What to do about Trumps backstabbing on immigration ?

What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.
When did he say he was gonna give them a path to citizenship?
What else can you do? Can't leave them as 2nd class citizens so its either deport or legalize.
wtf are you even trying to say?

I think that the vast majority of the inmates at Gitmo would have been happy to be sent home.

Way, WAY over your head.....Find a grown up to explain it to you...maybe even by using pictures.
Someone from the GOP finally got through to him that he was promising an unconstitutional crime against humanity to his fucked up followers.

Why is it that you support the war on the working class?

Liberals just love the empty "war on..." platitude; apparently unaware of how vapid, banal and meaningless it always is.
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If anyone ever read his campaign promises, he said he was going to deport them then let them aaaall back in with work visas. trumps own words. This solves nothing. Only another amnesty.

2. Make Mexico pay for the wall. If Mexico refuses, then the United States will impound all remittance payments taken from the wages of illegal immigrants, cut foreign aid, institute tariffs, cancel visas for Mexican business leaders and diplomats, and increase fees for visas, border-crossing cards and port use.

Trump said he will deport then and then issue them all visas. Whats the diff? They are still here fucking it up for our working class and economy. Oh, as long as the gov gets their tax money and visa fee's its ok now...?
The flip floping has only just begun...
I read an article the quoted trump saying that he will deport then issue them all work visas and let them all back in that way. I really wanted to supply a link but cant find the article now. I shoulda saved it. Corporate and business' want the cheap no benefits labor and trump will continue giving it to them.

2. Make Mexico pay for the wall. If Mexico refuses, then the United States will impound all remittance payments taken from the wages of illegal immigrants, cut foreign aid, institute tariffs, cancel visas for Mexican business leaders and diplomats, and increase fees for visas, border-crossing cards and port use......

No, he won't. Even that loon isn't that loony. Meaningless claims like that are just shiny objects to give the dimwitted ^^^^^ something to look at while they are busy not thinking.

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid not to see why all of that would NOT be in our best interests (in addition to being prohibitively troublesome to accomplish).
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so, if I find the article, youll flip?
You wouldnt believe it anyway. You could get hit by a train and insist it was an ocean liner.
Trump said he will deport then and then issue them all visas. Whats [sic] the diff [sic]?.....

The "diff" [sic] is that then we would (theoretically) know who is here, how many people, where they are in the country, and what they are doing. It won't happen, but that is why such a thing sounds useful.
You dont care about the American workers so youll never get it. You care more about the illegals than American citizens. Your beliefs are killin our workforce. You are out of touch and probably were never INtouch. There arent enough jobs for the Citizens of this country but just let in as many as wants to come? You see no problem at all with this?
You dont care about the American workers so youll never get it. You care more about the illegals than American citizens. Your beliefs are killin our workforce. You are out of touch and probably were never INtouch. There arent enough jobs for the Citizens of this country but just let in as many as wants to come? You see no problem at all with this?
Trump's a conman and you bought a con job, and part of the con is that deporting all the illegal aliens, which was never going to happen, would do less for lower earning workers than the min wage. That is, illegal immigration doesn't affect most of our wages. However, currency manipulation by China, and even Japan is another matter.
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.
His call to deport all illegal immigrants was obviously SARCASM!!
Sheesh...don't people get SARCASM?!
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.
His call to deport all illegal immigrants was obviously SARCASM!!
Sheesh...don't people get SARCASM?!
Excellent, and then the Trumpbots can claim the MSM is being unfair my mischaracterizing what he said!
What do we do now? He allows them to stay that's just MILLIONS more voters for the democrats. He can appeal to legal immigrants without amnesty for illegal ones. I am not willing to vote for someone who will give invaders intent on destroying the identity of America and who it was intended for amnesty. Just won't happen.
His call to deport all illegal immigrants was obviously SARCASM!!
Sheesh...don't people get SARCASM?!
DJT mean he supports amnesty for illegals: no sarcasm.
They aren't mad. They're merely telling themselves it's ok to keep supporting the conman even after they see the con.
It worked twice for Bill Clinton.
man those Clinton years sucked. LOL Not that I'm voting for Hillary
Good! I'm not voting for either Trump or Hillary!

As for the "Clinton years", I've been in couple discussions about Presidents and the Economy. Frankly, I think too many get too much credit and too much blame. The powers of the President are limited by the Constitution. The big problem is Congress. Immigration is the way it is not because of any President but because of Congress.

Add to this most problems and solutions are years in the making. Much longer than any 4-8 year term of a President, but long enough for many of our lifer-Congressional Reps to have influenced over their careers.
...That would be moronic.
What's moronic are people who think complex problems are solved with sound bites and simplistic solutions.

There are reasons why the illegal immigration problem has been a problem further back than Reagan (that's over 36 years for math-challenged morons. ;) )

I fully support fixing the problem. We, as a nation should enforce our laws. As humanitarians, we should enforce the laws because illegals are often exploited by greedy assholes.....which is one of the main reasons why the problem hasn't been fixed.

"The Wall" is a white elephant waiting to be born. George S. Patton once stated "Fixed fortifications are monuments to man's stupidity" and he is correct. Factor in both that single-layer defences are equally stupid and the high cost of construction, maintenance and staffing when cheaper, more effective solutions remain to be applied. Specifically, fixing the problem(s) on why people come to the US illegally. The number one reason is jobs. Solution? Arrest, charge and imprison anyone convicted of employing illegal aliens. Do the same to anyone who rents to or otherwise harbors illegals. After a few employers are arrested and sent to jail, the jobs will dry up.

Such a solution requires a means for identify prospective employees as being legal to work in the US. E-verify is good, but it could use some beefing up and enforcement.

YOu posted a meme showing an Indian being snarky about modern American's concerns about illegal immigration.

BUt your words took the other side of the issue, ie minimizing the problem.

Considering how stupid that post was, your arrogant tone in this one is certainly not justified.

Patton was a general at a point in time when defensive technology had fallen behind offensive technology. HIs views on fixed fortifications were correct for the WWII time period, and well after.

The Wall across the Southern Border is NOT a military fortification. It will not be planned or expected to repulse a military attack.

It is designed to keep out illegal aliens.

Quoting Patton in this context was stupid.

Trump's posted policies on his web site addresses many of your concerns and questions and goes well beyond what you have thought of.

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