How many thousands and thousands of hours of 'research' did you do, dale?

Irrelevant, ......

Why so shy all of a sudden, dale?
The US will clash against Iran and Russia in Syria.

May I remind you that the Russkies have nuclear weapons and can deliver them into your backyard?.
Thanks for backing away from your initial post.

So, in your opinion, Syria will attack Israel with Soviet Russian backing and you think the US should cower in our basements out of fear of Putin? Sorry, I don't agree, but thanks for the insight to your mindset.

No, in 1996 neocrazies and American Likudnicks formulated a policy paper stating that they wanted Israel to become a power house in the Mideast.

The paper suggested that Iraq and Syria needed to be destroyed.

The US also wants Israel to retain the Golan Heights.

But I understand that you want WWIII since you are a zionist and won't have to be on the frontlines.

No, in 1996 neocrazies and American Likudnicks formulated a policy paper stating that they wanted Israel to become a power house in the Mideast.

The paper suggested that Iraq and Syria needed to be destroyed.

The US also wants Israel to retain the Golan Heights.

But I understand that you want WWIII since you are a zionist and won't have to be on the frontlines.

Translation: 1) I'm basing my entire nutjob theory on a paper by other nutjob conspiracy theorists.

2) You are a fucking Jew-lover if you want to support an ally in the ME

Sorry, pal, but you can take your nutty theories and assumptions back to your basement room in your parent's house.
No, in 1996 neocrazies and American Likudnicks formulated a policy paper stating that they wanted Israel to become a power house in the Mideast.

The paper suggested that Iraq and Syria needed to be destroyed.

The US also wants Israel to retain the Golan Heights.

But I understand that you want WWIII since you are a zionist and won't have to be on the frontlines.

Translation: 1) I'm basing my entire nutjob theory on a paper by other nutjob conspiracy theorists.

2) You are a fucking Jew-lover if you want to support an ally in the ME

Sorry, pal, but you can take your nutty theories and assumptions back to your basement room in your parent's house.

Listen dingle berry , those individuals ARE nutjobs , but that din't stop Bush II from giving them high federal jobs in his administration.

And yes , you are nutjob for enouraging a bankrupt nation to enter into another expensive and useless war.

Listen dingle berry , those individuals ARE nutjobs , but that din't stop Bush II from giving them high federal jobs in his administration.

And yes , you are nutjob for enouraging a bankrupt nation to enter into another expensive and useless war.

1) Ad hominem attack.

2) Straw man argument.

3) False accusation.

Looks like you have all the usual bases covered, Connie.

Will this give you nightmares?

According to the Obama regime we already deport half a million a year, when we untie law enforcement's hands and abolish sanctuary cities it will get done. It may take a few years but once the border is secure we'll bounce a couple million a year out of here until the job is finished.

"Fantastic" plan....and then a head of lettuce will cost morons like you more than to fill your gas tank.

The lazy lard ass liberals can pick the lettuce in exchange for their government handouts.
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.

Don't give me that bullshit--you knew dam well he supported a path to citizenship before he jumped into this race, you just ignored it and now you're stuck with him. You were warned time and time again and you ignored it all! You even heard it during the debates and you ignored it. It was all over this board and you ignored it.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState


Tomorrow he'll probably tell you he's going to let in 200 million Muslims because he was for that too, before he was against it dumbass. And you ignored that too.
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees

ALL of this information was right in front of your nose and you ignored it all.

You wanted Trump, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator


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