What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success

The apparent success of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion demonstration on 28 October is starting to send ripples into the mainstream press. So what new clues do we have to settle whether it's the breakthrough of the century or the scam of the decade?

In the demonstration, overseen by engineers and technicians from Rossi's mysterious US customer, the device appeared to produce over 470 kilowatts of heat for several hours. The customer was evidently satisfied and paid for the device, though other scientists and journalists attending were not given close access to the test equipment.

Following his first sale, Rossi now says he has orders for thirteen more megawatt-class E-Cat power plants. He's offering them to anyone at $2,000 (£1,250) a kilowatt, which works out at $2 million (£1.25 million) per unit, and says he has customers in the US and Europe. Rossi says a domestic version rated at a few kilowatts is at least a year away. He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

Firstly, the demonstration should have been much more convincing. The shipping container housing the E-Cat setup should have been hoisted from a crane and visibly disconnected from any external power supply. As with all conjuring tricks, the audience should have been allowed to inspect the apparatus. And why only claim 470 kilowatts when you're supposed to be producing twice that amount? If the whole thing was set-up, and the mystery customer a fake, it was not well calculated to convince anyone else.

Secondly, this is normally the point at which a con artist starts issuing shares, asking for capital, or taking "deposits" from gullible consumers. Anything to grab some cash from those willing to offer it. Instead, Rossi is apparently only taking orders from large customers who will be checking the devices work before they take delivery. These are people with good lawyers to write contracts and deal with any complications. They are not easy targets. Whatever he's doing, he's going for the longer game.
This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

Meanwhile, the media coverage has been shifting away from the possibility of fraud, and some mainstream commentators are toying with the idea that this might just be the big breakthrough that Rossi claims.

Fox News was first out, though they took a few days to catch on, publishing a piece on 2 November which focused on the identity of the anonymous customer. Following a hint from Rossi, Fox decided the customer is real and is the US Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR).

It's a reasonable enough guess. The US Navy is one of the few institutions where cold fusion research still continues openly, but the evidence is scant. Although a Paul Swanson from SPAWAR was present as an observer at one test, this may simply be evidence of continuing interest in the field, and the organisation will not make any comment.

Then on 3 November MSNBC ran a cautiously optimistic piece under the headline "Italian cold fusion machine passes another test", noting that although there is widespread scepticism about cold fusion, "proof is adding up" that the technology works.

More curious is the lack of a story from Associated Press. AP science reporter Peter Svensson flew from New York to attend the demonstration, and live coverage of the event was curtailed to give AP the exclusive. But Svensson has so far not written a word about it. Some online commentators suggested that he had been silenced by "Chinese-style information censorship." When challenged, AP apparently initially tried to deny Svensson was there, though photographs suggest otherwise.

This led to a campaign encouraging people to contact Svensson about the story via his Twitter feed. At first he simply replied with variations of "Sorry, there's nothing I can tell you at this point", but later changed to "All I can say is 'stay tuned'".

Our guess is that AP does not want to publish anything until it can verify the reality and perhaps the identity of the customer. This in itself suggests a degree of optimism: it's gambling that there will be a big story at the end, and it has accepted being scooped by Fox and MSNBC on the smaller story of the demonstration in order to get it.

If I was a buyer of one of these- I'd ask when it's in sustaining(operational mode) that the input cable to be unhooked. I'd have them do this for a few hours at least...If this somehow worked, then something is happening...I doubt there is any kind of battery like system that could do this. Sure, I'd have them put it on a table that you could look below to...Just to make sure that theres no trick going on.

I wouldn't put out a cent unless they did this. A buyer would have to be a complete idiot not to ask for at least that. 2 million dollars a piece...I guess, I can't even think about it yet, but maybe if it works one day it will become cheap. :eusa_whistle:

I wonder if the hot water is safe enough to make a cup of coffee or hot chocolate? :lol: Because, if it only last's a few hours it's only good for that or maybe short term power generation. Needs to be proven to last months for it to be a convincing enough for main electrical power. Lastly, I'd likely hire a real physicist to look over my product before buying.

"Meanwhile, we're left waiting until Rossi delivers the next E-Cat, which will be going to a different customer, in a few months. Hopefully they will be less secretive. In fact, if interest keeps growing, they could put the machine on show and use the steam output to make froth on cups of cappuccino for paying spectators and get a quick return on their £1.25 million investment."
What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success (Wired UK)

I guess I was right...cold fusion coffee and hot chocolate for all.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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One Megawatt Heat Plant for Sale

What is cold fusion?


The E-Cat technology could make energy become extremely cheap and plentiful. No longer would certain nations or regions suffer from energy shortages, because the entire world would have a source of almost unlimited energy. In fact, due to the tiny quantities of cheap materials used by the E-Cat, the concept of "fuel" being burned to produce energy would slowly become outdated. This is because the upfront cost of an E-Cat unit would be the main (albeit modest) expenditure, because the cost of the replacement "charges" would be so low.

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Prof. Sven Kullander on Cold Fusion (Orebro U. Sweden)
Nov. 13, 2011 - "Sven Kullander, professor of high energy physics at Uppsala University and chairman of Sweden’s Royal Academy of Sciences Energy Committee: 'Cold fusion has been developed recently in Bologna can be housed in an apparatus which is not much bigger than a coffee maker and generating energy only with a few teaspoons of nickel powder.' Kullander is one of the professors who has been involved in testing of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat technology, and has gone on record in favor of the validity of Rossi’s claims."
Professor Sven Kullander to Give Lecture on Cold Fusion at Orebro University, Sweden | E-Cat World
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we petition the obama administration to:
investigate the usefulness of the Energy Catalizer, a creation of the Italian inventor Andrea Rossi.
The inventor claims to have created a cold-fusion device capable of producing prodigious amounts of energy by way of the fusion of nickle and hydrogen at very low cost and with no radioactive by-products and no greenhouse gas emissions. Other agencies or agents of the Federal Government including NASA, Department of Navy, DARPA have investigated these devices and believe they have great potential but they have kept as silent as possible on their findings. It is time that we bring that research into the open, hopefully by the purchase of an Energy Catalizer and allowing for its testing in a intellectually open manner without the bias that has in the past been applied by the conventional physics community. The economic benefit of the advent of cheap clean energy is obvious.

Created: Nov 13, 2011


I believe it should be looked into by our government and we should if found real use it to replace wind, solar and fossil fuels.
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-- Quiet operation.
-- Constant operation despite weather conditions. (Unlike solar or wind power.)
-- Easy to concealment to prevent from being an eyesore.
-- Can be used indoors due to no fumes or pollution being emitted.
-- Cutting edge technology with unlimited potential for additional development.
-- Modular construction which allows for easy addition or subtraction of sub-units.

The E-Cat technology represents the latest and most significant energy producing technology on the planet. It is economically attractive, environmentally friendly, and completely safe. Those savvy individuals who wish to "ride the wave of innovation" should seriously consider utilizing the E-Cat technology for their home, business, or industry.

Advantages of the E-Cat Technology

Far better then nuclear as theres No radiation, no waste that could kill our rivers and most importantly the energy is far, far cheaper then any other energy source known to man. Cheaper then coal, cheaper then natural gas and MUCH cheaper then solar or wind. Another plus is its cleanness rates it along side solar or wind, but within a small area means, NO BIRDS killed or land covered in miles of solar panels... I support cold fusion very strongly as it offers lower electric bills, cleaner air and a better future for humanity. You'd have to be insane not to be in support of it.
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ECAT Technology
The ECAT will revolutionize Energy Production as we know it. The ECAT offers energy under the following features:

•High Energy Density Fuel (200 000 times oil)
•Low Fuel Costs (1kg Ni has energy equivalence of 200 000kg oil)
•Low Operation and Maintenance Costs (the modular design admits minimal maintanence)
•Minimal Fuel Transport Cost (only 2 refuelings/year under continous run)
•Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions
&#8226;Zero Noise (only noise from auxilliary products <50dB)

The Process that makes this possible is called Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR). Nickel is fused with Hydrogen and transmutes into copper. This is a exothermal nuclear process that releases energy at around 10MeV per atomic reaction compared to the burning of Hydrogen which only releases 1.5eV per atomic reaction (Burning H2 in O2). So per atoms the exothermal process has an energy content of more than a million times the energy content of the most energetic (per weight) chemical process. The higher weight of Nickel and the fact one usually disregard oxygens weight due to its presence in air makes the net factor at around 200 000 when compared to oil.

The abundance of Nickel in earth&#8217;s crust and the low metal price of Nickel makes the ECAT one of the cheapest energy producers around. The ECAT does not pollute and releases no carbon dioxide. Put together, there is no doubt this is a good and safe energy source for the future.

If you are interested in this technology or in one of the ECAT products do not hesitate but put yourself on the ECAT Inquiry list.

ECAT Technology

The Energy Density of the ECAT is enormous only comparable with nuclear reactors. By weight the Energy Density is 200 000 times higher than oil and by volume the ECAT has a factor 2 million in energy density. This means that 1 liter of ECAT fuel represents over 100 tank trucks of oil. 1 Barrel of ECAT fuel represents a filled supertanker with oil. The difference is so staggering that it is hard to comprehend. The impact on transport and geo-economics will be severe. Japan is harvesting Uranium from the ocean at concentrations as low as 5ppb due to the energy content in nuclear reactions. The ECAT offer energy densities at higher levels than those of uranium with abundant non-radiactive materials. The ECAT process is non-radioactive and leaves no residual radioactive materials.

Implied emission factors from electricity and heat generation
Summary tables presenting CO2 emissions per kWh from
electricity and heat generation by country are presented in
Part II. However, these values will vary enormously depending
on the fuel mix of individual countries. Average implied
emission factors by individual product for this sector are
presented below. These values represent the average
grammes of CO2 per kWh of electricity and heat produced in
the OECD member countries between 2007 and 2009. These
figures will reflect any problems that may occur in net calorific values or in input/output efficiencies. Consequently, these
values are given as an approximation and actual values may
vary considerably.


Old rocks should love this!

The KING OF ENERGY resources is here!!! Heil the fucking KING! The power of the one true GOD!

All the science
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If there is anything to it, there will be others with a less illustrious past promoting this. Rossi was in prison for tax evasion and violation of environmental laws. He seems more of a promoter than scientist.
Yes, if this is for real, Old Rocks is definately for it. But it still comes under the heading of extroidenary claims and extroidenary evidence.

Were it to be real and able to be scaled down in price and output to residential unit status, it would be the best thing for home owners that has happened in a long time.

Of course, you realize the economic implications of this? First, most coal mines would be shut down in a decade. Long range grids would be a thing of the past. Individual small towns could have their own PUDs. Businesses would not be limited by access to energy in locating their plants. Pipelines, oil and gas, would become another thing of the past for most purposes.

The price of petroleum would plummet, and become an industrial stock, rather than primarily a source of fuel. The cost of tar sand oil and other 'difficult' sources would cease to be economically viable.

And many other economic impacts that I cannot even think of, impacts that many here will be aware of, even if I am not.
Yes, if this is for real, Old Rocks is definately for it. But it still comes under the heading of extroidenary claims and extroidenary evidence.

Were it to be real and able to be scaled down in price and output to residential unit status, it would be the best thing for home owners that has happened in a long time.

Of course, you realize the economic implications of this? First, most coal mines would be shut down in a decade. Long range grids would be a thing of the past. Individual small towns could have their own PUDs. Businesses would not be limited by access to energy in locating their plants. Pipelines, oil and gas, would become another thing of the past for most purposes.

The price of petroleum would plummet, and become an industrial stock, rather than primarily a source of fuel. The cost of tar sand oil and other 'difficult' sources would cease to be economically viable.

And many other economic impacts that I cannot even think of, impacts that many here will be aware of, even if I am not.

Exothermic Chemical Reactions
Heat is produced in the chemical reaction in which hydrogen and oxygen are combined into water; i.e. the combustion of hydrogen. Such chemical reactions in which heat is produced are called exothermic reactions. The chemical equation for this reaction for one mol of hydrogen is written,

H2+1/2 O2=H2O+286 kJ (1)

That means, when one mol of hydrogen burns in oxygen (or air), 286 kJ of heat is produced.
Another example is,

C+O2=CO2+394 kJ (2)

where one mol of carbon is combusted into carbon dioxide under the production of 394 kJ of heat.

The heat productions of the above chemical equations, (1) and (2), represents one mol of hydrogen and carbon, respectively. In order to compare these chemical reactions with nuclear reactions, it is convenient to recalculate the heat production for one molecule or one atom. For this, let us divide the heat production by the Avogadro constant


The results are

H2+1/2 O2=H2O+3.0 eV (3)

C+O2=CO2+4.1 eV (4)

Equation (3) means that the process in which one hydrogen molecule (two hydrogen atoms) and one half oxygen molecule combine into one water molecule generates 3.0 eV energy in the form of heat (i.e. 1.5 eV per hydrogen atom). And Eq. (4) says that, when a carbon atom combines with an oxygen molecule and become a carbon dioxiside molecule, 4.1 eV energy is released.
The use eV is because it is the most common unit of energy used in the atomic and nuclear world. It is the work done on an electron that is accelerated through a potential difference of one volt. Its value is

1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J

Moreover, the units of energy, keV and MeV, are often used in the nuclear world; the former is 1,000 times eV and the latter 1,000,000 times eV.
When it comes to arbitrary carbohydrate based fuels the energy production will be of the oreder of 4 eV x #(carbon atoms) +1.5eV x #(hydrogen atoms) per molecule combusted in oxygen.

Exothermic Nuclear Reactions
Nuclei show various types of reactions: For example, one nuclide splits into two or more fragments. This type of reaction is called nuclear fission. Contrarily, two nuclides sometimes combine with each other to form a new nuclide. This type of reaction is called nuclear fusion. There are many other types of reaction processes; they are generally simply called nuclear reactions and contain everything from gamma emission to alpha deacys.
Among these various types of nuclear reactions, there are some types of exothermic reactions which are sometimes called &#8220;exoergic&#8221; reactions in nuclear physics.
The nucleus of deuterium atom is called deuteron which consists of a proton and a neutron. It is represented by a symbol &#8220;d&#8221;. The nuclear reaction in which two deuterons bind with each other is an example of nuclear fusion. This exoergic reaction is written has 3 forms,

d+d->32He+n+3.27 MeV (5)
d+d->31T+p+4.03 MeV
d+d->42He+24 MeV

If a neutron is absorbed in the uranium-235 nucleus (23592U), it would split into two fragments of almost equal masses and produce some number of neutrons and energy Q. One of the equations for the processes is

23592U+n->13756Ba + 9736Kr + 2n + Q (6)

This is an example of nuclear fission.
The amount of energy released in this process is about 200 MeV which will be explained in more detail in next section.

The Origin of the Nuclear Energy
Let us take up the d-d fusion reaction shown by the above Eq. (5) as an example. Since the experimental value of the binding energy of deuteron is 2.2246 MeV, the sum of the binding energies of the two deuterons before the reaction (on the left-hand side of Eq.(5)) is 4.449 MeV. On the other hand, the experimental value of the binding energy of (32He) is 7.719 MeV. Therefore the total binding energy after the reaction (on the right-hand side of Eq. (5)) is 3.27 MeV (= 7.719 &#8211; 4.449) larger than the binding energy before the reaction (on the left-hand side of Eq. (5)). Thereby the total mass decreases after the reaction and the mass defect corresponding to the above increase of the binding energy occurs. This mass defect is released as heat (or energy) in this exothermic (or exoergic) process.
Looking at the fission of uranium-235 (23592U) shown by Eq. (6), the binding energy per nucleon in nuclei around A = 240 is about 7.5 MeV. On the other hand, that in nuclei around A = 120 is about 8.5 MeV. Accordingly, if a uranium nucleus splits into two fragments with almost equal masses, the binding energy per nucleon would increase by about 1 MeV and the total mass of the fission fragments would decrease by the corresponding amount. This loss of mass (or mass defect) is converted into the heat (or energy) product Q. Since an energy of about 1 MeV per nucleon is released, the total energy Q would be more than 200 MeV.
According to the above discussions, it becomes clear that the origin of nuclear energy is the change of nuclear masses, and it is based on the principle of Einstein&#8217;s Mass-Energy Equivalence.
If the total binding energy after the reaction is larger than before, the total sum of the masses of the reaction products becomes smaller than that before the reaction. This decrease in mass is converted into an energy, so that the process would be an exothermic (exoergic) reaction.

The Origin of the Heat in Exothermic Chemical Reaction, Law of Energy Conservation
If hydrogen and carbon burn in oxygen gas, heat or energy is produced but what is the origin of this heat or energy? The principle of the heat production in chemical reaction is just the same as that in the nuclear reaction.
The hydrogen molecule is a bound system of two hydrogen atoms. The mass of a hydrogen molecule is slightly smaller than the sum of the masses of two hydrogen atoms. Converting this difference (= mass defect) into an energy with Einstein&#8217;s Mass-Energy Equivalence, we have the binding energy of the hydrogen molecule.
In the process of combustion of hydrogen represented by Eq. (3), the total mass after the reaction is slightly smaller than before, and this decrease in mass is transformed into heat in the exothermic reaction.
Strictly speaking, conservation of mass does not hold in a chemical reaction, though, both in chemical and nuclear reactions, the energy of the total system with converting mass into energy is conserved before and after the reaction.

Huge Amount of Nuclear Energy
Comparing Eq. (3) with (5), and Eq. (4) with (6), we can easily understand that the nuclear reactions yield a huge amount of energy in comparison with ordinary combustion processes.
As explained above, the energy produced from an exothermic chemical reaction like combustion of hydrogen or carbon is about 3 or 4 eV per molecule and atom, respectively. In contrast, d-d fusion reaction shown by Eq. (5) releases at least 3.27 MeV of energy. It is about one million times as large as the ordinary combustion.
In the fission of uranium-235 shown by Eq. (6), more energy than 200 MeV is released. It is about 100 million times as large as an ordinary chemical reaction.
Thus, the nuclear energy released in nuclear fission and fusion is several millions times as large as an ordinary chemical reaction like a combustion process.

ECAT Reactions
The reactions in the ECAT is called Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). Cold Fusion has had some bitter taste to its name the recent decenia due to the lack of repeatability in the experiments and because of the pressure from the Hot Fusion establishment which have been receiving over 50 billion dollars of funds during the last 50 years without any major breakthroughs. Add to that the fact that the theorists have had a hard time explaning the reactions going on in the Cold Fusion processes. The biggest challenge they face is to explain the three miracles of Cold Fusion reactions, namely

1.The Penetration of the Coulomb Barrier
2.The lack of strong Neutron Emissions
3.The lack of strong Gamma Ray Emissions
One theory worth mentioning is the Widom-Larsen theory and the Widom-Larsen Theory of Transmutations. It explains the Cold Fusion process by the Standard Model using weak interactions, without the need of introducing any new physics. This is also the theory NASA recently started to put to the test. When it comes to Cold Fusion mainly two types of processes have been experimented with, namely Palladium-Deuterium (Pd-D) and Nickel-Hydrogen (Ni-H). In the Palladium Deuterium fusues to Helium4 and releases 24 MeV per reaction while in the Ni-H process Nickel transmutes into mainly copper. The ECAT is built around the Ni-H process where Andrea Rossi through an ingenious catalyst has reached reaction rates which corresponds to several kW/kg. One of these processes is,

Ni62+H->Cu63+6.12 MeV.

What is significant with all these proton capture processes is that most are exothermic releasing energy of just short of one unit of the normal nuclear binding energy (7.5-8.5 MeV). The extremely interesting part of the Ni-H process is the severe amount of different transmutations occuring.

ECAT Science

This would have to be one hell of a complex scam to be a scam. That's some real hard science. Someone playing a scam would keep it out of the public and just sell his stuff to idiots with little hard science.
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BIO from Wikipedia:
Sergio Focardi is an Italian physicist, emeritus professor at the University of Bologna. He led the Department of Bologna of the (Italian) National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna.

In the early 90s Sergio Focardi, together with physicists Roberto Habel and Francesco Piantelli, started to develop a nickel-hydrogen exothermal reactor. The results of their research was presented in 1994, and published on the peer-reviewed scientific journal Il Nuovo Cimento A.

Focardi is a member of the President&#8217;s Board of the Italian Physical Society. Since 1992 he has been working on cold fusion with Nickel-Hydrogen reactors. Since 2008 Focardi and inventor Andrea Rossi have collaborated on developing the Energy Catalyzer or E-Cat.
ECAT.com interviews Professor Focardi

Christos Stremmenos is a retired Professor of the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry in the University of Bologna. He has served as Ambassador of Greece in Italy (1982-1987), and has been awarded the title of &#8220;Cavaliere di Gran Croce al Merito&#8221; of the Italian Republic. In the University of Bologna, as well as in the Polytechnic of Athens (National Technical University of Athens) he has taught Molecular Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.

His research work, from the beginning of his academic career until the assumption of his duties as Greek Ambassador, was in the field of spectroscopy of both solid and liquid crystals and he studied their static and dynamic structure by employing quantum mechanics criteria. After his mission at the Embassy of Greece in Rome was completed, he tried to reproduce the Fleishmann-Pons Experiment, however he did not achieve reliable results and thus he started to work in the field of nuclear reactions between nickel and hydrogen or deuterium.

This is far, far bigger then little old Rossi.
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Free Energy Truth - eCat News Andrea Rossi e-Cat: New eCat.com Site Launched Is Based In Heart Of London Financial District

Looks like a building they bought&#8230;.

Today the site looks reasonably professional, having had a makeover and now claims to be the first site in the world to be taking offical orders for Rossi&#8217;s eCat technology. Upon subscribing to their newsletter, the confirmation email conatins the following address:

New Broad Street House
35 New Broad Street
London, EC2M 1NH

&#8220;The London New Broad Street Centre is based in the heart of the financial district close to Liverpool Street Station and Broadgate Circle. The centre is spread over six floors of a seven-storey office building with a decorative Victorian facade. Local businesses work in recruitment, IT, marketing and financial trading and the area is surrounded by London&#8217;s world famous financial district. Recently refurbished, the interior of the building is a modern welcoming and airy space. The lower ground floor is dedicated to conferencing with space for up to 100 people in a theatre style auditorium. In addition there are 14 meeting rooms, capable of hosting between two and 100 delegates. Many of the offices overlook a large central atrium with a glass roof so that workers receive maximum natural light. The atrium is also used for special events and parties&#8221;.
Rossi Refuses New Test Offer, Confirms First Customer as Military Agency Which has Ordered 13 More Units
November 18, 2011
The Italian magazine Focus has published some public correspondence between Andrea Rossi and Dr. Francesco Celani, First Researcher at the Italian National Laboratory of Frascati. Celani has requested that Rossi provide an E-Cat which he, Celani, would put through rigorous and carefully measured week long or more test. Following the testing a scientific report would immediately be written and published.

Rossi politely declined the offer, stating, as he has many times before, that he sees no need to do another public test.&#8221;Those who have been following the developments of our adventure for months, like Focus&#8217;readers have, know that the critical moment has finally gone: our 1megawat pilot plant persuaded the investors.Soon it will be operative in a real industrial context, and as well as producing thermal power, it will be subject of studies itself. For all the reasons below, i don&#8217;t see any point in having another E-Cat test, that, in my opinion, doesn&#8217;t need to prove &#8220;weather&#8221; it works or not.&#8221;

It was also confirmed by Rossi that the customer who purchased the first plant was from a military organization, and that this same customer has ordered more units. Rossi said &#8220;It will be a 13 MW thermal power plant, consisting of 13 Energy 1MW catalyzers like the one in operation in Bologna on October 28&#8243;

Rossi also explains that the work he will be doing with the University of Bologna will go beyond merely testing the E-Cat units &#8212; they will be involved in studying the nuclear reaction phenomena with a view to coming to a solid theoretical understanding of what is happening. He said they may even arrive at a new theoretical model.

He writes, &#8220;Once we understand the phenomenon, we could discover new, unexpected ways to exploit it, as i believe it will happen. Today, it&#8217;s very hard for everyone to imagine an enegetic scenario where fossil fuels are no longer needed, still&#8230; i firmly believe that day isn&#8217;t that far away.&#8221;

Rossi Refuses New Test Offer, Confirms First Customer as Military Agency Which has Ordered 13 More Units | E-Cat World
ecatplanet.net forums - LENR Presentation by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA, Langley

Sept 22, 2011

Presentation by
Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA, Langley.

&#8226;Over 2 decades with over 100 experiments worldwide indicate LENR is real, much greater than Chemical, Transmutations, Minimal radiation
&#8226;Theories since 2006 indicate is probably weak interactions/ beta decay, NOT "Fusion"
&#8226;The many Rossi demonstrations in 2011 suggest LENR may produce"useful" quantities of heat [up to 15KWs ?].
Watts-to-Kilowatts also produced in Piantelli and Patterson Experiments

NASA Interest in LENR&#8226;Between Chemical and strong force Nuc Energy Densities with minimal radiation safety/ protection requirements/ issues, probably "inexpensive"
&#8226; Direct and potentially massively/ truly "game-changing" Applications across the board to NASA Mission Areas:&#8226;Science

Current LENR State of the Art
&#8226;2 decades of experiments without theoretical guidance producing very low levels of energy
&#8226;The Rossi device, possibly producing useful energy but wholly "Edisonian", not "scalable" and not "Optimized"
&#8226;Zawodny et al work, first effort to utilize theory to optimize energy output
&#8226;Huge number of "knobs"/ approaches appear to"work", issue is how good can it be? Requires experiments guided by theory and major "creative" efforts/ inputs along with CAREFUL Experiments, YEARS of effort required. Rossi is just the merest beginnings of the research/ engineering optimization required.

NASA Science LENR Applications&#8226;Superb light weight power/ energy sources for space probes/ instruments and hoppers/ rovers, far less expensive than solar and better than radiologics for beyond Mars where solar does not "work"
&#8226;Reduced LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and in space propulsion weights/ costs
&#8226; Solves EDL (Entry, Descent, and Landing) for large payloads to Mars via ingestion, heating and retro injection of atmospheric CO2

NASA Exploration LENR Applications&#8226;Preliminary systems studies indicate LEO access rockets with Nuc Thermal Isp [ ~ 800 Seconds] sans the Nuc radiation protection weights/ safety issues
&#8226;On Planet Nuc power/ Energy without usual Nuc Radiation protection/ safety issues
&#8226; Potentially obviates order of 80% of the 1000 metric ton LEO up-mass for Humans Mars which is in-space fuel, Propulsive mass from far outer region atmosphere or regolith
&#8226; Source for energy beaming, energy to terraform Mars, Enables Active Space Radiation Protection

NASA Aeronautical LENR Applications&#8226;Overall, enables what we have never had - "Energy Rich" design space
&#8226;Fuel fraction becomes negligible, huge impacts upon vehicle gross weights, especially for SST's which are some 55% fuel fraction
&#8226;Use to replace combustors inn GTE's (Gas Turbine Engine's) or via Sterling or T-E's to generate electricity for electric propulsors
&#8226;Huge range increases
&#8226;Enables VTOL and PAVE both economical and QUIET
&#8226;Enables design for ultra low noise via degrading propulsor performance
&#8226;Mitigates sonic boom via focused energy projected far forward to reduce shock strength, "lengthen" vehicle virtually
&#8226;Makes SST's affordable via huge gross weight reductions, reduces sonic boom, enables emission compliance
&#8226;"Solves" emissions except for NOx, which can be mitigated via "design" or obviated if go electric
&#8226;Enables huge loiter capability for "sensor craft" [military, climate/ science, law enforcement, HALE Sat substitutes, etc. ]
&#8226;Reduces both acquisition and operational costs
&#8226;Enables envelope-less flight via active flow control, "Bird Like Flight", ALL-WEATHER
&#8226;Provides huge margins to enable superb safety [ Armored engine surrounds, triply redundant Faraday caged Electronics, Etc..]
&#8226;Allows direct control of wake vortices to obviate wake vortex hazard
&#8226;Super STOL performance via circulation/ flow control to increase runway productivity by a factor of 3
&#8226;Overall, For Aero "&#8220; far lower gross weights, higher speeds, lower noise, greater range, emissions solved, envelope-less/all weather superb ride quality flight, lower costs, greater safety
&#8226;Possibly obviates THE issue with hypervelocity air-breathing, the decreasing value-added from burning H2 fuel as a function of increasing vehicle kinetic energy
&#8226;For the military&#8211; EMP on steroids, VTOL obviates air bases/ runways/ carrier decks, enables loitering combined sensor/ weapon devices [ instead of getting there in time ARE THERE, always]

In Short, LENR , depending upon the TBD performance, appears to be capable of Revolutionizing Aerospace across the board. No other single technology even comes close to the potential impacts of LENR upon Agency Missions.

Comments on LENR Going Forward&#8226;Test/ determine the performance of the Rossi and Piantelli devices
&#8226;Experimentally validate the weak interaction theories
&#8226;Utilize theory to design/ create and experimentally optimize performance, including surface morphology considerations/ opportunities and bootstrapping
&#8226;Summarize/ rackup the myriad approaches throughout the entire system/ sequence that appear to work [ e.g. the 5 or so methods of adding energy].
&#8226;The 2 decades of experiments and the weak interaction theories have removed the existential risk, what is remaining is to ENGINEER for improved performance. Also obviously all the safety issues, labs have blown up studying this arena
&#8226;SO - Invent/ create optimized/ improved LENR "Devices", testing "Rossi" is merely a small first step, do the systems and propulsive/other application R&D
&#8226;BTW LENR [ also] solves Global Climate and Energy

We went directly from Chemical to strong force Nuc and in the process bought huge energetics improvements and radiation protection/ safety issues that precluded fission nuc application, We leapt over the weak interaction energetics landscape except for radiologics. It is time to back-track.

NASA's scientist Bushnell has endorsed Rossi's e-cat.

Folks, the debate should be over now; Rossi is for real.
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Hope, skepticism for cold fusion - Business - The Boston Globe

The Italian scientist who says he has developed the world&#8217;s first cold fusion reactor - a claim that has been hotly contested in scientific circles - visited the State House last week to explore the prospects for developing and manufacturing the device in Massachusetts.

Andrea Rossi made the trip at the invitation of the Senate&#8217;s minority leader, Bruce Tarr, a Republican from Gloucester, and met on Tuesday with representatives from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northeastern University, and the University of Massachusetts.

Rossi&#8217;s energy catalyzer, or &#8220;E-Cat&#8217;&#8217; reactor, is intended to produce large amounts of energy from a reaction between nickel and hydrogen. Rossi said the reaction produces heat to heat water, which produces steam that can be used to generate electricity.

If the technology works, it could enable a new generation of power plants to provide safe, cheap, and virtually unlimited nuclear power, without fossil fuels or radiation concerns.

Rossi is making inroads; cant wait to see the full roll out starting.

I'll bet Thorium reactors wont be too far in the future either.
1) You might be interested in my short article about scientific validation of claims. The link is

Rossi's invention: unlimited, safe and inexpensive energy or wishful thinking? Reporting from Fort Lee, New Jersey

2) It is an entry to a writing contest. Please post your comments on their website; this might (?) help me to win. Keep in mind that the article was written for general public. Is it well written? Is it understandable? Those who are scientifically oriented might be interested in what I wrote about Rossi's claims in Progress of Physics. The link is


Comments will be appreciated.

Ludwik Kowalski
1) You might be interested in my short article about scientific validation of claims. The link is

Rossi's invention: unlimited, safe and inexpensive energy or wishful thinking? Reporting from Fort Lee, New Jersey

2) It is an entry to a writing contest. Please post your comments on their website; this might (?) help me to win. Keep in mind that the article was written for general public. Is it well written? Is it understandable? Those who are scientifically oriented might be interested in what I wrote about Rossi's claims in Progress of Physics. The link is


Comments will be appreciated.

Ludwik Kowalski

The first one seemed like a good summary, the core of it being the following:
But suppose a reproducible result conflicts with an existing theory. What should be rejected, the experimental result or the theory? A theory, in this context, is not just an ad hoc hypothesis. It is a logical structure that is known to agree with a wide range of already verified laboratory data. Scientists know the rule--theories guide but experiments decide. But they are very reluctant to abandon accepted theories. To be reluctant means to insist on additional verifications of new experimental results. Rejecting a highly reproducible experimental result "on theoretical grounds" would not be consistent with scientific methodology.

Rossi's most puzzling claim--conversion of 30 grams of nickel into copper-- sounds like alchemy.

In this case Rossi is not violating established physics, he is simply doing something not yet explored in physics, at least not well enough to explain what seems to be happening in his and other LENR experiments (if you can truly refer to Rossi's demonstrations as experiments).

NASA's Bushnell seems to think that LENR is explained by the Widom-Larsen theory of neutron decay, if I remember correctly, which was never demonstrated to produce energy in this manner before 2000 or so, and most scientists immediately dismissed anything related to cold fusion after that.

It is a shame to think of how many people have been maimed and killed over the struggle for oil when it might have been made irrelevant a decade ago had the scientific community not been so quick to judge an entire field of research as unworthy of attention.

Your second link gave me a 404 error.
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