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What to expect when the House of Reps turns blue.....

This is an interesting article from Psychology Today concerning Trump's fans. These are the more important excerpts from the article. The article answers a lot of questions I have had about what makes Trump's fans tick. They can't defend Trump from his critics. Often times they accept the criticism, and stay loyal to him anyway.

How can you support a man you cannot defend? Here is why.

1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality syndromeā€”a well-studied and globally-prevalent conditionā€”is a state of mind that is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to oneā€™s authority. Those with the syndrome often display aggression toward outgroup members, submissiveness to authority, resistance to new experiences, and a rigid hierarchical view of society. The syndrome is often triggered by fear, making it easy for leaders who exaggerate threat or fear monger to gain their allegiance.

2. Social dominance orientation

Social dominance orientation (SDO)ā€”which is distinct but related to authoritarian personality syndromeā€”refers to people who have a preference for the societal hierarchy of groups, specifically with a structure in which the high-status groups have dominance over the low-status ones. Those with SDO are typically dominant, tough-minded, and driven by self-interest.

3. Prejudice

It would be grossly unfair and inaccurate to say that every one of Trumpā€™s supporters have prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities, but it would be equally inaccurate to say that many do not. It is a well-known fact that the Republican party, going at least as far back to Richard Nixonā€™s ā€œsouthern strategy,ā€ used strategies that appealed to bigotry, such as lacing speeches with ā€œdog whistlesā€ā€”code words that signaled prejudice toward minorities that were designed to be heard by racists but no one else.

4. Intergroup contact

Intergroup contact refers to contact with members of groups that are outside oneā€™s own, which has been experimentally shown to reduce prejudice. As such, itā€™s important to note that there is growing evidence that Trumpā€™s white supporters have experienced significantly less contact with minorities than other Americans. For example, a 2016 study found that ā€œā€¦the racial and ethnic isolation of Whites at the zip-code level is one of the strongest predictors of Trump support.ā€ This correlation persisted while controlling for dozens of other variables. In agreement with this finding, the same researchers found that support for Trump increased with the votersā€™ physical distance from the Mexican border.

5. Relative deprivation

Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.

Common explanations for Trumpā€™s popularity among non-bigoted voters involve economics. There is no doubt that some Trump supporters are simply angry that American jobs are being lost to Mexico and China, which is certainly understandable, although these loyalists often ignore the fact that some of these careers are actually being lost due to the accelerating pace of automation. These Trump supporters are experiencing relative deprivation, and are common among the swing states like Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This kind of deprivation is specifically referred to as ā€œrelative,ā€ as opposed to ā€œabsolute,ā€ because the feeling is often based on a skewed perception of what one is entitled to.

Under what grounds.
That's the thing... they don't need any: How Congress could get Trump's tax returns

"Thanks to a little-known and rarely used provision in the law, either the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the Senate Finance Committee or the Joint Committee on Taxation may request anyone's tax returns to examine -- including the president's -- from the secretary of the Treasury."
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation
It was right about the time frame that Martha Stewart got dinged for something minuscule in comparison to the big boys getting away with.
Right, but she definitely made it worse for herself, with all the lying.

Agreed. They should have heavily fined her IMO. Maybe they also did. It just seems that they didnā€™t get who they really should have, and settled for someone. Or maybe there was a higher plan. Insider trading seems to be given the nod for some. Iā€™ve never been in a situation to have extra to invest. If someone told me I was going to take a hit , donā€™t know how I would react. Iā€™m not going to worry about that. But there is no right way, to do the wrong thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation

Oh yeah!!! Any day now!!!
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
If Democrats win the House this country will have signed its death warrant.

There will be an immediate recession, all of the invaders will be let in, and the country will never stop declining until it is dead.
You forgot to mention the Caravan storming over our border
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation

Oh yeah!!! Any day now!!!
We shall see
This is an interesting article from Psychology Today concerning Trump's fans. These are the more important excerpts from the article. The article answers a lot of questions I have had about what makes Trump's fans tick. They can't defend Trump from his critics. Often times they accept the criticism, and stay loyal to him anyway.

How can you support a man you cannot defend? Here is why.

1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality syndromeā€”a well-studied and globally-prevalent conditionā€”is a state of mind that is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to oneā€™s authority. Those with the syndrome often display aggression toward outgroup members, submissiveness to authority, resistance to new experiences, and a rigid hierarchical view of society. The syndrome is often triggered by fear, making it easy for leaders who exaggerate threat or fear monger to gain their allegiance.

2. Social dominance orientation

Social dominance orientation (SDO)ā€”which is distinct but related to authoritarian personality syndromeā€”refers to people who have a preference for the societal hierarchy of groups, specifically with a structure in which the high-status groups have dominance over the low-status ones. Those with SDO are typically dominant, tough-minded, and driven by self-interest.

3. Prejudice

It would be grossly unfair and inaccurate to say that every one of Trumpā€™s supporters have prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities, but it would be equally inaccurate to say that many do not. It is a well-known fact that the Republican party, going at least as far back to Richard Nixonā€™s ā€œsouthern strategy,ā€ used strategies that appealed to bigotry, such as lacing speeches with ā€œdog whistlesā€ā€”code words that signaled prejudice toward minorities that were designed to be heard by racists but no one else.

4. Intergroup contact

Intergroup contact refers to contact with members of groups that are outside oneā€™s own, which has been experimentally shown to reduce prejudice. As such, itā€™s important to note that there is growing evidence that Trumpā€™s white supporters have experienced significantly less contact with minorities than other Americans. For example, a 2016 study found that ā€œā€¦the racial and ethnic isolation of Whites at the zip-code level is one of the strongest predictors of Trump support.ā€ This correlation persisted while controlling for dozens of other variables. In agreement with this finding, the same researchers found that support for Trump increased with the votersā€™ physical distance from the Mexican border.

5. Relative deprivation

Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.

Common explanations for Trumpā€™s popularity among non-bigoted voters involve economics. There is no doubt that some Trump supporters are simply angry that American jobs are being lost to Mexico and China, which is certainly understandable, although these loyalists often ignore the fact that some of these careers are actually being lost due to the accelerating pace of automation. These Trump supporters are experiencing relative deprivation, and are common among the swing states like Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This kind of deprivation is specifically referred to as ā€œrelative,ā€ as opposed to ā€œabsolute,ā€ because the feeling is often based on a skewed perception of what one is entitled to.

Wow, psychology today went through all that trouble to write an article.......and they are just wrong.

Why does everyone have to analyze everything? Why do all Republicans have to be racist, women abusing people. Perhaps maybe they just dont like democratic policies? Maybe they believe in small government and self reliance, personal responsibility, and adherance to the constitution.

The problem is, the media have been drilling these narratives into the heads of Democrats for so long, that it has become a part of their psyche.

Trust me, I listen to a lot of left and right wing talk radio and I can tell you the difference. The right wing radio, people like hannity, wilkow, levin, and beck talk about freedom, liberty, patriotism and the constitution.

Left wing radio, Joe Madison, Karen hunter, dean obeidallah, michaelangelo signorile, Thom Hartmann, talks about how all whites are racist, womanizers, thieves, self centered, only for the rich and trying to screw the poor. All day long.

The right attack the left's policies and disregard for the constitution. The left attacks the politicians themselves and all the people who follow then. The right discuss the issues that are wrong with the other side, the left spend most of their program ridiculing the people and politicians on the right.

I challenge any of you, take a day or two and listen to the programs of the opposing side, and I promise you, if you are honest, you will see exactly what I just described above.
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation

Oh yeah!!! Any day now!!!
We shall see

You whacakaloons have been going on about this for two fucking years.
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation
That's is possible, the problem is, everyone knows the reason they want to see the tax returns. It has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with fuel for impeachment.

The left has telegraphed their intentions for 2 years now.

Personally, I don't care one way or another. What people are going to find, however, is that the investigations will never end. Even when the Democrats take the white house back, who ever that person is will likely face the same intense scrutiny into their background, constant threat of impeachment, and half true, or false stories being put on the news daily about them.

It will just happen perpetually.
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation
That's is possible, the problem is, everyone knows the reason they want to see the tax returns. It has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with fuel for impeachment.

The left has telegraphed their intentions for 2 years now.

Personally, I don't care one way or another. What people are going to find, however, is that the investigations will never end. Even when the Democrats take the white house back, who ever that person is will likely face the same intense scrutiny into their background, constant threat of impeachment, and half true, or false stories being put on the news daily about them.

It will just happen perpetually.

If Trump is guilty of crimes worthy of impeachment, he should be held accountable regardless of whether Dems or Republicans are calling the shots
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation
That's is possible, the problem is, everyone knows the reason they want to see the tax returns. It has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with fuel for impeachment.

The left has telegraphed their intentions for 2 years now.

Personally, I don't care one way or another. What people are going to find, however, is that the investigations will never end. Even when the Democrats take the white house back, who ever that person is will likely face the same intense scrutiny into their background, constant threat of impeachment, and half true, or false stories being put on the news daily about them.

It will just happen perpetually.

If Trump is guilty of crimes worthy of impeachment, he should be held accountable regardless of whether Dems or Republicans are calling the shots
I agree, but the problem is, if they dont find something, they will either fabricate something, or take something out of context and twist it, because they know, the public, having been groomed for years by the stories the media tells, will believe it.

I disagree that you can just dig into a person's personal life simply on a whim, hoping something will turn up.

If they find reasonable cause to go after trumps tax records, and when I say reasonable, I mean legitimate, then by all means, dig. If they dont have a case, however, then they shouldn't try and subpoena the records.

If they subpoena the records without probable cause, who's to say they won't try and do it for other people, without reason. They've done thing of that level before, ala lois Lerner.
Counting unhatched chickens I see.

But if at some point in the near future Democrats should take control of the House, what we would hear from the right is a lot of sour grapes fallacies, references that the Senate is ā€˜more important,ā€™ and that Midterm elections arenā€™t indicative of General (presidential) Elections.

This election is on a president who is out of control. The GOP is allowing him to act like a King. Someone needs to check him....and the Democratic House will do that. What will we get with a blue House?


That is not good for a criminal regime that we have. I agree....don't impeach the idiot. He is doing too much damage to the Republican Party.

Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.

There will be an investigation of Trumps foreign investments and sources of income from foreign sources to include possible money laundering for the Russians

His tax returns will be relevant to the investigation
That's is possible, the problem is, everyone knows the reason they want to see the tax returns. It has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with fuel for impeachment.

The left has telegraphed their intentions for 2 years now.

Personally, I don't care one way or another. What people are going to find, however, is that the investigations will never end. Even when the Democrats take the white house back, who ever that person is will likely face the same intense scrutiny into their background, constant threat of impeachment, and half true, or false stories being put on the news daily about them.

It will just happen perpetually.

If Trump is guilty of crimes worthy of impeachment, he should be held accountable regardless of whether Dems or Republicans are calling the shots
I agree, but the problem is, if they dont find something, they will either fabricate something, or take something out of context and twist it, because they know, the public, having been groomed for years by the stories the media tells, will believe it.

I disagree that you can just dig into a person's personal life simply on a whim, hoping something will turn up.

If they find reasonable cause to go after trumps tax records, and when I say reasonable, I mean legitimate, then by all means, dig. If they dont have a case, however, then they shouldn't try and subpoena the records.

If they subpoena the records without probable cause, who's to say they won't try and do it for other people, without reason. They've done thing of that level before, ala lois Lerner.
I donā€™t think we are looking at investigation on a whim

Key Trump aids....Flynn, Manafort, Cohen have been indicted or convicted and are talking to prosecutors

If their testimony is indictable for Trump, Kushner or Lil Donnie then looking at tax records or other evidence to verify their testimony then a subpoena is warranted
This is an interesting article from Psychology Today concerning Trump's fans. These are the more important excerpts from the article. The article answers a lot of questions I have had about what makes Trump's fans tick. They can't defend Trump from his critics. Often times they accept the criticism, and stay loyal to him anyway.

How can you support a man you cannot defend? Here is why.

1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality syndromeā€”a well-studied and globally-prevalent conditionā€”is a state of mind that is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to oneā€™s authority. Those with the syndrome often display aggression toward outgroup members, submissiveness to authority, resistance to new experiences, and a rigid hierarchical view of society. The syndrome is often triggered by fear, making it easy for leaders who exaggerate threat or fear monger to gain their allegiance.

2. Social dominance orientation

Social dominance orientation (SDO)ā€”which is distinct but related to authoritarian personality syndromeā€”refers to people who have a preference for the societal hierarchy of groups, specifically with a structure in which the high-status groups have dominance over the low-status ones. Those with SDO are typically dominant, tough-minded, and driven by self-interest.

3. Prejudice

It would be grossly unfair and inaccurate to say that every one of Trumpā€™s supporters have prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities, but it would be equally inaccurate to say that many do not. It is a well-known fact that the Republican party, going at least as far back to Richard Nixonā€™s ā€œsouthern strategy,ā€ used strategies that appealed to bigotry, such as lacing speeches with ā€œdog whistlesā€ā€”code words that signaled prejudice toward minorities that were designed to be heard by racists but no one else.

4. Intergroup contact

Intergroup contact refers to contact with members of groups that are outside oneā€™s own, which has been experimentally shown to reduce prejudice. As such, itā€™s important to note that there is growing evidence that Trumpā€™s white supporters have experienced significantly less contact with minorities than other Americans. For example, a 2016 study found that ā€œā€¦the racial and ethnic isolation of Whites at the zip-code level is one of the strongest predictors of Trump support.ā€ This correlation persisted while controlling for dozens of other variables. In agreement with this finding, the same researchers found that support for Trump increased with the votersā€™ physical distance from the Mexican border.

5. Relative deprivation

Relative deprivation refers to the experience of being deprived of something to which one believes they are entitled. It is the discontent felt when one compares their position in life to others who they feel are equal or inferior but have unfairly had more success than them.

Common explanations for Trumpā€™s popularity among non-bigoted voters involve economics. There is no doubt that some Trump supporters are simply angry that American jobs are being lost to Mexico and China, which is certainly understandable, although these loyalists often ignore the fact that some of these careers are actually being lost due to the accelerating pace of automation. These Trump supporters are experiencing relative deprivation, and are common among the swing states like Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This kind of deprivation is specifically referred to as ā€œrelative,ā€ as opposed to ā€œabsolute,ā€ because the feeling is often based on a skewed perception of what one is entitled to.


NBC and Fox News said in separate statements on Monday that their networks will no longer air the Trump campaign's racist anti-immigrant advertisement.

"Upon further review, Fox News pulled the ad yesterday and it will not appear on either Fox News Channel or Fox Business Network," the Trump Network said.

Key Trump aids....Flynn, Manafort, Cohen have been indicted or convicted and are talking to prosecutors
Trump's accountant, Trump's coffee boy papadapolous, Roger stone next in line, manfort's partner Gates is an open book to Mueller, former white house counsel McGhan is off the reservation, Trump Jr faces possible charges for lying to the Senate,...


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