What to do about Trumps backstabbing on immigration ?

relocate em all


Great example. ^^^

Here's an idiot who has NO clue what he's hating or what the answer is. He's one of the dummies who say "round them up and ship them out" as though that's possible. And, they really are so dumb about this issue that they think its possible and desirable.

The right has hit rock bottom.
that picture stands for rounding up, and transporting to death camps followed by extermination.
Trump: Wall? Just a joke!...cmon. In fact a Hispanic called me the other day and told me we know you were kiddin. And he told me Donald, despite your calling Hispanic immigrants rapists I knew you were joking. It's all good now! I love the Hispanics. The liberal media made up the wall, and rapists. What are you talking about? This is rigged!
By the way the other day 20+ people over dosed in a single housing complex in just a few hours span on drugs...wait for it...from Mexico.
Hooray for a free market!
Evolution in action.

BTW, a few news articles have pointed out that the legalization of marijuana has cut into the Cartel's profits. To make up for the loss, they've taken to exporting a combination of heroin (requires larges fields to grow) and fentanyl (requires a small lab to make). Not only is fentanyl relatively cheap to make and easy to conceal, but it boosts the high of heroin dramatically. So much that it's causing deaths through overdoses.

Fentanyl-Laced Heroin Worsening Overdose Crisis, Officials Say - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
By the way the other day 20+ people over dosed in a single housing complex in just a few hours span on drugs...wait for it...from Mexico.

A shit load of the drugs that fuck up this country come over the open border from Mexico.

THey are really shitty neighbors.

Actually, they're very good neighbors. Not to mention they save you boat loads of money.

Its the damn drug cartels that are worthless scum.

Are you saying you blame the entire country for the drug cartels? Are US drug buyers in the US YOUR fault and YOUR responsibility.

Didn't think so.

SO sick of stupid RWNJ traitors like you.

I blame the democratically elected government of Mexico for their actions and inactions.

They are shitty neighbors who violate our sovereignty constantly and massively to our great detriment.
By the way the other day 20+ people over dosed in a single housing complex in just a few hours span on drugs...wait for it...from Mexico.

A shit load of the drugs that fuck up this country come over the open border from Mexico.

THey are really shitty neighbors.

Actually, they're very good neighbors. Not to mention they save you boat loads of money.

Its the damn drug cartels that are worthless scum.

Are you saying you blame the entire country for the drug cartels? Are US drug buyers in the US YOUR fault and YOUR responsibility.

Didn't think so.

SO sick of stupid RWNJ traitors like you.

Oh please, already more than 1/3 of all illegals are participating in tax fraud that cost American taxpayers over $4 billion a year. Does that sound like they have any respect for our laws or country? No. We'll boot their worthless ass out and bring in some quality immigrants.

How? Remember, Trump has abandoned his massive 'deportation teams' nonsense. How then will you 'boot them out'?

Get specific? Does it involve a rope snare, a chimichanga and a whistle that plays 'La cucaracha' at frequencies only illegal immigrants can hear?

By all means, enlighten us.

According to the Obama regime we already deport half a million a year, when we untie law enforcement's hands and abolish sanctuary cities it will get done. It may take a few years but once the border is secure we'll bounce a couple million a year out of here until the job is finished.

AND seal the border to prevent fresh inflow.
I did. He hasn't changed his position. If you are here illegally you will be deported. What he is talking about is the process. We start with the obvious ones first- criminals, rapists, drug dealers, etc..
We agree on he said the major criminals will go but he also said he will soften his stance blah blah blah...either gotta deport them or legalize them....which means 11 million more on the dole for food stamps,medicaid section 8,stealing Americans jobs,driving wages down etc. Then they vote en masse for democrats. I fucking hate this country.....damnit I wish I had been born somewhere that had enough people left to actually give a shit about preserving themselves.

Where did he soften his stance?
By his own words yesterday on fox news the town hall thing he did. Ill find it.

Trump says he's open to 'softening' immigration laws in 'Hannity' town hall | Fox News

Was not in there.

There ya go.

"COULD SOFTEN" is a lot vaguer than the detailed plans on his web site.

Which sounds more like BS political rhetoric? THe detailed plans that catapulted him to victory in the primaries, or "could soften"?

"Could soften" could mean we pump salsa music into the buses as we ship their asses back to Mexico.
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.
1) Non-citizens can't legally vote in national elections. All states prohibit them from voting in state elections. 18 USC 611: Voting by aliens

Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt 324 U.S. 652 (1945)

2) Don't vote for Trump if you don't want to do so. I recommend Johnson as an alternative.

3) Destroy the identity of America? WTF?

You seem to be taking an anti-immigration stance with the meme, but the rest of your post seems to be attempting to minimizing the problem.

I mean, obviously you are not claiming that the actions of our distant ancestors means that we don't have the Right of National Sovereignty today?

That would be moronic.
Trump was never serious about deportation. He said those things for the primary voter, who will stay with him no matter what his ultimate positions turn out to be. He knows that he has your vote. Game over.

(See Politics)

Trump knows where his base is. If he wants to get REELECTED, he will be serious about deportation.

Do you know the meaning of the word "could"?
Someone from the GOP finally got through to him that he was promising an unconstitutional crime against humanity to his fucked up followers.

Criminals are not human beings. Illegal aliens are criminals. Therefore illegal aliens are not human beings.

Have a nice day.

Criminals are human beings. Refuting your entire line of 'logic'.

Sending someone home is not a crime against humanity.
Obviously we see the Jewish influence on Trump coming out. Allowing non whites to invade a nation of whites to change that nations demographics is genocide according to the UN. I wish I could just pack my family up and move to Europe they actually seem to want to fix things in some of their countries
Please do, we don't need your kind of asshole here.
According to the Obama regime we already deport half a million a year, when we untie law enforcement's hands and abolish sanctuary cities it will get done. It may take a few years but once the border is secure we'll bounce a couple million a year out of here until the job is finished.

"Fantastic" plan....and then a head of lettuce will cost morons like you more than to fill your gas tank.

Are you suggesting we "must" have illegal immigration?

If we go about it the way that Trump described (before he didn't), um, yeah. As his plan would never work.

If want to really get serious.....go after the employers. The Suppliers, not the Users. Make E-Verify mandatory with serious teeth. You'd need only a few dozen high profile prosecutions and employers would get the message.

Alas, it doesn't involve punishing brown people. So its not very popular among the GOP.

He has publicly stated policies on his web site calls for exactly that.

Oh, for you.

Trump now agrees with Jeb Bush on immigration.

You see, RW people? You could have nominated Jeb Bush, had a much better shot at beating Hillary Clinton,

and in the end had the same president you'd get in the unlikely event Trump wins.
Someone from the GOP finally got through to him that he was promising an unconstitutional crime against humanity to his fucked up followers.
Howcthe hell is enforcing vim migration law "unconstitutional", you twit.
I explained it earlier but in order to deport as many as he wants in any meaningful amount of time we would have to go against our constitution and deny them due process under the law. You really do not want the government deciding than it can dispense with anyone's day in court under any circumstances.

If the illegals are picked up at the rate that Obama claims, but are actually DEPORTED, instead of being released back into the community AND the border is sealed to prevent them from coming back over,

you are already more than half way there.

Add in employer punishments, and local lawenforcement, and it becomes very doable.

And if he falls short and only deports 9 million, that will hardly be a "Failure".
....Are you going to vote for someone who will start WWIII in order to defend Israel?

PRIORITIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can someone defending an ally be the one starting WWIII?

The US will clash against Iran and Russia in Syria.

May I remind you that the Russkies have nuclear weapons and can deliver them into your backyard?


Not if Trump wins. He has no problems with Russia. He knows that the Cold War is over.
Someone from the GOP finally got through to him that he was promising an unconstitutional crime against humanity to his fucked up followers.

Criminals are not human beings. Illegal aliens are criminals. Therefore illegal aliens are not human beings.

Have a nice day.

Criminals are human beings. Refuting your entire line of 'logic'.

Sending someone home is not a crime against humanity.

Every voter has his or her opinion on that.
Trump now agrees with Jeb Bush on immigration.

You see, RW people? You could have nominated Jeb Bush, had a much better shot at beating Hillary Clinton,

and in the end had the same president you'd get in the unlikely event Trump wins.

Trump's trade and immigration policy gives blue dog democrats a reason to cross party lines.

We need that to win.

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